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Have you guys ever heard of Aleister Crowley?

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posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 01:40 AM
He lived from 1875-1947 and claimed to have met an angel. His drawing of the angel, named "Lam," has a striking resemblance of a Grey. Here is a link all about it...

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 02:06 AM
Aliester Crowley im sure is well known by many members here. Crowley linked with aliens though is a subject i have never heard, i have even heard that crowley was linked to montauk, and the manhatten project.
They are all wild claims, but i do believe that Crowley knew something deeper than out understanding.

Alot of people condem Crowley for his writings, i have read very few of them but from what i have read i have found his books intresting. Go read up about crowley, where he went, and what he did. Very mysterious and intresting.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 02:41 AM
There is an old thread about his on ATS I think, I may be wrong. I just remember seeing Crowley and especially the "grey" pic before. when I have time I will definetly look into his stories, very interesting.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 05:55 AM

Here is another article about it Ritual Magic, Mind Control, and the UFO Phenomenon

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 07:54 AM
Crowley is considered by many to be the most accomplished sorcerer (for lack of a better term) in recent history. His writings on the summoning of demons is seminal.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 07:59 AM

Yes I have heard of him.

Honestly .. I don't trust his information
on alien beings. He was too immersed
in the dark side of occult. Evil can easily
fool humans ... and I believe he was fooled.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 08:35 AM
the skeptic sees him as a fiendish make beleiver that used common day pop culture to get his endeavers and fulfill his sexual deviants. he was addicted to drugs and died a lonely man.

if he was so powerful, why wasn't rich or young forever?

[edit on 8-2-2006 by waffleprime]

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 09:10 AM

you should really inform yourself more on Aleister Crowley! He is one of the most interesting persons in the whole human history. And I am in no way exaggerating. He has been the head of A...A...(Astrum Argentum), Ordo Templi Orientis, Golden Dawn (reserch McGregory Mathers as well), a 33 degree mason, A MI-5 agent, and PR of Churchil, etc. He was also connecetd in a way with Hitler and Gurjieff (the greatest occultist on Russian side)...

I have read most of his writings and find them extremely fascinating. Based on his Book of the Law, the religion of Thelema was started. I, myself, am a long year member of the Order of Thelema and can testify that there is nothing sinister or dark in his work and ideas. Well, he was, of course, the Great Beast 666

Yes, it is true, that he evocated Lams. In fact, you may continue your research in that direction checking the Cult of Lams. Moreover, LaVey's Church of Satan based its philosophy (nothing sinister there either) on superficial understanding of Crowley's Thelema...

Yet further, Crowley was also an archeologist, poet, philosopher, and a politician. In most cases he was scandalous and controversial, in my opinion partly because he was misunderstood by the masses. Believe me, the life and works of Aleister Crowley can offer you a very interesting and involving research project!

Do What Thou Wilt, Shall be the Whole of the Law

PS. Yes, Thelema includes some Tantra based sexual practices. However, the idea that Crowley used his philosophy and influence to satisfy his sexual desires is totally ludicrous.

[edit on 8-2-2006 by Jgruh4e] - to add the PS.

[edit on 8-2-2006 by Jgruh4e]


posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Jgruh4e

you should really inform yourself more on Aleister Crowley! He is one of the most interesting persons in the whole human history. And I am in no way exaggerating. He has been the head of A...A...(Astrum Argentum), Ordo Templi Orientis, Golden Dawn (reserch McGregory Mathers as well), a 33 degree mason, A MI-5 agent, and PR of Churchil, etc. He was also connecetd in a way with Hitler and Gurjieff (the greatest occultist on Russian side)...


Lord another Thelemite on this board... what is this world coming to??

But a few corrections. Crowley was never the head of the Golden Dawn, and the connection with the British intelligence service (Pre MI5) is sketchy at best.

Yes, it is true, that he evocated Lams. In fact, you may continue your research in that direction checking the Cult of Lams.

The Cult of Lam stuff is much more of a Kennth Grant thing than a Crowley thing. About all Crowley said in the matter is this is a picture of Lam, an entity I saw.

93 93/93

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 10:06 AM
Crowley gets a bad rap, if you ask me... this constant association of the man and his whole body of work with this 'evil' thing is largely undeserved, in my opinion.

Much of what Crowley had to say could be applied effectively to the life of a person that isn't even interested in the occult, and he certainly has a lot to teach even the most selfless right-hand-path magician.

Anybody that writes Thelema, the A..A.., or the Golden Dawn off as 'evil' is missing out on a lot of useful information, and a lot of insight on both exoteric and esoteric philosophy. Any person would do well to learn the techniques of meditation laid out by Crowley; check out his 'Book Four' for a quick introduction. He has a lot to offer.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 10:17 AM

Lord another Thelemite on this board... what is this world coming to??


