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Originally posted by Elsenorpompom
What i am intersted in is the consitent agreement that the grey inhabit this alternative dimension...never on any of my trips ahve i ever met a i have never taken mescalin...but through acid, exstacy, mushrooms and combinations of those three i have been out THERE....but never met any greys. my questions is this......does mescalin allow you to enter an alternative dimension that other psychadellics dont?
...all substances from alchohl on up DIRECTLY AFFECT YOUR GENETIC MAKEUP.
Originally posted by Nygdan
Just a note, if you or anyone else starts discussing using drugs, this thread will be closed and possibly trashed altogether, so lets stick to the topic.
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2e.) Illegal Activity: Discussion of illegal activities such as drug use, drug paraphernalia, hacking, etc. are strictly forbidden.
In the depths of the Amazon rainforest tribal shamans drink a powerful hallucinogenic brew called Ayahuasca (“the vine of souls”) in order to induce visions. When they return to normal consciousness, after experiencing what they believe is out-of-body travel in the spirit world, they make paintings of the “intelligent beings” they have encountered. Why are many of these beings also depicted as uncanny hybrids with the heads of animals or serpents and the bodies of humans?
And why do the shamans say that they have taught them everything they know about how to live in the jungle,
and about the medicinal value of rainforest plants?
Why do Western lab volunteers, placed experimentally under the influence of hallucinogens such as '___', psilocybin, mescaline and '___', report visionary encounters with “beings” in the form of animal-human hybrids – beings identical to those the Amazonian shamans claim to meet and to those painted by our ancestors in the prehistoric caves?
What is the significance of the astonishing similarities between the entities known as “aliens”, ET’s” or “greys” in modern popular culture, the entities known as “fairies”, “elves” and “goblins” in the Middle Ages, and the entities that shamans in surviving tribal cultures know as “ghosts”, “gods” and “spirits”?
Why have eminent scientists at the cutting edge of consciousness research, especially those who study the ways that hallucinogens work in the brain, recently begun to question long-established theories about the nature of reality?
Why are some now even ready to consider the possibility, long ago embraced by shamans, that, far from being “false perceptions”, what we see in the strange imagery and experiences of hallucinations may be real perceptions of other “dimensions” and the beings inhabiting them?
Why did Nobel Prize-winner Francis Crick keep concealed until his death the astonishing circumstances under which he first “saw” the double-helix structure of DNA? And why did he become convinced that the DNA molecule did not evolve naturally upon this planet but was sent here in bacteria by an alien civilisation?
Why does the 97 per cent of DNA that scientists do not understand – so-called “junk DNA” – contain chemical “sequences” arranged in patterns and frequencies that are otherwise only found in the deep coding of all human languages?