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Future World Superpowers?

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posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan

World Destroying Nuke Aresenal, one of if not the world's largest economy, able to maintain conventional military super-domination across the globe, clearly, the US is going to be a super-power for a long time.

Dude, you still haven't answered to my NFR (Need for re-assessment).
Probably, you're still scratching your head??

And I'd like to comment on your post that the 'US is able to maintain a conventional military 'super dominance' across the globe'!!

Think again. Whom is the US dominating in the military sphere??

India, China, Russia, France? No way.
They're trying to dominate:

They don't know whether they're coming or going! A disaster!

Afghanistan. Oh huh. What domination?

East Tomor. You can't even see this with a magnifying glass!

Panama. Do they have an Army?

Liberia. Dominated by the Super Power with a re-inforced rifle company!!

Sierra Leone? Somalia? The Indian Army had to cover the American withdrawal from there!!

Bosnia. Where were the Americans? Shock and awe from the air!!! Bombs Away!! Ground Forces? Naaah!!

Macedonia? Somewhere in Yugoslavia, I guess. 350 US Soldiers. Wow! Thats a lot of super power force projection!! Haiti? Some little holiday resort. And an embargo by a couple of US Naval ships! US Naval Force Projection!!

Rwanda? It's somewhere there. The US did some non-comb evacuation of US citizens! Army? Get me my binoculars. Bangui? Where the heck is that?
Albania? Army? They're holed up in some EPIP tent near the river.

Combodia? Dakar? Guinea-Bissau?
Yemen? 45 military personnel to ensure the security of the USS Cole!!

So wow man, US troops 'dominating the world'???

And, needless to say, America lacks the capability to open a second front against Iran or Syria, or they would have been taken out long ago. Bomb the hell out of everything there from high up in the stratosphere, but how about ground support, logistics etc?

'Super domination' you mentioned!!! Yeah. With those little countries mentioned above!

[edit on 8-3-2006 by mikesingh]

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 07:16 PM
Mike Singh is right, the United States is far too stretched with its LIMITED military resources to truly dominate the world.
As previously stated, the US is too overstretched to even handle a second front with either Iran or Syria, neither of which are major military powers.
However, if the US had the Reagen era military, that might be different.
But thanks to the emasculation of the US military started by Bush senior and finished rabidly by the CLinton adminstration, the United States is barely able to handle a few thousand Iranian and Syrian special forces labeled as an Insurgency by a ridiculously underinformed mass media. If the US had the resources, the "insurgency" in Iraq would be handled by a gloves off policy by a few infantry divisions, while the mechanized forces would roll into Damascus or Tehran with only moderate losses, leaving those nations militaries as smoking wrecks and heaps of bodies out in the desert.
But as of now, the US can barely handle a few irritating special ops from neighboring nations in Iraq.

[edit on 8-3-2006 by SpecAgentDW]

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 03:05 PM
I know this is a little off topic but aren't many of those asian countries powerful militarily anyway. I mean I would say Asia would be the one continent that would have technology and training to challenge the west ern armies overall all. Especially several countries east of the euphrates such as Iran, Pakistan, India, China, Koreas, Japan and I would even include Turkey. And isn't Pakistan a formidable foe overall. I mean don't they have some tech that packs a punch and even more so in training. I mean I know Pakistan can't compare with U.S. in tech but if it was purely based on training couldn't they give the U.S. a run for their money? Just wondering.

At any rate when judging future superpowers we can't just judge based on current situations, but future projections. Such things are always difficult because history is always changing.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 12:14 PM

Dude, you still haven't answered to my NFR

Sorry, didn't see it til now.

Originally posted by mikesingh
Tch, Tch. Dude, you got no idea what the Indian Military is all about. It sure packs a solid punch.

Conquer pakistan and we'll talk.

And not weak by any standard.

How many aircraft carriers does India have? Does it have the ability to move an army from india into brazil? I don't know, honestly, I could be underestimating their abilities. But I think that in the modern age its the 'power projection' ability that is primary. Being able to send entire armies, navies, and airforces across the globe very quickly and maintain an unharrrased supply line would be paramount.

Imagine, say, if the world turned against the US, and the US send an army to invade iran. Who could really harras the supply lines? How long would it take the rest of the world to assemble a global army in iran, longer or shorter than it would take for the US to get there and fortify its positions in tehran and amougn the mountains? How close to that ability can india get, with say bolivia as the target?
I think that those kinds of things are paramount, especially if we 'ignore' the issue of nukes.

