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Who is the most powerful paranormal gifted?

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posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Unreal Reality
David Blane does not have a paranormal gift. ALL of the street magic he performs are well know magic tricks invented by other magicians (he does however perform them a little different). You can purchase most of the magic he performs on magic websites and download the tutorials.

That's why veteran magicians decades older than Blaine - who never made it beyond nightclub acts - were unable to become millionaires at an early age (as Blaine did), get bigtime television producers to bankroll international television shows (which became DVDs in video stores), become wealthy enough to purchase Harry Houdini's mansion, and date supermodels and actresses.

Certainly all the people who believe that they can duplicate the telekinetic feats of David Blaine and Criss Angel on city sidewalks and parks should all now be multimillionaires just as they are.

I mean...all we have to do is google it...right?

[edit on 28-2-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 03:27 PM

I mean...all we have to do is google it...right?

Yes, might help: might help too.

Blaine just used the signs of the times wich is reality stunts at very public places, thats the only reason he became popular. it is the same concept like "bigbrother".

but now it is too late copycats never suceed, you have to be the first one to have an idea and you have to have the guts to execute it.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 03:29 PM
So what’s your point? The fact still remains that he is not in any way a telekinetic and he has no real paranormal abilities.Thats what this thread is about right? Paranormal abilities? Just because he dates super models and bought Houdini’s mansion does not make him have paranormal abilities. The only thing that separates him from other magicians is the same things that separate every singer from a superstar. Right time, Right place, Drive, Practice, Patience, Persistence and a long list of other reasons that do NOT include paranormal or telekinetic abilities. I am into XCM and am a magic hobbyist. David Blane does not belong in the league of extraordinary gentlemen just because he is a good performer.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Unreal Reality
So what’s your point? The fact still remains that he is not in any way a telekinetic and he has no real paranormal abilities.

I think that many understand exactly what I mean; it was stated very clearly.

Do you think you can determine a telekinetic if you saw one or are we to assume that you simply don't believe that having a Gift of Telekinesis is possible?

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 03:39 PM
Its not just about paranormal tricks but skills. If you had to put everyone to a test in a vs match or in a pop idol type contest who could win it. One against each other and two with popular votes. There are people who claim to speak to animals but there is also an explanation why its just training. There are those who have abilities to see colour with their hands.
What about Darran Brown I think he is more powerful and better than David Blain. Have you guys in America heard of him?

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by hoeon

Yes, might help: might help too.

Randi is being discussed on another thread. I agree with a number of ATS members on this issue. He is a fraud, prejudiced, and has no Gifts. Randi has no experience with genuine telekinesis and is too close-minded to embrace evidence that others have which supports it.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by The time lord
Its not just about paranormal tricks but skills.

Quite so.

Originally posted by The time lord
What about Darran Brown I think he is more powerful and better than David Blain. Have you guys in America heard of him?

He reminds me a lot like The Amazing Kreskin, who claimed/claims to be a mentalist.

Haven't seen anything from Brown which points to a greater TK Gift than Angel or Blaine though.

Have you?

If so...what?

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 04:13 PM
Do you mean you do not know of Darren Brown?
Some things he does are quite advanced and original.
Like he can draw what you see by you looking at an object.
Or beat 6 brilliant chess players at the the same time and remember maps like a photographic memory or hypnotise an audiance. That is just a few things he can scare people and imobilise them. I have not seen every trick but it seems more impressive than David Blain because its real.

He is not as populare since being British does not help for his marketing DVD sales but he is just as good to watch and very much a street showman.

[edit on 28-2-2006 by The time lord]

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 04:31 PM
"Certainly all the people who believe that they can duplicate the telekinetic feats of David Blaine and Criss Angel " This is what you said.

They are not telekinetic feats!
David Blaine and Criss Angel do not have telekinetic abilities! Nor do they claim to. I can do the same magic.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by The time lord
Do you mean you do not know of Darren Brown?

I think it was a Brit who first brought him to my attention.

Originally posted by The time lord
Some things he does are quite advanced and original.
Like he can draw what you see by you looking at an object.
Or beat 6 brilliant chess players at the the same time and remember maps like a photographic memory or hypnotise an audience. That is just a few things he can scare people and immobilize them. I have not seen every trick but it seems more impressive than David Blaine because its real.

