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Why is Advocating Genocide Tolerated?

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posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 02:27 PM
For awhile now there have been new posters and new posts popping up that reak of racism, prejudice, and calls for mass genocide. My question is, why is this tolerated on ATS? Didn't ATS say NO to insults on political views, and NO to neo-Nazis?

As a privately-owned board, why do you not condone issues such as above, but tolerate speech like:

I vote to wipe Iran off the face of the earth, lets do Syria while we are at it too.
Or why do you decide to tolerate speech saying that Islam is an evil religion and should be exterminated along with many of its adherents?

There are not enough people here asking the hard questions of why it is only a miniscule percentage of the Muslim world that commits violence and what do these fanatical Imams have to gain from such calls for violence. No one asks what is it about the Middle Eastern countries that promotes violence and the religion of Islam being used as a vehicle for it. No one discusses these conflicts as a clash of cultures, but as one side being evil and the other good. This is called ethnocentrism, and it works both ways.

Will the administration of ATS feel obliged to answer what they are doing to promote opposition to calls for genocide and ethnocentric viewpoints, especially in relation to Muslims?

[edit on 19-2-2006 by Jamuhn]

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 02:33 PM
Any worse then Ann Coulter calling for the genocide of arabs and blacks?

ANy worse then Pat Robertson calling for the genocide of gays?

Yes they are mods and admins, but they to have opinions, and some are conservative and share the same views of the conservative leaders/talking points. So saying nuke Iran and Syria to kill them all is nothing more then what these people say on national tv.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by DevinS
Yes they are mods and admins, but they to have opinions, and some are conservative and share the same views of the conservative leaders/talking points.

While this may be true, I haven't seen any member of the staff advocating nuking anyone. I could be wrong but I doubt it.

As to the topic, I just checked the T&C and there wasn't anything that I could find that said that ignorance couldn't be posted. Do I like this type of posting? No, it's sophmoric and accomplishes nothing imo BUT it's not against the T&C.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 02:46 PM
DevinS, I'm speaking in relation to past decisions that are meant to keep everyone on topic and avoid blanket insults. A band can go on the air and advocate the use of drugs, but that kind of talk isn't tolerated on ATS. ATS is a privately owned board with its own rules.

Maybe I will be reprimanded for question the administration of ATS, but my question is still why they tolerate members calls for genocide and blanket insults against the religion of Islam as a whole.

I just want an answer, I'm not going to cause drama one way or another. If this is a situation that the administration is not aware of, then hopefully this thread will spark them to inquire more about the atmosphere surrounding Islam, and predominantly Muslim countries on ATS.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 02:50 PM
To clarify, I see blanket insults, which IS covered by the T&C, different from:

I vote to wipe Iran off the face of the earth, lets do Syria while we are at it too.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 02:52 PM
I understand intrepid, but blanket insults were meant to apply towards those posts aimed at Islam as a whole, and the above was an example of a call for genocide. There are numerous examples of both for ATS, and if you think it appropriate, I can submit some of what I consider blanket insults towards Islam with the Complaints form.

[edit on 19-2-2006 by Jamuhn]

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
I can submit some of what I consider blanket insults towards Islam with the Complaints form.

[edit on 19-2-2006 by Jamuhn]

Always the way to go and thanks for the help. I think there's only 5 staff on right now, pretty busy.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 02:54 PM
I am very sad to say that you will never get that even utopia.

The bias is inescapable.

It breaks my heart too, but the mods are absolutely powerless to making stupid people sound smart. It would be a pretty boring board if we didnt have these people to educate...or try.

I dont mean opposing views. I mean the idiots that advocate genocide, torture, gov't control, and death to Islam, and...hell...even the death to America guys...we really dont like them. But we need them to remind us of all the things wrong with the world. They should be our inspiration to post our thoughts, and beliefs. The hope that it will rub off. It will make them pick out a new book, or surf a new page, or read a new paper.

Maybe the opposition, or the voice of reason will appeal.

Just that little bit.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 02:55 PM
Just speaking for myself here...

I hate the Muslim bashing that goes on around here and in western society as a whole.

