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How far are you prepared to go to stop the NWO?

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posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 03:37 PM
It just occured to me...

After reading through a substantial amount of content on the forum generally speaking the mood is one where everyone wants to prove that there is a global conspiracy, and a NWO behind it.

We (that includes me) are desperate to prove that 9/11, OCB, and the War on Terror are nothing short of the grossest pieces of propaganda since the Reichstag fire.

Why not try a different approach. Most are convinced that the NWOC exists (New World Order Conspiracy or Neo-Conservative wave), so why not create a business plan for the next five years how WE are going to solve this situation before it is too late?

I kid you not, WWIII will become reality if action is not taken, I truly believe that. So, what are WE going to do?

Real action, yes. Preferably of the kind which does not land you in jail.

Please remember, it is NOT about Bush, Clinton, Kerry, or any other politician in the White House. It is about the Skull & Bones´, the lobbyists, industrials like the Carclyle group and any other org or entity which can be termed as Neo Conservative or falling in the NWO/Illuminati category.

I´m going to start posting my own ideas if anyone is interested, but I need some time. For now, I could use some serious suggestions from the enlightened spirits on ATS.

One final question, I have to ask, if you knew that there was a risk that the actions you take could get you killed, would you still go ahead?

In other words, are you prepared to SACRIFICE YOUR LIFE for fighting the NWO?

Think about it.

[edit on 10-2-2006 by John bull 1]

[edit on 10-2-2006 by HardToGet]

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by HardToGet

Real action, yes. Preferably of the kind which does not land you in jail.

There are lots of actions that can be taken - probably none that should be spoken of openly here.

As far as jail, active dissent will land you in jail (or worse) in most countries - including so called democracies such as the U.S.

To actively oppose the NWO you have to actively oppose the International Military Industrial Complex - and violence is one of their main tools.

If one is not willing to "Live Free or Die!" then they should perhaps try to ascend as one of the NWO's toadies in the global heirarchy.

For those that will not or simply cannot conform there is really only one choice - active opposition no matter what the cost.

We have truth on our side - but our morality limits the scope of our potential strategies.

In the end God wins no matter what evil forces occupy the Earth - however those who follow the light of true justice shall never bow down before these Earthly powers even if the cost is martyrdom.

[edit on 10-2-2006 by TruthMagnet]

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 03:56 PM
Good points.

But about your remark, if we cannot discuss it on here on ATS, then where?

If being dissident lands you in jail in the U.S. BTW it is worse than I thought, and all the more reason to act. They cannot jail all of us...

We need a semi public spokesperson for one, preferably a celeb.

Also, a few items which could be achieved without too much effort:

1) Create a portfolio with all events which have happened over the last ten years and
the counter evidence taken from the web and documentaries

This portfolio should become some form of standard work or a ´bible´if you will, no wait, a MANIFESTO of what is wrong with the world today and why.

2) Using this manifesto (I love this word) every participant should spend at least half a day every week finding and going to midsized news organizations in their country, yes including U.S., and set meetings with editors to discuss the issues and see if a special report can be created to be published/aired. The fact that people like us are starting to do this is in itself a decent story for the news to cover.

Agreed, it will not be easy at first, but if you persist you will yield results. Also if we are many, and coordinate our efforts, we cannot be ignored! How many members are on ATS?

How many readers does ATS have? If only 10% participated it would be an excellent start.

So, what about these points? Achievable?

More points later.

[edit on 10-2-2006 by HardToGet]

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 04:31 PM
It would ofcourse mean coming out of the woodwork, from behind your screens and going outside onto the streets where the ´real´ world is.

Scary huh?

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 04:42 PM
To speak openly and publicly about the NWO is political suicide basically, your going to get labeled a crackpot and will case to get any attention from the media. If you really wanted to take a shot at dismantling the NWO you have to operate as they do, in public with clever covers that seem as good intentions but in reality serve your agenda. Of course that is assuming that its even possible in the first place to overthrow a very well funded and thought out movement that is almost assured to win in the end. Is it really worth trying to resist when you can focus more on dissapearing into the woodwork of some remote region and just living out your life in relative peace?

