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Secret Codes in our DNA? The book "Supernatural".

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posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 10:26 PM
Has any read the book, "Supernatural", by Graham Hancock?

It is highly interesting, and talks about messages in our DNA. The so called "junk DNA" that is not used for coding protiens. I am wondering if people think this could be true, or have heard of this before.

Also, it explians that the man who discovered DNA (Dr. F. Crick) did so while on '___'.

Any input...I know someone on here knows a ton on this.

The book "Supernatural".

Could God has created DNA to create us? I know i'm all over the place on this, but its late. Thanks.

-- Boat

[edit on 6-2-2006 by Boatphone]

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 12:46 AM
Crick did not discover DNA. He hypothesized about the possible structure of it, but Rosalind Franklin introduced X-ray diffraction method imaging and was the first to discover the actual structure of DNA. The nature of DNA was hypothesized and solved as far back as 1869 by Johann Friedrich Miescher.


posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 01:59 PM
This book is pure evil. Do not read it. It is bad for your spiritual and mental well being, i kid you not.

The stuff he messes with in the book, the dimensions he crosses and the beings he finds are strong and very very nasty stuff, and he has developed no mental or spiritual defense against them.

I may be poo-pooed for my thoughts, but believe me i've seen these things face to face, and they are not the nicest sh#t to deal with.

Leave dimensions alone, and the drugs that let you cross them. you don't belong there, and it will leave you very open to attack in this dimension. Why do i say that? well, if you open a door to go out, its also able to be used to come in.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 09:34 AM

Interesting, I must say the book made me feel very a real way. I started to feel like he was being fooled, or had the wrong idea...

Can you please, maybe, add more of your ideas on this book, or other books by the same author. I have read others that I enjoyed...

-- Boat

[edit on 8-2-2006 by Boatphone]

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 09:47 AM
This seems a fairly interesting book, and i will keep an eye out for it! Thanks

I find it interesting that he claims he discovered it while on drugs. As I too have discovered or worked out problems while being on drugs!

I do believe that not all drugs are bad, they are just made out to be bad

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 10:00 AM
This book is about much more than drug use. It is a very scary book...has anyone else read it, or heard of it? The one drug that is used alot in the book is '___'.

Also, it came out in 2005, but is VERY hard to find, this seems really odd to me.

-- Boat

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 01:19 PM
Ok heres my experiences of this place that '___' takes you to, and whats on the other side.

In short, '___' reacts in the mind to induce what can only be called a paranormal response. You are very very ill (Its very very toxic) you appear to be dying, and then you cross over into a dimension inhabited by amazing creatures of mythology, oh and also the greys. Yes thats right, you cross over, and they are waiting for you. The author drew a picture and descibes the sheer terror of watching as their craft descended (He draws an amazing picture of it!) and felt like they were about to "Abduct him".

I read the book and the author has been hood winked / fooled / what ever term you use. Its an area he had no mental defences (Or spiritual) to enter, and the tribes that use it today assert that if you are not careful and a shaman is not present you never come back....

A warning to heed. The greys are on home ground there people, and if you go there, its at your own peril. You may want to know how I can say this. Mescalin. tried it, nearly killed me, scared the hell out of me, and taught me to never never ever touch it again.

[edit on 8-2-2006 by MadGreebo]
mod edit: censor circumvention

[edit on 9-2-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 01:50 PM
'___' invokes a chemical response, nothing more.

There are no creatures they are all mental, there was one psychonaut who constantly indulged on '___' and came to the conclusion that the entities he was seeing could not form a single thought indepedant of what he was thinking. Sorry I have no link, this was years ago.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 01:54 PM

Mescalin. tried it, nearly killed me, scared the sh#t out of me, and taught me to never never ever touch it again.

What is Mescalin? What would make you try something like that? And why do you think the author is being fooled? I haven't read the book but so far judging by this thread it doesn't seem to be very popular.
Could you explain further?

