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Telepathic incoming negativity?

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posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 08:01 AM
Rekar and Wanderer and others..........

if your into a real interesting book that relates directly to telepathically picking up on living memories probably handed sown through generations through DNA or just passed from mind to mind through history then read

Ghosts of the Old West by Earl Murray
ISBN 0-312-86795-6

There are a lot of similarities beteen those reporting visions right now and some professional people that were doing work at Custers battlefield and other Indian/cavalry soldier historical battle sites.........also other stories on Ft. Laramie and La Llarona, known as the weeping woman roaming the hidden valleys of the Spanish Southwest........the Ft. Laramie story reminded me that , yes there is kinetic power interface from the memory of la living caretaker, if the parallel memory action imbeds deeply in the subconscious as in a door that kept unlocking after being locked in the old forts barracks. This can be construed as Telekinesis power rather than the departed ghost of a soldier opening the door. It is the subconscious telekinetic power of the over imaginative caretaker which opens the door rather than a soldier ghost.

Honor Seed


posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 04:03 PM
howdy folks,

In the last several weeks I have been charting the type of negative telepathic incoming vibrations coming in during the dream state. Consistently it has been a feeling of stealing. People are consistently sending off their subconscious feelings of stealing. Now whether they have a fear that they are being stolen from or they subconsciously feel they have gained what they have unfairly is not clear. But what defiles these people and causes stress is definitely their conscious and subconscious feelings about stealing.

How can anyone presume to own anything when it is all Gods?
How can anyone presume to steal something when they already own it through God?

love all
Honor Seed

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 04:04 AM
Yes HS exactly!!

That's exactly what I see little posts here and protect your ghost pics so they don't get stolen, they are worth lots of money, etc. I know someone here told me I should protect what I write so it doesn't get stolen, so I got nervous, and I admit it made me worried when I wasn't before. And that thought once its put out there, causes a ripple effect. Or, if there is someone here who has hidden motivations that's like stealing your trust, if they really aren't who they appear to be at all.

So, yes I also think the negativity is due to mistrust based on the fear of being stolen from in some way, or in many different ways. I also sense there are negative fears here of being misrepresented or lied about...that maybe someone here is calling someone else a thief perhaps?

But, I hate to acknowledge negative feelings too much because that attacts that kind of energy. Also, since there are many people here there are bound to be all sorts of negative feelings from a variety of problems. But, I have a feeling you are vibing into some very specific emotions here HS.

However, I do think there are some things we can own for awhile, because we earned them, and we need these things while we are alive. And, we are put in the position, of sure it would be nice if no one owned anything and everyone shared, but they often don't we are stuck with the whole ownership situtation. Look at all the greedy people who already have way more than they can spend in a lifetime, but they won't pay someone a decent enough wage so that the other person doesn't have to work 2 or 3 jobs to support his/herself, if they want to eat everyday that is? But, I know what you are saying I am a big fan of Chief Sealth too...we do not own the freshness of the air, and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them?

[edit on 6-3-2006 by DeeplyAwake]


posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 07:23 PM
DeeplyAwake, you certainly live up to your screen name. I think about the stuff I have and think I am a caretaker, rather than the owner. The difference between the caretaker and the owner God is that the ultimate decision about the disposition of anyone or anything I take care of is Gods.

And I do not mean that the common consciousness of mankind is God. It is greater than that and includes all the living in the universe. If we do not bless each other with conversation about all manners of evil, we have no way to understand the good in ourselves.

And how can I think someone can steal these words from me when it is a fact that the collective consciousness of mankind formed them? Otherwise, I would be merrily on my way making pottery now, as in my younger days when I did not notice the incoming telepathic vibrations.

I have been forced to sit back and take notice of mankinds collective consciousness, but I write to you, there is a greater power, that of God.

love all
Honor Seed

Mod Note: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 6-3-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 04:48 AM
HS Hello,

Thats a nice way to think of it as a caretaker. I feel that way about the land and the air and the water, and people and creatures that live on the land...they belong to God, not me. But, I try to help them out. I almost always share with people everything about God related things, and if I learn anything paranormal I am happy to teach people, because every gift I have comes from God, I do Believe that!! She/He tells me how to use my gifts, and how to improve them, and that includes creative, and intellectual gifts as well. And, it's not like I will ever run out of ideas, because I have different ideas for different things coming in all the time from everywhere. It drives me crazy sometimes.

