reply to post by DREAMING MAN
Pretty good, actually. I wrote a thread on another forum on the topic of slavery as it relates to religion, here's the gist of it
Today's atheism extols the virtues of disengaging from the concepts and rituals of religion. The reasons given are as plentiful as there are human
foibles, most of which outline the human condition. But the ultimate issue, at the heart of the debate, is "worship." This term has been
intentionally misinterpreted, misconstrued and incorrectly applied. It is in fact the simple act of "work."
When you work, you are obeying the laws of your employer. Your employer is whoever requests goods and/or services from you. Even if you're
self-employed, your work serves a common good or evil, and your employers are those who do business with you and the government that defines how you
may go about working in that capacity.
Regardless of how it is portrayed, you take part in some form of worship, which is called "work", ultimately serving some higher purpose than you
can serve on your own.
So when someone tells you that worship is bad but work is good, they are missing the entire point. They have swallowed the lie that they are somehow
free from the slavery of religion or the gods.
Civilization of any kind is work and therefore worship. It is religion. It is servitude. To take part in a civilization, to add to the common good or
evil, to function within its constructs, to adhere or not adhere to its laws, is to be an indentured servant of some power. This is the simple and
frank truth of the entire history of homo sapiens on this planet.
You have to think past how you've been programmed to view certain buzz words. Words are weapons. They are carefully groomed to inspire certain
emotional and psychological ideas in your mind. This is deliberate. When you work/worship the society and civilization in which you live, you are
ultimately serving a master who you may not even be aware exists.
In fact, I'm going to suggest to you, that even if you do not believe in the existence of a supernatural or even hypernatural (power through
extremely advanced technology) realm, that you are still serving one or many of its members in some capacity.
I view atheism as a lack of revelation, as servitude without representation, justification or even clarification, and it's highway robbery of the
highest order. I'd even go as far as pointing out that this may be the reason why our governments have not been forthcoming on the issue of UFOs and
extra-terrestrials. If we knew we were ultimately serving these other beings and that there was such a huge disparity between them and us, as regards
quality of life, there would be mayhem and the backlash would bring down the governments of this planet.
See I get the sneakin' supsicion that the guys at the heads of our governments are all genetically tampered with, hosts, that the bible calls
nephilim. And they have been so for thousands of years. I'd even go as far as to suggest that the most powerful leaders on the planet, are the
hosts of the same beings who have run the planet down through the history of civilization.
Here's another post i made elsewhere on how all this fits together:
Alot of research has been done on the subject of reptilians as an extra-terrestrial species, but not much has been done on the subject of bipedal,
upright, reptilians as an Earth species. Before I address the rest of my research, I thought it'd best to begin with discussing these enigmatic
I have a picture of a statue from the sumerian city of Eridu. It's a being that looks to be part reptilian and part grey (alien). I believe it is
depicting Enki, a sumerian "god." The word "god" typically sets off alarms in people's heads and they automatically interpret what they are
viewing as mythological. I do not think this is the case for Enki. But before I get into the reasons for why that is and who else he might be, let's
first take a look at him:
The image comes from the Baghad Museum in Iraq. Sadly, the statue is one of the artifacts that went missing during the first days of the War in Iraq.
Here are the particulars:
• provenience: Eridu
• dimension(s) (in cm):
height: 14
• material: clay (baked)
• date: ca. 4000 BC
• description:
terracotta, nude male, with 'lizard-shaped' face and pointed head (hair piece?), holding stick in his left hand; shoulders decorated with applied
clay pellets
It's the only statue that was found in Eridu, which by the way, was Enki's city. Notice it says circa 4000 BC. Here are close-ups and the side view
of the statue:
Close-up side of head
Six or more fingers on his visible hand
Notice also that he didn't have teeth, he had fangs, as seen in the side profile of his head. Also note the lumps scattered around his shoulders and
upper chest and the device he is holding. I believe these are all visual clues that indicate, not only that this was a real entity, but also that he
was the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, the sumerian Enki, and therefore Satan, Lucifer, the Devil, and the Great Red Dragon of Revelation. In fact, he
has more titles and identities than most people realize. When the sumerians called him the tricky god and the crafty god, they weren't kidding!
Michael S. Heiser, a scholar of several biblical languages has this to say about the "Serpent in the Garden"
What that essentially translates to for our purposes is that there was a species of "angel" that was reptilian, called Seraphim in biblical
In a book entitled "God's Plan for Man," a theologian by the name of Dake describes this planet as belonging to a group of angelic beings, who were
"created" before us. This was their planet. They went through their time of testing, advanced technologically and went out to colonize the other
planets of our solar system. He refers to this ancient time as the angelic dispensation. We are currently in the human dispensation.
As a result of this research I believe I have found a trail that proves we were not from this planet initially. That it belonged to the reptilian
species, some of which became powerful, holy angels and some of which rebelled and became subject to temporary, fragile, physical existence. To delay
the inevitable, they've been cloning host bodies and using advanced technology to postpone death.
