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Why is god silent?

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posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Sure the bible will answer you questions, if you were living in the world 6 thousand years ago, I have to remember that by bible accounts the world is only 6 thousand years old.

Can not forget that dinosaurs were ancient man horses.

Any way the church better comeback with a new bible because the adding and subtracting is really reaping away the word of God.

according to the bible "man" is only 6000 years old. it didnt say how old the earth is....probably millions and millions of years old. a day is as a 1000 years to god according to the new testament. man was created on the sixth day....

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
Why is God silent is the thread header so i thought i'd go with answering that one, atleast with my humble opinion anyway.

God isn't silent. Let me explain in a very short story i wrote once. Perhaps this will help you to understand.

"The Voice Of God"

I ran across a bumper sticker the other day that actually stopped me in my tracks. It went like this:

"Why is it when we talk to God were praying but when God talks to us were neurotic?"

Now personally I've never considered myself neurotic although I'm sure I have many family members and friends that would rise to argue the matter, And yet I hear the voice of God everyday.

When I wake each morning and start to prepare for the day I hear God whispering, "I've given you another day my child." And as I head out the door to go to work again God says, "I've provided for you a good job and good people to work with." When I sit to eat the voice of God reminds me, "I shall not let you hunger this day." Ok, I think you get my point here. God speaks to each and every one of us throughout the day and for all our lives.

Gods voice is always present in the laughter of children, the beauty of a sunrise, the smile of a friend and in the gentle breathing of that someone you love as they sleep beside you. It can be heard in every flower and in every song.

It can even be heard in the problems and disasters that come our way, Saying, "I love you enough to make you grow, Even in ways you may not want to."

If you can't hear the voice of God, its not that the voice isn't there...its because you, my friend, are not listening.

Love and light my friends,


I go with you wupy, even the neurotic part.. you know

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 06:51 PM

Christians, please step up and tell us why we should believe that Christianity really is right and that Athiests, Agnostics, Muslims, Hindus, Bhuddists, Voodoists, Scientologists and everyone else are wrong.

Because of the simple fact that you can't deny a son and believe his father exist(s,ed) without ever eye witnessing the father. Below will be more on this...

I'd also like to know why you think the Bible is not the biggest load of 2000 year old gibberish ever seen by man before

A foreign language to you is gibberish until you take the necessary steps to understand exactly what the words mean. The necessary steps in this case would be accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and the words will begin to (with time) make sense to you as the same thing happened to me.

Athiests and agnostics, please step up and tell us why Christian's are, umm... not right.

I'm looking forward to this entertainment also.

...this is your perfect chance to debunk the short list of points I have made here and save a few souls from eternal damnation:

Each of us have a choice as to whether we'd rather have eternal damnation or eternal life. I nor anyone else can make that choice for you. It'd be both selfish and ignorant for me or anyone to say that "they saved a soul". The blood of Jesus Christ saves souls and only then if THEY accept it.

* Why does God not just come down to Earth and say "Hi there, I'm God and here is my plan..."?

What fun would that be for God(Jehovah)? Wouldn't it be way more entertaining to sit back behind the scenes and watch the giant masterpiece he created work. The earth is like a clock that was created, wound to run a certain amount of time and released. The creator of a clock doesn't have to tell the hands what his plan is for them. They just follow his plan whether they are aware or not.

* Why does he move in mysterious ways? Does it not bother you that apparently we are just little pawns in his game and we just have to do what we are told or we'll go to hell?

I'm not bothered at all with being a pawn that has eternal life.

* Why did he let his "only son" die on the cross? How does his death save us?

In the midst of so many man made gods, the only real way for Jehovah to let the people know who was the "real deal" was to create a child in the womb of a virgin. No other god has achieved that and never will. Jesus' death was a transformation from a mortal life to an eternal life. Notice that when Jesus rose from the dead he didn't proceed to die again, but was rather lifted to heaven. We are saved by his death (the blood) because he died so that we may not die eternally if we accept him. Death is only a transformation from one life to another (eternal life, eternal damnation as you put it or death).

* Why are there so many paedophile priests?

Celibacy without Jesus Christ (or anything else for that matter) is a touchy thing because lucifer and/or his demons have free reign with your mind. The reason I say 'without Jesus Christ' is because Jesus couldn't be farther from the present day church of babylon. Do your own research on Roman Catholicism and the ancient church of babylon and tie the two together.

* Who put the Pope in charge? Why is he more important or any closer to god than Joe Bloe from the corner Deli?

The pope isn't in charge. He's a mere puppet.

* If the Church discovered proof that the whole Bible is just made up crap, do you think they would tell us, or would they just go on and keep the status-quo thereby protecting their own powerbase?

Lucifer has been trying to fabricate that 'proof' for centuries with no success. Lets discover that 'proof' first. We'll look at the power base later.

* Do you really believe there was an Ark and that 2 of every animal (remembering there are millions of species) were on it?

How many species were there at the exact time the Ark was built exactly? That's a crucial number in calculating this.

