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Stargates are real

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posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by dzonatasI typed in 3000 bc just for an example, yet do you wonder if there is a time when Alnilam would align up exact with the pyramids on such a chart?

Yes 10,500 BC See Scott's work here

Orion-Giza Blueprint - The Evidence Keeps on Coming

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by dzonatasI typed in 3000 bc just for an example, yet do you wonder if there is a time when Alnilam would align up exact with the pyramids on such a chart?

Yes 10,500 BC See Scott's work here

Orion-Giza Blueprint - The Evidence Keeps on Coming

The alignment you show from Scott's thread show a view from Earth to outerspace. This provides a lot of hints to an era when the map would align in such a way.

The view, however, we need is one where the stars are spherically mapped onto the Earth, with the alignment of the Gizamids in the correct spot, which also further provide a scale for the map. We look "down" upon the surface of this Earth-Star map.

The difference: most skycharts are a hemisphere of the sky. Others are a flattened dome. We don't need either one of those. These are considered a view from "under the dome."

What is needed is spherical coordinates, X, Y, Z, where X is longitude, Y, latitude, and Z is depth. The surface of the Earth would be where Z equals 0. If Al Nilam is directly perpendicular to the surface and has coords of, for example, X=60, Y=20, Z=50000, then the goal would be to change Z to 0. If we do this Z re-map to each star in the sky and change X and Y to coords where those stars are directly perpendicular to the surface, we essentially collapse the entire sky onto the surface of the Earth. This is considered a view from "above the dome."

This technique is not much different from mathematical functions to texture map virtual reality scenes. Instead of spherical X, Y, Z coords, the texture map functions use U and V coords. The only added difference is to first collapse the entire 3D universe into a 2D spherical map. (In normal VR, there would be a 2D rectangular map instead of spherical. A planar map is not a spherical map.) We use the coords X, Y, Z, and U, V.

That kind of texture map technique is similar to map quantum mechanics. In quantum mechanics, one would take a 4D (or more) dimensional universe and map it onto a 3D spherical map. We would use the coords X, Y, Z and U, V, W. Colleges doesn't usually teach those coords, instead they teach a subset of them for quantum physics and base them off the names, up, down, left, right, spin-up, spin-down, clockwise, counterclockwise, in, out, etc. Quantum physics gets in particles because it does not use the spherical map, yet with the X, Y, Z, and U, V, W coords we don't need to describe particles because we use the spherical map, instead. Anyways, this is a little extra info on quantum mechanics on where it ties with this thread.

Think of it this way, in the Stargate movie you have chevrons to dial-up the Stargate. With the spherical map above, you have X, Y, Z as the surface of the Earth, and U, V, W as the 'mapped' stars onto that surface. I guess it is a coincidence that the movie Stargate requires seven chevrons, where the last is the symbol of the origin. That leaves 6 symbols for the destination... that would be like 6 values above, X, Y, Z, U, V, W.

We have been given the tools the align our spherical map. We just got to find the right date. I think Scott provided evidence that this is even more possible from what I stumbled earlier today.


[edit on 18-8-2009 by dzonatas]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 12:59 AM

just noticed the guy in the event horizon is ....oh this is good.
he's the one that sees the past and the future, which i had mentioned many pages ago in regards to the movie. daniel is standing in the gate event horizon, he puts just his face threw it and at that precise moment, i realized the gate has two faces. dunno why i didn't notice it before that .. i mean it OBVIOUSLY has two faces. then i think that lead to us discussing it being potentially used as a time travel device (that is, if einstein is right on that particular subject).

the planet the original stargate team goes to in the MOVIE, was later named as ABYDOS in the show. now there's a few possible reasons for that:

1. well it IS ABZU (Abydos=Abdju=Abzu)
2. There's an Abydos in Egypt.
3. The lore of the movie stipulates that the humans were brought threw the gate from Earth (which I think is precisely backwards from what actually happened) but the tv show gives the impression that the Abydos in the show is just named after the Abydos on Earth because that's where the people came from on Earth (nice little play on concepts, i'd say!).

