Speak up, clearly and in unison, that´s our only chance...
Again, if some 2000 of us "raid" mainstream news with a solid portfolio that in itself is very newsworthy.
I propose june 6, 2006 as a date (6-6-6
), and noon local time (wherever that may be) as a time.
Continuing my daydreaming I envision that at that nice summerday, starting in Japan, noon on 6-6-06, a group of select freedom fighters enters the
Fuji News Network building lobby, the Tokyo Shimbun redaction and the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun redaction simultaneously and unannounced.
They will humbly ask to be heard and explain their case for why it should be heard (our story will be the same everywhere, we will need a very good
pitch!). Be persuasive... Nag, and when getting nowhere, create a row by chaining yourself to a desk or something refusing to leave until the story is
heard. Hungerstrike etc. The usual.. heh.
That´s just the first TZ. Next, as the sun continues merrily towards the west it will reach China, Indonesia, New Zealand, Australia, India.
Same deal. At noon, enter the top three or four news networks with the evidence portfolio, pitch, explain what you are doing and what is happenening
this day and what will happen every hour all over the world on this day.
Sweeping over Europe via Russia, we continue nicely via the U.K. and Iceland to the East coast of the U.S.
New York will be a hoot, because by the time noon hits NYC this story is ALL OVER THE PLACE, believe you me.
The patriots entering the CNN building may already be welcomed as heroes by then, but... Hey it´s only a daydream right, so indulge me.
Continuing via Washington DC, the Midwest we finally reach LA and SF.
I would propose to hold a massive rally in San Francisco, just because I happen to like the place and it´s sort of a place which has a freedom
fighter history.
By the time this day is over there will be severe mayhem, doubt and loads of anarchy all over the world, but sorry, that simply cannot be helped.
This is the only way in my opinion to address the grave injustice of ignorance towards issues like:
WTC ´93 and ´01
Illegal wars
Power of Intelligence agencies & the industrial complex
Globalization and loss of individual freedom
Alien technologies (Steven Greer rocks)
Black budget programs
How about Pearl Harbor?
How about JFK (nice shot, William Greer...... Man, SS does not stand for Secret Service in your case, you Gestapo ****
Depleted uranium. (W.H.O.:Yes it´s safe because it is only a ´little´radioactive. Duh. Like putting your head in a microwave oven and switching it
on on the lowest setting. Forever. Beyond Treason indeed.
Please U2U me, I am making a list of people who would like to partake as Global Patriot (GP) and assist in ´Exposure Day 06´ - The rally that will
change the world as we
don´t know it.
I´m gathering souls via other channels besides ATS as well, if you are wondering: the current GP count is 16, including myself. The portfolio is
coming along nicely.
Just to remind you, this will be a peaceful rally, without firearms. But we WILL BE PERSISTENT, and yes probably face arrest, jail sentence or
But come on people, they cannot ´suicide´ or jail all of us!
Edit: Yes, we need local people who speak the local language and yes we need a lot of people to pull this off. So come on you Japanese, Chinese,
Russians, French and the 101 nationalities I forgot. Spread the word, unite the like minded individuals like the members on this board, and lets get
this show on the road.
[edit on 24-3-2006 by HardToGet]