However, our experiences and our thoughts and our ideas belong to us, we don't have to share them, if they are too personal for instance. Sometimes God tells me to share my secrets and ideas, and then I do. We probably should share all our stories, except wouldn't that be a bummer if someone who was financially strapped and really needed money,,,, shared their story, and it was just made into a fictional t.v. show for some t.v. writer, t.v. producer, t.v. commercials,etc. to make a buck off of, and they never shared the money with the person who needed it, whose experiences it was? Who went through the hardship of having those experiences and thoughts?

I am thinking right now of that 19 year old, Private Jessica Lynch who was held hostage in Iraq and was injured. I was so happy she was going to be given some money for rights to her story. Her family really needed the money. I know some t.v. people did her story anyway without paying her, but someone else did pay her something. I guess I am talking about intellectual property here now. What we invent, what we experience, we should share it with the world, if we can emotionally handle it, of course! But should people be expected to give it all away? While others prosper from it? Or maybe someone doesn't need the money but they want it anyway so they can give it to the poor, or to make the world a better place, instead of the rich just getting it.

I am certainly not saying every little thing everyone says, or experiences is worth money, but if it is then I think they are the ones who should decide what to do with it. So, basically people don't write anything here if you want to use it yourself someday, and if it's not protected. Simple as that. Then no one has to worry about that anymore. And, put up your ghost pictures and write what you decide to and just relax and have fun.

That's great you used to make pottery HS. If it made you feel merry throwing pots maybe you could take it up again.

You are very tuned in to the vibrations...I have read many of your other posts too and I am always amazed by your astute insights. Is your whole family telepathic like you?

And, what other incoming vibes do you feel now?

Take Care!!! Great discussion!!


posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by DeeplyAwake
That's great you used to make pottery HS. If it made you feel merry throwing pots maybe you could take it up again.

You are very tuned in to the vibrations...I have read many of your other posts too and I am always amazed by your astute insights. Is your whole family telepathic like you?

And, what other incoming vibes do you feel now?

DeeplyAwake, I lived in Hollywood a number of years and people who submitted scripts had their ideas robbed from them. Same with people who turned in manuscripts for book ideas. The producer or director read the stuff and then gave the concept he got from the material to a friend of his/her to write something similar. This is not based on personal experience but some general info I have read and/or heard. My music recorded off my synthesizer at a sound studio in Hollywood was heard by me later on someone elses track. The thing about taking a lot of ideas off one person online is that it is not hard to prove that a person read it on a newsgroup down the line, they are registered with an ISP.

Anyways, I don't throw pots, I catch, just kidding. I mold them like the wizard stein on my webpage

the rest of my family is just the opposite of telepathic, my dad doesn't even dream anymore.

Last nights dream indicated a seasonal opening to what I call the "official rutting season"
The dream started off with me yelling in a similar way at some people in my dream at a distance whose sound bothered me. IT IS my dream after all.

then the telepathic vibes that came through the order in which the remaining dream happened, were the emotions teaching, impressing and wanting.(lust).
These emotions are all negative in a dream. Especially when sequenced like that. I may have been telepathically connected to type of priest or school teacher who commonly uses their status to approach kids for sex. I don't know of many vibes more negative than that set. In any case, the shift from stealing things to the awareness of a probable seasonal influs of sexual drive emotions was evident this day of March 7, 2006. It will be interesting to note next year if it happens on the same day or close to it.

At the wanting part of the dream, the foxy looking blonde haired girl whose eyes flashed bright white through my appreciation of a young child reght before approached me. She demanded to have relations and stood face to face. I asked her if that meant I should be inside her or if I should surround her. The dream ended with a dream body jolt like my clothes were suddenly ripped off me. Glad I woke up.

Other than that I experienced a black line structure of some sort visually before I slept. Also some shadow guy has been standing in my living room the last couple of days watching me type at the computer. I sometimes see it out of the corner of my eyes. Energy now tries to stop me typing this, interesting.

Are any of your family members telepathic?

Relax and have fun too!
Honor Seed

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 06:42 PM
H.S., that's awful about peoples ideas getting robbed in Hollywood. There must be some way other than going through an agent and an attorney, not to have that happen. I wish you were in that business so you could help people get credit for their own work. Oh no! Someone stole your music and put it on their track, I know that had to hurt. I have had similar things happen to me with invention type ideas...but part of it is my fault I have a big mouth and get excited and tell everyone I know about Like for instance I was in a big store and I was thinking about how some people in wheelchairs can use their legs to stand, they just can't walk around a wouldn't it be nice to invent a standing up wheelchair so they could see over the counters? Then I told my husband about it and he said "No its too dangerous, for going downhill in, so I said well maybe I can invent one with tank-like treads so that people, don't take a header downhill in one". Anyway, I did tell some people about it also, because it isnt something I could probably do the designing/manufacturing part on anyway. And then someone came out with these stand up vehicles that police use to chase people around in and they are just like what I was originally thinking about for people in wheelchairs to use. Anyway, it's happened to me a lot thats just one example.

