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If It Does Not Fit...You Must Acquit!

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posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Jack Tripper
I never called you an "agent" and I said you were "tripping" because you erroneously claimed that either myself, Lyte Trizzle, or Merc/Narc were flooding this board with threads.

This is a flat out lie.

Why members of this board insist on falsely accusing us of things in order to make us look bad I do not know.

Just because I think it's relevent...Merc/Narc is correct. He is only Merc/Narc so you can end that conspiracy.

Of course his friends Lyte Trizzle and Jack Tripper seem to evade the fact that they are the same person too...

That is not the topic here though, so do as Mirthful Me suggested and please return to the topic.

That way the "Disinfo Boyz" can get on with things. Of course that is just my pet name for them. They really are quite cute and harmless little critters. Just don't give them water because they multiply.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander
That way the "Disinfo Boyz" can get on with things. Of course that is just my pet name for them. They really are quite cute and harmless little critters. Just don't give them water because they multiply.

Is that really necessary?

Oh that's right, you're the good guy and I'm the bad guy.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 07:16 PM
Let this be my last post on any Pentagon-related thread:

I'm not going to commit to any side of this issue until I see the tapes!

I just don't know how an aircraft impact would affect the Pentagon's facade. So I claim ignorance on the material, and I'm also very suspicious of disinformation. The Pentagon site may very well have been set up just to encourage disinformation. And those released frames, which were most obviously edited! Why would they do that!?

So I'm not committing. This aspect of 9/11 reeks and I wish you all would move focus to the WTC in NY, Flight 93, and all circumstantial evidence.

Please. The whole truth movement may bank on this. Drop it and move to other aspects!

[edit on 7-3-2006 by bsbray11]

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 08:51 PM

They want you to believe the fuselage, wings and engines and tail section all entered under the the first and second floor. And continues down and fitting under the first floor.

Look at this animation:

They want you to believe that. Where are the engines in the animation, why did they remove them? To make it fit?

You saw the surveillance video.

If you haven't, look again:

They want you to believe the left wing and engine fit under this:

(Look at the cracked damaged facade, a 757 wing supposedely hit that

That black line is supposed to be the wing mark:

(Right, but the wing was tilted remember. Gee it looks awfully level to me)

The wing and engine fit under 10-12 ft, this.

The engine:

Remember it had to hit the 13 ft high generator trailer which supposedly was a 100 ft away from the face of the building, while it was going 345 mph or 506 fps or FEET PER SECOND. How could he have corrected himself to get low enough to the ground to fit the left wing and engine under the first story of the facade? And we haven't even tried to fathom the right wing, which supposedly tilted to miss the trailer. Think about it. Trailers are top heavy, they blow over in heavy winds. How come this one didn't? The engine should have come off. And the wings...

Maybe this is why it doesn't make sense, maybe they are trying to tell us something...

The ASCE's Pentagon Building Performance Report
Arrogant Deception- Or an Attempt to Expose a Cover-up?

[edit on 7-3-2006 by Merc_the_Perp]

[edit on 7-3-2006 by Merc_the_Perp]

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 09:11 PM
I can't account for any of those problems, but I think we're being egged on when it comes to this one. The released frames alone suggest this to me.

LaBTop made an interesting post a while ago, about how whoever saw those security tapes facing the direction of the oncoming plane, would've had a sight to behold. LaBTop is a very intelligent fellow, and I tend to agree that those "hijacked" planes were being controlled remotely for a precision that would not be humanly possible. I believe the same precision was used for the WTC Tower impacts.

The why's and how's are not so important to me, as I trust these people have more at their disposal than I would like to throw theories at.

Pretty much, I just don't trust the vibes on this one. I said that that would be my last post on a Pentagon-related thread. Obviously it was not, but I still want to stay away from the subject. It's not because you don't raise good questions, but because we're dealing with some dirty bastards.

Have you ever looked at the problems with the WTC collapses?

[edit on 7-3-2006 by bsbray11]

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 12:09 AM
Why use a drone? Ensures contained damage as the pentagon is a sensitive target. I could ask the same question in regards the twin towers, why a passenger jet when something else could have been much more dramatic?

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by Jack Tripper

Originally posted by agent Wsmith
hey Narc

I wuz lurking around old threads on 911 here and a few other boards, trying to find the # ppl was saying right after the attacks and I found this

are you #ing kidding me?

why hasnt any1 else noticed that?

hey Narc how much is the nsa paying you to be a #ing troll?

Noticed what?

What is your point?

Child, >sigh< are u unable to read? Did skoooling prove too much for u?

read, "(hello again, posting from a new location and account)

You can trust me, Bush knew a "terrorist attack" was coming, but as far as he knew, it was a tactic to engage the dogs of war. The Saudi's were involved in helping stage the surface facts, but had no idea about the faction war behind the scenes.

In reality, there were/are deeper struggles between the new neocons and what we always call "faction one" and "faction two".

I've said before, and am certain of this, the attacks on the WTC were planned to aid credibility in the terrorist story as the mind-controlled pilot destroyed faction two's operations in the Pentagon. There is evidence of this in the trail of activity leading up to the day.

But the attack on the WTC got out of hand. The buildings were only supposed to be damaged, and the time of the attack was planned for minimal casualties. As we know, there was an improper understanding of the structural aspects of the building, and all hell broke loose.

