What would you suggest be done to change the situation? There are plenty of political options and they would need to be "grassroots" efforts to get
off the ground. At least it's a start.
Thats the ONLY way, we have to tear down this beast from the top to the bottom. Period. The system is too far one to thier own making for us to ever
do it by positive change. There is NO SUCH THING ANYMORE.
Economic collapse is a catalyst, many things will happen after that. You guys are too narrow in your thinking, think outside the box.
Economic collapse. I posted about this in another thread. It wouldnt be just the US that suffered. Other world economies would drop, and would be too
busy trying to salvage themselves to even think of crossing over and attacking us.
Military. He or She who contols the military has a better chance of taking over. the question is, who will our armed forces side with? Will they stay
NO. This is OUR armed forces. They come from the civilian population. They have families and friends. This is thier home. Wouyld they serve the same
govornment that has tormented, used the, poisoned them, and taken thier liuves and sent them how many places for no good reason? NO. The minute the
govornment would try and use the military against a rioting, hungry, angry civilian population would be the minute they lost complete control of the
The Morale of our own military has sunk, and believe me, service and loyalty to the govornment are pretty much at the bottom of the list of reasons
people join up the military. Even when I was in, yes.... there was dissent amongst the ranks. We would wehisper amongst ourselves such ideas, hatred
for the govornment, even guys who had been in 20 plus years. Doesnt matter what chunk of the army youre in, infantry, tanker, supply, or if youre an
airforce puke. It doesnt matter. The dissent is already there.
Remeber in Iraq, the total lack of action we took against civilian looters? Almost NONE. The soldiers stood there and watched passively, even assisted
the looters. What do you think they would do back here at home?
So, the elites dont even have thier own military to fall back on. So, in case of economic collapse, not only would they have nothing to pay the
soldiers with, or feed them, the soldiers would probably turn on them anyway.
Now that the military is out of the way, lets look at other things. It isnt just currency. Where do they get thier money and wealth from? Mind you,
total economic collapse and a collapse of the system means an end to laws and regulations PERIOD. Laws and regulations can only be ebforced by the
gun. The money they posses isnt worth the paper its written on. What other assets do they have? Money is now worthless, entire fortunes turned to
dust. Gold? If it doesnt get stolen first. The companies they own will rpoduce products that no one can afford to buy. The power that be will try and
try again to regain control, but you cannpot control nothing.
Anarchy will prevail. Govornment leaders will eb hunted down and killed by angry wild mobs looking for revenge, sport, or something to eat. Anarchy
will prevail, there will be no law but local laws set up for emergencies. We have an armed population.
But anarchy is always but a temporary state of affairs, true anarchy cannot exist for long. Because in the chaos, there will be group after group
trying to gain dominance. One eventually might take control, but can they control the nation as a whole? Unlikely. Unless they work it right.
Banks will becoem irrelevant, because as I stated, there is no law. They try and come and reposses or collect worthless debts, they might get shot at.
There will be no law. Because when you have a nation of 300 million people who suddenly have lost everything and have ALOT of time on their hands,
what do you think they people will do?
Its the only way. Its a very bloody way, a very total and final solution to the evil that overshadows us, but its the only way. You cant paint over a
house that is infested with termites to the point the basic structure has been comprimised. You have to burn it to the ground. And then rebuild. What
other choice do we have? NONE. Its the only way, and its the only chance. To make everything in this soceity irrelevant. Banks, Laws, ect, all of it
gone overnight, a total collapse of civilization itself. To rebuild anew, hopefully. But its a chance.
How does one gain this state of total chaos, anarchy, and insanity? the mob, the cattle must be thrown into a stampede. The only way that will happen
is to rob them of thier grazing land. Take away thier satalite TVs, thier SUV, thier luxuries. The infrastructure. They suddenly will find themselves
without food, TV drugging, electricity, and jobless. Total nothingness. And they will suddenly find themselves ready to do anything to at least get
thier fat bellies stuffed again.
You think it improbable? The mighty Russian empire fell overnight, thier leaders dragged away and executed. Many powerful dynasties and empires have
fallen when they no longer could keep the cattle complacent and fed. Even the mighty Illuminati/Zionist/Technocrat tripod can get kicked aside. But
the pillars that support them must be kicked out from underneath. We cant have depression. We need total destruction. And it can happen. Its a
delicate recepie, and you need the right ingredients to get it cooking. But it can happen.
Leveler, ask the AMERICAN blacks if they think good can come from a civil war. We lost more people in the civil war than any other conflict, yet in
the long run, it was a sacrifice that benefitted more than it hurt, because you no longer had people of color chained up to whipping posts or getting
sold like animals at the auction block. But the only way to end the horrific institution of slavery was by bloodshed. Replacing govornments takes
violence. Hitlers regime and playhouses of horrors were onlys topped by bloodshed. The sword is the only way.
In the short term, it will be bloody and painful, many of us might even lose our very lives living in such a state of anarchy. But thats our problem
we only think short term, we only think of our lives, we have never considered going beyond our short life span and looking our for generations to
come. Our policy of short term fix to get as comfy for another year is whats killing us.
We must make short term bloody sacrifices for the long term ebenfits. Its not just you you need to think about. Its the children of your children and
firther down the line.
I curse my grandparents, great grandparents, and beyond for bequething me this world, in thier time they sat back and did nothing, they allowed the
beast to grow so it would someday feed on me. And if nothing is done in my generation, then my decendants shall curse me and my kind for leaving them
a world that is dehumanized. So, in the short term, meaning my generation its a sacrifice that must be made for posterity, because.....
It is better to have NO future than to have a future of slavery and subservience.
I dont want the EU and thier left wing dehumanized OWO/NWO oppresion. I have no desire to be a slave to that superpower. And I have no desire to live
under a right wing PNAC Bush superpower agenda of theocratic oppresion, poverty, and slavery to the elite. But unless something is done, either or
will take over.
And we need the catalysts to happen quick, so we can take all our enemies down with us as well.