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Secret Codes in our DNA? The book "Supernatural".

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posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 11:31 AM
I found the interview very interesting and which has prompted me to read the book Supernatural.

I have always had a deep interest in Shaman and medicine men and the world of old. I think that we are intentionally being repressed through propaganda and media to were we are conscienciously asleep if you will.

Hopefully it will be an interesting read

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 03:36 PM
If you read what i said, hairy ol snapped me back to this world, not to full sentinent control but to a state where i was "aware" that i was in the real world.
Extreme cold can and will do this to you, and i cannot think of a greater shock than a gallon of ice cold water sluiced over you.

The book author is lulled into a false sense of "alls well apart from the greys" mentality, which i think is dangerouse to say the least. The books not evil itself, but the playing around in the greys world is, and trust me, it is their world not ours to be playing in.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by MadGreebo
Ok heres my experiences of this place that '___' takes you to, and whats on the other side.

In short, '___' reacts in the mind to induce what can only be called a paranormal response. You are very very ill (Its very very toxic) you appear to be dying

'___' is a neurotransmitter already native to your brain (the Pineal Gland converts Tryptophan into '___'). It's naturally produced by your brain every night and some theorize it's what causes us to dream. '___' is indeed highly psychedelic but its neurotoxity threshold must be rather high since the brain releases large amounts of it at night.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 04:12 PM
Well, I''ve finished the book, its kinda of a messed up book, i'm really not sure what to think about it.

Also, I was of the understanding that only very small amounts of '___' were created in the human brain...

-- Boat

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 04:27 PM
I'm reading this book as well...

I find it immensely interesting and now have a new understanding of art and what it means. An unbroken chain of artistic endeavor going back 77,000 years is absolutely enlightening to someone who tries to paint meaningfully and not just for show.

As a result of this book, I now have numerous new links on my homepage...everything from the San history and rock paintings to the French caves.

My new heroes are Christopher Chippendale, Paul Tacon and David Lewis-Williams.

The Native American spirit quest, brought about through fasting and isolation are a means to the same end...without the drugs.

Always fascinated by the iconic symbols of NA lore, I'm finding myself tying lots of loose ends together from a much more global perspective as well as spanning time over so many millenia.

Thank you, Graham Hancock...Supernatural is an awesome book.

edit to change noun

[edit on 20-2-2006 by masqua]

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by Boatphone
Also, I was of the understanding that only very small amounts of '___' were created in the human brain...

I meant large amounts in respect to what someone would use recreationaly.

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 09:30 PM
The high Court has just passed ruling on the use of a tea with '___' in it...

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A small branch of a South American religious sect may use hallucinogenic tea as part of a ritual intended to connect with God, a unanimous Supreme Court ruled Tuesday.

*snip* (by me).

The tea, which contains an illegal drug known as '___', is considered sacred to members of the sect, which has a blend of Christian beliefs and South American traditions. Members believe they can understand God only by drinking the tea, which is consumed twice a month at four-hour ceremonies.

The Link...

Pretty cool, I bet Mr. Hancock is pleased.

-- Boat

PS: Yay Roberts!

[edit on 21-2-2006 by Boatphone]

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 11:11 PM
Interesting Boatphone. Thanks for the update

The '___' tea is called Ayahuasca and is actually a mixture of things. The mixture contains a type of grass (contains '___') and other plants that have alkoloids that act as MAO-inhibtors. MAOs have the potential of making ordinary food toxic so this brew (IMO) should not be done recreationaly, only by a shaman or similar practitioner.

I believe mescaline (cactus) is also sanctioned by the US goverment for members of the native american "church".

I think this is good news.

**edit: The article mentions it's a south american religious sect that has christian and south american beliefs. Know any more about them perchance?

**edit: I think I found it. It's the Uniao do Vegetal (UDV) church and its brazilian. I didn't see any christian influence.

