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Bill OReilly threatens caller

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posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 09:22 AM
Bill OReilly is feuding with Keith Olbermann. Its a dumb feud and one that makes no sense.
It all started when OReilly was accused of sexual molestation of an employee.

In any case, it got worse after a caller called the O'Reilly radio show.......

Mike Stark decided to add a bit of gas to the fire by calling O'Reilly and mentioning Olbermann's name...

O'Reilly promptly cut him off and proceeded to tell him that "we have your phone number by the way" and that he should expect a visit to his door from the local authorities so that "you will be held accountable. Believe it."

I had to laugh. Bill is totally losing it now by threatening a caller with the FOX NEWS SECURITY (whatever that is), local cops and federals.

Has this man gone totally psycho? A talk show he has, where he invites guests to call in, anyone, and he treats people in such manner.

How many people do you suppose will continue calling him??

Every radio station has the capability to dump a caller, screening, delays, etc. You get people calling in swearing, and you have to deal with those callers. What is wrong with this man???

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe.

How many people do you suppose will continue calling him??

quite possibly more than usual. you aren't giving enough credit to the attention seeking, fame hungry american public.

as is evidenced by such train wrecks as celebrity fat arse weigh in, I hate my wife so switch me with someone else's wife, I need a little gayness to make me just a bit less repulsive etc.

much like the women who go on howard stern's show so that he and his buddies can tell them how fat, ugly and not worthy of playboy they are, people will do anything for a little public recognition.

ever wonder how a mother, who's child was taken from her a mere weekl earlier, can go on the talk show circuit and talk about it? ever stop and ponder the people lining up to talk about the awful, painful incidents in their lives?

if it was me, the last thing I'd want is people knowing I was born with no genitalia or some other strange and very personal occurance. but hey, I don't need $2500 and a video tape of me saying "thanks Katie, it's a pleasure to be here"

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 09:41 AM
I listen to Lionel, out of Buffalo, NY. OMG, he's funny. He talked about this incident last night and pointed out what a baby O'Reilly is. A grown man acting like this.....Thats pathetic. Lionel cuts callers off too, but doesnt threaten people with the po po..... phleeeeze...

Yes, attention seekers are everywhere i guess. People will continue calling in and they'll be safe so long as they dont mention the "O" word.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 09:48 AM
they'll be safe if they do.

if I wanted to call him and shout Olbermann over and over and over until he hung up, what's he going to do?

It's a public show, with screeners. The only person suffering any consequences will be the young lady who he fires for letting me slip thru the cracks and she will be better off because she will no longer have to put up with him.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 10:00 AM
dgt, IMO it's this kind of stuff that makes the show entertaining. Otherwise it's just a swelled up ego thinking that people really care what he thinks.

Most of these entertainers trying to pass themselves off as news/social commentators couldn't get a drunk in a bar to listen to them, unless they had something else to offer. Usually sleaze, personal controversy or appealing to peoples baser nature.

It works for me.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 10:31 AM
This guy is gone off his rocker. You can call as many times as you like, as long as you don't threaten him, that is what he is doing. He is in the wrong. I would like to see some charges filed on him.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 12:24 PM
Celebrities have problems with nut cases pretty often, that's why they have body guards. I don't know the story about this Olberman fellow or the reason O'Reilly is so sensitive about it, but clearly it involves more than just a crank call. It seems apparent that Fox News Network has it's own security department, something that is not unusual for any corporation and if someone does something that breaks the law regarding the use of the airwaves, such as cursing or threatening talk show hosts, they notify the local authorities because, as Bill stated, they have your phone number. Whether or not you like Bill O'Reilly, that seems like a fair warning to me.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 12:35 PM
Grady, i wouldnt be surprised if there is more to this, but supposedly, the guy just called in and i am paraphrasing:

"Hello, its O'Reilly"

"Hi, thank you for taking my call"


caller: I think you have a pretty good show.....Keith Olbermann.....(he was cut off)

If this is really the way it happened, it looks childish on the part of O'Reilly, imo.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 12:38 PM
Bill O'Reilly is a loudmouth. Opinionated loudmouth at that. Why would he get pissy with a caller? Isn't that what they're supposed to lol

Oh well. Some people can be so narrow-minded

~coughs Bill O'Reilly coughs~

If you can't accept conflict and counter it, then you're opinion is narrowminded.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 12:52 PM
At the end, the caller says. "Keith Olbermann should...", and then Bill talks about callers saying things that are untoward. I take it that the words after "should" were a threat of some type. Any possible threats these days need to be addressed. Just ask the family ofRebecca Schaeffer.

Yes, maybe Bill should have done it quietly, and maybe he went over the top, but there was more than just the mention of a name.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 01:55 PM
Yep, the person above me nailed it. The caller made a personal threat but the actual threat audio was blocked (most radio talk shows have a lag to be able to do this). It obviously made Bill's comments seem a little out of place.