I went to your Honorseed website. Beautiful work HS, you have such detail in your Stein and in you Watercolor also, very imaginative and wonderful colors. Have you ever thought about being an illustrator for books?

Now about your dream...It sounds like it might be someone who is the victim of sexual abuse is coming through to you, because these type of crimes leave a stain on the universal subconscious. You may have been seeing the story from both the side of the victim and the predator. (which if you can try to look in a mirror in your dream, and maybe you will see the face of who this person is). Or, it could be a lot of people thinking about it in general, like you said a seasonal thing, it could be one of those negative seductive devil spirits that come to people in dreams (Incubus and Succubus). If you keep getting that same dream, try to get more specifics because maybe it is a young girl crying out for help.

As far as my family members being telepathic. I don't remember because I was adopted but then much later my long lost sister found me. And, she said my mother and father's native ancestors were (Shaman), and grandmother was a (wise woman (which is like Shaman) in Laplander village. But I was not there to learn from them or to see what they could do.

Later, I went to Northern Norway by the North Pole because my husband also found he had a long lost sister who was adopted by Norweigians and taken to Norway. There I saw the Laplanders, they live in Teepees and herded Reindeer and many of them are very tiny. I was told that the legends of Santa and his elves are based upon them. They have magical ways. When I was there I saw some discrimination towards them similar to the earlier ways Native Amercians have been discriminated against here. They are the indigenous displaced people of Norway...they are like European Indians in a way. And, we went to a restaurant to eat and an elderly Laplander woman only about 3 1/2 feet high dressed in a Laplander outfit..kept putting herself right in front of me so I would have to stop. And she was smiling up at me. I would try to pass and she would move to block me on that side. My husband's sister told her to stop doing that. And then his sister said to me 'I don't know why she is doing that, they don't usually act up that way'. I felt this Laplander woman knew me somehow, that somehow she knew I was part Laplander. I don't know but I could feel her intense thoughts and energy. She must have been a 'wise woman' of her people.

Anyway, don't want to get too off topic, but that is all I know about my family members being telepathic.

I am sure you will narrow down what that incoming negative energy in your dream is H.S. And, who the girl is and what it all means. I will ask to be shown more information about negative energy in my dreams also.

Take care!

[edit on 8-3-2006 by DeeplyAwake]


posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 12:37 AM
I don't concentrate on the particulars of the dream as much as the general emotional flow.
For instance last nights was :
peoples petty theiving, going to fast in cars, to much garbage and junk, people losing touch with ole friends, memory being taken away,
people putting others down, people getting involved in others affairs and making matters worse.

What telepathic abilities do you feel you have at this present time?

very interesting history, thanks for the complinent


From the Snow Queen, the fable of Laplanders, I put this to story to 11 pages of is one stanza. Yes I do plan on illustrating a childrens book someday.

"Beautiful Snow Queen,
eyes quite perfect and keen,
flies over sparkling snow,
not to be seen"

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by HS
From the Snow Queen, the fable of Laplanders, I put this to story to 11 pages of is one stanza. Yes I do plan on illustrating a childrens book someday.

"Beautiful Snow Queen,
eyes quite perfect and keen,
flies over sparkling snow,
not to be seen"

OMGosh...thats so Beautiful H.S. I can just see that with your magical that would be! I must not miss a minute of that day when your first illustrated book comes please tell me right away!

