posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 04:19 PM
I seen this post and had to get this of my chest.
I really hate victoria beckham, she could be the nicest person on the planet for all i know but every time i see her mug in the paper and the way she
says david, makes me wanna slap 7 shades of s**t out of her and that false pout shes got, she is so fake.
To me she blatantly thinks shes better than anyone else. (and its not cos she married to D.B cos i dont think much about him either or got more
Oh and ruby wax(sry ruby) not as bad as her above but her voice goes through me big time.
And last one i promise is kerry katona how on earth did she get voted mother of the year few years back when she spent most of it in a jungle, doing
some silly thing in austria or wherever it was to make her a lady and stupid ads for tv. I know we all have to work but surely mother of the year aint
when your away from your kids for most of it.
And Growing your so right about brittany how irresponsable of her.
Thankyou firmbeliever for letting me get these things of my chest