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Chinas plans to wipe out the USA. Very Scary.

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posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 02:51 AM
Boycotting China made goods would just mean not having 95% of the possessions you have now. Maybe you can do it, but i know for a fact a large majority of Americans and Europeans won't be as foolish as you.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 02:58 AM
Dont forget about the fact that not all Chinese live in China, there is approximately 4 million Chinese living in foreign lands scattered all around the world in all four corners, and i do mean litterally all around the world.

In every major city in the world there is bound to be a Chinese community of some sort, don't you see? We aim more than just conquering US, we aim to conquer the WORLD

[edit on 27-2-2006 by EarthUnificationFrontier]

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 06:45 AM
Why oh why do people on this forum constantly ....... and I do mean CONSTANTLY post about WWIII with China, Russia or any other country for that matter.

Did you even think before your kiddy brain started to try and make up nonsence about who might do what in a scary way, this is not a film this is the REAL WORLD

Have you any idea what a full blown thermo ICBM is capable of these days? If you have the image of a small mushroom cloud in your mind your way off track. Modern ICBM's have multiple warheads that can be preset with different local targets, an average sized warhead EACH would be about 15MG ..... now if you live in my country the UK that's enough to destory london ...... a fireball 20 miles wide which takes out the entire south of the country. Now stick another in the midlands and you'll wipe out the country ..... you have 3 or 4 warheads left so just scatter them anywhere that looks good and presto one dead country

That's one ICBM .......

Okay before the USA start to think this doesnt apply to them because the USA and Russia and China are so massive just take what I have said and add 9 more nukes each per country.

My puny little country the UK has at least 6 ICBM's per nuke sub. 2 on station at any one time ...... how much firepower is that?

Now add the USA's nukes, add china's, add russia's and what do you have?

Nothing. No people, No internet, no food, no power. That's nothing. No one celebrates and salutes the flag, no music plays in the background as the titles role, this isnt a film children. No winners, just one blown up, messed up Earth.

Adults understand this, leaders of countries no matter how left or right wing understand this

How about some of you start doing the same


posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by snatchypaws
Did you even think before your kiddy brain started to try and make up nonsence about who might do what in a scary way, this is not a film this is the REAL WORLD

The ultimate goal of the Chinese is not to destroy, but to "take whole" (sun tzu). Look for legal land moves. War is not always bloody and fiery. The intention is to secure land, resources, and control the labor of another nation. In short, Empire Building. The American proletariat has already been enslaved; complete dependence upon (junk) Chinese goods. Every time an American lifts a "working" finger he is doing so to earn fiat money to purchase Chinese goods. And where does that fiat money come from? Hrmm... I believe china owns 25% of outstanding T-bills. The US economy is in a state of suspended illusion; it crashed long ago. Besides, as has already been mentioned, this is bigger than "China vs. US". Think more along the terms of elite vs. those they enslave. Welcome to babylon.

Sri Oracle

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 06:39 PM
More proof that the United States helped out the wrong people in ww2,it should have been helping Germany crush Russia into the ground and Japan get rid of that huge blight on the planet known as China.Don't forget China is a country still living by the policies of that psychopath Mao,don't forget what happened to Tibet!We should have never allowed China to have nukes.I'm so sick of China and it's arrogance.We should have made them and the soviet union glow in the dark before they ever got the abillity to retalliate.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by OrchidLunar
More proof that the United States helped out the wrong people in ww2,it should have been helping Germany crush Russia into the ground and Japan get rid of that huge blight on the planet known as China.

Wow, that statement is unbelievably childish and arrogant. To even think that someone wanted the U.S. to help the Nazis and Japan during WWII, it makes me utterly speechless. HAH, China.. a huge blight on the planet? How in God's name is it remotely close to a huge blight on this planet. I think the U.S. fits it's description a bit better, dont you think?

