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The anti-Islam Conspiracy?!?

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posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 04:44 PM
I remember when I went through the Air Force Special Operations School "Middle Eastern Orientation Course". It was a good course that taught about the middle east from the perspective of a Muslim view. It was attended by the future leaders of the Air Force and other sister service that would be deploying around the areas that pertained to the course. It was a way to introduce the service components to the world of Islam and the Arab mind in general. We were give seminars by respected scholars that came from the estemed Al-Azhar University in Cairo Egypt centering on Islamic studies and the Quran in general.

This course pointed to the peacefulness of the religion and its acceptance of all others religions and its great tolerance of other faiths. I had travelled extensively throughout the middle east and surrounding Muslim countries (visiting Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Bahrain, Turkey, Pakistan and others), and never had a bad experience. Sure we, were locked down a few time but it wasn't bad. That was before the Cole got hit, Dhahran truck bombing at the towers, rocket attacks in Kuwait, the embassy bombings, 9-11-01, Iraq and now who knows what.

I wonder if in fact the religion is as peaceful as it proclaims or is this just a conspiracy of the media. It is hard to ignore the news but when you get a few crazies speaking for the whole and get no Muslim reply of "that isn't right and we don't agree" from the community at large in a big public way, it makes you wonder.

Read this news item and see if it makes you wonder:

I mean if this was a statement by Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell or Jimmy Swaggart, every Christian community in the world would be up in arms screaming about how he doesn't represent Christianity in those kinds of statements. So why hasn't the Muslim community done this too?

Could it be they are afraid of backlash? Could it be that they are secretly in agreement with the rhetoric that drives followers to actually commit the things called for by crazed Imams?

Let this thread be the clarion call for all Muslims to voice the truth. If you agree then say so. There won't be anything done to you other that a few people disagreeing with you at worst.

If you are afraid of reprisals by other muslims for speaking up then state that. I want to get to the bottom of why Christians get blasted pretty regular when one of our number steps out and inserts his foot in his mouth (mostly by Christians) but Muslims don't do this. Why?

I want to know if there is in fact a conspiracy to hijack the religion that I remember the course teaching or if it is in fact a violent religion.

Here is your chance to prove the media wrong.

[edit on 17/2/06 by OneGodJesus]

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by OneGodJesus

Could it be they are afraid of backlash?


I want to know if there is in fact a conspiracy to hijack the religion that I remember the course teaching or if it is in fact a violent religion.

I think it is a violent religion and has always been that way.
Muslims have a habit of ignoring the negative history of their religion and promoting a mythical story of tolerance.

Look at how they portray the colonization and subjugation of Al-Andalus versus how they talk about European colonization of Arab lands.

When they speak of Al-Andalus they act as if they brought nothing but good things to that region while ignoring the subjugation and suffering of the people under them.

Here's an example of how non-muslims were treated in muslim lands:

The decision given by the Shaikh ar-Ramli [a great Cairo legal authority, d. 1596], by the Shaikh al-Islam [the Muslim religious authority in Constantinople], and by the learned scholars whose decrees can hardly be written down here, may be worded as follows: "It is forbidden to the tolerated peoples living on Muslim territory to clothe themselves in the same manner as the chiefs, the scholars, and the nobles. They should not be allowed to clothe themselves in costly fabrics which have been cut in the modes which are forbidden to them, in order that they may not offend the sensibilities of poor Muslims and in order that their faith in their religion should not be shaken by this. [Poor Muslims may regret their faith when they see how well-dressed the Christians and Jews are.]

"They should not be permitted to employ mounts like the Muslims. They must use neither saddles, nor iron-stirrups, in order to be distinguished from the true believers. They must under no circumstance ride horses because of the noble character of this animal. The Most-High has said [Qu'ran 8:62]: 'And through powerful squadrons [of horses] through which you will strike terror into your own and God's enemies.' [A verse of the Qu'ran makes a good support for a law. Verses may even be torn out of their context.]


"It is no longer permitted them to put themselves, with respect to their houses, on an equal footing with the dwellings of their Muslim neighbors, and still less to build their buildings higher. If they are of the same height, or higher, it is incumbent upon us to pull them down to a size a little less than the houses of the true believers. This conforms to the word of the Prophet: 'Islam rules, and nothing shall raise itself above it.' This is also in order to hinder them from knowing where our weak spots are and in order to make a distinction between their dwellings and ours.

