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Listen to This Out There Idea

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posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 10:14 PM
That's a mighty bold comment that intellegent design has some how been defeated. Where, when, where's the documentation? Surely there is some definite proof somewhere if this is so. Look at a DNA strain, and look at matter at an atomic and molecular level with all the mathematics involved and say with certainty "it is an accident." That's one amazingly complex accident! Anyway.

A comment on Welfare. It should only be there long enough to get someone back on his feet. Then it's time to get a job or find some way to support yourself. Here is an idea I have for Welfare or whatever it would be more approprately called - You pick these people up, you help them out with food, shelter, etc., but you don't forget to set them straight, and "help them to help themselves" and then you put them back into the game of life ready to go. Don't let them become a parasite on society. Of course there may be some individuals who can't care for themselves, so in that case they would need help.


posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by cybertroy
That's a mighty bold comment that intellegent design has some how been defeated. Where, when, where's the documentation? Surely there is some definite proof somewhere if this is so. Look at a DNA strain, and look at matter at an atomic and molecular level with all the mathematics involved and say with certainty "it is an accident." That's one amazingly complex accident! Anyway.

A comment on Welfare. It should only be there long enough to get someone back on his feet. Then it's time to get a job or find some way to support yourself. Here is an idea I have for Welfare or whatever it would be more approprately called - You pick these people up, you help them out with food, shelter, etc., but you don't forget to set them straight, and "help them to help themselves" and then you put them back into the game of life ready to go. Don't let them become a parasite on society. Of course there may be some individuals who can't care for themselves, so in that case they would need help.


You hit the money on the mark. And before all the bleeding heart liberals get on my case, I have family members on welfare. Guess what..They expect the Govt. to give them a check and support them. They have no intention of going out and getting a job, they feel the taxpayers should support them. Well guess what...I say let them starve! If they were willing to go out and help themselves...I'm all for helping them along the way. But a free ride...HELL NO!! Go take a don't like it...I'm willing to pay for you to better yourself. A free ride, No way, No how. I don't work 50+ hours a week, so you can sit on your ass and do nothing. I feel taxes are for 2 things. 1 National defense, 2 To build the infrastucture of this country. Anything else is nothing but robbery. Politicians pander to these scum bags for votes. A recent ruling has said intelligent design can be taught in schools, and Darwinism is to be taught. Well Darwinism states the survival of the fittest!! Maybe, (HELL YEAH) it's time to let survival of the fittest RULE!

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 03:33 AM
i idea that someone is fit or unfit is not just based on circumstance, every one needs some one to lean on now and then. for instance have you ever borrowed money from family or friend? some have no family or have no friend able to help them but they very well may have some thing to contribute in the future!

I hope that you will be the receipiant of a random act of kindness if you never have yet in your life. i hope you will see the world not just as dollars and cents!
i hope that you can understand it's not about giving whats comfortable but about giving all you have, because thats life; cause we are all conected whether or not you feel it or not.
if we all did all we could the world would have far less problems, but it is easy to get caught up in me-ism so to speak and much harder to look for us! EVEN aniamls take care of each other, better than we take care of others, and MANY PEOPLE TAKE BETTER CARE OF THEIR PETS THAN FELLOW HUMANS IF YOUR THEROY HELD TURN WE COULD SOON BE OVER RAN BY A RACE OF DOGS OR A PACK OF WOLVES!!!!!!!!!!


posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 03:54 AM
One measure of a civilization is how they treat their least fortunate citizens.

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by BRCMontana
One measure of a civilization is how they treat their least fortunate citizens.

I'm all for helping those in need. As long as, they are willling to help themselves. Are there times for Welfare...H*LL yeah...but, I'll be dmned if I'm gonna let my tax dollars go to those who sit on their @$$es and wait for a GOVT check. Anyone who is willing to help themselves, I will bend over backwards and give everything I can to help you. But to expect the taxpayers to support you...Well then you need to be REMOVED!! Yes, there are those who can't do anything...I'm willing to help them. What I'm talking about are the able bodied Americans in this country, who would rather sit on their lazy ASSES, and collect a GOVT check, than go out and try to help themselves. Extreme, maybe, but they should be removed from the gene pool. Taxes are killing me...I'm a single white male (Which according to the LIBERALS in this country...I'm the enemy!!

I have to pay taxes on the property I OWN!! If I don't I lose it. I have to pay SCHOOL taxes, even though I don;t have child in school!!! (Although, I may not fight much on the school taxes, if they actually did something. This country pays the most per child in school, yet our school system sucks!!! There are poor countries that have a better school system than ours...WHY? The TEACHERS UNIONS..They want the money, BUT DON'T WANT ANY ACCOUNTABILTIY!!!) Property taxes, WHY SHOULD WE PAY TAXES ON SOMETHING WE OWN?!?! America WAKE UP!!!!!!......

THE PEOPLE WE ELECT TO RUN THIS COUNTRY, DO NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE EVERYDAY AMERICAN!!! All they are concerned about is keeping their seat in the HOUSE or the SENATE!! It's time we stand up...alll AMERICANS, whether right or wrong...Let those in Washington know....This a country..."FOR THE PEOPLE.BY THE PEOPLE"

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 09:59 PM
Social services are needed because people no longer look after their own. Those who have used to take care of those in need, and in some places this is still true. Here the past is a record of oppression and misuse, genocide and mistreatment.

Since I too am a 'white' male, I will dare to respond. If our ancestors had not been such gluttonous, ethno-centric invaders, and had dealt fairly with other ethnicities, their descendents would not have this huge debt to repay. If my dad stole your dad's house, and after they died, I came and said give me that house back, should you be allowed to keep it?
I heard that when slavery was abolished, the emancipated people were promised 40 acres and a mule as restitution for their abuse. A fair offer, if true. But if true, that 1865 promise, in 2006 $'s is one big payment, and if I am correct, still owing.
Equally as valid a claim is that of the people this entire continent was, to be blunt, stolen from. The genocidal take-over is, imo, a debt to be repayed. It never can be, but at least attempt it. Kind of sucks for guys like us, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

[edit on 03 22 2005 by BlackGuardXIII]

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