"Indian special forces team beat US, SA, UK and France in the macho-men competition!

Thats impressive, indeed. However, how many of those guys will be alive after a VX attack on their bases? I am sure that the indian military has the ability to resist such attack, but how effective is that resistance and what is their ability to launch a global attack while that is going on? What happens when the US infects north india with viruses and bacteria that specifically activate when in a person with particular genotypes, say, like genetic markers carried by most brhamins and high-caste lineages? Is india able to outfit its naval and air fleets to transport its army across the india and pacific oceans and take over california?
Another big issue here is geostrategic positioning. The US has bases and concentrations of troops and airfields all across the world. I don't know what india has in terms of that, I have allways seen india as rather isolationist in that respects. The pakistanis, I know, are involved in lots of UN missions, and may have access to those sorts of things. Perhaps an Indo-pak alliance would have a good combination of military power and power projection. I dunno.

but a team of India’s Special Forces (SF), outshone their counterparts

What are the SP called, btw way? In the US its the green berets. Are the units descendants from the british Ghurka units?

So Nygdan, the Indian Armed Forces aren't a bunch of tyros. They're big, their solid and they're thoroughly professional.

I don't know what tyro means.
I don't mean to say that india isn't a good candidate for superpower because its standard army is useless, just that a super-power needs far more than a strong and talented army. India is clearly something of a regional power, and of course it'd made an excellent ally in a global alliance. If india had strongly sided with the allies in wwii, for example, I expect that there'd be indian troops in okinowa today, not american ones.

Is this a qualification to become a super power?? Man, you're outta sinc!

I think its a qualification, yes. Perhaps if there weren't any super-arsenals, then you wouldn't need one to be a super-power, but because there is the US and Russian arsenals, any future super-power would need something to counter-act that threat. Why do you think its out of sync?

could capture enemy posts, some over 22,000 feet high along sheer cliffs in Kargil during the recent conflict with Pakistan.

Interesting. Hmm, how do they feel about mountainous iran?
That'd be incredible, if this agreement laid the foundation for a combined Indo-US attack on Iran! Seems unlikely though, such a move woudl greatly upset pakistan, and the US seems to favour pakistan pretty strongly.
We might start seeing lots more US troops training in Kargil in a lead up though perhaps/??

And, needless to say, America lacks the capability to open a second front against Iran or Syria, or they would have been taken out long ago

Bush's presidency ends in 2008, plenty of time. ALso, look at the distribution of combat brigades across the world, the vast majority of them are not involved with iraq, or stationed overseas. There are definitly enough troops to keep everyone in iraq, and send a similar sized group into iran, with others still leftover.

As far as other countries being push-overs, and I am not too familiar with the statistics, but is the pakistani army considered all that much better than the iraqi army, pre-iraq war? I mean, iraq and iran fought each other to a standstill, is iran that much weaker than pakistan? And if pakistan-iran-iraq are have similarly competend militaries, and india can't occupy islamabad, then how can india be a superpower? I mean, can India send an army to the north pole and then back into pakistan (a similar distance for the US, even if its hyperbole), and then occupy islamabad in a few weeks?

Again, not trying to knock india, but when the soviet union went bankrupt trying to finance its super-power army, and the US spends more than, what, the other top 20 countries on the planet combined on its military, I'd think that anyone else would have to start approaching those same numbers, have militaries of similar size, and especially have planet spannign fleets, no?

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by flukemol
superpower will mean nothing if the threat of global warming issue is not met.this stuff of fighting over who runs the world will mean nothing compared to waves of hell from the sea thoughts that there will only be worldwide division on lines of higher ground.those who live in low lying areas are the first to go.superpower will be not even on our minds.....

Global warming is not understood yet. For example it may mean the following:

-less land area covered by ice in the world
-areas that are cooler now will warm
-areas that are warm now will get warmer
what that means is some areas that are hot will become deserts, some areas that are cool or cold or freezing will be more habitable.

there will be MORE fresh water in the world and the nature of the worlds oceans will change as they warm and the water is less salty.

the idea that the world is going to end is fear mongering by socialists that want to impose UN global control on washington DC.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo

Originally posted by flukemol
superpower will mean nothing if the threat of global warming issue is not met.this stuff of fighting over who runs the world will mean nothing compared to waves of hell from the sea thoughts that there will only be worldwide division on lines of higher ground.those who live in low lying areas are the first to go.superpower will be not even on our minds.....

