Today when I woke up to a very loud alarm clock, from a dream, was the first time (I can recall), where I had a moment where I was trying to cling on
to the dream, not wanting to wake, and a second later I felt like I was in a dream. Its like I felt the shift in conciousness, the transition or pull.
Its like your reality now, just gets turned upside down. Like when you dream, and you recall thinking how it seems wierd, but for that moment I
thought waking life was wierd. You know what I mean? I just felt the transition is what I'm saying.
I've been giving more thought in this symbol thats burned in my head. I inquired about it a while ago and I think I'm on to something now. I've
meditated on it more then a few times since, and always in the same occurence in which it originally formed. A long while ago, this year or last year
I did a meditation where I constructed a forest, with a stone tower with winding stairs, with a room up top, which has a cave in the wall, where a
vicious bear lives, my totem animal. The first time I tried doing this the first animal to pop in my head was a bear, and so this vision has pretty
much stuck. I feel the bear is a strong symbol. Well as well, part of the vision was that theres a door to the room the animal is in, you have to
invision a symbol, and I did, with little effort, something completely unique popped in my head. It glowed a bright purple, and it didn't appear
instantly, it constructed itself, And now I think it was to show a pattern of occurence.
The very image of the symbol was pretty wierd at first, I got a wierd internal feeling from it that I wasn't used to. The next couple of times I saw
it, it was kind of cryptic. I drew it out and asked someone about it and they had bad feelings about it, or at least components about it. So I
meditated on it again, pictures stripping away those key components and I found without them the symbol was meaningless, it was nothing special at
all, and it lacked that strong feel I felt with the complete symbol. So rather then picture removing the "negative" components of the symbol, I
came to accept it as a part of me, and so reverse to the order in which it was constructed, I absorbed it into my body kind of like spagetti into my
chest. I just know somehow I felt some sort of a accomplishment from this. What actually happened, I still do not know. Perhaps it will reveal itself
in time.
But I think I have it figured out now, the imagery and display seemed to indicate it. Theres a line through the symbol, I was told it was probably
bad, and the 2 squares to the right I was told could indicate outside forces out to harm me. I searched within myself and I did not feel I was under
some attack. I'll explain how I feel about it now, months after its appearance, but first here it is:
The swirl appears first, then the line, then the forces. My gut feeling about it tells me this:, the swirl represents space, like the formation of a
galaxy, and I believe the line indicates time, or more precisely, travel. And the 2 dots, I'm not sure, but from there position, outside the
"galaxy", I think it represents worlds. 2 worlds. Our solar system is just NOW joining with the galaxy, rather then orbiting around it, as
"scientists" say. Perhaps theres truth to that, and the 2 planets are outside the system to illustrate that. The line also moves, like a slash, from
top to bottom, to indicate movement. I think its indicating a distant travel, to earth, and perhaps another world before that, mars?
Well I'd like to get anyone else's feedback. I feel like i'm really connected to this thing, although I didn't initially think a symbol would have
such significance to me.
So, any thoughts to share?