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Were the callers on Flight 93 real people? Is there proof?

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posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 07:58 PM
I read this article which is highly entertaining about the phone calls that were made from flight 93. 13 phone calls were made, more than all other flights combined. The article breaks down the impossibility of all the cellphone calls and reasons why, which is quite convincing.

I'm just wondering if these people on the other end of those phone calls have been interviewd and back-checked by a thrid party investigator? I am almost certain that the future will expose this deception.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 08:24 PM

Of all the loose ends revolving around the idea that 9-11 was a conspiracy,
I think Flight 93 is a huge smoking gun.

You are right on the money to ask this question- I hope this thread reveals
the answer somehow...

I know that the other day, I saw a thread- or a post somewhere- or maybe
it was not even on ATS- I'll look for it-
but anyway, the info stated, in very exact factual terms,
the plain truth that not only was Flight 93 shot down by a US fighter,
they had the Captain's name and picture and everything (not his fault
is it did happen, of course- he was following orders, albeit perhaps misguided orders-
depending if there really was a conspiracy, etc...)

I think tying together that fact (there was was fuselage at the crash scene-
consistent with something being vaporized by a serious missle)...
also, I recall hearing about sightings of certain individuals in Europe
who were on the flight and were declared dead... these are the loose ends
that need to be tied up...

You also have to wonder about the AandE movie- another solid thread here at ATS-
as to whether such a film is disinfo designed to reinforce the party line and
stir up the patriotism evoked by the courage of martyrs...

If all the conspiracy theories are true, and the planes were replaced
and flown by remote control, as I believe the current theories suggest,
the key question, of course, is "where are those people now"?

Finally- I heard that the official flight manifests- the passenger lists-
of the hijacked flights- I heard that the names of the terrorists
ARE NOT ON THE MANIFESTS. I do not know how to confirm this loose end,
but as I said, these are the clues that need to be connected
to prove or disprove the theories.

I APPLAUD you starting this thread- this is a very important and PRECISE
element of 9-11 conspiracy theories that needs to be addressed-
I hope a good number of the GREAT MINDS here at ATS jump on this thread-
start their research, and find some answers.

It's funny-
I think of ATS as a forum, as it is-
and I see it as a passive exchange of ideas...

But as I get more involved as a member,
I see that ATS has the potential to be MUCH MORE-
here, with the intelligence and dilligence of these brilliant members-
well, isn't it possible that we collective SOLVE at least ONE outstanding
conspiracy mystery?

That would really validate our curiousity, our community
and our relentless pursuit of the truth...

Let's deny ignorance and start digging!

T. Patrick

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 10:03 PM
Thanks TLF, I am myself waiting (and searching) for the families that were called on thier cell-phone. I think if there was an effort to track down all the 13 callers and get their story, possibly we could lay this aspect to rest, or use this aspect to begin the disclosure. AAC

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 11:05 PM
well i know when discovery did their flight 93 movie, they had the families there interviewing them. Now if the families were real, who knows

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 12:22 AM
That's what got me thinking. Kind of like a brainwashing technique, make it look real, without a question, so no one ever qustions. I need to find out of they were real people. Help!

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 02:27 AM
Yea it's a fact when you are way up to a specific altitude fone cells dont work.
So how can they make calls?
This is just one of the things of course there are other things like no plane
in the hole.

But what would posibly create such a hole.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 04:42 PM
I have read many different claims regarding cell phone usage in aircraft. My current conclusion on it, as I haven't tried it myself, is that they can work, but are very unstable and often only stay connected for a few seconds. There are some cases where they have lasted longer. But multiple cases at the same time where people were able to actually have a conversation? That seems pretty... unlikely. But, didn't the planes have air phones in them anyway that people could use? Seems like they would use those instead.

Also, what about Ted Olsen's wife? I seem to recall anomalous things regarding her alleged call to him. Something about her calling collect over the air phone. But air phones require you to swipe a credit card to call, which nullifies the collect calling. I'll try to find information on that.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by LoganCale
Seems like they would use those instead.

Airphones would be the way to go. The only recorded call of flight 11 was made on an airphone.

[edit on 11-2-2006 by Style]

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 05:54 PM
The Pentagon has had the tech to duplicate voices digitally at least since 1999. So, if they could get voice clips of the victims of Flight 93, they could call families and chalk up any unusual conversations to the stress of the event (which is actually exactly what they did). One caller called "his" mother and recited his full name to her, for example. Other family members noted that the voices sounded somewhat odd.

