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Some Vamp traits I've got

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posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 08:27 AM
Your not a vampire as they don`t exost of they did they would not be called vampires but aliens.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 05:52 PM
Even I can agree to having a few vampiric traits. Like the vision, hearing, blood lust, smells, and the like. So what. I agree with everyone who said that and I quote " we all have a little vampire in us ". I think it is only normal that we as humans identify ourselves with some other species, if you will. And that the whole K9 thing, it's pretty commom amongst people. Even I have sharpe enlarged cainines. The blood lust, I control that. The vision is hard to control because of the pain I have with the sun and the moon. Of course I have light blue eyes, which in some studies show that blue eyes are more sensitive to light.
The only thing that I don't think was mentioned that I will add about the sun is that occasionally it will burn. And I'm not talking about sun burn. I mean I can step right outside and the heat burns. But I think that comes from being cooped up in here and at work all day.
Vampires are fun to explore and fanasize about, but if you start believing in the fantasy, then you will become that fantasy. And right before that happens you have to stop and tell yourself that what you think is real, isn't. I've been there and done that. I even got a little help with it. I'm all better now. The nice thing was I didn't have to go see a shrink. I had a best friend who, like me, believed in her little fanasy. I saw what was happening to me and woke up you might say.
Anyway, vampyres are mythical. And yes, I have to say that it is interesting to read about, but believing that one can actually become one, no. Not going to happen, unless it's done by science. And I hope that I will not live to see that day arrive.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 06:07 PM
If you believe in something too much it will consume your life. look at those guys who spend their lives hiding out in abandoned houses so "They" can't find them.

We all have vampiric traits being as they come from humans (in myth). I have skin, two leg, hair, caniness. I burn in sunlight, if you drove a wooden stake in my heart i'd die.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 09:18 PM
Man I sure do hate goths... also the dutch.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by jazz_psyker
Man I sure do hate goths... also the dutch.

wow... this relates to topic how?

Are the dutch secretly all vampires? Does the cheesy-ham tosti harbour the hidden billigerant ambitions of the undead?



posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 04:19 AM

Originally posted by jazz_psyker
Man I sure do hate goths... also the dutch.

I don't know anything about the dutch to hate but I think Goths are pretty stupid. So u wanna die, big wup it's not like anyone is gonna care if yeh die tomorrow cos ur already dead inside!

And incase yeh thought I was a Goth, then u thought wrong. I hate those guys

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 05:16 PM
People dressing up as vampires offten dress up like goths and vise versia. One is indistinquisable from the other.

The olny powers of vampires and goths are flamboyant homosexuality.

Burn The Witch-"why having sex with dragons is stupid"

Thats just a oppinion, and very strange to bring up : ) Uhhhmmmmmm

[edit on 1-4-2006 by jazz_psyker]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 09:37 PM
I was going to use the quote

Originally posted by Burn The Witch
having sex with dragons is stupid

as my signature, but it seems it was banned.. dam it was soo cool and random, and offensive somewhat. But mostly just has odd shock value.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by jazz_psyker
People dressing up as vampires offten dress up like goths and vise versia. One is indistinquisable from the other.

The olny powers of vampires and goths are flamboyant homosexuality.
[edit on 1-4-2006 by jazz_psyker]

That's a very interesting statement to make. And it nearly slipped by unnoticed... Are you saying that all vampires (and Goths) are homosexual? Would you care to elaborate before I start pointing out how many kinds of wrong the statement is?

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 08:13 AM
Any chance of staying on the topic rather than make rude, irrelevant and inaccurate statements about groups of people?

Don't answer... Do it...

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 10:41 AM
I will elaborate a little bit, they have a gay attitide of a major persicution complex for their made up minority of white people who put on white make up in order to make themselves whiter.

They try to be rebels, even though it is a large cult like group. They all dress the same (well many different flavors of french poets, black, and gothish clothing). And they all think the same more then less "I love death yeaaaah", "I am depressed".

And they have some attitude that their culture or whatever you call it is great because it is better then some other group (the * snip *, or preps). And thats like chosing between multiple flavors of #, does it matter if I chose one that is better then the other, they all suck so I don't want any of it.

No culture to speak of just a pack of philisitnes, wanting to go for 'I am evil person' attitude.

And about vampires, they are indistinguisable from goths that they dress the same, have the same aditudes. Even the real badass vampire valad the impaler was gay, he went out of his way to sodomize as many people as he could.

Now you may feel free to start making your points.