Global warming is not understood yet. For example it may mean the following:

It means that the average temperature of the atmosphere is getting warmer.

there will be MORE fresh water

? As ice caps melt, they will make the oceans less salty, but still very salty, not brackish or anything like that. THe sea levels will rise, and thus there will be more surface areas for the oceans, and that should lead to more rain, in general, so in that sense there might be more fresh water, sure.

the idea that the world is going to end is fear mongering by socialists that want to impose UN global control on washington DC.

I don't think that anyone is saying that the world will end. But having all coastal cities submerged and oceans in the middle of continents like in the past will certainly be a big deal.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by mikesingh

OK dude, why not face the facts?
You guys don't have a foreign policy of your own. Always tugging at the coat tails of the Americans.
(Didn't some Brit himself say that Britain is 'America's pet poodle'?)
No offence meant. I'm just re-calling what one of your own guys said. I didn't invent this!!

One of the only independent foreign policy issues was concerning the EU. And this dosen't seem to be gaining any momentum. Its one step forward, two steps back.
So without mother-hen America, Britain is nix!
If so, can Britain be ever called a super power in its own right?

Undoubtedly, Britain was a super power half a century ago. Amazing how a little country like that could rule half the world. (I doff my hat to that!).

But the party is over!

[edit on 5-3-2006 by mikesingh]

lol dude, you've gone on from one thing to another - 1 min you say 'we live of americas handouts' then the next you say 'we are americas pet dog!!'

so how about YOU face facts!!

what have you given to britain?? - many 'americans' say america re-built europe after WW2 (which the US donated $2billion) - around $80 billion in todays money.

yet after EVERY YEAR you have one of your hurricanes & earthquakes you live off europes donations/aid/fund (so who lives on whos handouts)?

there will be another one this year (no doubt), so more aid/donations/funds (HANDOUTS) to america again.

military wise, the UK as actual 'FACT' provided more to the US thoughout history than america have given back to britain (i can list LOADDDDS of things if you like)?

details of the atom

just for starters, whats the US done for britain to say we live off your military handouts in the last (say) 50 years?

stop talking out of your bumhole dude, because you have nothing to back-up your ^so called^ facts, (which ever point your TRYING to get across)

[edit on 17-3-2006 by st3ve_o]

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 09:15 PM
Hey St3ve_o yeah you sent us aid once. We bailed you out of two world wars then rebuilt your shattered economies. Then we spent the next 40yrs protecting you from the Soviets so you could build your welfare states which by the way you can't afford anymore.

And why are you bashing us yanks with this guy if you would take the time to read some more of his posts you would realise that he's from India

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 09:41 PM
grrr you again

Originally posted by danwild6
Hey St3ve_o yeah you sent us aid once.

once! as in one hurricane? - want me to google??

Originally posted by danwild6

We bailed you out of two world wars

again i think you've got your facts mixed up, germany tryed to conquer britain but lost 'the battle of britain'.

bailed us out? it was a world war - which means 'THE WORLD IS AT WAR!!
- every nation was fighting, (well someone forgot to tell america that from the start).

things are different now though eh?
- u lot will be the cause of WW3 with your dodgy robocop (OCP) styled government.

Originally posted by danwild6

then rebuilt your shattered economies.

LOL, you make me laugh you lot, give us $2 billion for the ^WHOLE^ of europe and you've think you've gave us the world!!

due to your unstable land over the years, you've had that back TWICE/TREBBLE/SEVERAL times over from euribia (as you like to call us) - we responded faster than your own government in the last one (which says a lot)
- bush is too wrapped up in trying to control the middle-eastern oil fields.

yeah we had a shattered economy alrite, thats fighting two world wars from start to finish (thats pride), only reason why america never suffered financially from WW2 is because of the DISTANCE + only got hit once (pearl arbour) and you was only in the war half way through soooo!!

do a search on google about the 'rise & fall of powers after WW2' - you might learn what OTHER nations had to go through, and not just american history about the last world war!!

afterall we all know what the 'american' view is of WW2 by watching films like 'saving private ryan'.