Our media is busy demonising these people to garner support for endless war and future attacks.

Just because morons on TV say things does not make them right. Just because Pat Robertson says something ignorant and utterly stupid does not mean he speaks for all christians and just because Ann Coulter says stupid and ignorant things does not mean she speaks for all conservatives.

There are over 1 billion muslims on this little planet of ours and they are not all terrorists. I know, because there are a few at work. Nicest people you could ever meet and they're just as upset over current events as I and many other people.

Bottom line is that anybody who paints with a broad brush and advocates genocide should be brought to the staff's attention through the grip button. ATS is a place for rational debate not parroting the propaganda fed to us by the ignorant and servile mass media, nor for haters to have free reign to spew their hate.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 03:04 PM
I see people who say such things as being one of two things:

People who make overly-generalized statements, rather than making a refined and sensible plan of attack.

Stupid people. I like it when people of such mental caliber speak up. At least then I know who and where they are.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 03:28 PM
I'm really glad to see this subject brought up with this thread. I do not believe hatred to be a good thing to allow in any reasonable, respectful discussion. All it does it upset folks and stirs up the #. Some things just shouldn't be tolerated; hatred and racism are 2 of them.


posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 03:47 PM
Don´t you see that the hatred that drives such people is the result of pure Neo-conservative propaganda?

It is everywhere, and you can see it once you open your eyes to it.

Hey, I wouldn´t have believed it myself if someone had told me some six years back, but too many things have happened that were just too ´coincedental´. Manipulation and propaganda, it is sickening and takes a very strong will to oppose it and see what is really going on.

Sometimes I wish I would never had typed my first Google search for 911 conspiracy. Life was simple way back then.

[edit on 19-2-2006 by HardToGet]

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 03:55 PM
And, in comes another example.
How are you doing, HardToGet? Your theatrical timing is perfect.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 04:04 PM
The Us vs. Them mentality was around long before the neo-conservatives.


We're talking instinctual behaviors here, not political movements. I don't think partisanship is the solution to the problem, considering it IS the problem, yaknow?

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
As a privately-owned board, why do you not condone issues such as above, but tolerate speech like:

I vote to wipe Iran off the face of the earth, lets do Syria while we are at it too.

This isn’t the only statement like that or even the worst one.

Ethnic Cleanse them before they do US!

Myself, when one goes by me and stares me down the whole time (wouldn't be because I might be a biker wearing a Skull cap would it? With a set of Bars and Stars?) with a stare that if looks could do bodily harm, then I am definitely ready to get my iron out and start packing it!

I've seen a thread that is about Islam tagged with "white pride"

In the past I've even seen members calling for the bombing of mosques.

From what I know murder and battery is illegal activity just as drug use.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 04:18 PM
I am with you 100%, is NOT the place for parroting the ignorant hate speech spewed on TV and talk radio.

The dynamics involved, cultural, political, propaganda, agendas as diverse and opposed as any in Human history are WAY TOO COMPLEX to cast in the typically simplistic perspective (required for the mental abilities of the intended audience) of ludicrous hate speech or religious/cultural group bashing.

"Broad Brush Bashing" is the epitome of IGNORANCE. I don't care which brand you buy into, it's simply stupid beyond belief. To state "(enter name of group you hate) is totally to blame and EVERYONE who is part of this group is a dastardly dog" simply illustrates the utter blind ignorance of those who scream it.

Stating that all Muslims are terrorists is as stupid as saying all Caucasians are card carrying klansmen.

Let's, as a community, try to police ourselves in this regard. If you see anyone spewing this and poluting our online neighborhood with it please hit the Gripe/Idea button.

Staff will respond to first time offenders with a U2U informing the member that we don't play that game here. "Known Spewers" are on notice that their posting privileges are at risk if they continue.


[edit on 2-19-2006 by Springer]

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
I just want an answer, I'm not going to cause drama one way or another. If this is a situation that the administration is not aware of, then hopefully this thread will spark them to inquire more about the atmosphere surrounding Islam, and predominantly Muslim countries on ATS.

I'm glad you borught this up and in such a responsible and respectful way.
Not because I think it should be censored, but because it's good to keep these things out in the open.