Those unassuming, wonderful people are so deserving of a beautiful story like that!


last nite my dream was sort of James Bondish dream so I discounted it I There was a baby stolen, and we were in some small country that was close to Austria. And, the 2 people I was with stole an airplane to chase the baby kidnapper, and I asked them if they would mind if I came along and just rode on top of the plane? And they said sure and tied a rope to me, and put me through a hole in the sunroof on top of the plane (I know planes don't really have sunroofs...but this one did!) and I had a blast waving my arms around up there, I was looking down on this fabulous country I bet doesn't even really exist with golden bridges and ornate buildings and fancy ships. And, then a noise woke me up. So, negativity in my dream also had to do with our old friend 'stealing' again...stealing babies, stealing

I don't think I could fully tell you about what telepathic/pk ability I have at the moment without telling you more about myself first...but I will do that later...because it's a long story. What Psi I can do is subject to change...depending on my emotions...lets put it that way. But, usually I can RV. And sometimes sense things about people, and send thoughts to people. One time an old friend that I hadn't seen in 15 years, heard me thinking and figured out from what I was thinking about where my location was and showed up there! At the time, I was selling antique, collectibles and art at the Pike Place Market just for that day in a friend's space for fun, and she drove right there and found me. So, I am probably more of a 'Sender' than a 'Reciever', although I have done both. I have had other people tell me things I have been thinking dozens of time, especially if when I was thinking these things, I was emotional, or daydreaming or dreaming. I transmit grocery lists to my husband all the time. If I start thinking about something I need, he stops and does a u-turn and goes and buys that...wierd, huh?

Thanks for the compliment also H.S.

ttyl...look forward to hearing more!

[edit on 10-3-2006 by DeeplyAwake]


posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 12:10 AM
Two dreams from my journal last night.

1:19 AM 3/10/06 seems like a dream which started off with people in need of some food from offshore ships was turned into some kind of Bruce Lee extravaganza complete with pumpkin carriages and a martial arts contest in the large bathroom. I finally stepped up to the urinal and releived myself only to have some guy hold onto me, at which point I looked in the mirror and answered the question I asked myself with the word humble as I looked at my half smile, half angry downward turned corners of my mouth. To which I asked him if he played football since he wouldn't keep his hands off me, he said end, and that ended the dream.
The message here is that there are some people in this world who travel and seek calm and food, perhaps a place to sleep in safety, a port in a storm so to speak, their effort is distracted from by those who fight and will not stop. The more hidden distractor of the dream was an older man who wanted to make undue profit off food sold to foreigners and a governmental body that preferred the pomp and circumstance showing off of royalty rather than pay attention to the needs of the people. This is called conceit and it comes to those who reach the idea they are wise in their actions without a true idea of what wisdom is needed.
There is greater power to those who govern with humbleness and provide food to foreign nations at reasonable cost. For a nation to not find anything of worth to trade for food, even if it is woven baskets, is for that nation to cause civil strife among the nation food is given.
There are none among nations to be pitied greater than those who do not know the meaning of self-worth. Both will fall into despair, one by their conceit the other by their lack of knowledge on what it takes to become self-sufficient growing food. Better to honor the seed than the the power of a nation. For all nations that have ever become great have relied on agriculture to make them great. From the Mayan civilization to this country of America, this is true.

7:58 AM 3/10/06 a party at a mall restaurant with a mafia ganster in charge who didn't seem to have enough food for me and my friends, looking for construction work, run by Pierson(a local contractor) who posted pictures an personal memorbilia on a wall in a lumber yard he was remodeling, a big open field with ole flag football buddies including Mike Holland who I playfully pulled over me sitting in an easy chair in the middle of the field, this field turned to kindergarden at Oak Grove( elementary school I went to), then the last part of the dream was a new house built on the front of my property I wasn't to move into by order of the building department, possessions including a huge quanity of red and yellow yarn were stacked on the front of the property, then the dream drifted back to some aspect of girls not having enough make-up and I had a huge quanity I wanted to share that was given out based on a medicine wheel, a friend Georgia, painted on a piece of metal.
In general a confused mess. Also that vanity and conceit get in the way of giving comfort and food to the needy.

Your paranormal telepathic connection with your husband is reversed from Mary Sinclair and her husband. They wrote a book on him drawing pictures and her picking the picture up telepathically and drawing the same thing miles away.
As far as your friend coming to where you were from telepathy. I had several dreams the night before I met my Georgia in the marketplace. We just crossed paths on the road. I was told by her that she had the feeling she would see me that day also. Georgia once described me when we first met as the "strangest bird I know" at a campfire we sat at all night. It may have been the dawn afterwards the clouds lined up looking just like buffalo
and other beasts travelling south. I feel that somehow Georgia will read these words, maybe in a dream. HOWDY GEORGIA !!!!!