* If you answered yes to the previous question, how did you manage to keep a straight face?

See above^^.

* Why does the Bible say that Women are made from men when, genetically speaking it is more likely that men are actually modified women?

Except for an extra rib maybe? Appears it really was gibberish to you.

* I'm sorry, I have to ask. Surely, SURELY you don't believe that a little snake rocked up and told a naked eve to eat a fruit and becuase of it we are all damned to live a #ty existance, forever aware of our nakedness?

No need to apologize! I sure do believe it. lucifer and his demons have the ability to posses animals as well as humans. As in the book of 'Gibberish' Jesus expelled demons from a man into a swine(pig). This proves itself. Also lucifer is capable of all kind of little magic tricks and lures.

NOW! As for the tree of knowledge. Before they ate of that tree (and there is to this day such a tree) they knew of no good or evil. Everything was ok. Under the intoxication of this plant they suddenly saw everything that they ever done right and wrong. Man then had a consciousness of his wrong doing (sin).

Sometime do a little research on the African Iboga Tree.

* Are we supposed to fear god or love him?

Anything or anyone you love, you fear(respect).

* Does god love us or are we all ant's to be drowned?

God(Jehovah) loves you so much that he gave you the decision on whether to be a 'drowned ant' or not.

* How is god, therefore, any different to a kid with a magnifying glass?

What's important is, you and I are under it.

OK. Some food for thought there. I've given plenty of ammo for responses from both sides and a great opporunity for people to tell me what a jerk I am. Anyhoo, flame away...

You are not a jerk, and you are quite wise. You picked some of the best points to question that exist in the Bible. I'm glad I have had the opportunity to spend a good hour going through these questions. Very Entertaining!

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 06:59 PM
I am really impressed by most of the answers in this thread. I laid a bait and almost no-one rose to it, instead they decided to answer my "questions" with a good degree of maturity. Oh well, perhaps another time...

Unfortunately, the main questions still stands. You may say I am not listening or that the bible is the word of god but, again, we are all human and we all speak in human languages. Does that not make god remiss for not speaking to us with a human voice in a fashion that we can understand and that is unequivocal? Is he not a god, with god like powers?

You will never convince me that the bible is the voice of god because the bible was written by people. Having said that though, it does contain some good stuff like the 10 commandments. They sound pretty much like common sense to me, it's just a shame that the rest of the bible is so damn obscure. It seems to me that if god wanted to speak to us, he could have done a better job. He is a god after all

Anyway, I'd love to hear your responses.

ps. Queenannie38, in answer to your question: Yes, I am a jerk. But usually only when I'm around people that tell me I will go to hell if I don't follow their religion

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by WiseSheep

Christians, please step up and tell us why we should believe that Christianity really is right and that Athiests, Agnostics, Muslims, Hindus, Bhuddists, Voodoists, Scientologists and everyone else are wrong.

Because of the simple fact that you can't deny a son and believe his father exist(s,ed) without ever eye witnessing the father. Below will be more on this...

hmm, isn't it convenient it is always chiristianity who gets to blame for believing other religions are false or not righteous, I believe myself muslims might even be more righteous than christians but still... it always the christian who gets the blame for that, not?

And even, islam names Mohammed as prophet, I don't recall realy son of God, but still he preaches in the name of His Lord. And isn't a buddhist a son of God? And what do voodooists use as tool for their actions, wouldn't that be a piece of God? Why would scientists be wrong? As long as their tests and productions are at least a bit ethical... ?

didn't like that point you made.

, nice claims whitesheep


[edit on 9-1-2006 by alienaddicted]

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 08:01 PM

You will never convince me that the bible is the voice of god because the bible was written by people.

That's no excuse.


If I verbally give a story to you and you wrote it down. Does that instantly mean that the words didn't originate from me? The same with God(Jehovah) and the Biblical scribes. hmm, by this time in history, it'd be a paper copy anyway. Then would that be yet another excuse?

lucifer is "one adores without superstition" (quoted Albert Pike). Why does it take so much proof? Jehovah created everything you and I know as reality (that includes lil' ol' lucifer), what more do you need.

it's just a shame that the rest of the bible is so damn obscure.

It's not obscure, you just need to remove your blinders.

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by madmanacrosswater

Yes, GOD creates the energy that keeps everyone, everything up and running in this illusion of a universe. That is why he knows all, because he is within all.

I noticed a book the other day where the author stated that GOD selected this planet for the final battle between good and evil. Humbug. That is giving this small blue sphere way too much credit. We are nothing but a speck of sand in an endless ocean. However, GOD gave us a purpose. He created us so he may experience himself. There are probably millions of other planets within this vast universe where life exists. Even those uninhabitable GOD has created for the understanding of who he is.

OH, by the way. GOD is far from silent. He speaks to each and every one everyday. It is the art of listening to him that brings one to a higher spiritual plain.

[edit on 9-1-2006 by madmanacrosswater]

Great post

I really dont have much to add..because you basiclly covered it all.

