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Bill OReilly threatens caller

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posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher problem with him started when he demanded that no one should question or ever bring up his perverted behavior that caused him to settle with the former Fox employee that sued him.

I disagree. O'Reilly freely and openly discussed that case up to the time it was settled. At that point, he announced the settlement and declared that he would never speak of it again. It seems that he has been true to his word.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 04:57 PM

I have liked Keith Olberman since his days with Craig Kilborn on ESPN. He is quite intelligent, and quite a character. Kilborn went on to do the Daily Show on CC before Jon Stewart took over, and Olberman went for serious news at MSNBC.

I remember driving to work at Pepperdine one morning and seeing him walking out of a condo right on the beach in Santa Monica. I was thinking, that lucky dog has really hit the bigtime. He earned it.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 04:30 PM
Keith Olbermann is TEH RULE!!!

Grady, continue your worship of Bill O'Reilly. This is America, after all, so nobody is concerned over the fact you do. Don't get so offended.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 04:34 PM
I don't worship Bill O'Reilly. I just happened to have had cable when all that was going on and I saw what happened. O'Reilly is nowhere near the scourge that your ilk make him out to be and, so far, despite his foibles, he he has earned a solid reputation as a cogent news analyst.

[edit on 2006/3/5 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
I don't worship Bill O'Reilly. I just happened to have had cable when all that was going on and I saw what happened. O'Reilly is nowhere near the scourge that your ilk make him out to be and, so far, despite his foibles, he he has earned a solid reputation as a cogent news analyst.

[edit on 2006/3/5 by GradyPhilpott]

Ha ha, O'Reilly is no news analyst. He's a ratings-winner. In terms of a journalist/news analyst, he's probably 1 out of 10. He's one that a right-winger turns to for a confidence/happiness boost.

Just look at his track record. That speaks for himself.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 04:49 PM
"Your ilk" Grady???? That was a very low blow. So if people dont agree with you thats their label? I thought higher of you than that.

I think that O'Reilly comes off as a very abrupt person- someone who is bitter and looking for a fight. There's nothing kind about him in his face.
He is extremely hard nosed- almost looks like someone who was abused and all he does is come out fighting.

As i said before, he's probably even worse as he gets older.

The irony of this is, he (O'Reilly) has the #1 show and Olbermann is below him in the ratings.
Why would Bill promote Olbermann's show doing this?

Isnt he smart enough to figure out that by talking about him he is advertising for him???

Every time O'Reilly talks about a liberal author and their new book, the book becomes a best seller

Why is Bill O'Reilly so dumb????

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 05:03 PM
That's Grady's M.O.

Have you seen O'Reilly on Late Night and Daily Show? He's always trying to pick a fight, I'm glad David and Jon didn't give him the satisfaction.

And while Countdown is in fact much lower in the ratings, Countdown is way above O'Reilly in terms of young viewers. Which is important, because informing Generation Y is as challenging as going to the moon nowadays.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 05:10 PM

Main Entry: 2 ilk
Function: noun

Bill O'Reilly didn't get to where he is by being dumb. He knows full well the power of his medium and his own choices as to whom he exposes on his show. If O'Reilly wasn't a cogent news analyst his ratings wouldn't have been so high for so long. I suggest that those who hate O'Reilly so much should watch his show. He almost always presents a balanced view. That's what makes his detractors so angry. Balance is such a rare commodity and those who've had it their way for so long have a hard time dealing with it, but it's never too late to give objectivity a chance.

[edit on 2006/3/5 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 05:20 PM
Grady, thanks for clarifying what you meant by ilk. I guess my English is not that good. I always thought it was a detrimental word. You know, the word "element" is also used in a detremental way 90% of the time.
Its a strange Language. :shk:

Grady, what do you think about O'Reilly in fact promoting Olbermann (this is mainly what everyone is laughing about) by bickering with him? He is after all in 1st place in the ratings. Why would any smart person do that???

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 07:23 PM
O Reilly, balanced?

Like when he cuts the mike on a guest if he doesn't want them heard? He's a propaganda pushing neocon, just like Hannity and the rest of them. I really can't believe that people actually watch him and believe his lies.

But, this should be of interest with regards to his ratings.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 07:29 PM
Everything O'Reilly does is well thought out. Like everyone on television, he's in it for the money. If it doesn't pay, he won't repeat it. That's the only way a show can stay on the air. It has to make money. O'Reilly has carved out his niche and he does it well. His ratings are so good that he can lose some audience members in exchange for a few others who will tune in for the cock fight. Watch the way O'Reilly dances around the gay rights issue. He saw what happened to Dr. Laura. Olberman has been O'Reilly's "Worst Person in the World" sixteen times. Is he losing ratings because of it? I think not.