The definition of "real" is open to interpretation. Brown does seem to be a very good mentalist. Hypnosis isn't all that impressive to me as I became a certified hypnotherapist back in the mid-1990s and have worked with it even prior to that time.

Originally posted by The time lord
He is not as populare since being British does not help for his marketing DVD sales but he is just as good to watch and very much a street showman.

I wouldn't assume that just because someone is British, it automatically means that he/she will not be successful as a self-marketer.

Take for example...The Beatles. They were hugely successful.

When Brown comes out with a video/DVD of his performances, I am sure that many here would be interested in learning about it.

[edit on 28-2-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Unreal Reality
"Certainly all the people who believe that they can duplicate the telekinetic feats of David Blaine and Criss Angel " This is what you said.

They are not telekinetic feats!
David Blaine and Criss Angel do not have telekinetic abilities! Nor do they claim to. I can do the same magic.

Being able to do magic or stage illusion is one thing. Being able to do magick is quite another.

Have you won the lottery due to your magic?

Do tell...

Back to my original question, which you dodged:

Do you think you can determine a telekinetic if you saw one or are we to assume that you simply don't believe that having a Gift of Telekinesis is possible?

[edit on 28-2-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard

Originally posted by Unreal Reality
"Certainly all the people who believe that they can duplicate the telekinetic feats of David Blaine and Criss Angel " This is what you said.

They are not telekinetic feats!
David Blaine and Criss Angel do not have telekinetic abilities! Nor do they claim to. I can do the same magic.

Being able to do magic or stage illusion is one thing. Being able to do magick is quite another.

Have you won the lottery due to your magic?

Do tell...

Back to my original question, which you dodged:

Do you think you can determine a telekinetic if you saw one or are we to assume that you simply don't believe that having a Gift of Telekinesis is possible?

1)That depends on how the person used it!
2)I believe anything is possible!
3)I Still do not believe David Blaine is a telekinetic.
I know its a trick question. If I say I can not determine a telekinetic your just going to say "Than how do you know David Blaine is not a telekinetic.
I know his Magic and it is all old skool magic redone. If he was real he would be more creative.
[edit on 28-2-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 05:44 PM
How do you know that David Blaine is not a telekinetic?

Or for that matter, Criss Angel?

Outside of "creativity" (which is not an accurate gauge by the way) what is your criteria for determining if someone is a telekinetic?

If you can't give us any reasonable criteria, then we can assume that you are not versed in the subject matter and only voicing an opinion based on prejudice, not on research and indepth analysis

You also dodged the question about winning the lottery.

Have you managed to win the lottery through your version of magic?

If you did not, then how are we to assume that you can duplicate all that you claim to be able to do?

But that is only one example; there are many others which you cannot do because you do not have a Gift.

I suggest you do a lot more research into this area of life and also about people like Uri Geller, Sai Baba, Criss Angel, and David Blaine, among others.

Then you will have a more well-rounded perspective on the subject at hand.

[edit on 28-2-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 06:32 PM
How do you know he is telekinetic?
I do know magic very well,I commit atleast 3 hrs a day towards it.
And no I have not won the lotto. Everything he and criss does is old magic and can be bought for $40 or so at your local or online magic shop.
He has created almost none of his own magic.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 09:19 PM
Okay Unreal Reality...apparently you don't know much about telekinesis, only stage magic, so I will endeavor to explain some key points about it from my many years of research and experience.

First off...go to or another Net distributor of DVDs, and order yourself a copy of "David Blaine: Fearless." Then study the reactions of the pedestrians and also what David does with them. If you truly have studied magic at length, you will be able to see through the facade of pretended illusionist feats.

Lesson #1: True Telekinetic energies can cause dizziness, nausea, and internal pain.

How do I know this?

Because I have been around people with a Gift of Healing and/or Telekinesis and I have unwittingly reacted that way to those energies.

For example, I had the opportunity to see LIVE The Amazing Kreskin onstage at a dinner theater in the late 1980s. When he started to do a telekinetic act, I did not have time to determine what he was doing, as I immediately started to feel dizzy and weak. I even had trouble looking at him.

He asked for members of the audience to supply him with thick, college rings. Then he pulled out a ringsizer and announced, "Sometimes this works and sometimes this doesn't." This in itself is another tipoff that telekinesis may be afoot because it is a Gift of the Spirit and the channeler does not have true control over the energy - despite what some may claim.