Don't forget China is a country still living by the policies of that psychopath Mao,

Okay... Name one policy that China still has of Mao, and I can name you a hundred liberal reforms that was made AND TEN policies of the US that are pretty psychopathic.

don't forget what happened to Tibet

DONT FOGET WHAT HAPPENED TO THE NATIVE AMERICANS! Why don't you read "A Century of Dishonor" By Helen Hunt Jackson written in the ninteeth century. See what the O great U.S. has done to the Native people of America.

!We should have never allowed China to have nukes.I'm so sick of China and it's arrogance.We should have made them and the soviet union glow in the dark before they ever got the abillity to retalliate.

CHINA's ARROGANCE? Are you blind to what the U.S. has done for the past... oh century?
.... You have made some very childish, and disgusting posts.

[edit on 28-2-2006 by k4rupt]

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 10:04 PM
Oh I'm disgusting because I don't approve of China raping Buddhist nuns and torturing monks?Disgusting because I disapprove of China ransacking and destroying ancient temples and treasures like the Potala Palace?What do the Native Americans have to do with this by the way?Ah you are just some leftist anyways that probably has pictures of Mao and Stalin that you salute while listening to commie trash music like rage against the machine.As far as Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan goes you see I don't listen to what my lying highschool history books told me.I know who the real good guys were in ww2

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by snatchypaws
Why oh why do people on this forum constantly ....... and I do mean CONSTANTLY post about WWIII with China, Russia or any other country for that matter.

Did you even think before your kiddy brain started to try and make up nonsence about who might do what in a scary way, this is not a film this is the REAL WORLD


That's one ICBM .......

Okay before the USA start to think this doesnt apply to them because the USA and Russia and China are so massive just take what I have said and add 9 more nukes each per country.

My puny little country the UK has at least 6 ICBM's per nuke sub. 2 on station at any one time ...... how much firepower is that?

Now add the USA's nukes, add china's, add russia's and what do you have?

Nothing. No people, No internet, no food, no power. That's nothing. No one celebrates and salutes the flag, no music plays in the background as the titles role, this isnt a film children. No winners, just one blown up, messed up Earth.

Adults understand this, leaders of countries no matter how left or right wing understand this

How about some of you start doing the same


What??? I guaruntee that one WARHEAD will not take out the south of the country. Those are city killers. And Chinas a big place, filled with mountains, wouldnt really be effective to just carpet nuke it. Plus, US nukes arent so much about just city killers anymore, theyre aiming for precision and minimal civilian casualties, if what im led to believe is right. I think that theyre more to destroy military targets. But long post short, 15 mt not mg, megatons, will not destroy the south half of the country, maybe a city and surrounding area, but definitly nothing to the scale you were saying.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 10:44 PM
China isn't going to attack the USA any time soon. This guy was most likely just a nut and disappeared.

China knows any war with us would be futile. Their ships wouldn't make it out of the harbor. Then if some did manage to make it, between the US military and a whole lot of armed citizens, it'd make Iraqs insurgency look like a day at the beach. Even Japan and Hitler never had any intentions of invading the conus. At best they were hoping for a stalemate. The communist elites aren't stupid, only those who wish for it are. Then again, if we did manage to get troops on the ground, we might find a new ally, 500 million Chinese peasants. Tianamin square wasn't that long ago.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by StellarX

Originally posted by beaburt
Obviously we would do everything to avoid a nuclear event, however if China attacked us either biologically, chemically, or nuclear all bets are off.....1.3billion chinese would be vaporized.

If the US fired their entire stock of nuclear weapons and each hit their targets with perfect accuracy it still wont kill anywhere near 1.3 billion Chinese. If you do not know where to look for the information that suggests as much i can help with that.


I would beg to differ; I believe the US' admitted stock of nuclear warheads exceeds 10,000, and this is assuming and they are being 100% honest in how many warheads they own; I'd expect the real number to be much higher. The US might not be able to kill EVERY LAST citizen with nuclear warfare, but I think they could cover somewhere from 300-600,000 square miles (keep in mind I have absolutely no idea what the area of China is); however, that's easily enough to wipe out every major, semi-major, and even small city in the country.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 12:33 AM
If you haven't realized Mao was dead over 50 years ago, and the so called Maoism was mostly demolished since the take over of the moderates like Deng in the 80s. The raping of nuns? When was that, a century ago?? Dude, wake up.

