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Telepathic incoming negativity?

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posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 08:02 AM
Honor seed, I am new to this site and I am surprised of the number of open minded people out there such as your self...

But it looks like as if your vastly large imagination has taken over your ability to conceive the open world of limited possibilities.. Energy Cloud? This is pure imagination and your brain just imagines what you want it to. If you want to really perceive visions try closing your eyes and stop thinking for a moment and you'll see what I mean. Nothing!

Although I mostly believe in what I see or experience, I can only say one thing... The supernatural does exist and we humans have great power in our minds.

As open minded as I am, I don't believe in spirits, the bible, myths and such. As for me reading cards with no volunteer is simply will power. If you look at Criss Angel; world's number one magician, you can see that he had a gift and a dedication to do what his will desires to do. Levitation, teleportation, telekinesis and more. And I do believe man can do what he desires if he believes that he can by practicing the right method with the right thinking. My abilities to read numbers and cards began 1 years ago when I started an interest in the paranormal and believed... Then I watched magicians such as Criss Angel and David Blaine and it grew stronger, due to friends believing I could; since I impressed them by guessing numbers one to 5 at the start! But now I can read 1 to 1000 by practising and utilising the techniques of thought separation and meditation. By separating your thoughts and focusing you're allowed to separate your instincts and imaginations from real telepathy. It's only been a month since I started practising, it seems at that telepathy and such are fueled largley by emotions. I only practise if I am feeling spiritually 'high'. By that I mean clear minded and positive feelings, I usually listen to heavy metal and think about positive future event while and before I read.

Now really! Its not my style to write short essays and thinking phiolsphically about simple things such as emotions! But I am interested in mind power and I am glad that made my point.


posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 09:51 AM
I thought to mention some symptoms of the energy which most people don't see. It can take chapstick put thickly on the lips off in a matter of minutes. I am not sure what the grease is used for in that dimension. It does frequently cause the throat and mouth to get extremely dry as it does press its' way into the mouth. It is as if a bit of a desert sandstorm has blown down your throat.
The energy clouds hit and cause an immediate sleepiness, Americas' #1 cause of traffic fatalities is falling asleep at the wheel. The times I have drove through large clouds of it on the road, it causes immediate confusion as to where the road is, aslo lowers the level of light quit a bit all of sudden like driving into a dark area where even the headlights don't pierce the darkness. It made another in the vehicle extremely fidgety and nervous as I drove through an immense ammount of it one night. This person is normally a very clear headed individual I had worked with many times in the darkness on the bay with moving oysters early in the morning.

To people who think this is my imagination, and write so, in spite of all the decade of research and property taking data I have gathered, the dark energy can make fanatics out of people who think they know what I have seen, this is a fear reaction.
I also have seen an object on edge that this electo-magnetic energy made look wobbily, and the back half of the object was not covered with the energy and quite still, solid and normal looking. I also saw the same vision of a black panther in a tree with another person which crouched there for over an hour, I asked her what she was staring at first. She also mentioned not to make it angry, it being the energy or it would attack the four of us sitting at a campfire. Some people who have listened to me tell then about the energy, get a real quick glance away from my eyes, and interrupt me and change the subject. This is the energy making them do that. Some people feel sick upon some initial statemnets I make about the existence of a controlling evil enrgy, this is another ploy to stop the spread
of its' existence. Certainly if it were my imagination, these things would be a lot more open to conversation than they seem to be. One of the primary emotions the energy tries to evoke in me is one of embarrassment through the people it controls to mention I did not see it and it is imagination. Now what rational person is going to immediately state what another person saw? I have seen this dark anti-matter like energy drip off the ceiling like black oil leaking through the ceiling. It has been so thick at times in my place trying its' best to end my life and stop me from communicating about it, the telepathic communication from living and departed spirits made it seem as if thousands of people crowded around me all wanting to be heard at the same time. it cause several types of audible phenomena. A high pitched noise in one ear or both is one. It causes what sounds like a huge thump in the distance, sometimes with the illusion of the ground moving under my feet. The energy traps noises and words and repeats them back later in a n effort to cause fear. The energy can alter sounds just like sight of normal objects, and make a distant buzz of a air conditioning unit amplified and sound like it is right next to you. It also interfers with a phone conversation, causing one number in a list of numbers to be seemingly different. It does everything in its' power to break down communication between people, isolate individuals into the privacy of their own home and cause depression. This immense energy gathers strenght, I suppose, by creating more fear and anger in living people. In fact this seems to be its' primary mandate in an effort to plunge the world into kaos and confusion. If I were you, which I am not, I would seriously consider what advantage an energy could possibly gain by having the host it invades exterminate itself. It is very much like malignant cancer in that respect. It is possible that the non-human civilization left behind a mind virus that eventually spells the doom of the entire planet so they can come back in a few thousand years and resettle it or pillage it for their own use. It probably is more like the white man first moving to America and giving the Indians disease that virtually wiped out entire tribes on the east coast. This happened elsewhere too. A few indians survived building up a natural immunity, just like some people on earth are building up a natural immunity to this brain virus.

