posted on May, 16 2006 @ 11:53 AM
In researching the paranormal, one must treat it like any other scientific research. Collecting data, looking for common factors, differences, and
possible other explainations. Based on what I have read about these BEKs, here is the beginning of my own research.
Common factors in BEK sightings:
1. Being approached by children/adolecents at unusual times in unusual places for kids to be.
2. All BEKs seem to appear dressed as normal kids, Unlike MIBs, who wear unusual clothing that is almost always black and overly formal.
3. All BEKS approach people who are inside of cars, houses, or buildings, showing a physical barrier of some sort, or who are just leaving a structure
with doors to which the witness/victim is the only person present with access.
4. All BEKs request/demand that the witness/victim voluntarily let them in, even if the door is not necessarily locked.
5. None of the BEKs reported have actually physically tried to force their way in, such as breaking windows, trying to pick locks, or use weapons. In
all cases, it seems vital to the BEK that the victim/witness must by verbal and physical consent, open the door/window to let the BEKs in.
6. All witnesses/victims report a severe unease/terror/instinctive fear of these beings when approached, even before viewing their eyes, a reaction
which would seem illogical and irrational in the given circumstances. The fight/flight mechanism reported in just about every case is something
associated with real, quantifiable dangers such as disasters, encountering a dangerous person with a weapon, or disturbing load noises. Being
approached by kids who want rides/use of toilets should not in any normal person provoke these feelings of mortal danger, yet they occur in almost all
7. Almost all reports, the victim/witness feels a sense of malevolence, hatred, and pure malice/evil from these beings, despite the fact that the BEKs
do not show body language or verbal language that would suggest violent intent.
8. In most cases, BEKs seem to vanish without a trace.
9. The manner in which BEKs approach or ask their victims for aid/access is strange for kids or adolecents. The proper, coincise way the requests are
delivered, the single minded intent, and the seemingly adult manner in which these "kids" talk to their victims and the manner in which they carry
themselves is not normal for kids.
10. BEKs are reported in almost all cases in groups of two or three kids, with one kid being the leader and initiating contact, and the other kid
seeming to take a more passive role. The lead BEK seems to be very confident and forceful of personality. He/she seems to radiate cold, malevolent,
tangible confidence and single minded intent. The other BEKs seem to keep eyes averted, and tend to be slight nervous.
11. All BEKs, of course, have completely black eyes which do not seem normal, human, or artifical, just frightening.
12. Almost all victims have the deep instinctual feeling that they will be physically harmed or killed if they grant access to these BEKs, even if the
BEKs do not show signs of malicous intent.
13. In all BEK cases, the single thing that these beings want is access to the victim's home/car/personal space. Money, valuables, services are not
the target for a BEK as in almost every case of juvinile delinquency. Their motives are solely access.
Now, onto differences.
1.Though most BEK incidents occur at night, there are more than a few which seem to take place in broad daylight.
2. In most cases, the BEKs do not seem to give any reason for wanting access to personal space, and have very little dialoague with the victim.
However, some cases the BEKs might give some sort of answer, like "collection".
3. Not all BEKs are kids. Some seem to be young adults. However, no reports of mature adults or elder BEKs are here.
4. BEK sightings follow no paticular geographic distribution.
5. The age, race, and sex of the victims varies.
So, from my two lists, one can gather a few conclusions about the BEKs and possible idenity/motives.
We see that the most important thing for the BEKs is to gain consentual access to the victims living space/car/workspace/personal space. or, one can
conclude that these beings simply want consent and access to the victim's personal sphere of life. It seems these beings are impotent if you do not
allow them in. We see this in cases where they BEKs could have easily forced entry into an open door as a person was exiting, yet the BEK seemed
unable to pass the physical barrier without the permission of the victim/witness. The consent and permission of the individual is paramount. The BEKs
may slap against door or glass in an effort to terrify the victim into compliance, yet they cannot pass through physical or phycological/implied
barriers without the victim allowing them to do so.
Possible explainations (and my personal opnion of plausibility of each):
1. UFO alien entities. Unlikely. In my personal research into alien contact and abduction, unidentified aerial phenomenon occur along with the
sighting, and the victim is often taken regardless if they consent or not. there seem to be no barriers to the abductors. People abducted also do not
report feelings of hate and malevolence from the alien beings, instead, they report cold, methodical indifference.
2.Men in Black. Unlikely. Men in black are usually reported along with UFOs. They are also reported as being adults who are dressed overly formal, who
drive new looking but older model vehicles. Often, the MIB behave in a manner that is very strange and sometimes mechanical, but rarely are they
reported to be menacing or instinctively frightening. They also do not seem to be concerned with access to a person or their dwelling. they instead
ask odd questions or give ridiculous warnings.
3. Vampires. Possible. However, their appearance in broad daylight would seem to suggest otherwise.
4. Demons. Very possible. The obsession of BEKs with consent and access to a person is not inconsistant with reports of demonic manifestations.
will continue in another post.