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Who is the most powerful paranormal gifted?

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posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 01:57 AM
Congrats Time_Lord! Good work on your first 3-pager!

edit: oops - better make that 4 pager

[edit on 16-3-2006 by Ezekiel]

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 10:00 PM
A team of psychics huh... all pooling there abilities for what cause? Why would any true person with ability give up there power to an organisation to begin with? How about a person with the ability to remote influence? To influence congress, the senate, the whitehouse, to strike and manipulate the nervous system of those he targets? I bet the cia and the idiots that be would love to get there meat hooks on such a person. Then again i bet russia and many other countries would love this aswell.

This isnt the first time such a thread came up here at ATS. Steve had a simulair thread about putting together a team of psionic 'warriors' or whatnot.. personally i view it all as a pandora's box. If one with ability wants to be mind ****** and controlled by the powers that be and setup for service.. well go for it. Some folks are born made to wear the flag.. that red white and blue...

Ever see the way the russian space agency works? These people for the most part make close to what a typical person here in america get on welfare and sometimes they dont even get paid becuase the money just isnt there.. they still work tho, out of a love of there job. Money isnt even an issue... Personally myself, IF i had an ability and knew 100% i could carry out certain duties.. money would never be a factor.. let nobility lead me.


the fanatical

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 11:44 PM
I think tropicallee was correct when he said the most powerful person is unknown. I believe this is true. Also I believe what richard was saying about how the energy kinda comes and goes. I believe there are periods of excessive ability. This may be because an outside entity is around them for a while and then leaves. I think the entities that give these people powers usually leave after a about a day or week. I dont' think David Blaine or Criss Angel to be very powerful. The most impressive thing that Angel does, is how he can read peoples minds, like when they open books and he points out the words that they look at. Also the lotto thing sounds cool but i haven't seen it. Even though this is considered telepathy, people who use healing are more impressive. Touch healing is alot more rare. At the beginning someone listed nostradomas as a one of the top people with paranormal powers. I think maybe Jesus of Nazareth should be mentioned in there somewhere. He did quite a few things such as walking on water, predicting the future, healing people, bringing the dead back to life, and allowing humans to get into heaven. One of my favorite paranormal type things that Jesus did is when he has to pay a Roman tax, and he doesn't have any money so he tells one of his followers to go out and catch a fish and the fish will have a coin in its mouth. Thats pretty insignificant compared to all the other stuff he did, but i thought it was cool. It almost seems to me like the stuff that Jesus said and did had to come true. I wonder if God whispered to him where the coin was, or if Jesus just spontaneously came up with that and it appeared there by the power of God. Anyways sorry to get off topic.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 04:03 PM
Just an old thread thought after some time new members might find it a good subject. Always thought Derran brown was better that lets David Blame as one the illusion of the eye and the other the mind. Who is smarter or has more power over another being?

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