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Israel needs the Unites States support in starving people ?

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posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
Yes, I had parts of the Paris Accord mixed up with another Israeli-PLO agreement, nevertheless does Hamas recognize Israel?

What does that have to do with stealing the tax monies that rightfully belong to the PA, and the Palestinian people?

How can anyone recognize what is not defined?

Without a border or a constitution, and in violation of international law on numerous accounts Israel is unrecognizable, especially by people under Israeli occupation.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 09:43 PM
I already did.

According to YOUR government...............................

Also appearing at

we do not need 3 lines of ..........: mod edit

[edit on 20-2-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 09:49 PM
If you look at the record the Palestinians have never missed an opportunity to screw themselves out of having their own country. It's been offered to them over and over but their hate for isreal is so strong they would rather shoot themselves in the head then seek peace.

Isreal and the west did not cut them off from the money gravy train they were on, they cut themselves off. To get the money all they have to do is say isreal has a right to exist and renounce violence. They refuse to do that.

Which means the west has a right to stop sending them money.

What gets me is the Arabic governments that say they back them are the ones that won't send them any money.

The Palestinians screwed themselves. (again)


posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 09:53 PM

It's been offered to them over and over but their hate for isreal is so strong they would rather shoot themselves in the head then seek peace.

Israel has NEVER offered a sovereign Palestinian State.

Even the Camp David Accords were nothing more than thinly veiled attempted armed robbery.

In that proposal they gave themselves veto power in the Palestinian government, Al Aqsa, and much more.

Had they made an equitable offer the Palestinians would gladly accept.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 09:54 PM
I have to agree with some that Israel doesn't have to give a dime to Palestine, after all they have fail to keep their people under control and at the same time educate them on what a peaceful resolution can bring to their lands.

Too bad that they will be starving but taking in consideration that most of them or all of them are Arabs they can ask their fellow Arabs brothers in other Arab nations, like wealthy Saudi Arabia and better off Syria and Iran to give money to help their people.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 09:58 PM

I have to agree with some that Israel doesn't have to give a dime to Palestine, after all they have fail to keep their people under control and at the same time educate them on what a peaceful resolution can bring to their lands.

The money was collect from Palestinian people, and trade.

It would be a warcrime, and a violation of the Paris Protocols to take the money.

Israel would not be 'giving' they would be 'giving back'.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 10:05 PM
I think maybe thelast thing you might want to do is mention the word War or Crime, AA; not in regard to the conduct of the terrorists in the territories, the government that is now controlled by a terrorist organization, or the Islamic states that have funded the destruction of innocent Israelis and the dummies who blew themselves up to kill the innocent people.

You haven't a leg to stand on, pal.

As a matter of fact, to redirect back to the brotherhood, such as Syria (you know, the place where these people would hang their hat were you to go back several decades, or Jordan, the country that claimed that it is Paelstine and Palestine is it, or ANY of the nations that told the "Palestinians" to side with them and they will push the Jews into the sea. Why don't any of these nations offer land and income to them, huh?

Yeah, I didn't think anyone would ask those questions with me - as usual.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Submersible
We are going to burn for supporting this.


The next time you speak as an American, or say you represent the 'flag', don't you dare forget that the White House is flying the flag of ISRAEL right next to ours !

I can't believe ya'll don't see what is happening !
wow, this has got to be one of the worst propanganda sites I've ever seen. Isreal has no need to send money to Palestine to help kill and maim Isreal's citizens. As has been said in previous replies all the PA has to do is stop trying to destroy Isreal and it will get it's money or appeal to it's Arab/Muslim brothers for money and food. Furthermore we are under no obligation either legal or moral to provide aid to anyone let alone a group who has made their desires to kill more then abundantly clear. Think about it.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 10:24 PM
First off, the OP refered to Israel sending cancer and aids to palestine? Did I read that right? Wow.

Israel has every right to pull funding. Theres not a single one of you that would pay your neighbor to come vandalize your house and vehicle late at night, why would you expect anyone else to pay such an absurd event.

Or maybe Israel should pay Palestine to not come and vandalize (terrorise) their property.. ugh.. they tried that.. and it didnt work; they just wanted more and more and more.

I knew it wouldnt be long before the propaganda started to flow. I am however surprised that someone on ATS bit on it so quickly.

Like TC said, the pictures are stills, likely taken after an instigated attack. The soldiers of Israel will only hold back and take stones for so long before they start popping people. And the terrorists will only last so long before backup arrives. Either way, the area is a warzone, and the sooner you comprehend that and stop looking at the "poor victims" (theres victims on both sides you know) the better off you'll be.

Take away their aid, and country that allies itself with Israel should back them up and do the same IMO. When they're serious about stopping the terror, then they can come back and renegotiate some aid.

