posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 02:07 PM
I dunno about this one guys... and I'm pretty open minded. I would think something evil that wants to kill you would be a lot more cunning.
Instead of "Let us in" in a weird voice with their all black eyes.... maybe "You've got to let me in this man is chasing me" in a panicky voice
while they avoid eye contact.
Doesn't make sense to me.
And I agree with a poster before me...
There are probably some kids out there who caught wind of the story and think it's funny. Now they are going around doing this as some sort of
And there are contact lenses out there that will make your eyes appear to be "all black".
A bit pricy... but I'm sure there are ways to get these a lot cheaper.
When I was in junior high school kids used to sell none perscription colored contacts for like $10. God knows where they aqquired them from but they
were availavble.
A lot of kids (dumbly) have no problem sharing contact lenses either.
Don't mean to seem so sceptical about this....
But it sounds a little ridiculous to me.