"They are forbidden to build new churches, chapels, or monasteries in any Muslim land. We should destroy everything that is of new construction in every place, such as Cairo, for instance, founded under the Muslim religion, for it is said in a tradition of Umar: 'No church shall be built in Islam.' They shall no longer be permitted to repair the parts of these [post-Islamic] buildings which are in ruins. However, the old buildings [of pre-Islamic times] which are found in a land whose population had embraced Islam need not be destroyed. They shall not, however, be enlarged by means of repairs or otherwise. In case the tolerated peoples [Jews, Christians, etc.] act contrary to these provisions we will be obliged to destroy everything that has been added to the original size of the building. [Only pre-Islamic churches and synagogues may be repaired; new ones must be torn down.]

As far as a backlash, one of our own muslim members (Imjaded?) has said she would be afraid to speak out on certain subjects in a mosque.

[edit on 17-2-2006 by AceOfBase]

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 11:34 PM
The ottoman empire was extremely tolerant of other religions, even in a time when killing people because of their religion was not only exceptable but encouraged.

Dont let the media make you believe that the entire muslim community is violent and evil just because the only muslims they show are holding kalashnikovs,shouting angrily in the camera, and burning an american flag.

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 11:42 PM
Say that to the Armenians.....

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
I want to get to the bottom of why Christians get blasted pretty regular when one of our number steps out and inserts his foot in his mouth (mostly by Christians) but Muslims don't do this. Why?

[edit on 17/2/06 by OneGodJesus]

I'm sure that there are going to be many reasons offered, but here are my two thoughts:

A) Uh, we Christians don't respond violently when people insult our beliefs.

B) Those who speak against the ones who go nutzo will be called an apostate, and then they will be targetted for death. It doesn't pay for a Muslim to speak up.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne

B) Those who speak against the ones who go nutzo will be called an apostate, and then they will be targetted for death. It doesn't pay for a Muslim to speak up.

True. In certain states that is. In other states when they do speak up it only gets coverage on the local news, not the mainstream media. I don't know if that's due to a conspiracy or what, but I do know that it doesn't carry as much weight as far as ratings go.

I think the American media is following an agenda of fear. The cold war is over, but your military still needs a 'threat' to justify it's enormous budget. Crazy, angry muslims in the middle east unhappy at the perceived double-standards between America's treatment of Israel as compared to some middle-eastern states provides that 'threat' which the main-stream media happily amplifies by showing every single negative action from muslims while quietly ignoring anything good the muslims do.

It doesn't help that the muslim media follows the exact same pattern, but only on the other side of the coin. Therefore, animosity grows steadily between the two cultures, and any in-roads made towards peace and tolerance is quickly submerged beneath the tons and tons of bad reviews each side gives the other.

If you need any verification for this, simply watch CNN for 24 hours, then watch al-Jazeera for 24 hours. You'll be lucky if you spot even one story that potrays the other side in a good light.

[edit - missed a word, sentence became incomprehensible]

[edit on 18-2-2006 by Beachcoma]

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by daedalas
The ottoman empire was extremely tolerant of other religions, even in a time when killing people because of their religion was not only exceptable but encouraged.

Would you consider it tolerant of Bush to extract one out of five Muslim boys born in Iraq, raise them as Marines, and use them, as his deadliest troops, in enforcing a second class status on the Muslim populace and, in ever further wars against other Muslim countries?

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by Beachcoma

I think the American media is following an agenda of fear.

Hardly. These are just a few samples of what the mainstream media should have been making front page news between May 15-June 15, 2004.

June 15, 2004:

Man tortured for preaching Christianity: Catholic imprisoned by Saudi Arabia's religious police

June 15, 2004:

Khobar terror chief boasts of killing Christians: Praises Allah for each grisly murder in attack on Western compound

June 10, 2004:

Iraqi Christians flee Islamic republic: Believers leave country before June 30 designation of state religion

May 30, 2004:

Christian beaten to death in hospital by Muslim cop. Policeman: 'I have offered my religious duty ... I'm spiritually satisfied'

May 15, 2004:

Muslims torture Christian to death: Seminary students tried to force him to convert to Islam

May 15, 2004:

Report: Muslims slaughter 600 Christians 'Bodies of pregnant women were ripped open and . . . burned'

Originally posted by Beachcoma
Crazy, angry muslims in the middle east unhappy at the perceived double-standards between America's treatment of Israel as compared to some middle-eastern states provides that 'threat' which the main-stream media happily amplifies by showing every single negative action from muslims while quietly ignoring anything good the muslims do.