[edit on 022828p://22u20 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 02:27 PM
So the spirit world you entered is pure evil but decieving at first? I think the bible suggest this.
Ive read the shamans know what their doing there and they can actually solve problems or obtain info for the physical world. Are they just fooling with evil? I would be glad to hear some more info from your experience because ive been wanting to do this but know im not so sure.

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 02:52 PM
One of the things mentioned by Graham Hancock in this book is that the 'spirit journey' need not be induced by drugs. I can't emphasize this enough.

He talks about dancing and fasting as well. Anyone who wishes to can become aware of the spirit world without hallucinogens.

It's not the method that is the important part, it's the fact that all methods produce the same visions. A San shaman of 10,000 years ago would experience identical visions, auditory hallucinations and physical trauma during his/her journey as does a practitioner in South or North America today.

I think the similar experiences are justification for the idea of the "Secret Codes in our DNA" as mentioned in the title of this thread.

Discussion on the method is similar to a visit to either flew, drove, took a donkey cart or astro-projected...but, it's what you felt upon viewing Giza that is the valuable lesson you take away with you.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 07:02 AM
I have to some degree experienced what MadGreebo describes. But this was through past-life regression in hypnosis, for some reason I ended up somewhere completely different. Mm.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Thao
I have to some degree experienced what MadGreebo describes. But this was through past-life regression in hypnosis, for some reason I ended up somewhere completely different. Mm.

Wait, how's that? What happened?

-- Boat

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 12:07 AM
As a grad student in anthropology in the 70s shamanistic experiences were encouraged and even deemed academic research.
Sorry madgreebo had a bad experience. All my research with peyote and ayhuasca were very pleasant and revealing. Still not to be taken lightly.
I am hesitant to say that glimpses into other dimensions are made possible but the doors of perception are certainly opened. I personally explored realms I feel were as real as ordinary reality.

Other plants opened the doors to hell and are best avoided even by the most experienced psychonaut.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by whaaa

Other plants opened the doors to hell and are best avoided even by the most experienced psychonaut.

What other plants are theese? You have tried theese and been to "hell"?

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by Boatphone
Wait, how's that? What happened?

-- Boat

I'm not sure I had very bad experiences while under hypnosis, and some of things I experienced were terrifying. I spooked my hypnotherapist, so much I didn't see her again.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by healthman420

Originally posted by whaaa

Other plants opened the doors to hell and are best avoided even by the most experienced psychonaut.

What other plants are theese? You have tried theese and been to "hell"?

Datura stramonium, thorn apple, jimson weed, amanita muscarius
Absolutly no amount of preperation, prayer, meditation etc, can prepare you for the pure evil unleashed by this poision. This # can destroy your soul.

The uninitiated will say "It's natural, so it must be OK" No, no, no!!
It can kill you and turn you into a monster.

As a side note: C2H5OH can do the same thing as the above. Alcohol!!

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
As a grad student in anthropology in the 70s shamanistic experiences

I remember a similar study done at an (un-named) university in the city where I was living. The subjects were given controlled dosages of pure Swiss made '___' up to 2500 micrograms.

Being a controlled sitiation, with medical and psychiatric safeguards, you would think it should have been a 'safe' situation for those who took part in the study. But, from what I know, it was anything but safe.

The thing one begins to pierce the veils between the normal and the abnormal, there is a new awareness which can never be removed from our minds. It is irreversable...once you see behind the curtain, your life can never be the same. You could pretend it is, so that your friends and family don't think you're insane...but, inside your head, you can never go back to that safe normalcy most people accept as reality.

I've already made my pitch in this thread, saying that the drugs being used are dangerous, but, maybe what also needs to be said is that there are dangers which are also prevelant in the 'otherworld' itself.

Here are some excerps from

Supernatural by Graham Hancock

pg 277

That experience comprised isolation and sensory deprivation by entrance into and underground realm, 'death' by painful ordeal of hallucinatory multiple piecing...

pg 303
They pierced him with arrows until he lost consciousness and fell to the ground; they cut off his flesh, tore out his bones and counted them; if one had been missing he could not have become a shaman.