Cug, I fully accept the corrections. I know Crowley was never the head of Golden Dawn (despite his desire), I was just listing and did not notice how i started the sentence... I also never said the Cult of Lam was a Crowley thing, but I guess my structure implied it... Hey, i need to improve my writing skills

93 93/93

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 01:40 PM
He was considered a black magician but stated himself he never liked "human" sacrifice and never used it, but stated that it was the best sacrifice.. I think the messenger really got shot in this case... just because he gave us these teachings doesn't mean he did everything he knew about.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 01:52 PM
Want to see some really interesing stuff, check into the links between Crowley, Jack (Jet Propulsion Lab) Parsons and L. Ron (Show Me the Money) Hubbard.
See Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons and/or Sex and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 02:17 PM
Interesting picture there is indeed a uncanny resemblance to the common Grey depictions, something you can find all the way back to Cave paintings if you look.

Im no expert on demonology or Crowley but Ive read somethings, and it got me thinking. I remember reading one book in which Angels (or at least one class of them) were referred to as "Watchers" in ancient times. Sorry I cant remember were I read that off hand. But anyway Watchers seems to a decent description of what Greys are doing and could have been doing for a very long time.

Greys are also sometimes desribed as workers or drones for a higher power. Another decent fit with our concept of angels which are really messengers and workers for God.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 04:52 PM
Cowley may have made this entity to purposely have the appearance of a Gray type of alien.

As far as cave paintings, i think that these coincidences might speak to a common source, but not actual living ETs. The oversized head, pan-like black eyes, etc, they're all features and characteristics that evoke an emotive response, even if you don't know what its supposed to be.

Therefore, we might expect these things to apppear in many different contexts, called many different things, but allways be a result of human psychology. The same might apply the drawing from crowley, he drew, or perhaps honestly thought that he contacted, this 'archetypical' creature/image.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Cug

Originally posted by Jgruh4e

you should really inform yourself more on Aleister Crowley! He is one of the most interesting persons in the whole human history. And I am in no way exaggerating. He has been the head of A...A...(Astrum Argentum), Ordo Templi Orientis, Golden Dawn (reserch McGregory Mathers as well), a 33 degree mason, A MI-5 agent, and PR of Churchil, etc. He was also connecetd in a way with Hitler and Gurjieff (the greatest occultist on Russian side)...


Lord another Thelemite on this board... what is this world coming to??

That makes about 5 now, huh Cug? LMAO. Seriously, I think the connection between Crowley's Alamantrah Working and the increase in UFO sightings is a subject that desrves to be researched.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 05:53 PM
At Google Video again search for "Ufo Secret Space 5/5" .

After a short explaination on Neil and Buzz the video show a link to Parson and the Beast, i think the beast was in a bunch of occult, obscure techniques.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 06:20 PM
Not too long ago they had a big double page spread on this chap in the local paper known as "The Sunday Mail".

This guy was unhinged. From beating his wives to sacrificing goats and lambs.
What made him famous was his ability to convince people he was telling the truth while jibbering on with his devil alien hoo hah.

Recently a demolishion team were working in a building in london when they discovered a secret basement. They new Aliester Crowly had once owned the building.
In this basement that appeared to have been hidden and unopened for a half century they found a burning candle, a human skull and a pentagram made from sticks and twine. Creepy.

The demolishion team shat emselves apparently and didn't want to go back there. Though is was then said to be a hoax set up by some long time folowers. But there was no proof.

I can't find any links to support this so any help wood be much appreciated.

[edit on 30-4-2006 by spearhead]

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 05:24 AM

that's a pretty good biography on Aleister Crowley.

It explains how he came to writing The Book of Law, which now some crazytown people follow, a religious book, a black bible even.

Here's the book.
The Book of Law

I read it.
Lets just say... i think the publishing and general accpetance of this book brought a new view to the way we as people look at society and ourselves. It is as if this book tells you its ok to be evil and careless but also at the same time love each other and feel no guilt for boning your neighbors wife. (that is just crazy ain't it).
The very fundamentals and ethics that make us human, the same ones that separate us from the animals kindom. The ones that made man the uptight aristocratic armpits that we once were have been rocked by this book.
This book made the occult what it was, has and will always be, nucking futs!

Here's the site for the crummy fools that follow this religion.

I honestly think that this Crowley nut job has had so much influence in the evolution of todays Western society he has achieved what one man alone may never do again. Fabricate and manipulate the way modern man percieves his surroundings and other people. By writing

[edit on 2-5-2006 by spearhead]

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 11:40 AM
Crowley and others like him are insane. The guy thought he was the prince of darkness like seriously.

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