I have had several dreams that I have been on this forum and typed letters to you, but the topics aren't the same and when I realize all the work I have went to that will not be remembered after I wake up, I stop and wake up, lol.

love all
Honor Seed

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 01:53 AM
I didn't mention there was a bathroom in my dream last night too, in a fancy European hotel and people were fighting over it..because there was only one toilet.. And a rich lady tried to pull a middle class lady out of the bathroom and she got in a fight with the lady and then she was pushed out, and the rich lady said "I am going to report you to the Royal Duck Master for doing that!" It's wierd we both had a bathroom and fighting in our dream's last night. Or, I guess its the night before last

I did not elaborate much before when I said I am a telepathic sender. And if I elaborate now it is not to brag, I am just trying to explain one of my abilities/disabilities depending on how someone may see it. When I was sending out thoughts in a way that I did not realize was telepathic, I was making people aware of me, even though I didn't know I was doing it at the time. One of the first times I started to become aware of people being telepathically aware of me was when I worked in a large city office building, and I had only been there for a few months or more, and many people in that building were aware of me, and lots even knew my name, even though I was not aware of them...although sometimes I was very social and outgoing, other times I also had my head buried in a book. It's like when I was at college almost everyone knew who I was; the teachers, other people who worked there, the students. The Black Student Association got in a huge fight with the existing school Student President who was white, and they wanted to elect a non-African American student who would be the head of a 'puppet' government for them at the college, (which they would secretly run), because they were concerned a black person would not get voted for by the white students there. And one of my friends who is black came to see me with about 50 other African American students, some of whom I knew, but most who I didn't, and she said they wanted me to be the head of their puppet government. I asked her "Why Me? I am not a fact my grades aren't even that good this quarter." And, she said because she had asked everyone and they all agreed it should be me, because everyone 'knew who I was'. Which blew my mind, because I never perceived myself in that way.

Okay here is the good and not so good part about being a Telepathic 'Sender'. Like, I already said people are watching you/aware of you sometimes even before you walk through the door...which is neither good or bad. If I am in trouble I can summon other people's minds and my guide/guardian angel for help. If I am feeling very depressed, ill, or angry, sometimes people around me can also become depressed, ill, or angry, just from my emotions, even though its not intentional on my part. Flip side is I can also energize people and transfer joyful emotions. Good Part, Bad Part...I have healed using thought, emotions and the force of Good/God, but if I am feeling negative about someone they can feel that I have to be careful about what I think/feel because with me thoughts/emotions are also actions. Also, I have gotten into the minds of people who were in lost states of the mind, (such as Alzheimers Disease) and have been able to wake them temporarially. Good Part, Bad Part...I can transfer good hypnotic nirvana states to others, but I have also had a very bad person break down in a hypnotic state and confess everything bad he ever did including murder...which can be pretty scary when like say a repairman does that when you alone in the house with him. And I can remote influence. Not just on people either. One more Good Part...A Sender who is also capable of being a Receiver is someone who is capable of being part of a completely telepathic 2-way conversation, with another person who is also a Sender and a Receiver. So, if there is anyone else out there like me, would you like to try and communicate telepathically? u2u me if you do.

I have no doubt people feel me here too, especially you H.S. both my positive and my negative telepathic emotions/energy. Just some of the things you have said. Still I am not vain enough to think you are only vibing into me with thousands of other people here Once, a schizophrenic man became angry with me, because he could hear my thoughts all over school, no matter where he went. He stopped me in the hallways several times and told me what I was thinking and said to stop thinking he needed the rest. I was sitting in the cafeteria and he jumped off the balcony from the floor above, and yelled at me "Quick Thinking At Me!!" Luckily, he landed on a table below, he splashed food and debris all over the students sitting at that table, but fortunately no one was hurt, including him, and the Security Guards took him away before he could get me. I wasn't thinking anything to him, or about him, but he just heard all my thoughts in general and it drove him nuts. Another time, I was held hostage in my own apt. for two days, because while I was having a little party, I was listening to a record, and thinking about how it would be nice to learn how to sing and train my voice, and a friend heard that thought and became obsessed with it! And, he didn't want to leave until he taught me how to sing perfectly...he was in a trance like state too. Now a real Good Thing, if I develop this gift and learn how to use it correctly I could use it to influence people to stop hurting each other, to protect the environment, etc. I wonder if I were to find a few more 'Senders' and then if we all got together to think about healing things in this world how much we good we could do to influence people and change things?

I do know that God built this gift into me for specific reasons, so ultimately it is not a bad thing if He gave it to me.