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by alternateheaven
Is it really worth trying to resist when you can focus more on dissapearing into the woodwork of some remote region and just living out your life in relative peace?

For my daughter´s sake, yes.

It is not a question of fighting the NWO as such that you are pointing fingers and saying "see, see, it´s the NWO!".

Our first point in the agenda should be exposing all the evidence to an as wide as possible public audience and gain popular support. To do this you must start with the media. Either that or start advertising like Jimmy Walter, maybe in the form of a non profit organization.

Once the public opinion changes, the house of cards itself will follow, and thus the NWO can be stopped. We need popularity, badly.

[edit on 10-2-2006 by HardToGet]

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 05:09 PM

You have some excellent points!

I believe perhaps you can have a balance between youor own autonomy and working in hidden ways to counter the influence of the NWO.


At this point education and viral/gorilla marketing are the best weapons, imho, that we as world citizens currently have to combat the NWO.

There are actually more powerful tools available to certain resistance groups as well - that may prove to be more of a stumbling block than the arrogant elitests realize.

And if the right opportunity presents itself, the people may just pull a checkmate out of thin air after all.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet
At this point education and viral/gorilla marketing are the best weapons, imho, that we as world citizens currently have to combat the NWO.

Like the PodCast a few hours ago, which was excellent.

There are actually more powerful tools available to certain resistance groups as well - that may prove to be more of a stumbling block than the arrogant elitests realize.

Please say which tools you mean, and which resistence groups there are, because I´m in a mood where I´m about to form such a group myself.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 06:06 PM
I too would be extremely interested and grateful for any information on resistance groups.


posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 01:27 AM
The NWo uses many things to control us right now. Money, taxes, laws, Ad's, fear and media. If they keep us poor, others will become desperate and get guns to rob, then they ban guns and keep us in fear of people with guns. Then we have to rely on police systems that are not going to stop it, then they use terrorism to make us sign over our rights / freedoms.

One way to take the power away from them is to expose CEO's to the public that have gotten huge pay increases, while the workers below them get much less (MC D's does not count). The less power/money they have, the less they control you and if you don't start small out of fear, will you even do anything but talk and complain? If we take back the money and power, we can change laws, have less crime (parents will be able to parent) and less fear.

We could also find a way to release/collect unknowen quantum energy and never need to buy gas again. We would be richer and have more of thier money and power. It would also make other people in power (not connected to the NWO) demand disclosure of other secret technologies and wrong doings.

Money is like war. If the corporate goons have 9/10's of the money, the rest are out of luck and under control of the people with all the money.
So to stop it every one should buy stuff at places that over staff and pays thier workers well. If the workers are paid well and the people in charge of that bussiness are not millionairs, then you just took some money away from the people in power. The more rich people have to pay to keep thier company/corp going, the more money the poor will get. Make the other side spend (die) to win (power).

Simplistic, I know.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 05:22 AM
No, not simplistic, you´re right ofcourse.

The question still remains, how are we going to compile and expose this information to the biggest possible audience who are NOT on the net yet?

I know, they do exist....
Man in the street kind of thing.

Apart from the manifesto which noone replied to (well maybe it is not a good idea) I figure that we could also look at it from a David Icke/Alex Jones kind of perspective in that power and knowledge is compartemental, some form of Pyramid with lower layers not knowing knowledge in upper layers.

What if we were to chart all these layers and create a real information scheme, like for example used in Systems analysis (Jourdan). This diagram would effectively chart the NWO with places, names, functions, goal to each compartement. Wow, I just saw a vision of a website where you can travel through all layers of the pyramid all the way to the controlling-all-seeing-eye-level.

I happen to be (used to) in the business of designing software, so that would be a nice job for me. Some sort of ´meet the NWO´ field trip.

Still, you would need something in your hand to present to the media and on the streets of the world. Like a document or a book.

The Manifesto of New World Liberty.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 05:40 AM
That Pyramid idea is a solid idea. i would very much contribute Documents and other NWO literature that I have to it. We can only help inform the people at this point in time as I beleive the NWO is just to powerful to stop with all there high ranking people. Does anyone even know what the Rothchilds look like? If I knew that or knew where they lived, I would do somthing to bring them down. They own the Federal Reserve Bank and the Bank of England at that is insane.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by Fuhr86
That Pyramid idea is a solid idea. i would very much contribute Documents and other NWO literature that I have to it.

