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sasquatch is very gentle(as i remember)

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posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 07:00 PM
Wow. i've just had what alcoholics call a moment of clarity, and i must say its been quite a rush at the very least. Before i begin i must say that i have absolutely no "proof" of what i'm about to say, so if thats what you need to keep reading, don't waste your time. what i have experienced is 100% true, and i feel it through my bones, it's giving me shivers as i write this. if thats enough for you then read on. this is something that, i wouldnt say i repressed, but i sort of "let be forgotten" from my childhood. It happened in the twinkle twinkle years when "star wars" was king and i still believed in Santa Clause...when we played "A-team" in the school yard ( i always wanted to be mr.t) and chewbaca was as real to me as the chinese store guy that i gave my allowance to for a game of moon patrol and some gummy worms. But make no mistake, as i remember this now, i know......... it was very real.

My uncle had a place in northern b.c peace river area, way out in the sticks. it was situated right down by the river. He ran off a generator, had no phone just a c.b radio and it was very much out "there". too muddy to get out of in the summer, and dangerously icy to get into in the winter. He had traps set all around his place in the woods, and in the summers when i'd visit i was like 4 or 5, i would wander all over the land, climb tree's build forts and stuff. pretty much the only chore i had at that age was to check the traps he had set along the way, the ones that were closest to the cabin. the others he would do on horseback. one time i got very sick, probably the flu or something, though i remember my mom being angry at the time because we were vegetarian and he was feeding me wild game and potatoes for almost 3 meals a day, she thought maybe my body wasnt used to it. towards the end when i was feeling better, my uncle told me i should get outside and get some fresh air, "go check the traps and make yourself usefull." i think was the command..

So, i made my way down the path on the clay cliff, pulled my jeans up and crossed the river, i remember the cold water felt good and i felt energized again. once on the other side i pulled out the juice box from my hoody and sucked it back.(i remember because it was socco..remember those?) and decided at that point i was gonna go farther than i was supposed to, and check ALL the traps. something i did all the time but never told anyone. i had a zig zag pattern i could make across the forest and at the end there was this old abandoned trapper hut that i loved where the last trap was set. well, there was always a few rabbits in the first few closest to the river, and i collected those on a hook rod that my unkle made for me. A little farther in it got a bit more scary because thats where the bigger traps were laid, and i guess thats why i wasnt supposed to go that far. bear traps etc. my favourite tree to climb was really near the last trap, and i used to climb it when i got there, partly because i was really creeped out at that point usually, and partly because i could see the trap from the middle part of the tree and then all the way back to the cabin which let me get my bearings. oh man, i apologise but i have to go to work (didnt realize what time it was) and i want to do my memory justice so i'll write more tonight(if anyone cares)....more soon.

[edit on 7-3-2006 by tasteslikethunder]

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 09:27 PM
AARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!! What a place to quit writing. I hope you DO finish this story. I am looking forward to reading more of your experience.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 09:54 PM
Kind of reminds me of the AuSable River in Crawford County Michigan. The first place where I felt "at one" with nature. Beautiful area....
Waiting for more....

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 10:04 PM
OOOOOOO me to! TRG*rubs hands together!

I am likeing this rememberance and really HOPE it gets finished........

"please Sir.......can I have....some MORE?"

[edit on 7-3-2006 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 10:06 PM
I've shared my sasquatch stories on here many time and you darn well better finish this one. I'll be one unhappy camper if you don't.


posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 02:56 AM
so yeah, i apologise but the bacon called..gotta get more money for noodles, and bubbly beverages...

so ANYWAY.....

I didnt want to get into the juice of the memory before i could fully explain, and i've been a big fan of ATS for a few months now, adding meager responses to posts here and there, but i've noticed that while its great fun, it's also kinda strict and judgmental. didnt want to seem like i was writing some fictional "cliffhanger" or something....