Mad - were you with a Shaman when you encountered this experience?

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Boatphone
Has any read the book, "Supernatural", by Graham Hancock?

It is highly interesting, and talks about messages in our DNA. The so called "junk DNA" that is not used for coding protiens. I am wondering if people think this could be true, or have heard of this before.

Also, it explians that the man who discovered DNA (Dr. F. Crick) did so while on '___'.

I have never heard such a story, and it wasn't crick. The discovery of the structure of DNA (DNA itself had been discovered long before crick and watson) involved a series of studies and papers and different research groups. It wasn't an 'epiphany' type of thing.

The structure of benzene might be what Hancock is confusing here. Kekule was a chemical researcher at the end of the 1800s. He was trying to figure out the structure of benzene, which was very bizzare and somethign that people were honestly puzzled by. The story goes that kekule had a dream about a serpent eating its own tail and chasing itself around in a circle. This 'hit it' for him and he realized that c.f. this was the structure:

However I am not even sure of the veracity of that story, and of course it required some actual testing and explanations to demonstrate that it was 'accurate'.

Could God has created DNA to create us?

Sure. But so could've the invisible pink unicorn have created DNA to create us. Or god could've created DNA to create beetles. Beetles are the most diverse and specious group on the planet. If god designed the universe, he spent an embarassing amount of time and detail on beetles. Man, he just took a chimp mould and forgot to add the fur.

Rosalind Franklin introduced X-ray diffraction method imaging and was the first to discover the actual structure of DNA

Franklin didn't discover the structure of DNA. She was vital to the eventual discovery of it.

I do believe that not all drugs are bad, they are just made out to be bad

Just a note, if you or anyone else starts discussing using drugs, this thread will be closed and possibly trashed altogether, so lets stick to the topic.

Also, it came out in 2005, but is VERY hard to find, this seems really odd to me.

Why is this odd? Lots of crappy mumbo jumbo type books are hard to find. Hancock isn't exactly a well respected researcher. He probably couldn't get a good publisher.

Boatphone, I haven't read the book, so i can only suppose. But what did you find most convincing about it?

Junk DNA is what these long stretches of non-coding genetic material are called. That is, they don't get read by the genetic machinery and produce proteins. At first this was interpreted as meaning that they have no purpose. However, it was eventually understood that "Junk DNA", while non-coding, has a variety of uses. I wouldn't want to give you the impression that the stuff is understood completely, because that would be misleading.
What is also misleading is saying that we know its evidence of god/aliens and man-kind's purpose. If Hancock is saying that, which I gather from your description, well, he is misleading you.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 02:16 PM
mescaline is from the cactus lophopbora williamsii, and is an akaloid which can and will cause "Visions and hallucinations". To get the stuff to ingest, you will need to cut off the top two inches or so of a cactus and dry it. You then powder it and drink it with a small amount of water.

Why did I try it? well, i wanted to see for myself just what all the talk about "Spirits " was when I was 19 or so.

Was I with a shaman? well, hes called 'hairy ol' and hes the closet the uk has to a shaman, very very knowledgable about the spirit world and such things.

Why i think the authors being fooled? well, i saw all the nice stuff, all the shapes and stars and rivers and lovely scenes, then the darkness rushed me, and was filled with eyes, snarling mouths, and all manner of real bad stuff. Then I saw them, at the back of this darkness like they were just watching my reaction to the darkness. Then they tried to follow me as i turned and fled. 'hairy ol' was with me in the real world, and brought me round real fast to the real world (Freezing ice cold water straight onto the chest). Gibbering with fear I told him what I saw, and all he said to me was this "Ready to leave them and theres alone now?"

curiosity killed the cat and scared me stupid.
mod edit: censor circumvention

[edit on 9-2-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 02:21 PM
Thanks for sharing. Very interesting and I will take you at your word and let you tell the experience rather than have one myself.
Things are dimensional for a reason and I prefer this realty as it is.