I doubt a single day goes by that Christians aren't being raped and murdered by Muslims somewhere in the world. The media is too politically correct to show Islam for what it really is. Bush just wants to invade countries that try to leave the petro-dollar, and is happy to praise Islam. Whereas a true war on terror would require a war on Islam itself and the destruction of Mecca and Medina at minimum.

[edit on 18-2-2006 by Paul of Nisbis]

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 03:25 AM
It is sad for me to read that people still see the Muslim people as an inherently violent people. The history of Christianity is just as, if not more bloody, as we had the Crusades to prove how "nonhostile" we are when we go about slaughtering men women and children in their own homeland. Not to mention, whil the subject of history came up... The methodical and absolutely brutal slaughter of the Myans, Incans, Mexicans the Native Americans, the Celts, New Guinea, New Zealand, Australian natives, not to mention a pope orders tortuting and murdering thousands in the Inquisition, the frequent drownings crushings burnings of the puritans by their church, the secret Catholic suport of the Nazis(oh yes, they secretly funded the escapes of many monsters, including Mengela, do I really have to go any further? Only in the last three hundred years have Christians been a little more peaceful, but large groups are just as selfimportant and unpassionate for their fellow man. Yes, Islam is in a violent phase of its life. Why not? They are poor people with nothing but their faith to look forward to. The tenents of the Quran do NOT admonish this type of violence, and they are really causing more and more people to hate them all, which is very sad. The next big step towards a holy war may have been caused by a cartoon. PEOPLE STOP basing judgements on groups of people based on religion because your God is bigger than their God. Have some compassion for the people on both sides, critically think about what is casuing this problem 40 years of Western policy influence? Poverty? Fear? I don't know, we are all humans! Even those guys that blow themselves up. Step back from religion and look at what's really there.

For all things are less dreadful than they seem.
- William Wordsworth

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 04:32 AM
Paul of Nisbis just proved my point. I'm sure you can find comparable reports of "the evil West" in muslim-oriented media.

Originally posted by Paul of Nisbis
Whereas a true war on terror would require a war on Islam itself and the destruction of Mecca and Medina at minimum.

For every uninformed westerner with the above sentiment, you can bet there is an uninformed muslim with a similiar yet opposite sentiment.

When you treat people with contempt, don't expect people to be all nice and sweet to you. Remember, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The main difference here is that many westerners have access to greater amounts of information and can make better decisions and thoughts based on the information provided to them, provided it's an objective and unbiased source. A lot of muslims only have their imams or village elders to tell them what's going on beyond their borders, and most times it's rather biased.

Hate is easy to pick up. It won't solve anything though. It will just create more hate. The same goes for violence.

[edit on 18-2-2006 by Beachcoma]

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 10:24 PM
Split second Mecca blows up you can kiss Islam goodbye. No Islam=no Terrorism. They will all then convert to Judaism,Christianity,Hinduism,etc. World peace at last. Alluh Akbar!

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Nakash
Split second Mecca blows up you can kiss Islam goodbye. No Islam=no Terrorism. They will all then convert to Judaism,Christianity,Hinduism,etc. World peace at last. Alluh Akbar!

You've given this quite a lot of thought, haven't you? Let's say, hypothetically the Allies blow Mecca up. What do you suppose the reaction of muslims would be?

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Nakash
Split second Mecca blows up you can kiss Islam goodbye. No Islam=no Terrorism. They will all then convert to Judaism,Christianity,Hinduism,etc. World peace at last. Alluh Akbar!

let me put this sentence in a right perspective, so others can better understand you. I will only substitute a few words....

"Split second Washington blows up, you can kiss USA goodbye. No USA=no american imperialism. They will all then convert to Islam, Judaism, Hindu, Socialism, Communism, etc. World peace at last. God bless you all!"

"Split second Tel Aviv blows up, you can kiss judaism goodbye. No judaism=no zionism. They will all then convert to Islam, Christianity, whatever. World peace at last. Shalom!".


Nice tactic you have there for solving world problems, nakash.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 03:42 AM
There are good muslims, good christians, good jews, good hindus, good bhuddists, good white people, good black people, good brown people and good asian people and everyone in between.

There are also plenty of bad muslims, bad christians, bad jews, bad hindus, bad bhuddists, bad white people, bad black people, bad brown people, bad asians and plenty of bad people who are in between.

The real issue should be not which faith is evil, they are all inherently good, but they become evil when twisted to shape peoples viewpoints or to incite them to do bad things. Who does this?

Why its the leaders of course, this is not to say that all of our leaders are evil, but probably about 99% of them. The real war on terror should be the war between the citizens vs the Global Elite.