[edit on 11-3-2006 by DeeplyAwake]

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 04:47 AM
I like what you said H.S. about seeing Georgia in your dreams and her seeing you before you met each other! Very romantic..I hope you can find each other in your dreams again. I don't see why not! I was wondering does that happen to you with other treasures for instance? I noticed that you were also into antiques. Have you ever had a dream about finding a certain object the day before you went out searching, and then finding that object?

And when you are finding homes for your art and treasures you find, have you ever had any of your things become someone elses 'Needful Things"? For, example when I was selling my partner had a old book she was selling that was on different Native American tribes, and there was old photos in the book. And a woman walked in and opened the book and saw a photo of her grandfather in there and she had seen only one other picture of him, and never knew he was in a book, but the writing underneath the picture gave his name, and also there was a page devoted to him. Anyway, that was a Needful Thing to her and it made her cry to find it.

ok last post for the weekend! ttyl!


posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 04:20 AM
I don't think it is to brag or complain. Many people don't even realize they are in a telepathic state dreaming. One person wrote on this forum that this telepathic ability of sendiing and receiving (mostly receiving for me) is the most worthless kind of telepathic ability. I disagree. I feel it is the most valuable.
However, I do everthing I can to block, reflect, divert and otherwise stop connections. I feel it is harmful to the health. Negative emotions being at least an equal part of all connections. This can cause stress which in turn can cause illness which in turn can cause a shorter lifespan.
The telepathic recognition is valuable in the sense that when I succeed in eliminating others telepathic contact with me, I will be aware of this. I have been taught well enough in life to get along quite well without external prompts.
Others can heal themselves. I don't need to anticipate others thoughts or actions. I have no need to be 'known' before I introduce myself with spoken words. Any sense of someone real being a guardian angel detracts from a focus on my own body being the source of my healing energy for me. Everyone can heal themselves so that the telepathic contamination of the emotion PITY does not dull your own emotions.
Telepathic control of other peoples minds invites control from others without them or you being aware of it. This is like letting a crazy blind person drive a car your passenger in, and that does not appeal to me.
The forward future action I take is to get involed with work and have fun doing it. There is more sense of accomplishment for me to do something myself than have someone else do it for me.

love all
Honor Seed

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 05:00 AM

I never thought you were bragging or complaining. I feel the same way as you. Yes, I try and block people from reading my mind now also...when I don't want them to. I don't have much trouble with people who aren't schizoprenic being bothered by my thoughts. If people do feel me, usually thats good..they know I mean them no harm. And, I can sense them too, for the most part. I have participated in actual telepathic conversations and they are really nice and very natural. Better than verbal conversations. You have control of you what you think/send to the other person. But, it takes the right conditions and is difficult to do without complete trust and two people who have the knack for it and intentionally want to try it.

I don't have a need to be known before I speak either. I just put out more brain wave energy than most people, thats all and I was trying to explain the telepathic aspects of being a sender...since you asked earlier what my telepathic gift was. I don't try and heal anyone unless they ask for it. But the world needs good thoughts...with the war, etc. Every Psi gift, every gift has good and bad uses. Being a Sender is no better or worse than being a Receiver. I am not sure if you are talking in general or specifically about much of this. For instance, do you think I am saying I want to heal you? I don't think never asked for why would I?

So, were you just basically trying to see who was putting out energy and then cut yourself off from them? I am not sure I understand what you are saying.

I still think talking about negative energy invites negative energy. This is a place with paranormal people in it, and its tough not to send and receive thoughts here. I thought maybe you were talking about negative things like stealing, sort of to say here this is what I feel is happening, and then to acknowledge those feelings and put the mind to rest. Also, how does anyone know for sure what they are feeling is not coming from themselves, especially in dreams..that it's not symbolic of something they themselves are going through in their own life? Or, the negative energy you feel could also be coming from outside TS.

I don't think you have to worry about there being a telepathic connection with me (if you are) because I am just not thinking that many negative thoughts. I hope you get everything straightened out. Good Luck with your work!

[edit on 12-3-2006 by DeeplyAwake]


posted on Mar, 13 2006 @ 02:28 PM
What I'm relating DA is that I don't know who I connect with telepathically in dream and awake states. It is possible that even your husband who picks up on your vibes to buy something before you ask is getting the signal second hand (ie - thru the store owner). If that is the case, and no one knowsthis for sure, there is a risk that negative vibes come in with the signal and those cause problems, at least for me.

It is clear I am in telepathic contact in dreams with hungry, social, theiving, and violent prone living people. Wouldn't it be interesting if the combined brainpower of male and female inmates living close together caused the social problems of the world?