The last caller from Flight 93, believed to be Edward Felt, reported an explosion on the aircraft to operator:

A man dials emergency 9-1-1 from a bathroom on the plane, crying, “We're being hijacked, We're being hijacked!” [Toronto Sun, 9/16/01] The operator reports, “He heard some sort of explosion and saw white smoke coming from the plane and we lost contact with him.” [Associated Press, 9/12/01 (B); ABC News, 9/11/01 (C); ABC News, 9/11/01 (B)] One minute after the call begins, the line goes dead. [Pittsburgh Channel, 12/6/01] Investigators believe this was Edward Felt, the only passenger not accounted for on phone calls. He was sitting in first class, so he probably was in the bathroom near the front of the plane. At one point, he appears to have peeked out the bathroom door during the call. [Longman, 2002, pp 193-194, 196] The mentions of smoke and explosions on the recording of his call are now denied. [Longman, 2002, pp 264] The person who took Felt's call is not allowed to speak to the media. [Mirror, 9/13/02]


So to recap:

He was on Flight 93.
He heard an explosion.
He saw white smoke.
The operator that took his call was gagged by the FBI.

And this was all reported by major media, as cited in the quote above.

Geez, makes you wonder, doesn't it?

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 06:48 PM
First I find it strange only 33 people were on a boeing 747 from East to West coast.

Why did they let them hear the voice box in a private setting? Murderous 911 calls are aired all over the Dateline. Has anyone found evidence from after the voice box airing? ews/archive/2002/03/25/national1138EST0597.DTL

I found the post tape interviews. I am concerned with one lady who tells that her husband called four times and told her the passengers were about to do something. That just doesn't seem like it could be possible from where the plane took off and landed. The terrorists would've had to hijack the plane before it reached cruising altitude, and then he would've made four more calls to warn her the the passengers would revolt. I could believe it easier if they crashed in Illinoise or further west. This was about 30 minutes of Flight time.

I'm still looking for discrepancies...

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 05:42 AM
There were no planes that crashed into the W.T.C. towers or the Pentagon on 9/11/01. The towers were imploded by explosives. The Pentagon was hit by some kind of military missile that was allowed to hit it.As far as the plane that crashed in the field that was all fabricated, the seen only had a few pieces of sheet metal & the crash site was either made by heavy machinery or explosives, & the coroner said their was no biological matter. If you can recall Payne Stewart's jet had F-16's on it in a mater of minutes, because the people died of oxygen deprivation. the F-16's followed it until it ran into a mountain. There is no way a plane can even come close to the Pentagon, they would be blown out of the skies because there are missile caches that protect government structures like this. The planes we saw on the media were C.G.I. As far as the people on flights 11,175,77,& 93. Most of them don't exist & the ones that do are living in a different country under a new identity. The only people that died on 9/11 was the people that didn't get out of the Towers & Pentagon & who know maybe most of then got out through basements & subways after all it was mostly all fabricated. As for why it happened their are many reasons. One is to take away our civil & human rights.Another was to have a reason to go to War in the middle east & rob them of there oil & build a pipeline through there countries. There is also the gold that came up missing in the basement vaults of the W.T.C. towers, that didn't belong to the U.S. A lot of money could be made by inside trading if you knew this was going to happen in advance. There were many things the government needed to get rid of in the towers & Pentagon, such as info on computers & files, & people who knew to much that could implement them in illegal activities, such as CIA's drug operations. NSA's mind control over the masses.CIA's torture & killings in 3rd world countries that can't retaliate.
Since the war has started in the middle east there has been bumper crops of OPIUM=HEROIN in Afghanistan which supplies 90% of the world's heroin.I also think the U.S. gov. had something to do with the killings in American schools by kids & teenagers through violent films, video games. I also think they had something to do with the sniper killings through hypnosis & mind control. So that they can disarm the U.S. & eventually take away our firearm rights. I know the Government knew the Japanese were coming to bomb Pearl Harbor. They were also involved in the Kennedy asassinations, the Oklahoma bombing, & the Waco incident. Now we have President Obama, a Prince Hall 32nd degree Freemason. Perhaps a 33rd now that he is president. He is just another puppet controlled by the elite power of this world such as the Crown Corp, Bilderbergs, & the list goes on & on. Even if we did try to fight back & try & take our country back I think we are to late.
They are much to strong now, with technology the way it is now & all the mental games they play & do to us, such as hypnosis & remote viewing & other evil crafts they apply against us, but a Mexican General did make a statement a long time ago that made a lot of since & that is it is better to die on you feet, than to live an entire life time on your knees. That's exactly what the FBI,CIA, NSA, & the other secret gov. organization do to us. They control our thoughts, what we learn through their teachings in their schools,
not to mention we have no privacy through wire taps & Satellites that watch our every move 24/7. The Federal reserve is corrupt ,not to mention income taxes are illegal. I mean were does it end. I hear know that KING James was a Freemason & maybe the bible was a device to control the masses now what do Christians have to look forward to. So many lies when will they tell us the truth & nothing but the truth, & one day fill us in on what really happened as far as history is concerned. Because as far as I know our history is a complete lie & our government.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by AnAbsoluteCreation