So i'm in this I must add a little note on this tree because it was fantastic! it had the perfect little seat about half way up and an abandoned birds nest where i would put things. i remember picking up a little yellow truck that i had left there a year earlier and noticing half of it was brown with rust, and had a really weird metalic stink to it that i couldnt get off my hands. it was probably because i still had a weak stomach but i suddenly felt really ill and couldnt seem to get away from the smell. I started coughing and threw up a bit and watched as it all fell below me. i remember grabbing a part of the tree and the whole thing shook a little while i threw up. thats when i heard a large noise and for the first time looked over at the area where the trap was. i had my forearm over my mouth and i still remember the hair sticking up and my feet felt frozen. honestly my first thought was that my uncle had caught me. he was a bit of a drunk and unpredictable. he also wore a huge fur coat in the winter and i was much to young to eliminate the fact he would'nt wear it in the summer. From that vantage all i could see was what looked like a large hairy human messing around in the trap area, and what i gathered from my ears was that whatever was in the trap was in pain. expecting a gunshot or a scream from my uncle to "get out of that tree boy" i wiped off my mouth and hurried down.

now, there are two things that come to mind at the point where i jumped from the bottom branch to the ground, and walked forward. train wheels and rotten fish. I say train wheels because it sounded like train wheels grinding, but i guess more through human vocals? if that makes sense? and i say fish because i remember a real rotten smell, like when you'd find a salmon on the shore that had been dead along time in the sun. that, mixed with a real stinging musty smell like when a dirty dog has dried after swimming in the ocean. as i walked further it choked me, and running off to the side, i got sick again. this is when i remember being really scared, because in a mixture of guilt and fear and helpless nausea i started yelling my uncles name over and over. instead of hearing a response i got the complete opposite. everything went absolutely dead. when i say absolutely dead i mean, i froze for a minute and heard a huge rustling only to look down and see an ant moving a leaf around. at this point i'm thinking, all those stories about bears and bad stuff in the woods are gonna come true (and i'm gonna get eaten way before they have a chance to spank me)

now this is funny because i had a little pen knife in my back pocket and i remember taking it out and deciding to crawl back to the path where i was going to quietly back down a couple yards, and i impressed myself all the way back onto the path, making very little noise but just as i got to there i heard the whimpering train noise again, coupled with what sounded like my baby cousin talking baby talk. thinking like maybe they hadnt heard my yelling i walked closer instead of further away. the path was cluttered enough with trees and such that i could kind of slowly sneak forward, wasnt like i was just walking up a clear field or something. there was this one large twist before the clearing of the trappers hut, and when i nudged around that, that is when i saw it. i guess it was more like them.
the tree cornering the spot went into a leafy "y" shape, and when i peered over i froze again.

the first thing i noticed was that the one nealing down was already sniffing the air. infact when i matched the sight to the sound i realized i'd been hearing that for some time. it was pushing air out from it's mouth and violently sniffing the doing the rasberry with your mouth, and then replenishing your air really violently.waving its head mostly upward. when it stopped it made a burping sound and started pulling at the trap. thats when i noticed that there was another one. they both looked very similar to me, except the one in the trap was being hit by the sun and i remember a real golden fur, the other one nealing there had a much darker more opposing look. they were both large. i was really small mind you, but they seemed massive to me. i remember the one made the trap seem very small, and it looked like it had only got a portion of its foot caught, but was crippled in pain. i was really into the show the incredible hulk at the time and i remember seeing the ones chest and it reminding me of the hulk, just really strong. the one free from the trap started banging the earth and then went and rubbed up against the trapper hut for a while. i wasnt sure if i should include this part but after all i was only 5. i started to get really upset and i pee'd my pants. i tried holding in my tears but that just made me sound even louder. the thing obviously was aware of me at this point and went back and grabbed a branch and tossed something my way. looking over i noticed that what it threw was my truck i'd found earlier in the tree. the branch it picked up it kept sniffing, and thinking about how it looked now, i realize it was covered in my vomit. at this point i was completely weak and frozen. i think its at that point i heard the baby sound again, although it was much more gutteral. i looked back over at the hut and noticed a small one sitting there, scratching on the steps. it was scratching its elbow on a broken piece of wood.. i remember because i had just hurt my funny bone doing that. there was this huge cry, and i looked back and the one was out of the trap limping around and licking at the air. its hard to believe but thats when things got really strange. the healthy one started throwning dirt with the butt of the trap, digging a hole, it stuck the trap in with the branch with crazy force, and burried it. at this point things got really really quiet again, they were really quiet creatures for there size, but it was like the whole forest was on mute. the small one ran over and they both gathered on the others back and carrying both of them the large creature slipped into the bush with barely any noise, and disapeared. long story short i ran and ran and ran...and ran. and ran.