[Mod Edit: removed inappropriate term]

[edit on 4/8/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by jazz_psyker
I will elaborate a little bit, they have a gay attitide of a major persicution complex for their made up minority of white people who put on white make up in order to make themselves whiter.

Whoa, dude, you’re sounding a little homophobic here. Or are you just a Bigot?

What is the actual agenda of your posts? Perhaps you just didn’t understand the original statement and are covering this faux pas by blindly stereotyping people.

Or, maybe, just maybe, you’re one of those Goths (or Dutch) Vampires you claim to despise and you’re “wanting to go for 'I am evil person' attitude”.

It is said when someone hates something so much, they are usually hiding the fact that they are the very thing that they hate.

Oh, and honey, you wouldn’t know a Vampire from a hole in your neck…

Now, shhh, the rebellious Goths are attempting to be depressed while the gay cults are contemplating their major persecution complex and painting the Vampires white while the Dutch are trying to choose their black outfits for the Vlad the Impaler’s badass, cultural sodomy class. At least they can all amuse themselves by chanting various flavors of "I love death yeaaaah" until the * snip * and the preps arrive with their pack of Philistines.

[edit on 7-4-2006 by TantricWolf]

[Mod Edit: removed inappropriate term]

[edit on 4/8/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by jazz_psyker
...they have a gay attitide of a major persicution complex for their made up minority of white people who put on white make up in order to make themselves whiter...even though it is a large cult like group. They all dress the same ...And they have some attitude that their culture or whatever you call it is great because it is better then some other group (the * snip *, or preps).... And thats like chosing between multiple flavors of #, does it matter if I chose one that is better then the other, they all suck so I don't want any of it....No culture to speak of just a pack of philisitnes...and about vampires, they are indistinguisable from goths that they dress the same, have the same aditudes. Even the real badass vampire valad the impaler was gay, he went out of his way to sodomize as many people as he could.

Let me guess... You have some kind of Ban wish, right? You continue with your off-topic banter even though AgentSmith specifically asked you not to.

Have you ever seen a vampire? Doesn't something need to exist to be able to be gay? And do you even know what it entails to be homosexual, or what "qualities" a homosexual person has? Clearly not.

I can go on and on flaming you, but in the end there isn't much to comment on to your post. It's pointless, and based on your racist opinion. I don't know what the Dutch or Goths (or vampires for that matter) did to you, but making hate speech towards either group is completely against ATS rules. And "* snip *"?! Do you have any idea how much negativity that word contains? You should really think a bit before you post anything.

If I can give you a suggestion, it would be that you should keep to the topic - say something that contributes to the thread. If you don't know anything about the particular topic, keep quiet. In my opinion you didn’t contribute to this thread at all. But hey, that’s just my opinion.

*** Stepping off my soapbox and walking away ***

Edit: And what TantricWolf said!

[edit on 7-4-2006 by Gemwolf]

[Mod Edit: removed inappropriate term]

[edit on 4/8/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 02:11 AM
Well as per what the original poster asked, I shall answer.

In essence I have many, if not all the same as the original poster, however I'll list them all anyhow.

-Pointed canines.

-I like blood, I drink my own when I get a cut, which I used to not do.

-I like the sight of blood.

-On my canines I don't have the curvature on the back like most people.

-I dislike the sun, immensly.

-I like the night.

-I can see well in the dark.

-I have exceedingly good hearing.

-I can differentiate between sounds.
That being that even with music blaring next to me, and CNN on, and the bedroom door shut, I can hear the phone ring (it's not very loud)downstairs.

-I can go without sleep for up to five days.

I'm thinking that's it, can't think of anything else.

Also, I am interested in things vampiric, but I don't think I'm one.

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 04:08 AM
re: my previous post on this thread... see your doctor (unless otherwise you feel groovy)

I stayed up for 6 days once (without drugs/booze) and I have to say.. by the end of it the lack of REM made me feel like an undead cheeseyham tosti of dutch origin...

vele dank


posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 08:15 AM
AAAhhhh, Vampires !!!!!

To find out if you are a vampire or not; try eating garlic or splashing some hold water on yourself, hold a cross, walk into the sunlight, bite somebody and taste their blood and see if they become vampires too, or you could even try to use mind control to seduce other people.
If any of these work for you cool otherwise , I guess the goth scene is still on in some place !!

Some of the responses here are unbelieveable :

Originally posted by Gemwolf
First, there is little evidence to support the existence of dragons - in the modern days anyway. Where do you find a dragon, let alone have sex with it?
Second, how do you go along getting a dragon into bed? Charm her/him with the prospect of eating a virgin? (No pun intended.)

