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When will the U.S. pull out of Iraq?

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posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 12:43 AM
After the mind control grid pulls out of our heads.....After the empire falls.........actually forget it....the big war is coming!! mass chaos and control is a foot away, we're on the brink....theres no stopping this satanic movement...

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 06:57 AM
Sun Matrix: The Americans think that we are in Iraq for oil. The Arabs think that we are in Iraq for oil. Where is this oil. I have not seen one single report from the Iraqi oil fields. The U.S. will eventually pull out with no oil.”

Help me, S/M. A long time ago - around 1910 - the Brits set up shop in the Persian Gulf. A consortium of UK companies formed the British Arabian Oil Company which was a production company. Not that Arabs aren’t as smart as white folks, but they were not technically trained. Mostly camel riders. After WW2, the Brits were broke. The US obligingly took over their role in the production of crude oil.

In the mid 1970s, the by then better skilled Arabs called for a new deal, ARAMCO, Arabian American Oil Company. It was in this time frame that Matthew Simmons says the ONLY accurate survey of the oil in the ground in Saudi Arabia and maybe the other producing countries, too, was made. Simmions holds the view that Saudi Arabia will not release accurate reserve numbers for political reasons. He also says Saudi cannot increase production by the amounts it claims due to the need to introduce salt water into the oil filed to force the crude up. He says all our “reserve” calculations are based on the 1970s numbers.

There is another noted authority on this subject who was the first to correctly predict the PEAK of oil production in the U.S. I can’t recall his name. Using the U.S. as a model - he says the U.S. is the best explored 3 million square miles on earth - he contends 1) world oil production has peaked in 2005 or will peak no later than 2007 - depending on the numbers you feed into the formula - and using the U.S. as a model, he says he can 2) PREDICT how much UNDISCOVERED oil there is out there. On which number his PEAK year is based. There has not been a MEGA field discovered since the one in NE Saudi Arabia - name escapes me. The only MEGA field in North America was the East Texas Field which is not 95% out of production. Used up. Finis.

CONCLUSION. The U.S. - Iraq policy was not so much to actually buy oil from Iraq as it was to ASSURE the current collaborative countries around the Gulf remain so, and that radicals like the Iranian socialist Dr. Mosadegh do not gain control (nationalize it) of the oil and turn it into a source of wealth to improve the living condition of the ordinary joe in the street. Or is it the ordinary ‘Mohammad’ in the street? Which usurpation by the CIA in 1953 under Pres. Eisenhower led straight to Jimmy Carter’s debacle and the Islamic takeover of Iran by the Ayatollah Khomeini. Say Thank you Ike. Thank you Dulles brothers. You sure screwed that one up. A reminder of the Law of Unintended Consequences.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
It seems the insurgents prefer us to stay, as they will
not allow the Iraqis to have a peaceful, non-violent country.
When will we leave? We will leave when the Jihadists allow us to leave.

EXACTLY. None of us want our troops there but the insurgents
seem to want us there, otherwise they'd quit killing Iraqis and
quit blowing up the infrastructure. I'm sure our troops are tired
of building schools and getting the electrical grid up and running
just to have the idiot insurgents blow them up or burn them down.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 08:41 AM
FlyersFan: EXACTLY. None of us want our troops there but the insurgents seem to want us there, otherwise they'd quit killing Iraqis and quit blowing up the infrastructure. I'm sure our troops are tired of building schools and getting the electrical grid up and running just to have the idiot insurgents blow them up or burn them down.

OK, F/F, I have heard the U.S. is building schools, hospitals and other public buildings WITHOUT consulting the locals - say indigenous personnel - about what buildings they want and in what style of architecture they prefer and etc. is that called ARROGANCE or what? Buildings do not a civilization make. Excuse my broken Yiddish. The U.S. military has the BEST technical schools in the world. I would much rather see our money going to teaching young people in Iraq technical skills that will help them in the years just ahead. They will be able to build whatever buildings they want, in the style and places they choose, and in a prioritized order they decide on. BUT, hey, there are NO photo-Ops with teaching. And isn’t our (American vision of the) world now 90% spin and 10% real?

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
How long can we deny what is right in front of our face? Iraq is falling completely apart. I feel bad for those who continue to deny the obvious and still have hope that we can pull this thing out, because I don't think that's going to happen.

I have yet to see one person in this thread deny the situation in Iraq is bad. Come to think of it......where has anyone said that in the past year or so?
And are you suggesting it's bad to have hope Iraq will turn out to be a success story? Kind of morbid don't you think?
I don't think I'll get 100 billion dollars in the next couple of days, that doesn't mean I don't hope it happens.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird
I have yet to see one person in this thread deny the situation in Iraq is bad. Come to think of it......where has anyone said that in the past year or so?