i'm just kind of blabbering here in written form as i remember all this. its actually my uncles death that sparked this in me again. i had forgotten it for so long. life is strange. i'm not sure if anyone else cares so i wont blabber on, it feels good for me to share it finally, an exorsism of sorts. the one thing i will never forget now is the humanity that was present in the face of those creatures. a sparkle, and a personality.intelligence and grace. that plus a look that said "i could rip your arms off and make you lick them"

and here, still with my arms, i bid you a good evening. Be well to eachother.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 08:32 AM
Thanks for sharing your experience TLT. Quite an interesting encounter. Let me first say that I do believe that you did have a bigfoot/sasquatch encounter, and that I'm on your side... But... I need to say this as well.
Putting a bit of one and one together I gather that this happened about 20 years ago? Give or take a year or so. Now, taking in consideration that it happened many, many moons ago, and that you were only 5 when it happened, I need to question the vivid description of what happened. You describe small things like watching an ant walk, etc... Which is amazing. I can't really remember much from when I was 5 years old - which is also about 20 years ago, much less events in such minute detail. (And my memory is not too bad.)

Now, the last thing that I want to do is accuse you of lying or any such things, but my personal opinion is that it feels more like reading a fictional story... Sorry, I just needed to get it of my chest. No hard feelings. ATS taught us to be paranoid and ask all kinds of questions. Maybe you're just a perseptive person with very good memory of your childhood...

That said, where is "northern b.c peace river area"? Did your uncle ever say anything about seeing bigfoot (him seeing bigfoot), or finding tracks, etc?

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 02:33 PM
well i definitely enjoyed writing it, and i tried to be stylistic enough so it wasnt just a long list of things. actually something that flowed nice enough to read (more for my benifit than anyone else) parts like the ant i remember because the noise scared me and sounded so loud. realizing it was just an ant freaked me out even more. Being that intune and awake and afraid was very new to me, so i think most of it froze in the old brain somewhere. and when i allowed myself to start thinking about it it all flowed quiet easily.I ACtually just finished talking with my mom, and i asked her how old i was when i got sick at my uncles, she said i was more like 7, but i understand some people are not going to believe me because of
a) how i chose to write the story
b)the fact i have no proof

But thats o.k! no worries, no hard feelings. its just nice to get it out there, and maybe someone else has had a similar experience.

peace y'all.

[edit on 8-3-2006 by tasteslikethunder]

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 03:09 PM
Thanks for telling the rest of the story. I'm in my mid-50's and there are details from some early childhood that I remember. It seems that the stranger or more significant the experiences I have had, the more I remember "meaningless" details. It looks like I am not alone in that respect. If you remember anything else, I'd love to read more. Thanks for sharing.

Beer_Guy---Kind of reminds me of the AuSable River in Crawford County Michigan.

The AuSable River is indeed a magnificent place. I'm not as familiar with it in Crawford County as I am in Iosco and eastern Oscoda Counties, where I have visited In-Laws for years. In my mind, I had pictured a place near Loud Dam, ( M-65) also on the AuSable River.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 03:17 PM
interesting place to try out some fiction. Its not fair to mislead the good folks of ATS though, you should fess up

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
interesting place to try out some fiction. Its not fair to mislead the good folks of ATS though, you should fess up

I don't know that you can label it fiction so quickly. I myself had an experience (age 12-13) that I also suppressed for a few years and I also remember various odd details from that night.

Mine was in Manning Park, British Columbia but I am also very familiar with the Peace River area. The highest concentration of sasquatch sightings in the world are in BC.

I will also quote a post I made some time back.

As for Northern Canada? Well, lets just take British Columbia is 364,764 sq. miles in size. California is 163,707 square miles, Oregon is 98,386 square miles, and then add a Wyoming 97,818 square miles and you still have room. Texas is 268,601 square miles leaving room for Michigan (96,810 square miles) or just about any other state to fit.