Originally posted by danwild6
Then we spent the next 40yrs protecting you from the Soviets so you could build your welfare states which by the way you can't afford anymore.

welfare, at least we look after our people and not dump them on the street
- 40 years protecting us eh? - okay dude, have a PROPER read about the cold war and 'OTHER NATIONS', (& not just america AGAIN) -

ie:- (falklands war) and how it was important for britain to put on a show under the watchful eye of the russians - how britain built up its nuclear arms also etc.

have a read, you might learn something about 'WORLD' history.

Originally posted by danwild6

And why are you bashing us yanks with this guy if you would take the time to read some more of his posts you would realise that he's from India

i don't know him (ive never come across the dude before)!!

i don't have this super physic ablity where i can tell ones background by just looking at his name

[edit on 17-3-2006 by st3ve_o]

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 08:00 AM
to everyone else,

i'm sorry i don't mean any offence with the things i said above, i know if nobody knew me i would be coming across as arrogant (i'm really not).

but when someone pulls my country down, i'm going to reply & pull down theirs.

about dan, its not the first time ive had a debate with this person!! - if you look in the euro-politics forums, he posted in there trying to tell us 'euros' how GREAT the US was and how poor oif a lifestyle we lead to him

he nicknamed europe (euriba) - due to our middle-eastern citizens (which we only have 1.8 muslims in britain out of our 60 million population).

very short-sighted about things.

[edit on 18-3-2006 by st3ve_o]

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 09:17 AM

These posts have the makings of the commencement of WWIII !! Great going guys. We need some entertainment here too!

And who said I'm from India?
OK, you're right on!
'Cause I am from India.
And I'm proud of it !!!

Nygdan, I'll get back to you later. You see apart from freakin' out at ATS, I've gotta run my Software Company too!

You see, the Americans especially, are terribly dependent on us!
Oh man! Where would you guys be without Indian software whiz kids?
(Just joking!)

Anyway, we're all on the same side aren't we? The war against terrorism! And the mad mullahs perpetrating this conflict, screwing everyone's happiness.

Where I am concerned, the next world super power is Democracy and Freedom. To that end we all need to redouble our efforts to vanquish the forces of evil (Terrorism) forever.

[edit on 18-3-2006 by mikesingh]

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 10:02 AM

Order people.. please..

Conquer Iran/catch Osama etc. etc. and India'll conquer Pakistan for ya

India's power projection is nothing compared to the US today but its better than that of Superpower rookie China.
India is slated to have at least 2(maybe 3) CBGs by 2015 , and that puts it right behind US,UK and France.

India didn't ally with anyone in WWII cause it was under British rule.

Over 50,000 Indian Troops died in WWI+WWII fighting not in India, but on foreign lands like Europe

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by st3ve_o
once! as in one hurricane? - want me to google??

Sure go ahead an google. You sent us a little bit of aid during Katrina which is much appreciated

Originally posted by st3ve_o
again i think you've got your facts mixed up, germany tryed to conquer britain but lost 'the battle of britain'.

Yeah but the war didn't end with the battle of Britain did it. The fact is that Britain would have been driven from the war around the middle of 1941 had it not been for Lend-Lease when we basically replaced your entire merchant fleet which was at the bottom of the Atlantic by that point.

Originally posted by st3ve
bailed us out? it was a world war - which means 'THE WORLD IS AT WAR!!
- every nation was fighting, (well someone forgot to tell america that from the start).

Well as usual it started out as a european war nut like the one before you euros couldn't settle it so you had to call big daddy america to save the day

Originally posted by st3ve_o
things are different now though eh?
- u lot will be the cause of WW3 with your dodgy robocop (OCP) styled government.

Robocop was a cool movie.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
LOL, you make me laugh you lot, give us $2 billion for the ^WHOLE^ of europe and you've think you've gave us the world!!

Which is about $80 billion in todays money. And thats not counting all the money we spent protecting you ingrates for half a century.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
due to your unstable land over the years, you've had that back TWICE/TREBBLE/SEVERAL times over from euribia (as you like to call us) - we responded faster than your own government in the last one (which says a lot)
- bush is too wrapped up in trying to control the middle-eastern oil fields.

Okay google that when during hurricanes Andrew, Hugo, Dennis or anyother did you send us aid. How about all of these earthquakes you know the two significant ones we've had during the past 20yrs.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
yeah we had a shattered economy alrite, thats fighting two world wars from start to finish (thats pride), only reason why america never suffered financially from WW2 is because of the DISTANCE + only got hit once (pearl arbour) and you was only in the war half way through soooo!!