That's when we had the big discussion on whether or not it was a time travel event or originally had been written to be a time travel event and devlin just modified that part, and what had really happened was, the first stargate team went back in time to Abydos, Egypt, not Abydos the planet. Really interesting tho, especially if it is precisely backwards, as that would suggest the Abydos planet (on the other side of the known universe in the Caelum galaxy) was the home planet of the humans in Abydos Egypt, who had been shanghied and brought threw the gate to Egypt.

Here's the scene where Daniel explains a bit of the history to jack

[edit on 19-8-2009 by undo]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by undo
Here's the scene where Daniel explains a bit of the history to jack

Funny I never noticed this before.. but when talking to John... when you pass on... and see that light at the end of the tunnel... he says DON'T go to the light... get away from the light...

Now in this clip the one that went fearlessly to the light was taken over...

Hmmm I need to get more from John about that... I think it came from Ingo Swann...

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by zorgon

It was Whitley Streiber who told John about the not going into the light - I listened to the show where they talk about that earlier this month.

(though the show was several years old)

*I'm not sure if Sleeper also said something about the light - but I know Art and John talked about how Streiber had said not to go towards it.

[edit on 19-8-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by zorgon

IIRC, there was another poster in this thread who talked about the light at the end of the tunnel being a scam.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 08:50 AM
guy from the terra papers mentioned it too, i think.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 09:13 AM
in the film, the guy who walks into the light is still alive and healthy, so it's different than what some of these people are saying... such as the idea that walking into the light after you've died is also a problem. not so sure about that.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 10:42 AM
Do we have some more info on the two faced god?
IIRC he is Enki's friend and vizier Izimud/Isimud?

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by Ayrton



some assume that's an example of deification of the moon (sin), in which case, they'd view the picture of the abzu in the water with isimud in it, as the moon sinking into the water. there's one obscure problem with that, mostly related to the enuma elish. in the story, the earth's big abzu is disconnected (see the cutting in half of tiamat and the destruction of the upper portion of mt.meru) from the earth, so tiamat connects to the kingu gate on the moon instead. it could be in this instance that isimud is a deification of the moon gate, known as kingu in the enuma elish... but don't quote me on that, cause i haven't found much to support that yet.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 11:47 AM
oh this is very concisely written considering how big the topic is, albeit with a bit of local color added in for effect:
who is tiamat?

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 11:54 AM

Kingu, also spelled Qingu, meaning "unskilled laborer," was a god in Babylonian mythology, and — after the murder of his father Apsu — the consort of the goddess Tiamat, his mother, who wanted to establish him as ruler and leader of all gods before she was slain by Marduk. Tiamat gave Kingu the 3 Tablets of Destiny, which he wore as a breastplate and which gave him great power. She placed him as the general of her army. Eventually, he was killed by the god Marduk to prevent his rise and his blood was used to create humankind. With his death, Marduk took the Tablets of Destiny and became ruler of the gods. Kingu's pivotal role is further described in the Babylonian creation myth, Enûma Elish[1].

if you follow the theory that kingu was the abzu gate on the moon, the 3 tablets of destiny known as the "Me" (pronounced "may") would presumably be the technology needed to operate the thing -- like the dhd (dial home device) from the tv series

[edit on 19-8-2009 by undo]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by undo
if you follow the theory that kingu was the abzu gate on the moon, the 3 tablets of destiny known as the "Me" (pronounced "may") would presumably be the technology needed to operate the thing -- like the dhd (dial home device) from the tv series

I'd double check the references on "Me" since, as mentioned earlier, I came to this thread based on stories of blackcats (not feline). Perhaps, the Me are spoken about in the tablets rather than the tablets being called Me.

What references do you have of the Me?