I think the evidence for this is in the fossil record and the trail of artifacts from 3900 BC and earlier. This wasn't our homeworld, in fact, it
still belongs to Enki (Lord Earth), who even offered it to Jesus (Yeshua) in exchange for his servitude. In fact, I theorize that is also why we are
here. Not because Enki had enlightened us, but he had brought us here from somewhere else and taught us just enough civilization to work for him. This
is most elegantly depicted in the film STARGATE, when we see the Egyptian Ra (another name of Ea, which is another name for Enki) discussing how he
had created our civilization.
You see a short clip of Ra telling Daniel this in this youtube excerpt from the feature film, around 5:00 into the clip
If you have seen the film, you might remember how it shows what the being who is IN the younger Ra looks like and that he is almost a duplicate of the
statue from the city of Eridu.
To support this theory, let's look at some of the other statues prior to 3900 BC. Note the baby's hands/arms/head:
And to show it's not a fluke, here's another. Look at the baby's head
In this image of a Mother Goddess, you are lead to believe she is a human. In fact, someone decided to make a fake head for her, as she was not
originally a human. Here's the evidence
The original was a mottled green, with large clawed feet. sitting on a throne which has lizard heads on each side. It was falsified in the first
picture, and several items were removed, covered up or added, including the original color, the clawed feet, and the fact the throne was surmounted by
lizard heads. Her originally head probably looked more like this:
In fact, all the statues older than 3900 BC, even the Mother Goddess statues, were reptilian.
This is not our planet.
In the early days of egypt, however, you can see humans frolicking with greys and reptilians in this image
i've colored in the image to show which ones i think are greys and which human and which reptilian
green: reptilians
pink: greys
blue: humans
In the book of Genesis, it is said that the serpent loses his legs as a punishment. I believe this indicates he was removed from the body or host body
he was in or perhaps signifies the first time he and his compadres are changed physically so that they must inhabit a host body to be able to perform
actions they were accustomed to performing normally.
In either case, he shows up again almost immediately, so something happened during that time frame that allowed him to get back to the busniess of
running the Earth. It could be that the image I posted above from Eridu, was the new host body and that we have no surviving pictures of his original
In the TV show Stargate SG-1, the Serpent gods are called the Goa'uld. They are serpent-like, miniature dragons. They invade a host body against the
original owner's will and take over all the mental processes of that body by burrowing up the spinal column and residing in the skull. In the film,
however, the Goa'uld is depicted as a glowing grey-reptilian being, who is superimposed by the human body it inhabits. Both of these are viable
Let's follow Enki's trail, now that we have some idea of what to look for. Remember, he is the owner and god of this planet. This is his property
for the time being. Don't let anyone fool you - he never left. The other anunnaki may have evacuated, but Enki and his entourage, came back as soon
as was possible, of that you can be certain.
There's really no way to know how many planets/moons, he is in control of, but for certain, this is his planet. If he's not on the surface, he's
above it or has someone maintaining it in his stead.
Anyway, we see him as the Serpent in the Garden, referred to in later biblical texts as the Devil, Lucifer (his former title), the Great Red Dragon,
and Satan. In sumerian texts, he is Enki and the Great Dragon. In akkadian texts he is Enki, Ea, and Enki-Ea. That is, till he takes a new host. He
has a couple clones to choose from, as is indicated in the Epic of Gilgamesh: Either Enkidu or Gilgamesh. Enkidu dies so Gilgamesh is elected.
To find all the details of this event, it is necessary to read the history of several prominent figures from the same time frame. They are all the
same host that Enki has inhabited, just depicted with name variations due to cultural boundaries. For example, Enki was the following people in the
Akkadian period, who are all the same individual:
Narmer and
When Narmer dies, he is named Osiris (greek word, in egyptian it is Asar). The stories of this individual all seem to point to the idea that he is
modified after he is born, and as the result of a request -, he offers to be inhabited by Enki's "serpent." Now I dunno if that's true or
not, but once he's a host for Enki, he sets about rebuilding Eridu, on the same spot! This turns out to be the Tower of Babel. Babel = Eridu (also
called the Etemenanki at a later date).
As described in the text, Enki supposedly uses the 'namshub' or the nam-shub to change the languages of the people. I do not agree with this
simplified version of it. I think he shipped more people here from offworld, people from all over the universe, who spoke different languages, were
different races and had different cultures, which confused the heck out of everybody. It was at this point, the project was halted. He left to Abydos
Egypt and built the Osirieon, where I theorize, he planned on trying to build his "Babel" there instead. It was here he founded dynastic Egypt. (at
this juncture, he is the emperor of the known world and has no council. but one forms upon the death of his Narmer/Nimrod/Enmerkar/Gilgamesh body)
Not long afterwards, his host body dies and he has to seek out yet another host body, which is the premise of dynastic egypt. The pharaonic line is a
series of hosts for Enki and his spouse, who is also a serpent.
At some point, he makes a little foray from Egypt where he shows up as the King of Tyre. Ezekiel marches in and addresses, not the king of Tyre but
the Serpent in the Garden, who is in the king of Tyre. It's a pretty amazing moment in the texts.
There's several examples of his compadres as well, in various rulers and leaders, all over the planet and down through history. But doncha wonder -
if he no longer had the pharaonic line, where'd he go? It's the end of the egyptian dynasty.... I'll give you three guesses and the first 2 don't