it is something people don't relate to because they don't think it exists.
It is not hard to relate to thousands of Indians having no immunity to disease and dying soon after it spreads. How hard is it to relate to a mind "virus" that has existed for thousands of years caught from visiting non-humans of a distant planet that causes a slow death? or a sudden death as the case may be?

Honor Seed


posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 10:28 AM
"But it looks like as if your vastly large imagination has taken over your ability to conceive the open world of limited possibilities.. Energy Cloud? This is pure imagination and your brain just imagines what you want it to. If you want to really perceive visions try closing your eyes and stop thinking for a moment and you'll see what I mean. Nothing! " - Encablossa

First of all possibilities are not limited, any guesses or comments on this thread are genuinely welcomed, including yours. This is a thinktank I have chosen at the best forum I have seen to date.
Be certain of this, my imagination has designed two amusement parks, I am a conceptual artist with a history of turning positive happy ideas into drawings and sculptures. My imagination does not include what I have seen and report to paranormally inclined people. Also when I close my eyes, I do see darkness at first. But soon after, I can see anything from
scenery of other parts of the world to the more mundane shapes of light and form, merely elements of the total picture. This reminds me to relate to the others that some of the visions I saw were made up of various shapes and colors of surrounding real objects. What kind of electro magnetic energy has enough 'savvy' to pull together elements of the surrounding to manifest a visual of a person amidst the cloud? What incoming negative spirit wishing to do harm would even bother at creating a person, why not a drooling large praying mantis for the extra fear value?
To wit: why waste time killing people with fear and causing a shortening of life with increased anger and confusion?
The answer is really simple. This wasn't a purposeful incursion of non-human visitors. It was a friendly visit, with consequences that relate to the absorbtion of something from them that was probably caught becasue of telepathy. Telepathy people didn't know they had then, and most people don't know we have now. We are in the diaper stage of advanced technology and also in the diaper stage of telepathic research.
Some important questions come to mind.

Do we want to welcome any alien visitors who potentially may accidentally cause a type of infection that kills off people in less than a year all over the planet?

Do we want to really go to a distant planet and possibly carry the telepaathic brain virus we know have to a happy primitive civilization causing years of wars due to greed, fear and jealousy?

It is not surprising that the location of the visiting non-human aliens is the same as the many conflicts of terrorism now existing. It is not surprising that writing and alphabets were developed in this area. it is not surprising that a man came along who did alter the effect of these dark clouds in people and healed them. it is not surprising to me that I believe in this man, and healed myself without any chemo or radiation treatment of a cancer which doctors say gives my a life expectancy of 9 months. now the question is can you heal yourself of the dark cloud within you? The greatest shadow one casts is upon the light within.

Honor Seed

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 12:24 PM
Thanks for your complete and interesting answer HS.

I agree on you with the fact that two people who know each other personally and have either a close friendship, or even a relationship could have better chances with telepathy, both because of the "dialogue" their minds could have under certain occasions, as you pointed out, and also because i think the more you know a person, the more attuned you are with his/her energies and brainwaves, therefore allowing messages to "pass" with more ease and efficency.