A big problem is the media of course, and who owns the media? Why the elite do. Well probably the biggest problem is the banks, and who owns the banks? They are privately owned institutions I believe, and if you get far enough through the crap, they are owned by about 13 banking families around the world. Some refer to them as the Illuminati, I refer to them as a skid on the underpants of humanity.

Revelation 2:9
"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 04:42 PM
Well, of course I didn't mean that. Islam is despicable though, it's teachings the most rabid thing I have ever seen:

Islam's saviour, the Mahdi fits to the last tittle the Antichrist of revelations. Also, I don't fall for that Islamic propaganda crap of blaming the Jews for everything. Anti-Zionism is antisemitism- we have the Lord's word for that.

[edit on 19-2-2006 by Nakash]

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 05:24 PM
I see it rather go away sooner than now.
its leader mohammed ( yep the one of the cartoon)
had a sexual relationship with a minor .
there customs have been like this
girls get an arrenged marriage.
mohammed was engaded with a girl of the age of 6
maried here when see was 9 .
just like they have to mary when see is cappabile of giving live
that is after the first menstruation. then
on the honeymoons night they have to have sex and show a bloodstained cloth .
as mohammed was in the end 50's and see was 9 I see him to be just as wrong as that child mollestor from belgium marc dutroux.

and we have currently a believe system given light to the world by a pedophyle. named Islam

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 05:37 PM

mohammed was engaded with a girl of the age of 6
maried here when see was 9 .

There is no basis for this in the Q'uran.

Hmm, a simple Google News Search for "Muslim peace" reveals the following headlines:

Muslim peace group to talk to methodists

Hundred join Muslim peace rally

Mothers cross lines for peace in Israel

Are you sure you guys are looking in the right place, or are you just not looking at all?

The media reports what they want, that's why you don't see more coverage on calls for peace, but they do exist in great abundance.

Do you think you'll ever see this on CNN?

[edit on 19-2-2006 by Jamuhn]

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 05:51 PM
Err folks, with regards to the anti - Christ of scriptures, well, is there any chance it could be Islam as a movement? Ie they deny Christ Jesus as the Son of God. Jesus said we can only go to the Father through him. That in my eyes makes Islam the anti-Christ or a tool of Lucifer at the very least.

The way Islamic nations want to destroy Israel, then move onto the west and Christianity..... Can we not sign a petition and send it to GW Bush, care of the ' Make the Middle east a glass car park Dept'? I'm sick and tired of the world bowing down to Islam all the damn time, and yet, when I go to Church at Christmas time, I cannot wish people in the street merry Christmas because its now 'Winter festival' ! Im sick of this Islam crap. They want to leave the west, fine leave, just take all your suicide buddies with you. If not, do not infringe on my way of life with your homophobic, racist, anti female biggoted views. They came here because they wanted a better life, now they want to drag us all into the stone ages with their Islamic crap.....

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 06:00 PM

There is no basis for this in the Q'uran.

That's because it's in the Hadiths

This is what most Muslims are doing over the cartoon:

Not waging peace. Islam does as Islam says.

We have plenty of great Quran quotes to scrutinize , such as these:

Here's a more lighthearted view of things:

I especially love the part where the giant Camel is raised from a mountain to preach for Muhammed and then killed. Allah sends an Earthquake to punish the city that ate the camel lol!

[edit on 19-2-2006 by Nakash]

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 06:02 PM
Mohammed wrote the Koran, as a blend of Juda-christianity with his own rules mixed in. This was not handed down by a god, or a more supreme bieng. He wrote down his dreams, kind of like an Arab Nostradamus.

the difference is that the Moslem religion, spread and in a matter of 100 years took over most of the known world. It has been a battle ever since. Sunnis and #es still fight over what is the holy land, Iraq. After reading as few history books I realize that this is not a religion of tolerance, but of submission, which is what it directly translated as.

The Moslems then defended the stolen land during the Crusades. It was never theirs to begin with, Amazing how it parallels a relgion they are so mad at for taking Holy land, which belongs actually to the Christians, and not the Jews or the Moslems.

We are at jsut another chapter of the religious battle that has raged for over 1000 years. The Moslems want Europe back, and as we can see each day it is growing worse. Now there are attacks on American embassies, not jsut foriegn.

There is not conspiracy of anti-islam, the conspiracy is hiding what they really want, and that is the world. I apologize to all the Moslems who may not be radical, but it also sucked to be catholic when all the priests got busted.

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