An open and mutual feud exists between Olbermann and his direct competitor on the Fox News Channel, Bill O'Reilly. Olbermann has named O'Reilly his "Worst Person in the World" award winner sixteen times since it was started. To put the rivalry in perspective, in January 2006 per Nielsen, O'Reilly attracted more than 2.3 million viewers for the month while Olbermann attracted 387,000 for the month. However, Olbermann draws a significantly younger audience than O'Reilly; as a result, O'Reilly has openly petitioned for the ouster of Olbermann from MSNBC and the return of Phil Donahue to Olbermann's time slot.


I believe that O'Reilly is a sincere individual who has been fortunate enough and good enough to make a fortune doing what he likes and what he believes in, but the bottom line will always have a dollar sign in front of it. That's the only way anyone stays on the air. Television exists for one purpose only and that is to make money. If the FCC would let them get away with it and if it made money every channel would air hardcore porn and public executions.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
But, this should be of interest with regards to his ratings.


You might note that O'Reilly is on twice on Fox and while he has lost some market share in the primetime slot, his later slot is stable. I can see why he'd like to see Donahue back in the saddle, but he's not hurting.

Take a look at the stats in real numbers. He's beating everyone else combined in both time slots. Check it out yourselves. Your calculators can be found under "All Programs/Accessories."

Somehow I've been completely unaware of the feud, even though I've only been without Fox for a couple of months now. I have seen Olbermann's show, though, now that I know who he is, and I'll have to say that he doesn't even try to offer a balanced view.

Here's an example of where he bases a diatribe about the Katrina emergency reponse on a slip of the tongue. I can see why that kind of news analysis would appeal to mean-spirited, knee-jerk crowd.


[edit on 2006/3/5 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 08:24 PM

I can see why that kind of new analysis would appeal to mean-spirited knee-jerk crowd.

Then I can't see why you didn't hang on to your cable just to watch him, Grady.

You just never quit do you? You inspire me to new heights every time you spume.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Icarus Rising
Then I can't see why you didn't hang on to your cable just to watch him, Grady.

You just never quit do you? You inspire me to new heights every time you spume.

I'm saving money, but now that I've been without it awhile, I don't miss it much, at all. If I get it reinstalled it will be to watch the Formula One season.

Quit? Can't you read a chart? And please. I don't deserve any credit, at all. Whatever it is that you're doing so well, I'm sure you're doing it without my assistance.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 08:44 PM
What does reading a chart have to do with it? F1 is a joke anyway, except for some of the grand prix style races.

Can't you see that you are what you rail against? Both sides of the argument just to encourage some discussion, indeed. You are the argument. Its becoming bad comedy reading some of the stuff you post. If it was funny I wouldn't mind so much, but its just down right mean and snotty, and some one who claims to be as well educated as you should have a little more restraint, imo. Or is it just all the victimization you've endured starting to get to you?

I'm sure you can let everyone else have an opinion other than yours once in a while without the sniping and carping you do about it.

Now I'm starting to sound like a hypocrite myself, that does it!

[edit on 5-3-2006 by Icarus Rising]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Icarus Rising
F1 is a joke anyway, except for some of the grand prix style races.

You're kidding? Right?

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 08:55 PM
That was just filler. I've been to the LBGP a couple of times, and I'm not really up on the diff between F1 and Indy cars. I could be wrong, again. I can admit it. I'm not a big racing fan. Growing up on Catalina Island, though, I do drive a mean golf cart and scooter.

They're one and the same, aren't they, F1 and Indy cars? Then I stand by my original opinion of grand prix style races being more interesting than mindless lap after lap on the ovals. I know I'm in the minority about that, but its ok, and I respect the desire of others to watch.

[edit on 5-3-2006 by Icarus Rising]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 09:13 PM

What's your point? Do you like the man for what he presumably stands for, his style, or both?

As much as I dislike him, I do admit he is good at what he does. But I was not disputing that.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 09:22 PM
I have simply responded to the points others have made and to the questions posed to me. I think O'Reilly's show is good. I think he goes over the top sometimes. I think he is dead wrong about certain things, but I think he's sincere in his positions.

I think he gives a good balanced view of things, but we do have to remember that it's his show and it is a news analysis show and that opinion prevails. I think he does good investigative reporting, even if I oppose the "stalking" style that he employs occasionally, but is very widespread in the media today. I also appreciate that fact that he can have a good laugh at his own expense.

I think that pretty well sums up everything I've said in this thread, plus some.

[edit on 2006/3/5 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 09:37 PM
Be careful, Icarus. We're agreeing on something. I enjoy road races more than oval racing, but I enjoy both. Formula One is my favorite of the major open wheel series.

Formula One

Indy Racing League

Champ Car

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