posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 08:44 PM
Greetings all! I am new too and could use some kind soul to adopt me.
I have figured out quite a few things so far just sort of hit and miss but it is pretty tedious. I JUST found this thread today and only because I
became so frustrated I went hunting for a FAQ or something similar.
I have a couple of topics I would like to post a very detailed thread to which will involve lots of quoting and links and whatnot, but until I know
how to do all those things I'm spinning my wheels.
Another thing I would like to bring to the attention of some of the ATS Guru's is it does state not to use acronyms due to many international members
that will not understand or know the foreign stuff. Well you guys are pretty guilty of doing it LOL
Took me several days to figure out what an OP was!
Also it would not surprise me if there is a very detailed FAQ but it is certainly NOT easy to find if it exists!
The site is great though and I love being here