I guess in the end it paid off being in this unstable land huh. Far away from european maniacs out to slaughter the world.

Originally posted by st3ve_o]
do a search on google about the 'rise & fall of powers after WW2' - you might learn what OTHER nations had to go through, and not just american history about the last world war!!

Hey I watch the history channel my friend I know you euros obliterated each other. I think it was due to all that bad charma you collected going around raping and pilllaging the world for its resources.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
afterall we all know what the 'american' view is of WW2 by watching films like 'saving private ryan'.

Your childish insults aren't winning you any points my friend. My brother in law has a degree in history. I've studied history. You continually spout the same old stereotypes. Americans are stupid, americans are arrogant. Well from what I've heard from you I guess were not to different.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
welfare, at least we look after our people and not dump them on the street
- 40 years protecting us eh? - okay dude, have a PROPER read about the cold war and 'OTHER NATIONS', (& not just america AGAIN) -

Hey if their sleeping in their cars and on the streets at least they won't rampage through the streets and torch the place when you cut their benefits.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
ie:- (falklands war) and how it was important for britain to put on a show under the watchful eye of the russians - how britain built up its nuclear arms also etc.

Hey I have to hand it to you brits you kicked the crap out of a piss poor third world country. I guess that was a mjor achievement considering you weren't that much above their standards at the time. Yeah you built up your nukes with american tech.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
have a read, you might learn something about 'WORLD' history.

I know much more about world history than you think my friend. But thats right dismiss my opinion because you don't like the facts thrown in your face. Chalk it all up to that ignorant yankee cowboy attitude.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
i don't know him (ive never come across the dude before)!!

i don't have this super physic ablity where i can tell ones background by just looking at his name

Obviously the ability to use the search engine is beyond you as well.

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 03:35 PM
Right on Mikesing. India has alot to be proud of. And if India equals or even surpasses the US I will thank my luck stars that another democratic nation has shown that only through responsible and open democratic government can true happiness and prosperity be achieved. India is a great nation it has a great history and great traditions. And I hope that recent events between the US and India will lead to a greater exchange of ideas to the benefit of each other.

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by danwild6
Sure go ahead an google. You sent us a little bit of aid during Katrina which is much appreciated

infact, i'm not going to google, i really cannot be arsed, trust me i wish we don't though...if it was left to me we'd leave you ungreatful *beeeps* to rot in cowboy land!!

afterall the whole world as seen how your government treats your own people after a natural disaster!!

but if YOU would like to google, nobody does more on world funding than the UK (even though america is the 'richest' country in the world)

Originally posted by danwild6

Yeah but the war didn't end with the battle of Britain did it. The fact is that Britain would have been driven from the war around the middle of 1941 had it not been for Lend-Lease when we basically replaced your entire merchant fleet which was at the bottom of the Atlantic by that point.

matter of opinion, what whos to say if britain never gave you details of the atom japan would have wiped the floor with you?

Originally posted by danwild6
Well as usual it started out as a european war nut like the one before you euros couldn't settle it so you had to call big daddy america to save the day

well how things change then eh?
bush does all that now, i just hope the UK is not involved in americas ^oil quest^ in iran - maybe then you'll get hammered like you did in vietnam.

Originally posted by danwild6

Robocop was a cool movie.

it was crap!

Originally posted by danwild6

Which is about $80 billion in todays money. And thats not counting all the money we spent protecting you ingrates for half a century.

protecting us, in what way?

Originally posted by danwild6

Okay google that when during hurricanes Andrew, Hugo, Dennis or anyother did you send us aid. How about all of these earthquakes you know the two significant ones we've had during the past 20yrs.

see question 1

Originally posted by danwild6

I guess in the end it paid off being in this unstable land huh. Far away from european maniacs out to slaughter the world.

we've evolved, (no trouble in europe now)
- we are passed all our differences, it was only 40 years ago racism was a BIG issue in america (still is to date)!!

in many respects america was like europe 100 years ago, invading small defenceless countrys for political gain (oil).

the US is the only country causing shiit in the world right now, noone else.