If you want to talk bout Chiense inhumane brutality it's everywhere in the news now of what the American GIs do to the Iraqui in prisons, in Vietnam there was the Mai Lai Massacre, Latin American child labour abuse, shuttle diplomacy, CIA kidnappings and interrogations, the list goes on.....

So if you wanna critisize China on inhumanity, sort out the American mess first.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 12:51 AM
all of this talk scares the crap out of me. i read this stuff on here and i can feel my heart pumping faster and faster. this read along with dreams i have had about being completely taken over by men who did not speak english and only pointing guns at you is very scary. anyways carry on.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 07:41 AM
This has to be taken seriously.There are *really* aggressive nations in the world,and the Chinese believe in the cyclicity of history and reincarnation:
Every major cycle ends with a major catastrophe,nearly all life is wiped out,but this is not a problem ,as men learn new experiences to help them into the next lives.So this life is only an illusion ,from which one learns how to live in the spiritual realm,with his ancestors.
So losing 1 billion people is not a problem for the Chinese ,losing the leadership of their country is,for this destroys the harmony in which society lives and corrupts the heart of young men.
Surely,that minister was fired because he inadequately revealed the future plans of the Party leadership,and an improper moment.They are waiting in the shadow for the West to make the bad move,so they may invade a weakened America and Europe,to create "the only empire under the sun"(Chinese name for their country since the very beginning of their comnon history in 200 BC).Such an empire will be a blessing for all men as they will live in peace and harmony ,under one ruler and no one will inadvertely take from the collective more than he needs to survive.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 08:09 AM
Re: Nuke power

For example, air bursting a 20-kiloton weapon at the optimum height to destroy most buildings will destroy or severely damage houses out to about 1.42 miles from ground zero.6 The circular area of at least severe blast damage will be about 6.33 square miles.

Okay that's a BLAST damage of 6 miles on a 20 kilo warhead

Next quote:
Today few if any of Russia's huge intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) are armed with a 20-megaton warhead. Now a huge Russian ICBM, the SS-18, typically carries 10 warheads, each having a yield of 500 kilotons, each programmed to hit a separate target. See Jane's Weapon Systems, 1987-88.

So that's 500 kilo warheads my friend X 10 - ONE MISSILE

I think I know what I ment. Peoples views of Nukes are little explosions. These blanket wipe countires.

The distance from London in the UK to the center line of the country is 25 miles. Try and dot these 500 kilo warheads down a map of the UK. I think you'll see that one warhead WILL destroy a country


posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 09:11 PM

.As far as Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan goes you see I don't listen to what my lying highschool history books told me.I know who the real good guys were in ww2

Can anyone take tihs guy seriously? He thinks the Nazis and the Japanese were the "good guys" in WW2.
Wow, I need to hear some more poeple react to what this lunatic has to say.

Originally posted by Caligulas
This has to be taken seriously.There are *really* aggressive nations in the world

Aggressive nations in the world... The U.S. would definately be on that list... am I wrong?

So losing 1 billion people is not a problem for the Chinese ,losing the leadership of their country is,for this destroys the harmony in which society lives and corrupts the heart of young men.

What the hell are you talking about? What gives you the credibility to say such thing as losing a billion people is no problem for the Chinese. Do you speak for all the Chinese people? Trully despicable

Surely,that minister was fired because he inadequately revealed the future plans of the Party leadership,and an improper moment.They are waiting in the shadow for the West to make the bad move,so they may invade a weakened America and Europe,

HAH! One of the most ridiculous things said yet. These are scenerios... believe it or not, every nation in this world has sceneriors that are quite extreme. This isn't a plan... It's a friggin SCENERIO.

to create "the only empire under the sun"(Chinese name for their country since the very beginning of their comnon history in 200 BC).