Above was stated that the author was a crappy researcher and his book is basically bunk.
However, you stated that the author depicted pictures accurately. Are these the same scenes that you saw?

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 02:31 PM
The snakes, the geometric shapes, the trees that seemed to have an outer glow to them, and animals, thousands of them in all shapes and colours, and some stuff that I couldn't even begin to describe: Think crocodile / man / lion, and its close.

The darkness was what scared the hell out of me. Its like you feel all lovey dovey, and walk into the trees to follow the shapes and animals, and come out onto a clearing, and then Wham ! The traps sprung.
Greys. In the sky, on the ground and in the trees. thats when you run, and i mean run. I will never be as scared as I was when I saw them that day. Don't do it, its as hairy ol says, "Its their home, stay out of it".

mod edit: censor circumvention

[edit on 9-2-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 02:42 PM
Small question Mad. I've never heard of anyone being able to just snap out of a mescalin induced "trip" before. I've always been under the impression that the drug has to take it's course? Thanks for sharing anyway.

I haven't read or even heard of this book but it kind of reminded me of the book about the guy who kept going into the sensory deprivation tank and would revert back to our ancestors form. The longer he stayed in there the farther he would go back into the evolutionary chain. Forget the title at the moment but they made a movie about it also.

I can see why you are cautious Mad, but also why would just reading this book be an evil thing? Now I'm more curious than ever to read it or at least learn more.

edit: spelling

[edit on 8-2-2006 by Griff]

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 04:24 PM
Yes, Mad do you still feel that just reading the book would be a bad idea? I have like one chapter left to go.

A lot of the ideas in the book seem to be pretty well reseached...

I guess I will look in to it a bit more and report back.

-- Boat

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 07:21 PM
I started reading this book at Xmas, truth be told I got a bit bored with it and put it aside but will try to get back into it again. I suspect drug induced shamanistic experiences are probably at the very root of all religious beliefs so I'll give his theories as much credit as I would a Xtian's, Wiccans or Hindu's say and as a book it's merit is no more or less valid than any other transcribed metaphysical belief system such as the Bible or Q'uran. My opinion is it's either glimpses of the greater reality, the work of the trickster or a chemically induced hallucination, or perhaps a combination of all three.

I cannot say the book was hard to find though.

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Boatphone

Interesting, I must say the book made me feel very a real way. I started to feel like he was being fooled, or had the wrong idea...

Can you please, maybe, add more of your ideas on this book, or other books by the same author. I have read others that I enjoyed...

-- Boat

[edit on 8-2-2006 by Boatphone]

Very interesting that you would say that... I have most of his stuff up to Talisman. I started it and just was not impressed.

For the most part, I thought a lot of his ideas, though tenuous at best, were food for thought...but with that last one I bought, I don't know, I guess my BS meter went off, and I just never picked it up again.

I really don't want to invest in Supernatural, considering. This whole drug-induced visions thing is really out of my scope of vision, though... I don't know about that.

[edit on 9-2-2006 by HarlemHottie]

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 01:12 AM
This sounds very familiar. Don't know how many of you here are familiar with the works of carlos castaneda which is all about shamanic and peyote/mescaline and other natural hallucinogenic shamanic experiences.

Carlos was big back in the day, the first book was really good but as they went on it got a bit much. I believe it was found to be mostly "enhanced" especially in the later books but sound very similar to grahams take on things.

Perhaps thats where he got the first taste.

Haven't read grahams books, just an fyi.

Here's some CC links(I am not affiliate with any of these sites:

Happy trancing.


posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 03:22 AM
I think the movie was Altered States Griff. One crazy mind game for back in the day.


i remember watchin it on my Grandpas big ol 12.5"x14" laser disk player back in 1983. man i am gettin old.

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 08:24 AM
Here is an interview of GH about his supernatural book:

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