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Good evidence against alien abductions (BBC news)

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posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 10:29 AM
It is an interesting article...

The REAL question is WHY do people think they are / have been ABDUCTED?

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by isisinanna
The REAL question is WHY do people think they are / have been ABDUCTED?

I believe it could be a form of sleep paralysis and described earlier but im not sure as I have never been abducted myself.
Is what i want to know is why aliens even bother abducting humans but you know lol.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by conspiracy123Thain Esh Kelch, Why would you say that it is more likely that they have similar reactions and experiences because they meet up alot. Would the fact that they all just went through the same thing not be a simpler reason why they feel the same way?

First of all they hear similar things, and then might over time turn their story in the same direction to make it more believeabel (Both to themselfes and other), and this doesnt have to be on purpose.
I personally believe that many 'abducties' (Since im not a believer) has to be a bit mentally unstable. (No offence of course, there are SO many 'abducties' out there!) This adds to the fact that they might change their story over time. or use the same 'standard' story we hear so many times over and over again on TV and such.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 01:05 PM
"New Reality TV SHow: Alien Abductees

We take 20 people who claim to be abducted by Aliens frequently, people who have had "implants" found in there bodys and lock them in a house for a year.

We then film all their activities 24/7 with continual Live Webcam coverage on the internet.

We then have phycologists examin them each week to see if they believe they have been abducted.

We intend to prove once and for all, are people abducted by aliens or is it all in their heads?"

Well I wish that would be a great program XD

I wonder what would happen? Would all webcams fall offline for short periods of time? Would people vanish then reappear? Would the govornment step in and stop the show from happening? Would aliens be forced to stop their abductions and lose their data for a whole year to make sure they are not exposed? Would we finally see aliens walking in and abducting people and thus have undeniable proof that people are abducted?

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 01:43 PM
While I insist on keeping an open mind about such matters, my gut instinct tells me that Sleep Paralysis is indeed the underlying explanation for most cases of this phenomenon.

This is also nothing new; before we had memes of space aliens and UFOs, similarly inclined people would have vivid recollections of being abducted and otherwise molested by witches, fairies, devils, succubi and incubi, etc. Our new science fictional folklore gives us new monsters to bedevil us.

When you think of it, the iconography of big-eyed alien grays, anal probes, implants, etc. inundate pop culture, so it's no wonder that lots and lots of people, from all walks of life, report similar experiences.

On the other hand, I could be wrong...


posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Baack
While I insist on keeping an open mind about such matters, my gut instinct tells me that Sleep Paralysis is indeed the underlying explanation for most cases of this phenomenon.

This is what i believe however this does not explain the implants, loss of time and scars that people obtain mysteriosly just after being abducted.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 02:50 PM
What implants? I have never seen any actual implants being recovered. Wouldnt this prove this is happening?!

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 02:52 PM
in the article posted at the top it says that one of them claims to have alien implants taken from him
like little chips usually

There was also an interesting post a couple of days ago about it il have a search for you.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 02:58 PM
Like a Microchip? I assure you if any doctor removed a computer chip from a person we would all have heard by now. If you mean some quack scratching a supposed piece of metal out of their means nothing.

I need legit articles and pics guys. I am here as a skeptic that would love to be proven wrong. I need more.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 02:58 PM

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 03:04 PM
Seen that I said...credible articles and pics. This is not proven. Just some quack "finding" chips in his throat. Gotta do better.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 03:09 PM
I dont really know what you expect. A chip being extracted; transforming into an alien and running riot in downtown? I cant find anything better than the thread provided, sorry. can anyone else?
But i think this is strange enough to provide some proof to alien abductions. I mean the human body doesn't just produce metal from its throat.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by DaFunk13
What implants? I have never seen any actual implants being recovered. Wouldnt this prove this is happening?!

I've seen implants being removed on footage. But note, it could be anything, wasnt nessecarily of alien/BigBrother origin.

Originally posted by conspiracy123
I dont really know what you expect. A chip being extracted; transforming into an alien and running riot in downtown? I cant find anything better than the thread provided, sorry. can anyone else?
But i think this is strange enough to provide some proof to alien abductions. I mean the human body doesn't just produce metal from its throat.

Actually, its possible for the human body to agregate small 'lumbs' (Is that the word?) of metals, especially iron. Its not commen, but it does happen. Some people actually has small round iron deposits sitting under the skin which you can feel by touching them. Of course these arent large or shaped into something specific, like the gold-plates link just posted.

