posted on Jan, 10 2006 @ 02:47 PM
I think the previous suggestion is pretty valid... Only worry about reviewing on those days one thinks they may have been abducted...
I know I've read some case studies of those who've tried to film such a thing, but were thwarted allegedly by the aliens. In some cases, there
really are some strange film anomolies, etc., but it doesn't really help all that much to prove/disprove the cases....
Even if such a thing was captured, it'd be extremely easy to shrug off as photos and videos in this day and age, are easy to manipulate,
and offer little in the way of proof.
At least one would know for their own piece of mind though....
Thankfully, I've only ever had one period of missing time, and I was a kid, so I can't really be sure any attempt to delve into that would be valid.
Personally, despite what one may think, I really don't want to delve into it. First, I'm too knowledgable for my own good in this case, and may
easily fall victim to fantasy recollection. Second, if something did happen, I don't really want to think about it... It was after my one and only
sighting, but it was a pretty short period of time (about a half hour), and it could just be based on a memory gap from being so young...who knows.