Until then, let them rott in the hole they stuck themselves in!

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 10:28 PM

Israel has every right to pull funding. Theres not a single one of you that would pay your neighbor to come vandalize your house and vehicle late at night, why would you expect anyone else to pay such an absurd event.

They are withholding the Palestinians tax money, not 'aid'.

Israel collects it, and is supposed to hand it over the the PA.

Were it Israels own money you might have a point, but what the Palestinians are asking for is rightfully theirs.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 10:39 PM
You expect Israel to be party to the deaths of more of their citizens? I think not. To get the money, alls the Palestinians need do, is hold Hamas and the rest of the Palestinian Authority accountable for their actions, and of course renounce terror as gov't policy. Blackmail? You betcha. So what, the Israelis are protecting that which is most sacred to them, the lives and lands promised to them so many, many years ago. More power to them.

The palestinians know what needs doing. They need to hush, and do it, for the sake of their children. If it were my kids, Whatever it takes to keep food on the table. But then I don't want to raise up any child to be a suicide bomber either. I guess they had better decide on their priorities tootsweet.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 10:40 PM
Again, AA, I would not even use the word, "rightfully" if I were you. It sin't right to blow up loved ones in freakin' coffee shops and pizzarias.

By the way, did we mention the fact that this terrorist organization that has been behind so many broken lives, bodies and homes has now been elected to be the government of the PA? Seems to me that any sensible leader would see the PA as being the enemy.

This seems to be just what the U.S. would love to see in its own battle; a clear and defined terrorist government.

Nope, no need in financing the enemy. That is called insane. Consider the Gaza, removing Israelis who have just as much claim as the so-called "Palestinians", and all the property they left behind - and the "Palestinians vandalized" as payment.

I have yet to see the loving people who want to throw rocks at Israel get mad at Syria nd Jordan and the rest of the region. you know, the ones who pay for nothing but bombs and guns and explosives belts. Do they even pay for the PA's water and electricity? No; that is payed for by the Israeli tax-payer. You'd think the loving "brothers" could afford some land and houses so that this problem would no longer exist, wouldn't you?

No, we'd rather bash Israel for not wanting to support the enemy.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by QuietSoul
First off, the OP refered to Israel sending cancer and aids to palestine? Did I read that right? Wow.

Until then, let them rott in the hole they stuck themselves in!

No you didn't read that right.
Why don't you see that comment that you juse made applies to US, as 'Americans'?

Do any of you not realize that WE are the one's in a hole>?

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne

By the way, did we mention the fact that this terrorist organization that has been behind so many broken lives, bodies and homes has now been elected to be the government of the PA? Seems to me that any sensible leader would see the PA as being the enemy.

It's a good thing that your not a leader of the people in this Nation, you probably wouldn't be willing to notice the broken lives and bodies in your own back yard.

How many death's is HAMAS responsible for?

You want to compare that to the EPA or FDA's statistics?

Keep in mind that you are comparing the activities of a 'terrorist' organization to our 'protection agencies'.

It's mind blowing that you agree with what FOX television tells you to believe.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 11:04 PM
We've been in that hole for quite some time. So has the rest of the Western World; itsthe price for "advanced' "civilization".

We have crap in our bodies that doesn't even come CLOSE to supposed to being there; this is nothing new at all.

You know, I don't think I've told the initiator of a thread to stop derailing his own thread before, so you should feel very special and unique.

Stop derailing this thread, Submersible!

For cryin' out freakin' loud, five years later and I'm still coming across firsts.

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 12:12 AM
Can I add my tuppence into the mix here?

Regarding Israel...for so long, the Israelites have suffered at the hands of other nations, even as far back as the Old Testament with the enslavement by the Egyptian Pharoahs, up to the actions of the Nazis in living history. Finally in 1948 they gain a recognised nation state to call their own, of course they are going to fight tooth and nail to preserve what they have long been denied.
However, the 'abuses' they have suffered as a culture along the way have left very deep scars.
I see it as something akin to a child who is abused from an early age and grown up knowing no other, and becomes an abuser in their own right, because that is all they have known so accept that that is 'normal'.

Regarding Palestine...The creation of the state of Israel in the lands of Palestine displaced Arab-Palastinians within a land which they had accepted was theirs, upset the cultural balance in the region creating conflict and tension.
The collective punishments, curtailment of freedom of movement, and 'ghetto-isation' of the Arab-Palestinians have caused yet further damage to a nation-people, who feel marginalised and pushed from pillar-to-post politically, and unable to assert themselves militarily.
Faced with a neighbour nation that has state-of-art weaponry...helicopters/jet fighters/tanks/etc, the only option they see to redress the balance of power is to use the most potent weapon they have, the suicide-bomber.
An entire generation has grown up living in the warzones and encapments of Shatilah/Rafah/etc where fear and destruction are the only constant...if you feel that you may die today each and every morning you wake up, then you can see why there are so many who would gladly strap on a bomb-belt.