But what choices do we have if this was found to be true? If putting a bunch of criminals close together causes a telepathic 'avalanche' of hatred and anger (the reasons for crime and substance addiction in the first place), what ways can we deal with it?

1. Figure a way to remove the memory of crimes from criminals minds and the early childhood experiences that lead to them.

2. Put them all under house arrest with video cameras and radio bracelets.

3. Use some of the huge quanity of federal land to build individual cells at least 500 feet apart.

4. Find a way to make something they wear that stops them from sharing telepathic thoughts. (aluminum foil beanies don't work, believe me
) Possibly a large magnet on the head, that seemed to vacate some thoughts for me.

More scientific research is needed before people just assume it is okay to make telepathic contact, until then I will strive to communicate the ole fashioned ways.


posted on Mar, 13 2006 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by HS

I have noticed incoming telepathic vibrations that are negative. It seems to happen more in the dark hours of the day.Thank-you
Honor Seed

So you assume that the dark has something to do with the negativity in the telepathic vibrations?

How is your book by the way?


posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 03:50 AM
HS, Oh no..those weren't second hand signals between my husband and I, everyone who has gotten a signal sent by me usually knows its me. They can hear my voice, sometime they can see my face. Sometimes I am intentionally sending thoughts to them, other times I am just thinking about them. Some of my friends have called me up the next day to tell me about what I was thinking. With my husband I am not even trying to think something to him. I am just thinking to myself "I wish we had a Cherry Pie for after dinner". And then he will hear that, and being the sweetie that he is...he goes out and brings me home a Cherry Pie. I have heard of other couples also doing this with groceries.

Sometimes, other people I know around me are just confused...I am in their head, they feel themselves and me, they think I know what they they tell me what they know, and they ask me what I know. This has happened a variety of times, one example is: was when I was working in a Pathology Lab as a transcriptionist when I was younger. Two different Pathologists had a habit of coming and getting me to ask me to look at specimens, or at slides of blood cells, and they would ask me for my opinion. "What do you think of the color of this uterus, do the fallopian tubes look elongated to you? or, "Do you think is this a rare type of Myeloma?" It was like they thought I was a med student or another doctor. It was wierd. I was just a part-time flunkie who knew medical terminology basically, and not a lot more, and I never professed to be anything more to them. So why ask me? It's like my outgoing brainwaves disrupted their brainwaves, or something. I am not sure if this comes off like 'Charisma' or like an 'Aura" to people. Actually, I shouldn't play cute I know exactly why some of this is happening, but I just don't feel comfortable saying right now. If I told you the whole story you would see I am not that unique among people who are like me.

But good news, I can change my brain waves...they are not always the same. When I was very young, around age 5...I was tormented by people's incoming thoughts, and by seeing ghosts. Maybe, I changed my brainwaves to be more 'outgoing' so I wouldn't be bothered by their thoughts anymore. Or, maybe I started sending out thoughts like a beacon, so my family (that I was taken away from) could locate me.

I agree other people's incoming negative thoughts (especially jealousy and hatred) are very disconcerting, and can cause physical damage. Maybe, through meditation you can also change your brain waves so they don't pick up other peoples thoughts as much.

Also, you can try surrounding/protecting yourself from others thoughts, with white light. Picture in your mind the whitest thing you can think of (a cloud, a piece of chalk or paper, snow)..and then imagine yourself enveloped in it and protected by it and God. Then send the light to protect each and every person in the house with you.. so they also do not receive negative incoming thoughts. Then make a huge white light bubble that fits over your entire property and provides a perimeter force field.

I like your ideas for somehow blocking off the thought waves of violent criminals. Also, from what I have seen I think schizophrenics are also tortured by incoming thought waves, and all sorts of outside energies (spirits, radio wave transmissions, etc). They need to maybe work with the dampening of their telepathic abilities also...if it is causing them torment. I know they have meds for them to take. But perhaps this could be a natural approach?

I think the cycle of abuse must be stopped, no more children beaten, starved or raped. That would be a start to a world with less crime and more positive thoughts. But easier said than done...yet people say that and do nothing at all.

I agree people should be careful, with what energy they receive from others and with what energy they put out. So much is not known. I have even wondered if there is a radiocative after effect on the brain from the overuse of telepathic energy.

[edit on 14-3-2006 by DeeplyAwake]

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 04:24 PM
HS, I was curious if there was any information on how to change our own brain wave patterns...and it turns out there is tons of it! Here is an article (below) that suggests using visual stimulation and binaural beat frequencies.