For you non-Americans, United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland is 94,525 sq miles which means that ONE province is more than three times the size.

Population is 3,907,738 for British Columbia (2001). Los Angeles is close to 10 million. London is just over 7 million.

Now, you think the hunt would be that easy? Consider that the almost 4 million people are almost all at the southern edge (American border) and that everything else is quite remote. Now add Alaska (586,412 square miles) which is 1/5th the size of the entire United States. Add the Yukon Territories (186,660 sq. mi.), Northwest Territories (519,734 sq mi), and Territories of Nunavut (350,000 sq mi).

Also there are the northern Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Quebec areas to consider. Searching all of the land area is highly improbable. Now consider that in recent years, new animals have been discovered in much smaller countries, that were completely unknown until the last 4-5 years. Doesn't make things so impossible that a creature with a slightly higher intellect, could not be found easily.

Why is it so hard to find bigfoot?

Interesting story and one certainly worth sharing.
Thank you.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 06:27 PM
I'm not about to say your wrong or making anything up, I too saw a Bigfoot. I was a bit older than you though. I was in my mid 30's.

I too was alone so I have no eye witnesses or anything to back up my claims. I don't care. I saw what i saw and i'll tell those who want to hear the story. Whether they believe it or not is up to them.

Thanks for sharing my friend, I enjoyed the story.


posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 08:35 AM
the style of the writing struck me as something you would read in 10th grade creative writing class. way too much "fluff" ;

So, i made my way down the path on the clay cliff, pulled my jeans up and crossed the river, i remember the cold water felt good and i felt energized again. once on the other side i pulled out the juice box from my hoody and sucked it back.

how is this relevant to a BF encounter ?

just my gut instinct

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
the style of the writing struck me as something you would read in 10th grade creative writing class. way too much "fluff" ;

So, i made my way down the path on the clay cliff, pulled my jeans up and crossed the river, i remember the cold water felt good and i felt energized again. once on the other side i pulled out the juice box from my hoody and sucked it back.

how is this relevant to a BF encounter ?

just my gut instinct

sorry, but you are a bit too critical syrinx priest.

Sounds like a great memory and realistic, I believe it.

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 09:20 PM
'applause' to TasteLikeThunder for finishing this great rememberance.....

Pay no mind to the folks thanking you for writting 'fiction'...I get that on my OOBE thread as well

I was thinking the Bigfoots were somehow going to end up being 'gentle' with you.....makes sense that they would seriously care for theyre own. This is why we NEVER find any dead bodys IMO......they take them with them.

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 11:21 PM

and maybe someone else has had a similar experience.

I heard the "bigfoot scream" once. I can only wish to see him face to face.

Pay no attention to the unbelievers, they'll quiet down after we have some better pics....

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 08:45 AM
I guess we're gonna have to stroka yodas ego to get him to put down the beer and finish the next chapter.....thats the most interesting story I've ever read, please tell us more

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by Beer_Guy

and maybe someone else has had a similar experience.

I heard the "bigfoot scream" once. I can only wish to see him face to face.

Pay no attention to the unbelievers, they'll quiet down after we have some better pics....

OK, I'll bite. If you haven't seen him, how do you know it was a bigfoot scream ?

I live in CT. The first time I heard a coyote, I thought it was a little girl being attacked. I called the cops and everything. They don't always make a nice howl like in the movies. y'know, it was mating season and all, and what I heard was mating sounds of the coyote.....cops got a good laugh at my expense.

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 05:09 PM
Hey thanks for all the feedback EVERYONE, and the 'aplause', although river goddess your gift was not added to my total points?strange, but thank you so much just the same.

as for syrinx, the rest of my story would only serve to bore you. way to much fluff, after all - life is what happens to you when your busy making other plans right? for you i'll abridge...i saw three bigfoot creatures one day, and then i ran away....

peace everyone.

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 09:57 PM
Thanks for the walk down memory lane/path.
I'm not one for calling someone a hoaxer, nor do I take what some one says as gospel, but I do like to log it in the back of my mind with a small ?,
so that I can draw upon it to compare with other stories I come across.
Some of the comments you made about smells, sounds, and the nature of the creature , I found interesting.
Again thanks.

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