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 07:31 AM
Sorry to burst your 'cloud', but you even tried to fit an accident causing fog into your equation. Which I find anyone who is 'clouded' thinking its absurd. And there you are questioning why people are repulsed by your babble. I could go on trashing every piece of garbage you wrote down but that would also be babbling. This like saying the whole world is wrong except you. Word of advise: Stop trying to explain the world and see a psychiatrist, you might be in late period of schizophrenia.

And don't try to hide behind your wall of paranoia, this is the truth.

I am already losing faith in internet discussions, I am seeking open minded people not nut bags.

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 03:13 PM
Hey, HS might Be 'nuts', he might not be. How do you know that your not the crazy one and He Is normal? Just because he believes, says, and thinks different than you doesnt mean he is crazy or anything, he just believes different. It isnt very nice to go around and call someone crazy or some other un-nice name whenever they believe what you do not.


posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 04:01 PM
I've heard that Negative energy travels faster than Positive energy.

This could be why the huge influx of Neggie Vibes.

Surround yourself with a WHITE LIGHT. Ask that only Positve things come through and that all Neg is reflected into it's self.

This always works for me....and with amazing results.

I also think that in the last few yrs, there have been an amazing influx of energy, both + & -

Ppl are beginning to 'feel' and sense it more, on average, than we use to.

And, the Earth is shifting. This could also be part of it.

Neg Vibes are a lower frequency than High Vibes and they will come in more easily, if we allow them to.


posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 06:31 PM
Its funny to see how some of you morons try to create your own reality and become serious about it (not one bit of humour!) and not think its crazy. Maybe we should have a nut section in the forum where all you geeks can dream and leave this section for paranormal event only.

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Encablossa
Its funny to see how some of you morons try to create your own reality and become serious about it (not one bit of humour!) and not think its crazy. Maybe we should have a nut section in the forum where all you geeks can dream and leave this section for paranormal event only.

If you Do Not Have Anything Nice to Say, DONT say it At All....

Thank you

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Encablossa
Its funny to see how some of you morons try to create your own reality and become serious about it (not one bit of humour!) and not think its crazy. Maybe we should have a nut section in the forum where all you geeks can dream and leave this section for paranormal event only.

"Any correctly structured psychological process which uses a precise logic is opposed by a different one, strongly formed with a similar or superior logic." - Samael Aun Weor, Revolutionary Psychology

Everyone creates their own reality, and everyone believes that their reality is equal to reality itself. To you someone else's concept of reality may seem absurd, nonsensical etc... To someone else your concept of reality may seem the same way.

There is no point in creating a new forum for people whose concept of reality differs than the one you have. If that was the case, I'm afraid there would be many, many forums.

Inverencial Peace,

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by AkashicWanderer

"Any correctly structured psychological process which uses a precise logic is opposed by a different one, strongly formed with a similar or superior logic." - Samael Aun Weor, Revolutionary Psychology

Samael Aun Weor Has Written Some very good books, i have a few of them myself.


posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by isisinanna
I've heard that Negative energy travels faster than Positive energy.

This could be why the huge influx of Neggie Vibes.

Surround yourself with a WHITE LIGHT. Ask that only Positve things come through and that all Neg is reflected into it's self.

This always works for me....and with amazing results.

I also think that in the last few yrs, there have been an amazing influx of energy, both + & -

Ppl are beginning to 'feel' and sense it more, on average, than we use to.

And, the Earth is shifting. This could also be part of it.

Neg Vibes are a lower frequency than High Vibes and they will come in more easily, if we allow them to.


Interesting info Isis, I'd like to have your sources if available.
In particular, neg vibes travel more easily between people.
And also the neg energy travels faster than positive.

I plan on going into negative telepathic incoming vibrations in depth now and for the purposes of discussion I am going to abbrev. the aforementioned NTIV.

There is a post by think2much called lucid dreaming, subliminal messages and mind control that I was going to respond to his comment in but will make it here and direct him here later.