He put the rings on the ringsizer, gave them a couple of turns, and they all instantly welded together. He then took the linked rings off the ringsizer and passed them around the audience to prove that they were indeed the same rings given to him.

They were.

He then put the linked rings back on the sizer, did a couple of more twists, and they were separated and with no apparent damage to any of them.

The above cannot be accomplished with stage illusion. Period.

In the DVD, Blaine does his body levitation feat a number of times. The television version of this segment included a time when he did it on a roadway and became ill. So ill that he literally crumbled to the grass in pain. That wasn't faked. There is no reason to fake that. I know from experience that telekinetic energies can cause that to happen.

Lesson #2: To have a powerful Gift does not mean that one is highly evolved.

Paramahansa Yogananda, a well-known author who wrote "Autobiography of a Yogi" once said that he knew of a man who could manifest flowers, but that that was not indicative of spiritual attainment.

He is quite right.

Lesson #3: The level of energy determines the extent of the Gift of Telekinesis, and that is dictated by the size of the Group Entity which supplies the Gift. Group Entities on the Other Side that have millions of members are the most powerful and these grant their prophets the Gift of Manifestation, as well as Healing and Telekinesis.

Most people who have had or have a Telekinetic Gift - like Uri Geller for example - cannot manifest material objects. But there have been prophets that have had that level of energy channeled through and around them.

The classic example are the miracles attributed to the prophet Issa/Jesus but much more current and documented examples come out of India, surrounding Sai Baba. Granted, his Gifts have lessened with age because he has abused them. But back in the 1970s and 1980s, Sai Baba was known to many as "The Christ of India" because of his Gifts of the Spirit. Unfortunately, he is not a spiritual man but his "miracles" are very well documented.

For example, Sai Baba was known to occasionally ask a devotee or pilgrim at his ashram what god they worship. He would then manifest a small item, like a cross or ring representative of that deity, and hand it to the person.

One case describes a man who was given a ring from Sai Baba. He put it on. He then told Sai Baba that the ring was too big. Sai Baba touched the ring while it was on the finger of the man: it instantly resized to fit perfectly.

Another example...

There is a case when Sai Baba decided to not have his chef cook dinner that evening and for his entire entourage to go out for a walk. No one was left in the kitchen and no food was ordered. When they returned, the cafeteria style trays with the aluminum covers were found to have steaming hot food inside of them.

Another example...

Bowls of rice, candy, etc., have been known to be passed around the thousands of pilgrims that would visit Sai Baba at his ashram. People would take handfuls from the bowls as they were passed around...

...and the bowls wouldn't empty.

This is in addition to many documented healings attributed to Sai Baba.

Back to David Blaine...

In his DVD there is a segment whereby he goes to a street person and asks him, "If you could wish for anything you want, what would it be?" The man replied that he would like to win the lottery.

David Blaine then brings the man to a convenience store and gives him money to buy a scratch ticket for a lottery. The man, dubious of what this is leading up to, goes in and buys the ticket. David Blaine then has the man scratch the ticket. Lo and behold, the man wins - or at least appears to from the winning ticket.

Still dubious, the next scene is the street-person in line at lottery headquarters. His winnings are counted to him from the teller, totaling well over a thousand dollars.

You can practice magic for decades and still not have a Gift of Magick to be able to pull any of the above off.

Lesson #4: The people who have powerful Gifts of the Spirit are aligned with a Group Entity that they probably came from before entering their body. There is not only life after death but also life before birth. Those who have large Group Entities channeling through them are actually "elected" by their discarnate community to be their "prophet." The "Cities of Light" that many Near Death Experiencers have reported seeing, are actually manifestations of Group Entities.

This is why most of us cannot do miracles of healing and telekinesis. They must be given to us. They cannot be developed as in an advanced class on stage illusion.

Notice how young David Blaine and Criss Angel were when they started to hit the big time. There are more handsome and more skilled and more entertaining illusionists out there who cannot duplicate their feats on city sidewalks.

Timing has nothing to do with it, unless of course you are referring to comedic timing. In which case, there are definitely magicians out there who are much funnier and much more skilled in their presentation than either Angel or Blaine. I've seen them.

Rumor has it that the reason why Blaine got the financial backing for his first television show was because he blew the socks off a television producer in a high-rise office with his body levitation.