But people has been removing all kinds of implants from their body saying it was extraterrestial.. I've read about a non-earth metal, I've read about various perfect shapes and such. But never about microchips.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Thain Esh Kelch
Actually, its possible for the human body to agregate small 'lumbs' (Is that the word?) of metals, especially iron. Its not commen, but it does happen. Some people actually has small round iron deposits sitting under the skin which you can feel by touching them. Of course these arent large or shaped into something specific, like the gold-plates link just posted.

But people has been removing all kinds of implants from their body saying it was extraterrestial.. I've read about a non-earth metal, I've read about various perfect shapes and such. But never about microchips.

Interesting thanks
. But as you said this is not the case with the posted link as it is perfect and not a 'lump'. No ive never heard anything about microchips either but we all live in hope.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by conspiracy123
Interesting thanks
. But as you said this is not the case with the posted link as it is perfect and not a 'lump'. No ive never heard anything about microchips either but we all live in hope.

No problem.

The thing is, if it was a microchip it would need one of 2 things: 1, a transmitter, or 2, some kind of ram.

The first one would be something we could tap into and listen what kind of information its sending. This could lead us to who put it in, so its probably not an option.

The second one is definately not gonna be there. We could easily get the information out somehow, and check what kind of information it records. Maybe we could also see a recording date, leading back to the day the dude was abducted! This would definately be a no go for whoever implanted it.

And what should such a chip record/transmit? It really doesnt make sense. And thats why I dont believe in alien/government implants...
(Or analprobes for that matter)

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by DaFunk13
IF abductions are so widespread, and indeed true, then why hasnt anyone caught it on tape? People claim to be visited numerous times. I know if I was nabbed by some aliens I would take preventative measures against future visits, or at least set up a web cam.

I have yet to find any evidence to convince me that this really happens...anyone care to try and persuede me otherwise?

[edit on 1-2-2006 by sanctum]

sometimes when a person is abducted it is at a random time when your not expecting it.... like me when i go outside i dont expect to see a UFO and i usually do see one.... but when i bring out a camera or camcorder i dont see them at all... weird huh?

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by DaFunk13
Like a Microchip? I assure you if any doctor removed a computer chip from a person we would all have heard by now. If you mean some quack scratching a supposed piece of metal out of their means nothing.

I need legit articles and pics guys. I am here as a skeptic that would love to be proven wrong. I need more.

umm i hate to get all pissed bout this but if a doctor pulled out an implant they would cover it up and keep it secret.... why would they want everyone aware of this matter...the government covers anything up about aliens and UFO's...i could list a ton of examples but i dont really have to...if u do your studying then u would know this already... so if ur gonna be a skeptic make sure to give the right facts lol thanx

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 07:46 PM
In just about every discussion about abductions, the skeptics always manage to manouver around and ignore the Travis Walton case.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 11:20 PM
I saw a documentory a couple of years ago where a doctor found triangular objects under the skin of 2 differant people that lived a couple hundred miles from each other. He found them by Xrays and say no scars to explain how they got there.

He operated on both people to extract the objects.

It looked like it was some sort of protective casing for something inside.

They looked identical ( actually looked like they were in the shape of a sharks tooth), it was some type of metal but there were no indications that there was any transmiter or any thing (wasn't producing any detectable rf signals).

I haven't heard if they were going to cut it open or not but that would be the only way to see what was inside because X-Rays would not penetrate the casing and no it was not made out of lead.

Can any other metal block out xrays to keep from probing to see what is inside an object?

P.S. Conspiricy, I don't think dreaming about talking to my son on the phone would be considered sleep paralasis.

Edited to say I am looking for a link to the documentary I watched to help support my statement, so please be patient.

[edit on 1-2-2006 by bpletcj]

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by bpletcj

P.S. Conspiricy, I don't think dreaming about talking to my son on the phone would be considered sleep paralysis

What makes you think this?
I have read it several times in books i have at home.
Here is a passage from this link:

it says: 'Most of the hallucinations I experience are dreamlike and not scary. Often I know that they are hallucinations, but it doesn't make them any less weird. The commonest ones are getting up and getting out of bed. I am so relieved to be up and out of paralysis, and suddenly I back in the bed paralyzed. I've never had an acid trip, but if it's anything like that count me out!'

[edit on 2-2-2006 by conspiracy123]

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