posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 01:05 AM
I would like to comment on UHURU, and I would like you all please to be open-minded about what I will tell you. I will not force you or try to make
you believe what I tell you. I will merely highlight some problems and then we go from there okay?
First of all, forget about the cliches about a volkstaat, about rightwing plotters, about overthrowing the government and all other jazz you heard
about. It is propaganda and should be ignored. Look at your surroundings and what is happening in SA right now.
Example: Crime is getting out of hand, no news there. Although it might interest you to know that 2016 farmers have already been murdered in SA.
Israel invaded Libynon for 2 soldiers that were kidnapped. (think about this). I can also tell you that the murder rate (excluding people dying in
hospitals due to neglegence) is about 64 per 100 000. In France, the rate is 4 people dead per 100 000. SA is currently the crime capital of the
world. Farmers are mutilated and tortured until death. I can show you photos, but my idea is not to scare you but to inform you.
I have a video which you can download from the net, about the songs which ANC/Cosatu/SACP members sing at their rallies, their meetings etc. These
songs are called freedom songs or struggle songs and after 12 years of "democracy", they are still being sung. These songs incite hatred and
violence towards whites. The problem is that these songs are an expression of what these blacks feel and are prepared to do. This is not a racist
comment, be open-minded about this. What the reasons for their hatred is, is irrelevant for now, I am only highlighting the current environment in SA.
So bear with me.
Next you saw the strikes in the country that have been escalating. Since November 2005 there has not been a single day in SA without an organized
strike (on large scale, not little strikes). Think about the Transport strikes, Petrol strikes, PicknPay,Cleaners,Shoprite and Security guards as an
What happened to the loyal workers who refused to strike? They were thrown off trains, their arms were cut off, they were killed and tortured. Why?
Think about this... it is not just a question of "it's in their blood". Let me explain why..
Remember the necklace murders which made WInnie Mandela famous? She burnt her victims alive with tyres around their necks if they dared disobey her
orders. What was the result? Unity. How sick it may seem, it installed a discipline amongst her followers. Blacks were afraid to disobey her orders
which put her in a position to give any order she pleased and knowing, that it would be carried out, regardless of the consequences.
The strikes are creating a similar discipline. They are persecuting anyone who does not unite with their cause. Now the next question is Why? Why do
they need this unity, and what are they planning that they need this amount of discipline for? I will leave this question with you and after the
article you can decide for yourself.
Next I want you to look at the culture of the blacks. Not the urbanized black people, look at the rural people. Think about the fact that they have
little or nothing to lose. Think about the estimated 20 million illegal immigrants in the country who feel nothing for the people here. Even the
blacks dont want the immigrants here because they "take our jobs", one black person was recorded to have said.
Also think of this, there has been 25 years of propaganda about how bad all the whites are, how badly we treated them, how we (today still!) take
their jobs, own all the land, try to undermine them, want to rule them, dont want them to have anything worthwhile, how WE GAVE THEM AIDS etc etc.
Whether it is the truth, or lies is irrelevant for now, I want you to think about cause and effect.
Okay, so lets recap:
1. The majority of blacks have a deeply rooted hatred for whites.
2. They have nothing to lose and believe that the possessions of whites are theirs for the taking.
3. They believe that we are settlers who do not belong in Africa.
4. They are instilling a discipline amongst their people to do "something"
5. They incite eachother by singing vicious songs about killing whites (even today).
6. Look at the crime levels in SA (being the most dangerous country in the world today and where countries like New Zealand warn tourists about crime
and urging them rather to choose other destinations)
7. Look at the hate crimes being committed in terms of farm murders and the brutality of it.
I can go on, but my point is, if there was a rumour that they could have the chance to kill whites when Mandela dies, some may believe it, and if only
0.02% of the black population in SA believes this rumour and are willing to kill (like they said they would), then we have 200 000 murderers running
the streets that neither the army nor the police can stop.
But there are also other possible scenarios: APLA was the old military wing of the PAC, the most communist party in SA. When the military wing was
disbanded, these militants were taken up into the army. The people you need to protect you if such a scenario plays out, are the people who chanted
slogans like "kill a boer, kill a farmer" etc. Just think about this... dont comment.
Also think about this, the military and the government act on "all possible threats". When they hear of a potential threat to their position, they
act immediately. Why? Because they are rather safe than sorry. They cannot afford to underestimate a rumour.
Now we have heard a "rumour". You can underestimate the scenario, or you can prepare. It's going to take effort but not more than that. None of
your efforts will be wasted.
We are in agreement that anarchy is possible, whatever the reason, and whoever is involved is not important. Whether it is 100 000 criminals, or 100
000 armed militia, or 100 000 ex-apla members, it is irrelevant. Point is, there is a potential unslaught and we need to prepare for it.
Unfortunately, talking isn’t going to make much difference now, those who haven’t listened until now, will not listen in the future either.