Excellent, thank you. This is badly needed.

Does anyone even know what the Rothchilds look like? If I knew that or knew where they lived, I would do somthing to bring them down. They own the Federal Reserve Bank and the Bank of England at that is insane.

Stop right there. No violence or direct lashings at the 13 families because you will be in jail, dead, or worse before you even start campaigning.

Thanks, I´ll keep track of anyone willing to contribute. BTW interesting alias. Fuhr86? Uhuh.

Edit: I forgot to mention that if you want more info on the 13 monk...eeh families go here:

Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier

[edit on 11-2-2006 by HardToGet]

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 03:15 PM
i can't think of many useful strategies which aren't violent or awfully risky, or just too outlandish to be taken seriously.

The most powerful tool we might have is the ability to predict their moves, if at all possible with excellent accuracy - sure people would try to attach blame (f.ex you predicted 9/11, so you did it
), but it would certainly make them nervous after a few times.

Next on my list would be throwing some sand into the propaganda machine of the establishment, by pointing out tidbits of information they spent millions on to conceal from public view, basically what THIS SITE should be, and to an extent already IS (yes, that was a compliment of sorts)

Last and dangerous way of saving the world: be a dumb hero and interfere when the feds take people out of airplanes or off the streets, ask them what they're doing if they have warrants and all (note this MUST be done in a public place with hundreds of witnesses and if at all possible under video coverage), WHO THE VICTIM IS, then record and write down all data, if you have a camcorder, use it, you get the idea, right?

As with all actions, risk is a good substitute for wits, but you might pay dearly (death is quick, so one of the better ways to lose, 'disappearing' otoh, has a sour taste to it, doesn't it), so you really shouldn't be married or have kids if you're going that route. Self explanatory limitation: you have to run into a 'rendition' or another act of gov't agression to even apply this strategy.

PS: i still favor non-discussable options due to effectiveness, you know.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 03:12 PM
HardToGet and number5,

Please - you would not really like me to expose some of these non-violent resistance groups and make it easier for those who monitor the internet would you?

As for the best plan of action, I believe you seem to have some very good ideas. And basically you can take one of two useful routes.

1) Build a complimentary website that allies itself with other like minded site such as ATS


Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions


2) Found/participate in a non-violent resistance group that compiles data in relative secrecy and then releases large blocks of information to the web - not unlike the top Warez groups release software.

In both cases you can use Gorilla/Viral Marketing to help get the info out there and sway popular opinion.

I apologize that I cannot elaborate further, but do know that if you start such a group yourself, there are other groups already out there and allied with your cause.

Hopefully, with persistance and patience, we can work together to create a synergistic effect that topples these puppet governments and brings about a new Global Renaissance.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 05:03 PM
I present to you this glimmer of hope:
The fall of the U.S.S.R.

This conspiracy to swindle the russian people laster for years and actually took power. It subjagated millions of people and recieved international recognition.

But it was brought down.

It could imprision you, kill you, and conscript you. But it fell. Such is the way of time, and it shall always be. I ask you to look through your history books and show to me an empire which lasted more then 200 years. Very rare they are indeed.

No matter what this "New World Order" has in mind, it is nothing but a mere moment in history, doomed to fail from the start. I predict that if it does take power it will fall to corruption.

People with too much power will get greedy, and want more. Soon war will be waged between these entities and they will eat each other from the inside out. Soon they just won't have the manpower to enforce their will.

Horrible it will be, these wars that will be needed to defeat them. But for those of us with...farther reaching aspects of time it is certainly still a sunny outlook.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 05:20 PM
Alright, well first off. You have to have your own individual mind...don't let the government control you with mind control and subliminal messages. The truth will set you free, as David Icke and other people say. Also, know that the Denver International Airport is one of the biggest conspiracies about the New World Order. And I just posted about that too. The airport itself is shaped like a swastika, as well as the runways. When this guy U2U'd me, he claimed he was from the DIA, and that there was no underground base there at all. And he laughed about it. I asked him about the swastika, but he totally left that out. He refused to answer it. So he just fueled the conspiracy even more, just like Mr.Snyder at the airport did. What is really that they said the SAME exact thing. Very odd. Also, consider the following.