Originally posted by danwild6

Hey I watch the history channel my friend I know you euros obliterated each other. I think it was due to all that bad charma you collected going around raping and pilllaging the world for its resources.

again your talking about our past
- but its good to know we have a past

why not talk about the present? (look at americas attitude now) middle-east, global warming etc.

how about how your govenment treats your own people?

. slow reactions to natural disasters,
. highest poverty rate in the western world,
. highest crime rate in the western world,
. highest unemployment rate in the western world.


Originally posted by danwild6

Hey if their sleeping in their cars and on the streets at least they won't rampage through the streets and torch the place when you cut their benefits.

Originally posted by danwild6

Hey I have to hand it to you brits you kicked the crap out of a piss poor third world country. I guess that was a mjor achievement considering you weren't that much above their standards at the time. Yeah you built up your nukes with american tech.

yep we sure did

the same can't be said about vietnam though (now thats what you call a piss POOR third world country)!!

nukes with american tech?
we produce our own nuclear weapons my friend!! - it was britain who gave YOU details of the atom.

Originally posted by danwild6

I know much more about world history than you think my friend. But thats right dismiss my opinion because you don't like the facts thrown in your face. Chalk it all up to that ignorant yankee cowboy attitude.

yeah american history (yes), world history (not a chance)! - thats why all your celbs want there children to be educated in schools in england

Originally posted by danwild6

Obviously the ability to use the search engine is beyond you as well.

i don't search the posts of EVERY member who posts on here, if you do your sad.

[edit on 18-3-2006 by st3ve_o]

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by st3ve_o
infact, i'm not going to google, i really cannot be arsed, trust me i wish we don't though...if it was left to me we'd leave you ungreatful *beeeps* to rot in cowboy land!!

Very enlightened

Originally posted by st3ve_o
afterall the whole world as seen how your government treats your own people after a natural disaster!!

I just wish we'd treat our people the same way we bailed out the Indonesians after the tsunami or the pakistanis after their earhthquake. Their are two sides to everything my friend. Bush screwed up on Katrinas no doubt I'm not defending Bush.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
but if YOU would like to google, nobody does more on world funding than the UK (even though america is the 'richest' country in the world)

Your misinformed my friend. You claim to help the poor but you give them a trivial amount of aid to pat yourself on the back than you blow hundreds of billions on some lazy French farmer. Youi need to get your priorities straight pal.

Originnally posted by st3ve_o
matter of opinion, what whos to say if britain never gave you details of the atom japan would have wiped the floor with you?

Is that the best you can do. Please you obviously don't posses any knowledge of the pacific war pal. By the time we used the bomb on Japan we had already destroyed their entire fleet cut their supply lines and liberated most of the occupied islands. You really shouldn't talk about world history you obviously don't now squat about anything that ever occured outside of europe.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
well how things change then eh?
bush does all that now, i just hope the UK is not involved in americas ^oil quest^ in iran - maybe then you'll get hammered like you did in vietnam.

I've got a different point of view on what we're doing in Iraq my friend. But thats fine you don't have to join in all the fun we're going to have in Iran your army probably wouldn't be up to it anyway

Originally posted by st3ve_o
it was crap!

Your just jealous only americans can come up with such a cool movie. The last international hit you had was the full monty. What was that like a decade ago.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
protecting us, in what way?

Oh come on donn't tell me your unaware of the american bases in europe that kept the Soviets at bay. Your more poorly educated than I thought.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
see question 1

Well looks like I got you. You can't answer my question just dodge it. Your weak my friend.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
we've evolved, (no trouble in europe now)
- we are passed all our differences, it was only 40 years ago racism was a BIG issue in america (still is to date)!!

You've evolved huh tell that to the muslims massacred in Srebrenica tell that to all the people who lost loved ones in all the Balkan wars. Oh your not racist that could've fooled me I'll just let the links do the talking.

french racism
English troubles

Typical european hypocracy. You slander us about our problems but don't give a hoot about your own. Hey I can admit my nation has problems because I know we can overcome them. Is that it st3ve_o you like to point fingers at us because yopur ashamed of yourself and the poor condition of your country. I believe in my people I guess the same can't be said for you

Originally posted by st3ve_o
in many respects america was like europe 100 years ago, invading small defenceless countrys for political gain (oil).

No we went to put right the injustice your people did after the first world war. You broke your promise of a united arab state and divided the land between you and your european friends. You installed minority rule like you did in Rhodesia and South Africa.