There's actually a thread somewhere on here questioning if the Flight crew thought they were performing a "mock" hijacking drill. Over and over it's been reported how calm the callers were. On one recording of a call, I believe it was from flight attendant Betty Ong on Fl. 11, as she's hanging up you can kinda hear someone else say "Good job".

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by LoganCale
I have read many different claims regarding cell phone usage in aircraft. My current conclusion on it, as I haven't tried it myself, is that they can work, but are very unstable and often only stay connected for a few seconds. There are some cases where they have lasted longer. But multiple cases at the same time where people were able to actually have a conversation? That seems pretty... unlikely.

Austin man charged after refusing to hang up cellphone during Southwest Airlines flight

"According to the police report, Mr. Jones remained on the phone about 20 minutes."

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by adam_zapple

You are using a source from last year to prove that cell phones could maintain a good signal back in 2001? Cell phone technology couln't have possibly advanced over the last 7 years, do you have a source that proves that all the calls could have been made and kept a good connection on planes back in 2001, when the event happened??

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by PplVSNWO
reply to post by adam_zapple

You are using a source from last year to prove that cell phones could maintain a good signal back in 2001? Cell phone technology couln't have possibly advanced over the last 7 years, do you have a source that proves that all the calls could have been made and kept a good connection on planes back in 2001, when the event happened??

It doesn't prove that the calls could or couldn't have happened in 2001 since the technology and the hardware were different. What it does do is establish the fact that it is possible to make a cell phone call from a moving plane...something that many people don't realize.

Something else that people probably don't realize is that in 2001 cell phones had to be MORE powerful. With less cell towers and larger spaces between them, the phones had to be able to transmit further than todays phones need to.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 11:34 AM
Yeah I remember hearing somewhere that one of the callers would tell the full name and last name to his mother as he called, there are so many things about the 911 conspiracy that make you think.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 11:38 AM
It was impossible to stay connected on a cell phone while travelling on a plane in 2001. Your article is from last year and the airline industry only brought in air coverage over the last 3 years.

Also, it made no difference how powerful the phone was, as there was no mobile phone coverage anywhere near as high as a plane would fly. The discontinuous nature of phone masts would have cut each mobile phone off every 30 seconds as the jet flies at 300+ mph.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Arsenis

Right. I remember that. During an interview his mom was describing the phone call, and said how odd it was that when she answered the phone and said "Hello?", He said "Mom, it's Mark Bingham....". Most people would just say, "Mom, it's Mark...".

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by BigC2012
It was impossible to stay connected on a cell phone while travelling on a plane in 2001.

That would depend on speed, altitude, distance to a tower, and the strength of the phone.

Originally posted by BigC2012
Your article is from last year and the airline industry only brought in air coverage over the last 3 years.

Not sure what you mean...the article is a guy using a cell phone on a plane, which is not a service provided by southwest airlines...he was connecting to towers on the ground.

Originally posted by BigC2012
Also, it made no difference how powerful the phone was, as there was no mobile phone coverage anywhere near as high as a plane would fly.

While this may be the case at their cruising altitude, the plane decended a great deal before it crashed.

Originally posted by BigC2012
The discontinuous nature of phone masts would have cut each mobile phone off every 30 seconds as the jet flies at 300+ mph.

Perhaps that's why the calls kept dropping.

Originally posted by Abbby
reply to post by Arsenis

Right. I remember that. During an interview his mom was describing the phone call, and said how odd it was that when she answered the phone and said "Hello?", He said "Mom, it's Mark Bingham....". Most people would just say, "Mom, it's Mark...".

Most people aren't on a hijacked plane with only minutes to live.

[edit on 26-2-2009 by adam_zapple]

[edit on 26-2-2009 by adam_zapple]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by adam_zapple

Exactly. So why introduce yourself formally to your own mother. If you're insinuating it was nerves, I'd have to disagree. She detected no panic in his voice, and who would know his emotions better than his own mother.

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