Originally posted by undo
Le mew, le sigh, le subtle insults.
Man you sure can load 'em up and sling 'em in there with a load of sugar. I am a sugar addict (diabetes mellitus) so this is both a good thing and
a bad thing. I like to read your responses but they're always covered in little pickery things. Ouch eek, yikes, well, now that we're passed that
outer layer.. .
As long as you realize that I paint myself with the same brush - and that just under that pickery outer layer, it's all sticky, gooey space
cadet love - we should get along just fine. That cynical, satirical form of humor has always been my favorite, and it just means I like ya. I'm sure
you'll recall how mean I was to the geek who came here for the purpose of stroking his ego by making fun of us geeks who 'think the show is real'.
He never came back.
My current theory
about stargates in popular culture (particularly the Stargate shows): Someone, somewhere, with very powerful friends, seems to
want to "pass along" (read: "revitalize", "repackage", "retell") the oldest stories on record, the Sumerian/Annunaki stories. Or at least
elements of them. That's all I'll commit to, and there is certainly evidence of this, if you follow the money trails. Now why they want to show us
this stuff, I can only speculate about. From a CT or debunker's point of view, the introduction of the concept of stargates/wormholes/teleportation
could be a convenient solution to the argument of "even traveling at the speed of light, it would take far too long for even an advanced race to
travel from their galaxy to blah blah blah..."
Those that believe that 'disclosure' is merely a set-up for a false-flag alien "attack" think that these movies and video games are all about
conditioning us to accept it as believable when they tell us how "aliens" are getting ready to attack. This is a possibility, I think.
I think the "aliens" are behind the false-flag alien attack. It was their idea.
...Your take on the Gou'ald is interesting to me. As I recall, one of the first "host" races for them was reptilian? This parallels not only the
Biblical and Sumerian texts (as well as countless others), but also my pet theory about the "meat-bag materializer".
I'll re-iterate: the Annunaki have lost access to the technology that enabled them to materialize (clone?) physical bodies in our earthly realm,
making it difficult for them to carry out their agenda. They have some plan that involves getting physical work done in this plane of existence. They
can "possess" human bodies, but this presumedly takes a lot of energy. They can move stuff around, like a poltergeist or incubus/succubus, but
again, that probably takes too much energy. BUT... Cleverly combining their resources in the above ways, they may have been able to gradually set up a
means of farming/manufacturing empty bodies to "possess", using genetic material they found here.
It is my theory that these empty shells are the "grays", EBE drones, possibly mutated versions of kidnapped human fetuses, and that the 4 ft tall,
big-headed humanoid shape is the "perfect vessel" for holding the inter-dimensional entity's consciousness. The large head would allow for advanced
development of the brain, enabling ESP/telekinetic abilities. The bodies are developed to a height and maturity so that the hands are useful for
operating machinery and performing tasks. The legs are just long and strong enough to run away quickly, yet the whole body is kept small and thin,
which would take less energy to move, whether by telekinesis, teleportation or just plain walking around.
I think they can clone/manufacture/breed fully developed humans (men in black?) or genetically engineer human-dna-based monsters (bigfoot?) for
whatever purpose. I dunno. The MIB (and the grays for that matter) are said to move awkwardly. Is that because the consciousnesses controlling them
are doing so unnaturally?
So back to the serpent folk. At the very beginning of the meatbag farming operation, a reptile of some kind could've made the ideal candidate for
putting the agenda into motion. Perhaps the "reptile brain" could hold Enki's consciousness and act as a telepathic transmitter better than any
other animal's. Or maybe it was merely a disguise, and he needed a scapegoat. Perhaps the "forbidden knowledge" the "Serpent" shared with "Eve"
contained hidden trickery which might give him certain advantages down the road. Example: "Hey Eve, wanna know how to astral project?" ...Then waits
'til she's traveling the cosmos to take over her body and start a fight with Adam. Hilarity ensues.
[edit - punctuation/grammar]
[edit on 6/12/2008 by Teratoma]