posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 05:46 PM
I would work together to make a better Israel by making a better Palestine. Give them statehood and work TOGETHER to make both the countries a
shining example of cooperation and forgiveness.
Imagine if they could focus all the attention they do on each other on something productive. It would be the best place on earth to live, and the
cultural and religious epicenter of the world for millions.
But first Israel needs to give them the land they legally own and deserve. Get rid of illegal settlements. If that means actually following some UN
resolutions instead of ignoring them, so be it.
And ditto for the Palestinians. They would have to start up a good strike force to specifically STUDY and stop terrorism, striking at the root of it
by making any group that espouses any kind of violence against anyone as illegal. And prosecute the hell out of anyone who breaks that law.
Maybe even an international force of terrorism experts, who work in conjunction with Interpol, the FBI and other international law enforcement
agencies and who PROSECUTE people in court for any Palestinian militant terrorism, exposing their crimes in detail to the world. Then lock them away
Heck, I'm sure Israel would even be willing to lend them some guns and helicopters to do it if they could prove their good intentions.
But it would all have to start with Palestinian statehood.
And that's a tough one to see happening any time soon.
[Edited on 7-10-2003 by Jakomo]