VERYYY INTERSTING of my FAVS!!! spent the last 4 hours reading the 1st 16 pages, decided to jump ahead and see how many pages i have to
read, considering the pages i were reading were from back in 06.....i have ALOT of reading to do, but this is BY FAR one of the most interesting
things i have read! Mad props to Undo and everyone else who is doing and have done research into this. And to all of the "bashers" out there, please
STOP!!!! once you put enough research and effort into something to prove these people's theories wrong, then by all means do it. BUT, it seems you
have YEARS of researching to do. I mean share your thoughts and opinions, but im just tired of these people who think THEIR way of thinking is THE
ONLY way, and want to put down other people's ideas and theories about something that they have put an ENORMOUS amount of time and research
into...considering this thread started back in is now 09! Once again VERY nice info! (from what iv read so far!) Alot of pieces to alot of
puzzles start coming together! Just too bad most people like to stay in the comfort zone "box" of a reality, and are too afraid of what truths may
be on outside the box. One of the things that come to mind when i say pieces of puzzles coming together, the war in Iraq, OK for one, they cant say
they are there to "stop terrorists", because we have "terrorists" on our own soil we should be worried about, and seriously, trying to "stop
terrorists" is like trying to stop music sharing programs, get rid of one, and a million more are created. And the whole "oil" thing...i never did
buy into that one. I do think, that after reading as far as i did into this, that our millitary and government, as well as other governments, know
that "something" is over there, just imagine if either side got ahold of something like a stargate....either side WOULD NOT know what to do with it.
Just thinking here, but from what i remember reading earlier, having the stargates active caused pollution, witch was a cause of the flood right? (i
havent slept in over 24 hours so correct me if i get somethings wrong) OK, so if one of the stargates were "turned on", could that not possibly
start a chain reaction to start the others, because you cant travel between them if they arent all turned on right? And considering the "pollution"
we have and are causing...wouldnt that be like a major "kickstart" to it all again??...just my i said i didnt read all 200+ pages
yet so forgive me if something like this has been posted before! but DEFF!! star n flag for this!!!! VERRRYYY NICEE!!!
and i read quite a ways past when someone posted this link:
maybe i missed it, but any follow ups on that?
again..havent slept in over 24 hours...sorry if im asking questions that have been asked and answered allready! >_<
this whole stargate thing has grabbed my attention big time, and i will be doing more reading into this subject!
And another thing, not talking down on our millitary by saying this (i myself was going to join the Navy, but for personal reasons could not) but if
the reason for being in Iraq is for this...LEAVE it alone!! like i said, not directing it to the millitary, more towards the people "behind the
curtains", who are in for it for the wrong reasons..."power and greed" they are everything else it seems, power and greed seem to play a
major downfall in alot of things through out history...take a lesson.....