I would just like to point out that, on ATS, almost dialy, there are blanket insults thrown out. To Republicans, liberals, gay people, Christians, fat people, politicians, priests, Chinese, Democrats, actors, Catholics, Iraqis and pro-lifers... And that's just in Politics!

I don't think it would be healthy to disallow insults against Islam when insults against Christianity are allowed, do you? That wouldn't be fair. (I'm NOT a Christain, I have no religion). I'm just saying to censor one subject, they'd have to censor them all and then we'd have nothing left to talk about!

Like it or not, bigotry exists. And the only way to address it is through education and discussion. It's not always pleasant, but denying it or disallowing it here just means it will move somewhere else, not go away.

And it is a very small percentage of people who are judging all Muslims based on the actions of a few. Yes, people are upset. I am. I'm frustrated and saddened and angry about what's going on in the world.

But I feel we NEED to talk about it. Not censor it. Just my thoughts.

Umbrax those should be reported. I feel like a real squealer sometimes, using that gripe button, but I have a vested interest in this board keeping a certain level of decorum and decency. It's the only place like this I've found.

Jamuhn, send the specific gripes to the staff. It's a fine line that they have to draw and I trust them to do a great job. Not perfect, but really great.
In my opinion the quote in your first post is just an expression of frustration, not something that's likely to happen. But report it if you think it goes against TAC.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
And, in comes another example.
How are you doing, HardToGet? Your theatrical timing is perfect.

Thanks TC. I think...

AFA a sensible plan of action is concerned, working on it as you know...

AFA violence is concerned, well you know what they say, put someone in a nice black uniform, preferably with skulls, and they are capable of any violence against fellow man. It´s the uniform man!

All #e aside, violence is not the solution, nor targeting a group of persons, a religion nor a country. I do like to single out the NWO though.

If only I could find them.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 04:43 PM
It's all about simpler times (like a year ago), the biggest thing going was neo-nazis or the rift between dems and reps during elections.

Today, we are witnessing the growing divide between Islam and the West and it is beginning to spread throughout the boards on the web. GLP is one extreme example where you see the type of statements we're talking about in this thread, mostly from anonymous posters. In ATS, we have seen the recent furor over the Danish cartoons reflected by unkind statements made by some of our own members. Statements like the ones Jamuhn points out only feed the hate...making it worse.

sadly, it appears that the human race will never be free of the need to foster hate. This will be our undoing, I'm afraid, because I've never felt closer to a nuclear war since the October Crisis, and Kruschev whacking his shoe on the podium at the UN is as clear to me as yesterday.

It's the same old, same old all over again, just a little more global in perspective.

Genocide...certainly no thing of the past...followed us right into the 21rst century and is waiting in the wings, scythe and all.

Nicely said, Springer!

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Springer
I am with you 100%, is NOT the place for parroting the ignorant hate speech spewed on TV and talk radio.

The dynamics involved, cultural, political, propaganda, agendas as diverse and opposed as any in Human history are WAY TOO COMPLEX to cast in the typically simplistic perspective (required for the mental abilities of the intended audience) of ludicrous hate speech or religious/cultural group bashing.

"Broad Brush Bashing" is the epitome of IGNORANCE. I don't care which brand you buy into, it's simply stupid beyond belief. To state "(enter name of group you hate) is totally to blame and EVERYONE who is part of this group is a dastardly dog" simply illustrates the utter blind ignorance of those who scream it.

Stating that all Muslims are terrorists is as stupid as saying all Caucasians are card carrying klansmen.

Let's, as a community, try to police ourselves in this regard. If you see anyone spewing this and poluting our online neighborhood with it please hit the Gripe/Idea button.

Staff will respond to first time offenders with a U2U informing the member that we don't play that game here. "Known Spewers" are on notice that their posting privileges are at risk if they continue.


[edit on 2-19-2006 by Springer]

Thanks Springer, well said. If we are to "deny ignorance" this type of posting is counter productive. Be it "kill all ..." add to that eastern people, western people, gays, mimes, whoever. Well, mimes is out there.

Thanks for this boss.

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