I didn't mention there was a bathroom in my dream last night too, in a fancy European hotel and people were fighting over it..because there was only
one toilet.. And a rich lady tried to pull a middle class lady out of the bathroom and she got in a fight with the lady and then she was pushed out,
and the rich lady said "I am going to report you to the Royal Duck Master for doing that!" It's wierd we both had a bathroom and fighting in our
dream's last night. Or, I guess its the night before last now..lol.
I did not elaborate much before when I said I am a telepathic sender. And if I elaborate now it is not to brag, I am just trying to explain one of my
abilities/disabilities depending on how someone may see it. When I was sending out thoughts in a way that I did not realize was telepathic, I was
making people aware of me, even though I didn't know I was doing it at the time. One of the first times I started to become aware of people being
telepathically aware of me was when I worked in a large city office building, and I had only been there for a few months or more, and many people in
that building were aware of me, and lots even knew my name, even though I was not aware of them...although sometimes I was very social and outgoing,
other times I also had my head buried in a book. It's like when I was at college almost everyone knew who I was; the teachers, other people who
worked there, the students. The Black Student Association got in a huge fight with the existing school Student President who was white, and they
wanted to elect a non-African American student who would be the head of a 'puppet' government for them at the college, (which they would secretly
run), because they were concerned a black person would not get voted for by the white students there. And one of my friends who is black came to see
me with about 50 other African American students, some of whom I knew, but most who I didn't, and she said they wanted me to be the head of their
puppet government. I asked her "Why Me? I am not a politician..in fact my grades aren't even that good this quarter." And, she said because she
had asked everyone and they all agreed it should be me, because everyone 'knew who I was'. Which blew my mind, because I never perceived myself in
that way.
Okay here is the good and not so good part about being a Telepathic 'Sender'. Like, I already said people are watching you/aware of you sometimes
even before you walk through the door...which is neither good or bad. If I am in trouble I can summon other people's minds and my guide/guardian
angel for help. If I am feeling very depressed, ill, or angry, sometimes people around me can also become depressed, ill, or angry, just from my
emotions, even though its not intentional on my part. Flip side is I can also energize people and transfer joyful emotions. Good Part, Bad Part...I
have healed using thought, emotions and the force of Good/God, but if I am feeling negative about someone they can feel that too...so I have to be
careful about what I think/feel because with me thoughts/emotions are also actions. Also, I have gotten into the minds of people who were in lost
states of the mind, (such as Alzheimers Disease) and have been able to wake them temporarially. Good Part, Bad Part...I can transfer good hypnotic
nirvana states to others, but I have also had a very bad person break down in a hypnotic state and confess everything bad he ever did including
murder...which can be pretty scary when like say a repairman does that when you alone in the house with him. And I can remote influence. Not just on
people either. One more Good Part...A Sender who is also capable of being a Receiver is someone who is capable of being part of a completely
telepathic 2-way conversation, with another person who is also a Sender and a Receiver. So, if there is anyone else out there like me, would you like
to try and communicate telepathically? u2u me if you do.
I have no doubt people feel me here too, especially you H.S. both my positive and my negative telepathic emotions/energy. Just some of the things you
have said. Still I am not vain enough to think you are only vibing into me with thousands of other people here also...lol. Once, a schizophrenic man
became angry with me, because he could hear my thoughts all over school, no matter where he went. He stopped me in the hallways several times and
told me what I was thinking and said to stop thinking he needed the rest. I was sitting in the cafeteria and he jumped off the balcony from the floor
above, and yelled at me "Quick Thinking At Me!!" Luckily, he landed on a table below, he splashed food and debris all over the students sitting at
that table, but fortunately no one was hurt, including him, and the Security Guards took him away before he could get me. I wasn't thinking anything
to him, or about him, but he just heard all my thoughts in general and it drove him nuts. Another time, I was held hostage in my own apt. for two
days, because while I was having a little party, I was listening to a record, and thinking about how it would be nice to learn how to sing and train
my voice, and a friend heard that thought and became obsessed with it! And, he didn't want to leave until he taught me how to sing perfectly...he
was in a trance like state too. Now a real Good Thing, if I develop this gift and learn how to use it correctly I could use it to influence people to
stop hurting each other, to protect the environment, etc. I wonder if I were to find a few more 'Senders' and then if we all got together to think
about healing things in this world how much we good we could do to influence people and change things?
I do know that God built this gift into me for specific reasons, so ultimately it is not a bad thing if He gave it to me.
[edit on 11-3-2006 by DeeplyAwake]