That's not what I said, either. They DO deny it's falling completely apart. They deny that we're doing the wrong thing by continuing on this path. They deny that we're doing more harm than good by being there. They deny that continued action along current lines will only bring more death and destruction.

And are you suggesting it's bad to have hope Iraq will turn out to be a success story?

No. I'm not suggesting that at all. I'm suggesting people face the reality that what we're doing ISN'T WORKING and that we take a different direction to help Iraq and stop the death.

I don't think I'll get 100 billion dollars in the next couple of days, that doesn't mean I don't hope it happens.

Yes, you can hope. But how many people are dying each day because of your continued hope and refusal to admit that it's not going to happen??

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 09:19 AM
Ok, so offer suggestions on what we should do.

Immediatily pulling out isn't going to work and will likely make things worse. So what do we do?
Complaining how what we're doing isn't working doesn't seem to be helping the situation, but unfortunately that's all people seem to do.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird
Ok, so offer suggestions on what we should do.

This government ran head long into a situation, based on lies, that millions of people and other countries strongly advised against, warning of the consequences... but in their arrogance, short-sightedness and quest for power, they did it anyway, without considering the very real and obvious outcome - and now they're smack dab in the quagmire and muck that was predicted to them, and you're asking ME to figure out what they should do?

I had advice back when we could have prevented this situation (as did millions of others) but nobody listened. This government has had an Iraq agenda since before 9/11 and they weren't listening to ANYONE. Well, now they're seeing what was predicted.

Immediatily pulling out isn't going to work and will likely make things worse.

Maybe. But it's the only thing we can do, in my opinion. (Which nobody will listen to.) You cannot be sure what would happen if we pulled out. I suggest we try it. I suggest we pull out for 6 months and see what happens. That's my suggestion. You say it won't work, I say you don't know that.

Complaining how what we're doing isn't working doesn't seem to be helping the situation, but unfortunately that's all people seem to do.

No it doesn't seem to be helping. Nothing I have said or done is helping the situation. Nobody is listening to me. This administration has an oil agenda and nothing is going to make them do anything differently.

And I will complain till the cows come home because I did not vote this administration into office and I do not support this war or their agenda. What they are doing is wrong and I will speak out against it till the day I die.

The fact that I, an electronics technician and dog trainer, don't have a military plan to get them out of the mess they made doesn't take away my right to bitch about it. And bitch I will!

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 01:12 PM
Like I said in an earlier post, to say that the Americans will cut and run and declare Mission Accomplished is highly unlikely. The stakes are too high.

And then the ordinary Americans will ask as to why 2400 soldiers have been killed. Just to doff your hat to the Iraqis and say, 'thank you guys. This was one heck of a ride' ?

All this, apart from the bruised egos of the neo-cons which would result as a consequence.

So the only alternative is:

> Announce a timetable for withdrawal AND STICK TO IT.
> Start thining out Forces as scheduled.
> Hasten the training of the Iraqi Army/Guards/Security Forces and have them ready for taking over the responsibilities at the earliest.
> Present Iraqi Government to announce a date for fresh elections to be held after the Americans leave, to be supervised by the UN.

Time Schedule? ONE YEAR from now.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by mikesingh
And then the ordinary Americans will ask as to why 2400 soldiers have been killed.

I'm an ordinary American and I'm asking that now. Many are.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 01:34 PM
Q: When will the US pull out of Iraq?

A: Just in time to invade Iran.

The big boyz will try to use Iraq as a staging area, and truck the troops over the border to save the Iraq-US-Iran airfare.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 07:04 PM
It's possible that we will bomb Iran, but it is highly unlikely that we will invade Iran.

We are having enough trouble just dealing with Iraq.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 07:05 PM
Can't pull out as long as there is oil there.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Malichai
Can't pull out as long as there is oil there.

We pulled out of Saudi Arabia and they were still exporting oil, which means there is still oil there. Why did we pull troops out so soon?

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 11:53 PM
Like I said, they will only pull out if it costs them more than they make, or if they run out of flesh. Dont keep hopes up on "democracy" in the USA, the last 2 elections proved that was out the door. If people do wisen up you still have to ask what the heck are YOU going to do about it? Shoot they proved they dont give two hoots about what you even if you are in a "majority". The next election though will bring who knows what but more than likely it will bring the continuation of Iraq and off we go on a long spchiel about it. Or it might not happen at all, the election that is, maybe we will get a outright dictatorship who openly shoves the elections off and says they no longer exist, etc. even though we have that now only its not acknowledged.... The insurgency in Iraq is under no one banner in specific, so whenever you say "they" you need to define "which one?" such as the fact there is MANY militias running around now and several soon to be ones. Some good, some bad but they all have a common enemy: bushes troops, in short your sons and daughters, relatives, etc. You cant say they are evil when you have bushies troops going around torturing and murdering every single day and when they kill they kill en mase unlike the resistance who has more of a bystander problem or more than likely they shoot you if you turn on them type deal.
A situation like this is not pleasant, but for a corporation that makes bombs and other weapons its a dream come true.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 08:47 AM

Like I said, they will only pull out if it costs them more than they make

Do the math and you will see that even if we stole every drop of Iraqi oil it would not apy for the occupation even at todays record oil prices. And the oil would have to be sold at fair market value, and all of the profits given back to the treasury.