The new neocons capitalized on this, and faction two is now all but disabled.

The next plan of the new necons is to step up their campaign of confusion and disinformation by infiltrating sites like this. Their first strategy will be a massive effort to create conspiracy theories that don't have any basis in reality. The first is already in progress, direct from the NSA MockingBird Counter Intelligence Program. As you know. it involves theories that a passenger airline was not involved in attacking the pentagon. They've already begun the second phase of ramp-up in this effort to confuse you by registering domain names under the usual guises, so don't trust any of these sites or theories. Watch for people selling products promoting this theory, they are tied to the NSA.

That's all for now. It's all breaking so fast and furious here. Watch for the disinformation.

I'll post again under a new name in about a month.


posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 08:26 AM
Agent Wsmith.

I'm confused....are you Random Guy from this thread?

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded


if you look in both of these pics, over to the right in the large field areas, there are a couple of small white blocks which look like they could be small buildings. does anybody know what they are or could be?

i noticed that on the pic taken on the 12th, the block on the far right of the little roundabout has vanished and there is another block which has appeared directly above the roundabout.

that would place it almost directly in line of where the pentagon was hit wouldnt it?

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 10:44 AM
By "large field area" are you talking about Arlington National Cemetary?

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
By "large field area" are you talking about Arlington National Cemetary?

zooming in on the picture doesnt show any signs of it being a cemetry so i wouldnt know where you are talking about. i am talking about the large green areas over the other side of the main road there, with the circle in the middle, above and to the right of the pentagon. (not being american, i dont know what that area is)

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 01:08 PM
That's Arlington. The circle you refer to is "Patton Circle" (although he is not buried at Arlington).

They average 28 funerals a day. Perhaps you are looking at a portable, grave site shelter.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by agent Wsmith

Child, >sigh< are u unable to read? Did skoooling prove too much for u?

What a jerk.

I simply fail to see any importance in the fact that some spook came in this forum to pre-empt the inevitable pentagon questions and "warn" everyone of other spooks.

Funny that you fall for it so easily and are so quick to throw around accusations becuase of this one transparant post.


Stupid old man.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 01:25 PM
Just saw this in the past day, please read the below article and weep for the TRUTH!! The facts are coming out and the real perps are going down.... I know who they are and they are in big trouble.

Eyewitness Account of Pentagon Attack
By: Terry Morin

An eye-witness account of the aircraft impact into the pentagon and subsequent rescue efforts...written by a former USMC aviator working as a contractor at the BMDO offices at the old Navy Annex.

737 hits pentagon

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by agent Wsmith
I'll post again under a new name in about a month.


okay. nice to meet you. sorry that you swear so much....

...aaaaaand byebye now...banned

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
Just saw this in the past day, please read the below article and weep for the TRUTH!! The facts are coming out and the real perps are going down.... I know who they are and they are in big trouble.

Eyewitness Account of Pentagon Attack
By: Terry Morin

An eye-witness account of the aircraft impact into the pentagon and subsequent rescue efforts...written by a former USMC aviator working as a contractor at the BMDO offices at the old Navy Annex.

737 hits pentagon

Not sure I understand you. What are you saying is the truth? The fact the guy thought it was a 737 instead of a 757 doesn't mean anything....I know my planes pretty well, but in that situation I would struggle to be sure.

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 10:31 PM
So Zedd banned Merc.


Merc was the best thing to happen to this forum and that spiteful know-not had to go and ruin it.

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 05:32 AM
Actually it looks like he probably recieved a temporary posting ban for collecting all those warnings. I could be wrong but I don't see the banned member underneath his name.

As to him being the best thing to happen here.

If having someone come on here posting multiple threads on the most trivial and outrageous 9-11 theories, routinely dismiss people with one liners, and acting as if everyone who disagrees with him is COINTELPRO is good, I dont want to see the worst thing to ever happen here.

This site is for intelligent debate, not name calling and baiting. There are plenty of sites out there that only want to hear one view point, and this is not one of them.

[edit on 11-3-2006 by LeftBehind]

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by Jack Tripper
Merc was the best thing to happen to this forum and that spiteful know-not had to go and ruin it.

Ohhh the arrogance.. Your right, ATS was an unsuccessful craphole before you two came along and made it into the incredible success it is today. Thank you for saving us and helping us see the light. Now the children of the world can sleep at night knowing their future is secure in the hands of Merc and Lyte

Delusions of grandeur anyone?
At least I can admit I'm a megalomaniac, though obviously some people are still in denial about their condition.

End of story..

^^^ - annoying isn't it.

[edit on 11-3-2006 by AgentSmith]

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 06:34 AM
A couple of years back we took a taxi ride from the Lincoln Memorial
over to the Smithsonean. I asked the taxi driver if he was driving
on 9/11. He was. He actually saw the plane. He said it was
traveling VERY fast. Too fast.

It was a plane. MANY people saw it.
The flight rosters of dead people confirm it.
There was a woman on board who had written
books exposing Hillary. There was a family with
a young daughter on their way to Disney World.

PLENTY of dead people on the flight rosters.

No missile conspiracy.

[edit on 3/11/2006 by FlyersFan]

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