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by dzonatas

well this is assuming the tablets of destiny are the same as the divine decrees called the Mes (plural). it mentions in the enuma elish that kingu wears them like a breastplate and these are taken by marduk when he defeats kingu, thus switching the control of the moon gate over to marduk. the breastplate concept reminded me of the breastplates of the high priests of israel, studded with various crystals (each representing a different tribe of israel)


THAT looks like a device! so much so, that when i originally attempted to make a CD with my data on it, i created a keypad of sorts for the menu, with the same concept involved

[edit on 19-8-2009 by undo]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 01:10 PM
now let's say for the sake of discussion that the genesis 10 genealogies are describing every race on the planet (this however, leaves out the other races are from the babel gate theory since the genealogies of genesis 10 are the descendants of noah who survived the flood) follow me here for a second:

if no other humans survived the events before and during the flood, besides noah and his gang, the whole planet would be currently populated from some tribe of israel as described.

if you follow old maps of the areas noah's descendants migrated to, they pretty much cover all the known areas of land space at the time. this means the high priests breastplates designate them as rulers of the entire planet by virtue of their tablets of destiny (breastplates). it would also designate them as protectors of the gates, in effect, barring anyone from using them, in the grand tradition of marduk -- slayer of tiamat and gilgamesh - slayer of tiamat (who came first, i dunno! probably same guy.... different time of retelling with cultural influence and local color added).

revelation 9, however, seems to indicate one of the "gate guardians" is going to drop the ball on that one, the guy comes down from space, opens the big abzu gate, presumably using the same technology the high priests have, and that's when the text describes some alien-esque encounters.

[edit on 19-8-2009 by undo]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by undo

Given how Zionist have completely denied each other from their own history and artifacts, and given that we now have Eastern Zionist and Western Zionist with totally two different utopian idea on Israel and Zion, there is enough evidence to says that the stories of the Urim and Thummin are quite unreliable to take any account directly (or more literally). If they weren't so unreliable, we wouldn't have wars like we do today, as it is just a small example of the many griefs of where religion causes wars.

[Off topic note: There are many muslims in the Middle East that say they despise all Zionist, yet many of them only know Eastern Zionist and never heard the Western Zionist, which Western Zionist don't believe it is right to use old Jerusalem as a center for Zion. Western Zionist don't believe the 'children of Israel' are only the semites that live in the nation of Israel.]

So, we'll have to paddle around those troubled waters in order to find more historical references to the Me, or more generally and symbolically, the blackcats.

[edit on 19-8-2009 by dzonatas]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by dzonatas

well if you follow the geneaologies, everyone would be a child of israel. reverse engineer that concept. where do you end up?

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 01:46 PM
i think what happened was, one particular tribe of what would later be known as israel, were set aside to live a particularly ascetic life for any number of reasons, which culminated with the arrival of yeshua (jesus, who claimed he was not from the earth!!) who was to be born from the tribe of judah. the rest of the tribes of the earth, ended up benefitting from it as well because they were, for all accounts and purposes, descendants of noah (if not literally, then by marriage) and included as tribes of israel via virtue of their descendancy from noah (cause that's how the breastplate is constructed! it doesn't just have the gem from the house of judah, it has ALL the houses!). therefore, all the tribes of the earth have been grafted in to the tribe of judah, who began to refer to themselves alone as Israel, when in fact, we're all children of israel (technically speaking, of course).

[edit on 19-8-2009 by undo]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by undo

Many things to say about this, so I'll just point to the search terms:

"Mitochondrial Eve & Children of Israel"

That may be easier to research by a search engine... unlike a search for "me" which turns up 4,640,000,000 hits.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by dzonatas

biblical eve is an anomaly. she's an "ish". i'm not sure how to interpret that at this point, but my current theory is, the "ish" were nephilim as the word was applied to "man" in some very odd ways and terms, in the same sentence with the adam (man), as if they were two different species. the biblical account of the garden may be drawing on some lilith references. ain't so sure the eve in the bible reference is the eve in reality or perhaps the english translators flubbed up

[edit on 19-8-2009 by undo]

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