Don't lecture me boy you gloss over the injustice you and your people have done to the world by saying we're not the same people that we were. And you know that may be true but that does not obsolve you of your responsibility to make things right. But like a typical european you can't clean up your own mess you leave it to us.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
the US is the only country causing shiit in the world right now, noone else.

Why don't you wake up. Did we bring down the twin towers did we plant the bombs in Madrid. Man you really don't have a clue and what makes that so sad is that thats true of the greater majority of the people in your continent.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
again your talking about our past
- but its good to know we have a past

Yes the past you have yet to make good for and redeem yourselves for. Yeah we're a young country and we don't have such along past but what past we do have isn't as filled with blood lust as yours is.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
why not talk about the present? (look at americas attitude now) middle-east, global warming etc.

The middle-east were trying to save with little help from you. The wrongs were trying to make right. Oh global warming right have you seen the statistics europe isn't doing such a good job my friend.

europe failing kyoto targets

The only country doing well is yours and to that I tip my hat and say well done. If you must now I have nothing against you or your people. I think Britain is the greatest of all european nations and the British people as the greatest of all the European people throughout history.

But if europe wants to lead the world on this issue they've got to get their own house in order.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
how about how your govenment treats your own people?

Hey I'm not going to argue Bush and Co. screwed up big time. Won't deny it for a second. Like I said before I'm not going to defend Bush on that issue.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
. slow reactions to natural disasters,

We were the first nation to respond in force to the Asian tsunami and the South Asian earthquake.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
. highest poverty rate in the western world,

Not so my friend heres the stats.

US Poverty Stats
UK poverty Stats

Originally posted by st3ve_o
. highest crime rate in the western world,

Again my friend a little bit of facts.

UN report

Originally posted by st3ve_o
. highest unemployment rate in the western world.

You must be smoking some good stuff my friend

French unemployment stats
German unemployment stats
US Unemployment Stats

Originally posted byst3ve_o

Yup sure is.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
yep we sure did

the same can't be said about vietnam though (now thats what you call a piss POOR third world country)!!

Well if the Argentine's had been backed by the Soviets to the extent the Vietnamese were after the Argentines got done toasting your fleet they probably would've kept on going right to Downing Street. But hey who am I kidding we would've stepped in and saved you, as usual.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
nukes with american tech?
we produce our own nuclear weapons my friend!! - it was britain who gave YOU details of the atom.

Yeah thats right you developed Polaris and Trident didn't you. Oh and your right you help us develop the bomb but the same guys you sent to help us also help the Soviets

Originally posted by st3ve_o
yeah american history (yes), world history (not a chance)! - thats why all your celbs want there children to be educated in schools in england

Probably because English Universities are so under funded they take anyone if the payout is large enough
But I have a question for you why do you send your royals here to be educated.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
i don't search the posts of EVERY member who posts on here, if you do your sad.

Yes its sad that I try to gain knowledge about another persons point of view. See with me I try not to jump to conclusions about a persons views on one subject and then lump them in with everybody else that I've seen with that same opinion. You see st3ve_o I've always thought people were more complex than to fit the stereotypes that you believe in but I guess thats just me.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 08:39 AM
edit:- noooooo mods i spent agers on this reply and lost it.

is there any way i can get it back??

grrr, 'BOLD' should be easier to use - you try highlight something and it ends up editing all your post so you lose everything!!

well pi$$ed off

[edit on 19-3-2006 by st3ve_o]

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Daedalus3

Order people.. please..

Conquer Iran/catch Osama etc. etc. and India'll conquer Pakistan for ya

We'll get right on it.

India is slated to have at least 2(maybe 3) CBGs by 2015 , and that puts it right behind US,UK and France.

Hmm, interesting.

India didn't ally with anyone in WWII cause it was under British rule.
Yeah I know, I just mean that they could've taken a more active stance, rather than staying rather neutral, or helping the nazis, as with the Tiger Legion.

Over 50,000 Indian Troops died in WWI+WWII fighting not in India, but on foreign lands like Europe

I don't mean to belittle Indias contribution to that struggle, for sure.

noooooo mods i spent agers on this reply and lost it.

HA, join the club.

is there any way i can get it back??

Nope. grrr.

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 12:35 AM

How much does it pay?

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Nope. grrr.

i know, i had a mod pm me about it!!

apprently its a glitch in the system.

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