If anyone wishes to visit the spirit world using the 'quick fix' of the drugs mentioned here in this thread or in Hancocks book, they should be forewarned that the 'trip' may not be all 'warm and fuzzy'. It can scare the living daylights out of you and you'd better have some-one professionally experienced as your assistant (and I don't think a crack addled moron can sit in as shaman).

It's because of the repeated emphasis on the drugs involved in this thread that I'm tempted to repeat a warning. (it's my last, though...I'm off this topic until we start to talk about the supernatural world itself, and not just the means to it)

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by masqua


, they should be forewarned that the 'trip' may not be all 'warm and fuzzy'. It can scare the living daylights out of you and you'd better have some-one professionally experienced as your assistant (and I don't think a crack addled moron can sit in as shaman).

Sage advice from one who knows of what he speaks. Even an experienced guide may not keep you from the dark side. If you have any doubt at all about your spiritual condition or personal grounding; this type of journey can take you to psychic, emotional emptiness or a waking nightmare that you may not return from. You may experience complete bliss or unimaginable terror.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 10:49 AM
There are long segments of our DNA that do not code for anything. This was stated in my Freshman Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics, and Biochemistry textbooks.

There are three rationales (that I can remember) that explain this.

1. EVOLUTION - There are some segments of DNA that used to code for stuff, but once we didn't need them, they "evolved away."

2. STRUCTURE - There are looooooong sections of DNA that simply repeat the same thing that possibly exist to help the DNA fold up the way that it does into chromosomes.

3. DURABILITY and SURVIVABILITY - What happens to DNA when UV light hits it? It breaks apart and fuses back together, sometimes losing a piece or incorrectly replacing it. If every single piece of our DNA was used, then all the important stuff would get fried just be walking out in the sun. But since the majority of our DNA is just "filler space," then there is a very low chance that damage to DNA will be harmful.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 01:37 PM
TWo things:
1) I am an experienced tripper. I dont say that to "brag" about the drugs ive done...more so that i have had bad experiences and have a very healthy respect for the dangers and wonders presented by hallucinatory substances.

2) Psychadelics do infact permentaly change your perception of reality. Im not sure who posted that previously..but they are right on.

Now, I am senior in the field of psychology and have studdied the effects of numerous psychadelics. Now...all substances from alchohl on up DIRECTLY AFFECT YOUR GENETIC MAKEUP. Some drugs to more degrees than others, and some people more than others. It trully depends on you indivudually. That being said... intesnse meditation and trancing have been known to cause similar, if not the exact same metabolic, neurological, and blood effects as drugs do.

The concept of percieving alternative dimensions whether it be drug induced or mentally very interesing to me. As I work on a daily basis with the mentally disabled. I have been with people who through no drug use are stuck in an alternative reality one that is close enough to ours that they still can exsist in ours yet they are unable to function. It is important to remmeber that any and all travel whether it be astrally or dimensionally should be taken on only after said person has trully meditated on the possibility that he/she wont come back.'

What i am intersted in is the consitent agreement that the grey inhabit this alternative dimension...never on any of my trips ahve i ever met a i have never taken mescalin...but through acid, exstacy, mushrooms and combinations of those three i have been out THERE....but never met any greys. my questions is this......does mescalin allow you to enter an alternative dimension that other psychadellics dont?

OooOOOoooOO and fer those of you out there who dont have a shaman at there disposal..remmeber that a reality tester...while not as good is better than nothing...also remmeber that a reality tester should be as to insure that you dont hurt yourself too badly. Also i have personally witnessed someone be dragged into a nother vision that they werent ahving until they came into contact with someone who was. It was a lil scary to see TWO people screaming that a pit of hell had opened in the floor when originally it was just one.

el senor pom pom rides again

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