My comment on the dreams about grey space he was having is that this medium is the same as the particle energy I saw during meditation, which is essentially dreaming awake.

Here is the excerpt from my dream diary. After reading think2muchs answer this morning I slept on it and had a problem solving dream.

10:30 AM 1/20/06 the interesting thing about this dream is that
the maker(s) of it do not expect me to look at the dream scenario
at the angles I do. Just got through moving materials from a high
place and looked back at the area where there was suppose to be a
building room on top and the building appeared as if someone was
airbrushing the top floor as I watched. Noted the similarity to
the jiggling camera in that I look at things suddenly from angles, this apparently is
not expected by whatever force creates illusions around me.
also another thing, glass dropped from the height at the top of
an unreal 50-60 foot ladder and did not break, yet glass dropped
at about 4-5 feet at the end of the dream and broke which led to
waking me up. Odd the properties of material are not the
same. The computing force which generates the dreamscape is losing
the ability to deceive.

Comment on this: The general idea is that NTIV more easily is recognized by the mind in the sleep state which can compute several times the quanity into images, words and emotions. Unless you are visionary, NTIV
usually only computes as negative feelings and possibly words in the awake state.
It is hard to recognize the difference between self generated fear or anger
and the NTIV fear or anger. The reason for this is because when people feel angry or fearful all of sudden they look for the "most likely most recent reason" for the emotion that just happened. Generally the constant input of minor NTIV all day long leaves a person this side of happy and in a state of mind I call " flow through telepathic". In other words the NTIV is on the way back to the original sender.

The original sender is usually a person who reacts adversely to external stimulus not understanding the feelings, words or images around him/her. An example is the person who made negative comments about my statements. Generally, what the NTIV is seeking is the same thing that a person who sends off written negativity is seeking. Agreement from others or something positive in response like happiness. Unlike charges attract each other. The NTIV is seeking a neutral stance before it reenters the mind of the sender. NTIV may go through several people before returning.
The telepathic network is similar to a business computer network of thousands of computers. The difference being, all people of the world are connected, and the operational speed is somewhere in the neighborhood of the speed of light, although my opinion is that it is several times faster.
This is due to my experience with telepathic contact in which several members of advanced alien worlds conferenced with me. Much like the visions Siriuslyone reports in his post, we conferenced over advanced issues such as

1. Are earth people responsible enough to start realizng the power of
telepathy. In other words did I think people would use it to support each other, or spy and control each other?

2. Are their evil advanced telepathic forces that can use telepathy to control an entire planet? And how do I notice the difference between NTIV from terrorists and an advanced NTIV alien federation that uses it for illegal purposes?

3. Is there a telepathic prompt system that considers the right to freedom of choice on whether to share images of your home, for instance? And is it possible, for unscupulous single individuals within a society to gain personal info like where a wall safe is, what the combo is, how much money is in it and what time are you leaving tomorrow?

We are in the diaper stage of telepathy, many children are showing increased awareness of telepathy these days.

Yes Isis, we are beginning to sense it more and more and that amazing quanity of + and - energy may have always been there.

What I hope happens as this grey deceptive energy field continues to break down in the dream state, is that some of us connect and have intelligent conversations at first so we can be responsible as a world and offer intelligent suggestions to the rest of the people who may soon have the telepathy whether they want it or not. I would not be surprized if there was a huge quanity of people seeking pyschiatrists advice and medication on the matter of hearing voices. There already is quite a few.

There have been times NTIV from several sources has made me feel like there was a piranha feeding freenzy going on in my head to consume happy thoughts. The idea is that telepathic contact has to be followed by a mutually agreed upon concept of sharing what we wish to share. it has to be a gift from the sender, rather than like a bunch of greedy people pillaging through the belongings of a deceased person.

I'll leave the people here who read this and the world with the telepathic sending 'I love you'. Some of you may 'hear' these words in a dream. I hope so.

Honor Seed

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 11:28 PM
Alright I guess I haven't been myself lately. My apology to you HS. Well we are all people and we all do mistakes (I still think your ideas are a bit nuts
). I ask that you forget this ever happened and we can still be friends.