No one is making anything off of this other than defense contractors, and the Oil Giants.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 11:03 AM
As long as there is oil in Iraq and it is pumping and trading we will stay to insure it remains traded in US petrodollars.........

The second we leave and if it would switch to euro's for oil trade like Saddam did..........well then we come right back in........

Me thinks we are working out a deal like we did with the Saudi's back during the oil embargo of 73 to keep them trading oil (back then it was all OPEC producing countries) in US petrodollars..........

and when Iran switches to euro dollars on not only trading but in their very own trading exchange itself on 3-20??.........Well, it won't be long that we will be doing the same thing there.........

The US as screwed itself getting off the gold standard and tieing both the money supply of our country and our mobile dependence on oil........

It just happens that most of this black juice is in some of the most politically voliatle areas of the world..........

Did you read about the report from an Iranian intelligence defector that Iran is starting to mine the strait of Hormez as I write this??

They blow up a few ships and block that strait..........then 25% of all the world's oil supply is blocked from export.............

Watch what happens here at the end of March.............

and keep your syphon hoses handy.....

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 09:30 AM
Geo W, America’s FIRST designated president, and by an Act of God, our President until 2009, told us yesterday, March 21, the day after the vernal equinox, HIS SUCCESSOR will be the one to decide when America will leave Iraq. Ye Gads! At $6 to $8 billion a month, and with $200 billion already spent, we will have sent $600 billion across the Atlantic - via Halliburton - to a far off place few of us know much about, IRAQ.

Not to mention the number of Americans killed already - 2415 - and to be killed. Geo W will not allow the number of Iraqis killed to be reported. You can get full info on the progress of the War on al Jezerra but not CNN. Hmm? I suppose if our fellows are killed at the same rate, we will have 4,830 DEAD GIS when Geo W leaves office. Holy Jesus! What a politician! AND so caring, too!

Maybe we ought to have a Geo W Day? March 18, or May 1? To celebrate his genius and his own personal fortitude? He has looked death in the face, many times. I have warned that any man capable of sending 154 persons to their death in barely 6 years is a DANGEROUS man. That’s one execution every two weeks, for 6 years, on average. You gotta be tough to be able to do that! Or crazy. Sometimes they had DOUBLE executions, and once, he planned a TRIPLE execution, but that one went awry. I know I am right in my assessment of Geo W. Sorry, America.

Let’s hope to Allah - blessed be his name - that the Iraqis appreciate this splendid example of American largess. We are giving up Medicaid for the poor in our own county, we are giving up a better education for our own children to compete with other kids around the world, we are giving up the early reconstitution of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, we are giving up the replenishment of our National Guard’s equipment lost in Iraq. And personnel. And so on, and so on.

[edit on 3/22/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 09:51 AM
As donwhite very well put, Bush said in his speech yesterday that it will be the decision of the next president when to fully pull out of Iraq. Bush has no plans to bring your soldiers home anytime soon.

In April, before the last election he was quoted as saying, Before the election we will be pulled out of Iraq. I remember this because of Jon Stewarts great quote of, "Daddys got an election to win!

For the first time I believe since Bush took office we are finally seeing some truth and honestly from the guy, which is not much.. but it is something.

He took more than an hour of, what they tell us unscripted questions, and admitted several times to flaws in the plans he has layed out for his administration.

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 01:12 PM

posted by chissler: “ . . Bush said in his speech yesterday that it will be the decision of the next president when to pull out of Iraq. Bush has no plans to bring your soldiers home . . before the last election he was quoted saying, ‘Before the election we will be pulled out of Iraq.’ I remember this because of Jon Stewart’s great quote of "Daddy’s got an election to win! For the first time I believe we are finally seeing some truth and honestly from the guy, which is not much . . but it is something . . He admitted several times to flaws in the plans he has for his administration. [Edited by Don W]

Admitting your error is the first and necessary step before you can actually deal with the consequences of long-term lying. I really hope Geo W is about to take the “12 Steps To Honesty” as he is supposed to have taken earlier for the sake of sobriety. Time alone will tell. Of course, one good sign would be to ISOLATE the VP Cheney and to FIRE the Oberfuhrer. We’ll see what we’ll see. (We have not choice. Until 2009.)

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