Are you kiddin me? The Chinese name for their country is Zhong Guo, which means "Middle Kingdom" because back then, the Chinese people thought their nation was the center of the world.

EarthUnificationFrontier, you make some very great points. It is pretty funny how people love to mention about China's "inhumane" activities while completely ignoring their own. Have people forgotten what the American government did to the Native Americans? Blankets filled with smallpox, the massacre of hundreds of Native Americans including women and chlidren, the forced removal of them on lands that rightfully belonged to them... the list goes on. How about currently? The prisons in Iraq and Guanantemo. The abuses that go on there. Have people been blind to the news and what has been going on there?

I'm quite fed up with the huge amounts of Anti-China bashing thats going on right now. Most of the bashings are childish, irrelevant B.S. that people tend to love to spread.

[edit on 2-3-2006 by k4rupt]

[edit on 2-3-2006 by k4rupt]

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 06:51 PM

Have people forgotten what the American government did to the Native Americans? Blankets filled with smallpox, the massacre of hundreds of Native Americans including women and chlidren, the forced removal of them on lands that rightfully belonged to them... the list goes on.

The only evidence of someone possibly intentionally infecting American Indians with small pox was a British General prior to the revolution. Sure American history is full of abuses against the American Indians, but not genocide. There is no evidence of a US govt. plan to exterminate all American Indians. The fact is, besides the accidental spread of the diseases the European and his slaves brought with them, the biggest killer of the American Indian was the American Indian. People need to get rid of this neo hollywood view of America being a big hippie, tree hugging love in before the the Europeans arrived. The American Indian didn't become one of the fiercest guerilla fighters in history after the Europeans arrived, he already was.

How about currently? The prisons in Iraq and Guanantemo.

Isolated incidents that are not supported by the US govt. or its public. All those involved have been tried and punished by the US Army. Investigations began well before you heard of it. As far as GITMO goes, if you have some actual evidence of mistreatment and not just rhetoric, please supply.

I'm quite fed up with the huge amounts of Anti-China bashing thats going on right now. Most of the bashings are childish, irrelevant B.S. that people tend to love to spread.

Are you referring to the same China of Tianamin Square infamy? Tibet? This is all recent history. Don't you pay attention to the news?

[edit on 2-3-2006 by k4rupt]

[edit on 2-3-2006 by k4rupt]

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 08:16 PM
Just once, I would love to take part in a thread that didn't dissolve into a schoolyard fight over godda---d politics.
It used to be fun to just log on and type away, happy in the knowledge that I was discussing strategic POSSIBILLITIES with fellow amateur analysts. (Or possibly real analysts working with real intell groups...wouldn't that be cool?)
But then all of these right versus left and left versus right idiots hijacked these threads and turned them into Crossfire from CNN.
Makes me sick!

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 08:41 PM
there will never be a full scale nuclear war between china and the us, it would cost both countries so much, not just casualties but also economic. neither country is stupid enough for that. even bush isnt that dumb. if any nuclear weapons are used it will prob be the us and a middle eastern country. with the us using some sort of "tactical nuclear strikes" with mini-nukes.

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 09:14 PM

[edit on 3-3-2006 by mcd1369]

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Shar
all of this talk scares the crap out of me. i read this stuff on here and i can feel my heart pumping faster and faster. this read along with dreams i have had about being completely taken over by men who did not speak english and only pointing guns at you is very scary. anyways carry on.

Damn... the day I'll see that White/english supremacist, imperialistic civilization being taken over and ultimately defeated by a non-white society, and one that is thousands of years old, then I'll run down in the streets screaming "VICTORY"!

I am ashamed of the European and American society, its denial of the rights of the lower classes and the Natives, systematized contempt towards womens and all non-White people, and its overall culture of mediocrity and hacking from others. It's time for a big change!

[edit on 3/3/06 by Echtelion]

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