[edit on 21-1-2006 by Encablossa]


posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 11:47 PM
why bother?
Your short on ine answers have left the impression this forum is not a place to have intelligent discussions about disagreements. You have a right to your own opinion and I shall soon forget it, not as an insult, but as a favor to you.


posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 12:57 AM
[edit on 21-1-2006 by Encablossa]


posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by Encablossa
Alright I guess I haven't been myself lately. My apology to you HS. Well we are all people and we all do mistakes (I still think your ideas are a bit nuts
). I ask that you forget this ever happened and we can still be friends.

[edit on 21-1-2006 by Encablossa]

I read your apology after I posted the response to the previous letter. It was not showing when I first entered this thread. I am happily surprised to see it. You are the first person, in dozens of negative reaction posts to give
an apology. Maybe hundreds as I have to include my difference of opinion on a newsgroup that argues there is going to be a nationwide disaster soon and we should be ready to kill anyone begging for food. The
group is filled with people who have never had a paranormal or metaphysical experience and attack anyone who has had one. With the statements like you need pyschiatrict help, your on drugs, you drink to much coffee, stuff like that. They have people who have seen ghosts, etc. apologizing to them for seeing a ghost. No wonder they lost the war of 1776, no respect for people who have a different opinion, bad mistake. You mentioned I have an open minded attitude as a lot of people on ATS do as a first statement. Takes one to know one. Keep you open mindedness when and if you read my most recent post on Sirius thread BEING A MEDIUM IS A LONG, HARD ROAD. And believe me, the truth gets even stranger. Task yourself my friend.

Honor Seed


posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by AkashicWanderer

Originally posted by Encablossa
Its funny to see how some of you morons try to create your own reality and become serious about it (not one bit of humour!) and not think its crazy. Maybe we should have a nut section in the forum where all you geeks can dream and leave this section for paranormal event only.

"Any correctly structured psychological process which uses a precise logic is opposed by a different one, strongly formed with a similar or superior logic." - Samael Aun Weor, Revolutionary Psychology

Everyone creates their own reality, and everyone believes that their reality is equal to reality itself. To you someone else's concept of reality may seem absurd, nonsensical etc... To someone else your concept of reality may seem the same way.

There is no point in creating a new forum for people whose concept of reality differs than the one you have. If that was the case, I'm afraid there would be many, many forums.

Inverencial Peace,

Well written Akashic and thank you Rekar. I will be looking at this book eventually after I get through a pile of books about the communication with animals. And as far as that goes anything I can find that has to do with telepathy. I knew years ago, before I could ever write a book of my own, there must be people like me before that have transcended telepathically and had valuable insights into this unbelievably fascinating subject..........or believably as the case may be.

Blessed be,
Honor Seed

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 09:28 AM
HS, Your Welcome.

You May Find these books free On Any Gnostic website.(they are used for teaching) Just use his Full name in a serach engine and you will find it.

Edit - Matter of FAct in the book "Intoduction to Gnosis", he starts teaching about Telekenisis and some, not much, telepath stuff

[edit on 21-1-2006 by rekar]

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by rekar
You May Find these books free On Any Gnostic website.(they are used for teaching) Just use his Full name in a serach engine and you will find it.

Before his death, Samael Aun Weor gave up all the copyrights to his books. For this reason you will find that there are many translations of his books all around the internet. There is no guarantee that the translation was correctly done, or that the translator didn't slightly change it to fit his idealogical beliefs.

In my experience, the most accurate translations are those from Thelema Press. They can be bought through Amazon, and very soon through the Gnostic Store (they currently accept PayPal only).

If you want to read Revolutionary Psychology online, this PDF is alright. Just be mindful that it may have small mistakes, and that reading the Spanish orignial (if possible), or a Thelema Press translation is best.

Inverencial Peace,

[edit on 21/1/2006 by AkashicWanderer]

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 10:17 AM
thats where i got mine at. if i found them in spanish, i would read it still, i can understand spanish. but all imn all, good books

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