Third, is it actually physically possible? As far as I know dragons are huge creatures, and in comparison, humans' sex organs wouldn't be able to accommodate a dragons' sex organs.


posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 04:39 PM
Gemwolf you asked for something, and then complained once you got it : )

"your breaking the rules, now I got you ehehehehehehe"

If you didn't ask me to break the rules, then I probably wouldn't have broken them again

And what I spoke of was somewhat on topic, I am talking about vampires and you are talking about ME.
I don't know if anything I said was racist. Because that implys a race, dutch, goth, a vampire, or a * snip *, none of those consitute as an actual race. But a group which consists of members of one or more actual human race.

I don't realy hate the neatherlands (dutch), but just joke about it. Can't think of anything to say against them other then wearing wooden shoes.

And I am pretty sure hate speach against actual races or national groups has happened before, or are you that naive to have never seen a topic about the hispanyard invasion of the US, or the Iranians on THIS fourm.

But I guess you don't like brown people, you prefer defending the * snip */goth/vampire race, which is SOOOOOOO important!

(Mod edit, Insults will not be tolerated)

[edit on 8-4-2006 by asala]

[Mod Edit: removed inappropriate term]

[edit on 4/8/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by TantricWolf
Whoa, dude, you’re sounding a little homophobic here. Or are you just a Bigot?

Someone who is homophobic, would by definition be a bigot. Just to clarify that for you.

Originally posted by TantricWolf
What is the actual agenda of your posts? Perhaps you just didn’t understand the original statement and are covering this faux pas by blindly stereotyping people.

My evil agenda is awsome.

Originally posted by TantricWolf
Or, maybe, just maybe, you’re one of those Goths (or Dutch) Vampires you claim to despise and you’re “wanting to go for 'I am evil person' attitude”.

Mmmmmm, nopE.

Originally posted by TantricWolf
It is said when someone hates something so much, they are usually hiding the fact that they are the very thing that they hate.

So by that respect the KKK is realy full of african americans, and jews : ) Flawless logic, thats why your your their and I am here.

Originally posted by TantricWolf
Oh, and honey, you wouldn’t know a Vampire from a hole in your neck…

Not sure how to respond to that, other then to restate my former point, a trait of vampirisum is shear gayness. Which is on topic with the disscusssions of vampire traits. : )

Originally posted by TantricWolf
Now, shhh, the rebellious Goths are attempting to be depressed while the gay cults are contemplating their major persecution complex and painting the Vampires white while the Dutch are trying to choose their black outfits for the Vlad the Impaler’s badass, cultural sodomy class. At least they can all amuse themselves by chanting various flavors of "I love death yeaaaah" until the * snip * and the preps arrive with their pack of Philistines.

I am not sure what to say in response to this statement..... its everything I said compressed and mixed up. Its sort of like a art form, of making a funny story.


Oh yea burn the witch, while we are on the topic. Your hatred of goths is gggggggggooooooood *says it like emporer palpatine from starwars episode 3*

[Mod Edit: removed inappropriate term]

[edit on 4/8/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 03:58 PM
I'm wondering if this thread isn't starting to spiral into something that belongs in PTS Slugfest. It sure doesn't look like it belongs in Cryptology and Mythical Beasts anymore. Please get back to discussing vamp traits.

Some civility and reasoned debate needs to re-appear on this thread.

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 05:07 PM
hi. i was doing some researching on this topic and found out there is a genetic disorder called porphyria.

porphyria causes skin to be extremely sensitive to light, and can be burned easily. with repeated damage, the skin tightens and shrinks. when this happens around the mouth, the canine teath appear to be more promenent, yet they are only slightly sharper than a normal human beings'.

the persons' urine may be purple or red, and the result of this is that people often think that the person drinks blood.

however, on a happier note for you people, sometimes porphyria comes with another disease that causes the person to not be able to produce enough red blood cells, so they need to drink someone elses blood (dont ask me how it helps them to drink the blood, they lost me there, it would make more sense to have the blood injected).

as well, the disorder causes severe depression, and the person becomes slightly insane. the insanity is the same in all affected people- the hate of certain useless things (such as garlic) and fear of wooden stakes and such.

as well, their hair tends to grow faster than normal if the are exposed to sunlight too often.

thats all i know about porphyria, the vampire disease.

just curious- where did you pick up the "vampires are gay" thing? ive never heard about that.

[edit on 22-4-2006 by kyrendal]

[edit on 22-4-2006 by kyrendal]

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