I'm going to Tara next week. Since It's bloody time I open this stargate
Very few people are able to open these. So I'm going to do it. Do you want me to take pictures. Is there anything you want me to do?
Btw this site is riddled with sick greedy scumbag government agents. They are like parasites plagueing these sites in the hope of stealing all the
work you all have done. I curse those who try undermine this world and disrespect the timeline that is now.
The tables cannot be turned and it will not be done any other way. For it has never ever been done this way before. This is going to happen this way
whether the powers of be like it or not. So mark these words. This is the way of it. You either raise vibration or will die out. What does this mean
it means. This planet is becoming fifth dimensional and many beings of mulitdimensional awarenesses are incarnating as human beings at this time and
have been for the last two generations. The awakening is happening faster than any time throughout human history. The evolution of you in this
universe is at pin point consciousness.
The stargate is not some techno spaceship stargate electronic jass like in the movie. This makes this whole stargate reality a load of balls. Now you
can bring the experts in and you can riddle this site with more government agents, you can bring the naysayers in as well.
This is what your going to know right now.
Your here, on earth, to bring order and divine intervention on this planet. to change the old patterns of the universe right now as everything in the
past that manifested on this universe has been reincarnated intensely on this planet. You experiencing this means, you are now here to change the old
pattern or karmic tones that have been repeated over and over. Many planets have been destroyed and failed. This planet has done really well so far
in this experiement. The universe has been in conflict with dark and light forces since it began at big bang impact. This world has been inhabitated
by many races before you. It still even does. Humanity on earth represents many races. This world has been slammed shut for over 12,500 years from the
rest of the universe. The reason being is the higher entities created that created this world has made a replica reality of the whole universe
spectrum onto one planet and thereby shutting all interaction with the cosmos allowing evolution of the universe to happen on planet at one place and
time in this universe. All beings come as mortals and are consciously aware of the reason they incarnated here. Each soul represents the universe.
This matrix represent all fractions of you in this universe. Your higher self is the knowing of you. As the plan is working well, the higher
dimensions are now coming back to experience immortality if you like on this world in a complete new way. They want a feeling of home on this
Your job is to integrate and become multidimensional. You now have to look within yourselves and find the source within you. It is you who makes the
world heaven on earth.
It is that source that opens the stargate not this crap that has gone of 220 pages of techno gizmo bull#. This crap is so incredibely insulting to
what the higher guides have put on your planet. They are just some wormhole opened by a green button.
They open when you can access your higher self.
It will NOT be opened any other way. Now you can all go on another 400 ppages of this bull#. But either way the government are looking for clues to
open the stargates they uncovered in Iraq.
It's time we get our finger our and stop living in fantasy and make our reality and realise it is gone beyond the notion of proof and the trivial
Go outside and connect with the source. The stargate is inside you. Not in the #ing movie.
[edit on 2-9-2009 by Mind1universe]