The sad fact is many "popular" people who get labeled as conservative talking heads have to travel with security. Turns out libs are more or less like nazi's to views they disagree with. One should read some of the violent threats to Ann Coulter. Turns out the left hates hearing the truth and they are scared that people who have been under the veil of liberal ignorance for years will actually start thinking because of the words of these people. They will try to censor conservative views with tags like "hate speak". If I was O'Reilly. I'd do the same thing. I would take every threat from these left-wing nut jobs seriously...on the other hand, I guess they are doped up most of the time so they are easy to defend against or they are in a state of drug induced docility.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 03:08 PM
I guess I'm not surprised at these responses anymore.

Poor Ann Coulter was attacked by the liberals. The same Ann Coulter who says the thought of nuking countries gets her panties wet and who writes a book on the Patriot Act that she knows nothing about. Poor thing.

What I wanna know is how y'all know the caller threatened O Reilly when he was cut off. What I REALLY wanna know is since when is saying what someone else should do a threat? I guess all those people who say we should nuke X country are threatening that country? I guess those countries should prosecute these people for threatening them? Get outta here.

O Reilly is just a little punk. He can attack Ludacris and get Pepsi to ban him, but when he sexually harasses some lady, he can't take the heat? I watch his show from time to time to see the enemy's propaganda, and this guy is pretty bad with his. Does anyone even listen to this guy and take him serious?

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Apoc
The sad fact is many "popular" people who get labeled as conservative talking heads have to travel with security. Turns out libs are more or less like nazi's to views they disagree with. One should read some of the violent threats to Ann Coulter. Turns out the left hates hearing the truth and they are scared that people who have been under the veil of liberal ignorance for years will actually start thinking because of the words of these people. They will try to censor conservative views with tags like "hate speak". If I was O'Reilly. I'd do the same thing. I would take every threat from these left-wing nut jobs seriously...on the other hand, I guess they are doped up most of the time so they are easy to defend against or they are in a state of drug induced docility.

I'm kinda new around here. Is the above called "baiting" or "trolling"?

I really don't know. Just asking.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
I'm kinda new around here. Is the above called "baiting" or "trolling"?

Some might, but I call it telling the truth. I know about these things because I have been victimized by these intolerant, tolerance-preaching persons.

[edit on 2006/3/4 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 04:07 PM
Like me Grady? You mean people who call you on the blatant right-wing propaganda you spew on this site every day, and then you get all upset and start flinging veiled insults and they blow up in your face? Is that what you mean by being victimized?

You victimize this whole site with your drivel, imho.

At least its O'Reilly's job to do what he's doing. Is someone paying you to put your stuff up here? It sure seems like it to me.

[edit on 4-3-2006 by Icarus Rising]

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 04:14 PM
I'm sorry to disappoint you Icarus, but you were the farthest one from my mind when I wrote that. I am however pleased that you particularly find my contributions so offensive, as they come directly from my heart and are based on lengthy, hard earned, personal experience. And no one pays me to share my experience with the world. I do it out of the goodness of my heart.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 04:19 PM
Very well met. I know you have a good heart and we differ politically. I just can't help taking a shot at you every once in a while when I see posts like the one above where you practically wrap yourself in the flag and start singing "Old Glory".

The pendulum has swung my friend. The fallout cometh.

Btw, did you grow up in the city? Just curious, as it would justify for me some of your harder views on people in general.

"Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord, He is stamping out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. He has loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword. The truth is marching on. Glory, glory hallelujah, the truth is marching on!"

[edit on 4-3-2006 by Icarus Rising]

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 04:36 PM
I have a major problem with Bill O'Reilly and while I watch FOX alot, I always change the channel when O'Reilly comes on.

My problem isn't with his opinions, I use to enjoy the drivel coming from between his lips, my problem with him started when he demanded that no one should question or ever bring up his perverted behavior that caused him to settle with the former Fox employee that sued him. His double standard makes me sick... he likes to dig dirt and talk crap about everybody else, but he is off limit. I would have respected the man more if he was upfront, honest and willing to dish the same dirt that he digs up on others.

As for Keith Oberman, I think I'll watch his show more often now.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 04:40 PM
I grew up in both rural and urban environments. I spent 22 years living in New Orleans where I saw things that many never will. My experience with liberals came from when I entered the Tulane Graduate School of Social Work. I thought I was a liberal, but was quickly disabused of that misconception. In all, I still manage to offend just as many conservatives as I do liberals because I prefer to think for myself and do my best to let my emotions subside before I commit to one side or the other. I can argue almost anything from any side and have done so many times, in both educational and professional settings for the sake of expanding discussion. Oddly, I have met very few who can do that, with the exception of lawyers, who seem to be able to say anything for a buck.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 04:47 PM
Hey, I wasn't trolling for you, I want you to know. I took an interest in this thread, and you just happened to be the last poster. I didn't know until I reached the bottom of the page. I went overboard in my first remark, and I apologize. I got a little bent out of shape over you asking me about my sacrifices and contributions last night, that's all.

I guess I bloviate sometimes too, like Bill. I kind of like O'Reilly as a matter of fact. Except for the sex harassment stuff, if its true. He speaks his mind, and stands up for what he believes in, like me and you. There's nothing wrong with that, whether we agree with each other or not.

That's what makes this country great, and what worries me about the way things are going. Guns and ammo and cops at the door aren't going to solve our problems. Informed consensus is.

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