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More crap: Arnold wins CA

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posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 11:19 AM
It appears from the Los Angeles Times that Arnie is only popular with those in the demographic who are white, male, conservative, republican,and christian.

He is very unpopular with those who are Black, Latino, Asian, Liberal, Democrats, and Jews.


posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Colonel

Originally posted by nyeff

"no they don't want to live off of government charity

That is sooo funnny! Of course they do. At least where I live. If you are white you get NOTHING unless of course you lie and say your man left you and you can't find a job and nobody else can help you and blah blah blah. And still the government won't help. There was a time when our ends weren't meeting and I reached out for help and that is the reaction I got. I was the ONLY white person in that line. Everyone else walked away from the nice hispanic lady at the counter with a smile on their face and I was DENIED. They come to California with their hands out.

That is why CA is known as the "freeloading state" .
Give us your lazy or illegal and we will take care of them at your expense.

And people have the nerve to call me a racist??????

Yeah it is racism. Its a damn shame that the people that run the help programs are racists. It should be the same qualifications across the board. Unfortunatly its not that way.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 12:00 PM
Nyeff: Why were you denied? Did yu make too much money?

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 12:17 PM
Some syncronicity in the fact arnold was elected
In the movie he played a man who remembers
he was a government agent on mars.
(Click here for more illuminati symbolism in the film
you need to scroll almost all the way down the page.)

Also Mars, where most of the movie is set, is now
making it's closest approach to earth in thousands
of years!!

The illuminati let us know he was going to run for
office in "THE RUNNING MAN" film.

More indepth info here:

There's a pattern here, but I can't seem to get it all
to come together. It seems as if his political career may
be following his film work.
Also, the illuminati know we've realized our votes don't
count anymore. ALL the politicians are actors,
Now they seem to be making politics more about
entertainment and sensationalism than about
determining who will govern us.

[Edited on 10-10-2003 by fortean]

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 12:23 PM
Nope...Married. I was laid off for almost a year. So I could not make too much money. The union is of leittle help when you are laid off. Still have to pay your dues..even though your not working. Lost all my benifets in that time period.
We were not even looking for extra stamps or medicare,something, anything to help ease the burden we were under.
My wife(Venus) had to work fulltime, and I ended working to jobs 16 hrs a day to make ends meet.
Now I don't mean to sound bitter..but when some schmuck comes here,dosen't speak the any english has a job and gets welfare or some other kind of state aid, I I get a little pissed. Had my wife lied and said she was a single mother, then she would probably have gotten some help.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by nyeff
Nope...Married. I was laid off for almost a year. So I could not make too much money. The union is of leittle help when you are laid off. Still have to pay your dues..even though your not working. Lost all my benifets in that time period.
We were not even looking for extra stamps or medicare,something, anything to help ease the burden we were under.
My wife(Venus) had to work fulltime, and I ended working to jobs 16 hrs a day to make ends meet.
Now I don't mean to sound bitter..but when some schmuck comes here,dosen't speak the any english has a job and gets welfare or some other kind of state aid, I I get a little pissed. Had my wife lied and said she was a single mother, then she would probably have gotten some help.

You're making it difficult for me to be cruel to you as "the elitist liberal" while you are a repugnant (Unfortuantely, your repugnant friends won't give a damn about your plight---that's how they do) I'm sorry about your hard times but the lay off is what happens under these Bush policies while the CEOs get massive pay increases.

On the immigration front, I agree. Something needs to be done about that.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 12:35 PM
Arnold may make a bid for presidency.

That's Warren Buffet, Arnie, and (NWO Big Wig) Lord Rothschild.
If the New World Order wants him to be President, they will change the constitution.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 12:39 PM
I've seen this picture. What is Arnie doing with a Rothschild? What is Arnie doiing with Ken Lay? DON'T YOU PEOPLE SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING?????

I must be going mad? Or the whole world is cray and I'm the Last Man Standing. These repugnants, these degenerate spawns of satan! They're sending ther world into Hell!

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Bout Time, Im not saying whites are underepresented as a whole in politics,.....

Elf-y, Sugar Booger

My bad edit...that comment of whites being unrecognized being bullshyte was directed towards Freemason/Neo.

But as to your thesis, remove 'white' and just use 'poor'.
Any color not making green is under represented.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 02:43 PM
So the people that built America and made it the success it is in the world still have a sliver of control over it.

Too bad isn't it.

The day the newcomers take over and run it into the ground is the day I will be going somewhere else or maybe we can torch the whole damn place to make sure they don't get it.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 02:48 PM
I thought this country was built on the muscle and sinew of the free labor of blacks in slavery.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 07:29 PM
Arnold is an ICON, SYMBOL � and only remaining question is what the screenplay is if that kind of actor is set (OK �elected�) as a Governor of most important state in US.
Probably something will happen what require him to play in that movie.

Only fortean post makes some sense �

Originally posted by fortean
(...) ALL the politicians are actors, (...)

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 07:57 PM
Worse case scenerio...they can always recall him...only takes 70,000 votes. I believe.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 08:07 PM
another recall ?

o god just what we need

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Dmsoldier
another recall ?

o god just what we need

Good idea for the first scene of that movie. Strong Man should fight...

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 08:32 PM
lmao kron

i just like another person on this thread,

also noticed he dose seam to be fallowing his movies....

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 09:53 PM

Any color not making green is under represented.


If you aint got the cash and connections in this country, you aint got representation, period! Or, if youre in some freakish catagory. Thats exactly my point, Bout Time. The democrats used to rant and fight from the platform of the POOR, regardless of race or gender. They were the middle class, lower class, the rugged fighters, ect. That was their magic, thier draw, and thats a platform they ened to get back on instead of picking this little group and that little group and this issue and that issue, they could very well get a second wind of voters tired of being ignored.

Colonel, California is about 35% white. Out of those whites, about half are male, out of those white males, probably only 1/4 are christian, and 1/2 of those are right wing republicans, so by your logic.....

Arnold is popular with only 2% of the state population.

Yet he got voted in. So that means alot mroe people than white male christians must have liked him, since he got quite a few votes. And when you consider Bustamente got 10% more hispanic votes than arnold, thats not a whole hell of alot. So, obviously alot of people like him for some reason or another.

This is why I tend to ignore polls of opinion, they hardly express any reality. The reality test will come in time...Arnold will now be watched, and his performance gaged, and if he #s it up, then he will become unpopular REAL quick. But that is the least of our worries.

I mentioend it in another thread. Why ahs no one brought up the obvious Kennedy crime family connection? Has anyone even considered he might also be an agent for the Kennedys, sort of thier eyes and ears on the right? If you examine the Kennedy clan close enough, youll find they are hardly anything Id feel warm and fuzzy about having in such a prominent place, an agent.

His wife IS a Kennedy. That alone is worth looking at.

And now I am curious to see what he will indeed do about the illegal immigration problem. Please go check out the Watch California thread under the Science and tech forum for more information.

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 01:50 AM
That's an intersting point, Skadi. He actaully COULD be a spy for the a prominent position. Excellent plan. Very risky, tho.

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 03:40 AM
I don't understand why Dems don't like Derr Arnold. He supports the killing of unborn babies and gay marriage.....???

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 03:46 AM
Protect them while they're in the womb. As soon as they're born they're on their own!!

Something that also confuses me: Anti-Abortion, Pro-death penalty. Oh well, wonders never cease.

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