This New world Airport is supposed to be the..West New World Order control center, and then the east would be somewhere else...and then so on. Here is the big rumor. Just like F.E.M.A Now I know what you are thinking. But FEMA is a helping society, they are there to protect the people, aren't they? Well rumors say that there is a HUGE underground base underneath the Denver Airport with a TON of space, and is big enough to hold thousands and thounsands of people. Here are the rumors listed as shows...

1.) Reptilians reside down there also.

2.) Children are taken there. Missing children

3.) Children are doing slave labor down there. And when they can't work anymore, they are consumed on the spot, by the draconians, or reptilians

4.) There is a holding area down there, big enough to fit thousands and thousands of people. this part comes from my friend and others that claim there. The signs...

1.) The grotesque murals...

2.) people feel a flux field..

3.) People feel very uneasy in that airport

4.) My friend has stated it's an evil airport

5.) Masonic symbols, and Nazi symoblization.

6.) ghosts?

7.) Complaints from workers, people, and Phil, as well as countelss others.

8.) germans reside near the more sensitive areas of the airport.

9.) The fence outside is caved IN to what? To keep things in?

10.) There are power generators down there.

11.) There is a lie about a biological fungus down there in the lower levels.

So...what is your thought?

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by whitelightwolf
1.) Reptilians reside down there also.

2.) Children are taken there. Missing children

3.) Children are doing slave labor down there. And when they can't work anymore, they are consumed on the spot, by the draconians, or reptilians

4.) There is a holding area down there, big enough to fit thousands and thousands of people. this part comes from my friend and others that claim there. The signs...

1.) The grotesque murals...

2.) people feel a flux field..

3.) People feel very uneasy in that airport

4.) My friend has stated it's an evil airport

5.) Masonic symbols, and Nazi symoblization.

6.) ghosts?

7.) Complaints from workers, people, and Phil, as well as countelss others.

8.) germans reside near the more sensitive areas of the airport.

9.) The fence outside is caved IN to what? To keep things in?

10.) There are power generators down there.

11.) There is a lie about a biological fungus down there in the lower levels.

So...what is your thought?

Uh frankly....I find no evidence to support this. Frankly the idea that "germans reside near the more sensitive areas of the airport" is horribly rascist and wrong. You might as well say "and those darkies are the security...and you know those darkies!"

But hey, give me some real, concrete evidence and maybe I'll believe.

posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 10:28 AM
Well as a frequent traveller I use the DIA airport quite a bit - and I have to tell you - it is actually quite pleasant.

I have done some sleuthing around - and talked to people I know who work in several different parts of the airport - and I do not believe it to be a major hub for the NWO.

Although it is quite possible that there is enough space below it to be used as a safe "bunker" type area for the President (and may likely be a good strategic place for such a thing) I fell confident that there are no reptilians or underground slave mines there.

As for the murals - they are actually quite cool, but their meaning may be symbolic as it is hard to tell what the artists true intention was.

As for David Icke and the Reptillian theory - I have to be honest - both him and his theory seem to be without any merit.

Again, I will not deny there is some definate masonic symbolism at the airport, but in general its not a real point of legitimate interest to most NWO researchers.

posted on Feb, 16 2006 @ 08:50 AM
Well, I must say that whitelightwolf has a point... This is another rumour that won´t go away, like Montauk.

Having studied some of the evidence i.e. masonic writings and symbols which appear all over the place I must say that at least something fishy is going on.

It would be interesting to find out if anyone on this board lives nearby Denver Airport and can investigate discretely if there is more to this...

Thanks for all suggestions so far
, I think the best course of action for now is to inventory all groups/sites that currently have the same goal:

Exposing the NWO to the greatest possible audience on and offline.

Preferably with some solid evidence. Tough, but doable I would say.

We must unite all these efforts if we are to stand any chance for a Global Renaissance. Nice term there TruthMagnet.

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