The article also suggests that by changing your brain waves you can also relieve such conditions as ADD and Schizophrenia, and many other conditions. So, my line of thinking was correct! I was happy to see it confirmed. Maybe I am not so crazy after all.

(However, the article also says that using these methods could be harmful to people with epilepsy and with some mental again Caution must be used! I will try and find out more about it and what mental conditions it shouldnt be used on. I do it naturally, and this is the first I done any reading on the subject, so I am learning a lot here as I go.)

I hope this link helps...remember there is also lots more info out there on the subject:

[edit on 14-3-2006 by DeeplyAwake]


posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 06:10 AM
We have been on the same wavelength DA. Trying to bring a lot of these so called paranormal happenings to a scientific concept.
I went through 10 pages and carefully eliminated any sites noting info on the brain like you mentioned visual stimulation. This cannot possibly hope to simulate real peoples' telepathic sendings. Instead I'm going to focus on what properties the brainwaves of people have rather than how man made machines can effect them.

Tonight, I distinctly felt a tarantula sized spider walk across the outside of my flannel shirt on my back. It's cool now, like wet as I write about it. The phenomena is a telepathic vibration that got through my outer aura defense. I think I know it came from a guy named Bud who lives that direction. Another smaller spider feeling on the back of my right hand just now. I looked quick and saw a black mark disappear quick, when I looked in the mirror behind me to see if it was a large real spider crawing on me, nothing was there.
Why spiders? I have no more fear for spiders than any other animal or insect predator? Maybe the key is this NW area has the highest density of spiders per acre as any place in the world, the climate accomodates this.
But others in different climates have reported this sensation.
What kind of person sends off telepathic vibes that mimic a spider on impact. An impact that threatens a bite. The deceit of the web. A creepy feeling. How do you handle a creepy, threatening, deceitful person in real life? This may shed some answers on what to do to stop these telepathic spider attacks on my dogs, cats and myself.

love them real spiders,

links below
googled what is a brainwave?

(neurophysiology) rapid fluctuations of voltage between parts of the cerebral cortex that are detectable with an electroencephalograph

Electroencephalography - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia... Event-related potential · Induced activity · Ongoing brain activity · Neurofeedback · Brain-computer interface · Brainwave synchronization

Brainwave synchronization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaBrainwave synchronization is a private case of functional brain connectivity ... The following summary shows frequencies that might be used in brainwave ...

Brain wave Functions Alpha Beta Theta BrainwavesThe next brainwave category in order of frequency is alpha. ... The final brainwave state is delta. Here the brainwaves are of the greatest amplitude and ...

Brainwave Frequency Bibliography[DW] associates Cavanagh with research done regarding brainwave frequencies ... CNS Epsilon, Gamma, Hyper-Gamma and Lambda Brainwave Activity and Ecstatic ...

Brainwave Technology IntroductionBrainwave technology is a fascinating field of research with many potential ... A Quick Summary about our brainwave technology is also available. ...

BBC NEWS | Health | Brainwave fault explains slip-upsScientists discover a brainwave fault which may explain silly slip-ups like putting coffee on cornflakes. : Neurotechnology : Brainwave ScannersResearchers have identified a brainwave pattern that occurs when people are likely to make a mistake. This finding could have implications for preventing ... Neurotechnology/Brainwave+Scanners


posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 06:44 AM
Inhaling negative telepathic vibrations is bad for your health. Actually they go down your throat whether you hold your breath or not. BTW, those voices that people get meds for aren't voices that the 'disabled' person hears from their own thinking. They are telepathically received voices coming in sounding like their own voice.
What happens is at a very young age you are taught to relate to your mom telepathically as she is happy to help you learn. When you get older other people replace this habit with controlling authoratative telepathically sent brainwaves teaching you to have certain emotions like fear and happiness. You have already learned this, but the game doesn't stop. At least it hasn't stopped for me and I'm 52. if people who are diagnosed schiezoid take lithium they still here voices. This is proof the thoughts conveyed to their minds by others feelings are the cause. If these people want to continue to be miserable and dull believeing their problem is because of themselves. May their guilt trip and low-self esteem prevail in full glory. The problem starts at a young age when the parents do not teach the child they can have sudden feelings and thoughts and dreams that are impacted by both the good and bad of others. even animals and insects send brainwave signals that an aware person can pick up.

love the imbalanced, you may be one

Honor Seed

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