Even Blaine admits that he does something "extra" that goes beyond the Balducci Levitation but refuses to identify what that is.

Why don't Blaine and Angel reveal that they have a Gift of Telekinesis?

Why would they want to?

They are multimillionaires because of those Gifts. It is in their best interest to not do so and it also adds to their mystique.

Veteran stage illusionists and everyone who reads on the Net how the feats are supposedly performed, cannot duplicate what Angel and Blaine are doing without props or the benefit of trick photography. Which is precisely why there are not right now thousands of people doing those feats in parks and city streets.

Another telekinetic feat that Blaine does in his DVD is to bring an animal back to life. He goes for a walk in a park with a bird enthusiast (and a pet bird) and comes across a dead pigeon. This bird was not stunned; it was dead. I've seen a number of dead birds in my day and this one fit the bill. Blaine is wearing a T-shirt. Nothing to pull a live bird out from. He picks up the bird, gently strokes it and it slowly comes back to life and then flies away.

Yet another example...

David Blaine walks up to another street-person and takes in his hands the cup of coffee that the man is holding in front of him. Without removing the cup but holding it at the same place, the coffee in the cup turns into US currency which he gives to the street-person (who humorously breaks out into song). If you look closely, you can actually see the coffee transform into coins. No sleight of hand. Blaine's hands never leave the cup.

That concludes this crash course on Telekinesis.

[edit on 28-2-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by Unreal Reality
David Blaine and Criss Angel do not have telekinetic abilities! Nor do they claim to. I can do the same magic.

Cool. When you call the winning numbers in the lottery beforehand, like Angel did, let me know, okay? I wouldn't mind if you also sent me the numbers for the next one, once I see that you can do the same. Also, I really would like to see you fly around with someone in your arms like I saw Copperfield do. You might consider touring, like Paul Richard says, you could make millions I am sure.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 12:11 PM
People this thread is about power gifts if you are powerful by illusion or hypnotic abilies then that is a skill real or not. Read the fundimental structure of this post people are aguing if one thing is real or not its not about that its a VS theme or group of exrodinary people who you rank as best in the world.

The Beatles were big because its music and many UK artists fail in America its like 1 in 20 for most music stars let a lone illusionists entertainers.
America has a bigger media industry than Britain that is why Brits go to America to become world famous And Blane is better known with that behind him.

Darren brown gives the illustion in the mind of the person rather than a visual illustion of David Blane. Brown can mentally stop you as in make you passout or feel like you can not move, or know your secrets. Blane just paints the visual picture to trick the eye and not mentally change your state to affect you physically. That is where Darren Brown is more real inside the mind.

But in a VS match who would win Blane or Brown?

[edit on 5-3-2006 by The time lord]


posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 04:22 PM
Who is the most powerful paranormal gifted?

Time Lord, you have no concept of true power, do you?

Do you not think the combined paranormal power of the whole is tapped by any single person claiming it to be their own?

Is it not presumptious and haughty to suggest it is any one persons' single power? And that to you all.

love all
Honor Seed

[edit on 5-3-2006 by HS]


posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 07:21 PM
How do you know you are not levitating leaves in the forest unbeknownest to you using your telekinesis powers? How do you know you are not moving mountains? You doubt much about yourselves faithless generation. Keep your faith, do not give what you come by away. Understand yourself and your own power to heal. Which is greater, a man who uses the common power to entertain you moving things, or the man who uses the common power to heal? I write I have healed myself using the common power and am greater than anyone who uses it to entertain.
And what of a person who heals another and the healed person gets sick again after a month. Is it not better to teach this generation of vipers to heal themselves? Even so, come Jesus Christ. For you will be believed more than I. I am a greater prophet than Mohammed and they know it not.
What person among you would think it more entertaining that I used the collective consciousness of mankind to end a life than the power of God to heal? You thought it.

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by HS
I write I have healed myself using the common power and am greater than anyone who uses it to entertain.

Well, I guess that clinches it...HS is the most powerful of the Gifted.

Seriously...the level of energy dictates the degree of the Gift involved. It takes less energy to telepathically manipulate someone (e.g., through holographic projection), than it does to actually manifest matter.

Understanding this, when you compare people with Gifts of the Spirit, those who have the most power channeled through and around them are the ones who manifest material objects.

In which case, David Blaine and Criss Angel both have a stronger Gift than Darren Brown.

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