The ONLY way that the situation can be diffused is for a commitment to UN resolutions REGARDLESS OF VETO and send in the blue-hats to bang their heads eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and soon everyone will be blind and toothless

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 12:31 AM
Sure, Timski, add you change.

There are a couple things you need to understand, though.

The formation of Israel displaced nobody. Those who were there, Arab or Jew, were Israelis, if they wanted to be. Just as today, Israel allows for Muslim, Christian, athiest as well as Jew to be there. What displaced the Arabs was the fact that they turned their backs on Israel, sided with the invading Arab Armies, and lost. It happens when you gamble. Sometimes you lose. To me, that is treason, but that is another story. If Jane Fonda still breathes air in my country, who am I to throw rocks at another country (pardon the "Palestinian rock pun; it was unintentional).

This being the case, and considering that the Arab "Palestinians" are brothers to the neighboring states, are more Syrian by declaration (As I have clearly illustrated in other threads) and should be absorbed by the nations with which they or their grand fathers sided, the burden logically rests more on the neighbors, not Israel. These neighbors, as I have stated, are more interested in using these people as political and terroristic fodder, and couldn't care less about there plight.
then again, neither do they care about themselves, as one can see by their handling, or should I say, destruction of Gaza.

As far as the saying the U.N. should come in and "bang their heads together..." what does that mean? that is as meaninglful as saying, "Kill'em all and let God sort'em out." It says nothing. amounts to washing your hands of the discussion.

Last two cents on your tuppence;
The Israelis are not abusers of anby kind. This statement tells me that you believe that the Israelis abuse the "Palestinians", which is the farthest thing from the truth. Were it not for the Israelis, they would have nothing at all. Were it not for the regional hatred for the Israelis, they would not be in the position they are in. The Jewish history does not cause them to abuse anyone; if anything, it causes them to show more compassion toward their enemy.
Assumptions on this topic are dangerous. They allow one to follow the propaganda that is tossed out like poisoned candy for the unsuspecting to pick up.

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 01:13 AM
It seems very difficult to separate the government from the people it represents when one looks at such polls:

Jerusalem Media & Communication Center - JMCC

Poll no. 57 February, 2006
Poll results on Palestinian Attitudes towards the results of the PLC elections held on January 25, 2006

56.2% support suicide bombing operations against Israeli civilians

b]Q18. How do you feel towards suicide bombing operations against Israeli civilians? Do you support them, or oppose them?

Strongly support 22.4
Somewhat support 33.8
Somewhat oppose 24.3
Strongly oppose 16.4
No answer 3.1

I am not sure at all why the U.S. or Israel should be expected to support those who are in favor of killing them.

[edit on 21-2-2006 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 02:09 AM
Thanks T.C..

What I was suggesting was a 'cultural imbalance' within the region as a result of the formation of the state of Israel, a small area of land experiencing a large influx of peoples with a different ideology WILL cause problems.

You suggest that the roots of the problem stem from the 6-day war (I assume this is the conflict of invading Arab armies you refer to?) and the side that the Palestinians chose to support, so forever labelling them as opposion and/or traitors. However, if the Israelis had lost, would you advocate that the nations that had previously given them home re-absorb them based on where they or their grand-fathers resided?

True, the Palestians have been played as political pawns to further the ambitions of their Arab neighbours, but then again, so have the Israelis to further Western political ambitions in the region.

The analogy of the abused becoming abuser was to illustrate that what can be seen as a powerful nation using disproportionate measures..economic/military/etc against a weaker people. The actions of restriction of movement, collective punishment, community and housing demolition, and other measures are of the similar vein meted out against the Jewish community by the German state in the 1930's...if that is not the actions of a 'once abused culture becoming the abuser' then how would you define it??

Yes, I DO believe that Israel is exploiting world-political-apathy to abuse the Palestinians, using the actions I have just descibed above, and through the lobbying of the US to excercise it's veto in the UN against any resolution 'critical of Israeli action' and against peace-keeping troops to be deployed to the region....

(BTW the phrase 'bang their heads together' doesn't mean anything like 'kill em all and let god sort em out' or washing hands of the discussion, It simply means both sides should be made to sit down and see sense and be made to stick to a resolution to work together)

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by timski

The actions of restriction of movement, collective punishment, community and housing demolition, and other measures are of the similar vein meted out against the Jewish community by the German state in the 1930's...

I would strongly recomend you'd sit down and learn about the NAZI time in Germany, before you try to make such claims.

Second: The headline of this thread is biased.

The question insists, Israels intention is to let people (here: the Palestinians) starve.

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