Im just glad to see people who think the same ways as i do.

Rock on!

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 08:10 PM
the art of listening and seeing and feeling him in everyone, everything, every, all.

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 08:11 PM
If I wanted to hear what God had to say, I would listen for:

The wind in the poplar trees;

A child laughing;

A running brook;

Bamboo growing;

A chickadee calling;

Coyotes howling;

Dolphins giggling;


posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 08:26 PM
Why is god silent?

Because he is an alien from many, many, too many, miles away. He does not speak out language... but with a translation device, I am sure he could get by.

I think that our God is an alien that drop us off onto this earth to see if we could not work out our differences. Throughtout history, we have found evidence of man. But that man is different than the modern Super Homosapien that we are. It would seem that there are missing links to the different man that has shown up in historic digs. The Alien God kept changing the formula for a pyschic humanoid that was an experiment to see if he could make a being that could get along with the rest of the universe' beings.

The different types of humans we have are actually from different planets that are scattered throughout the heavens. And they took a gene from everyone of them, combined it with the creatures of this earths DNA and then made the different men we find. The combining of the DNA with the DNA of creatures already found on this earth were for the sole purpose of allowing man to adapt to the diseases and food found on this earth. Same reason why your body rejects a foreign body, if that foreign body was to have a way of combining with the natural existing body, it would be accepted as part of the body. Same reason why we had to combine with the animals of the earth.

Well, the differences between man throughout history, why there is a missing link, are because God (the aline scientist) was not liking the man he first created. He though to himself... there is a problem here and there. Let's fix it. And so it was fixed. but alas... more problems crept in.. and just like the special soup that is made by a great chef... he blended in the spices until he was happy with what he created. And thus the missing links.

We are not from this earth. All creatures great and small seem to have the necessary tools to survive in their own environment. Polar Bears love the Artic.. and certain microbiol bacteria love the hot vents in the bottom of the ocean. But man... what does he love? A little bit of this and a little bit of that. But too much of it can be hazardess to their health.

It is either too hot or too cold for man. He must then create special body covering to survive. Where in nature do we see an animal creating special clothing for them to survive in their environment. The only one that comes to mind is muscles and sea shells. But that is more of a home... and lots of animals create shelter or homes. So that is the norm.. but clothing... well, that is another thing unheard of in nature.

Man cannot eat the natural food of the earth without first modifying that food. Whether it be cleaning it, boiling it, spicing it up for flavour, or cutting it, processing it... etc. What other animal must do this to survive. None that I can think of. If man was to eat raw food all the time, like vegatables and fruits, he would soon find himself weak and feable if not sick from desease or bacteria.

A lot of vegetarians don't get the necessary vitamin B complex... such as B12, which mainly comes from meat. But then again there are many different blood types,..some are ment to eat meat and some were ment to be more inclinded to be vegetarian. But - animals do not need to clean their food. Dogs can eat raw meat.. can we? Only processed raw.... and in moderatation.

Man cannot get along with their environment..... as do animals. The animals seem to be able to endure all problems with the environment. For instance.. whenever a dog falls through the ice in a lake and man tries to help and save the poor drowning animal... more times than not, man ends up dieing in that fridged water and the animal swims to safety.

Man does not have a natural place that he was created in such as many animals come from certain parts of our earth. We know where polar bears come from, where monkeys come from, where wolves come from... but man? Where is the natural environment that man was created in?

[edit on 9-1-2006 by pkrska]

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by WiseSheep
That's no excuse.


If I verbally give a story to you and you wrote it down. Does that instantly mean that the words didn't originate from me? The same with God(Jehovah) and the Biblical scribes. hmm, by this time in history, it'd be a paper copy anyway. Then would that be yet another excuse?

lucifer is "one adores without superstition" (quoted Albert Pike). Why does it take so much proof? Jehovah created everything you and I know as reality (that includes lil' ol' lucifer), what more do you need.

Ah WiseSheep, do you think god tapped on the shoulders of a bunch of people and said "Hey, I want you to write down everything I say?". I doubt it. No, what happened was that these people wrote down what they saw/thought. How do you know that the Scientlogists aren't really right? Or the Muslims. All I hear are vast statements such as "The Lord Jesus Christ loves us" and "God created everything" and people accept it as true because they were brought up to believe it NOT because there is any proof that it is true.

I was brought up to believe that "1 + 1 = 2 and here's why it's so", apparently you were brought up to believe that "Because the Bible says it is so, it is so". My point when I said that the Bible is written by men is that men have their own limited point of view and understanding of the world. If you showed a laptop computer to someone from biblical times and they wrote about it what would they write? "And HumanBeaneth broughteth from his pack a Dell Latitude C610 and all who looked upon it were filled with awe at the power contained within it's 1.2 GHz Pentium core". No, he would write about a black box with "all the colours of the rainbow in it" or something like that because he would have no idea or concept of what a laptop computer was. Of course that would mean that hundreds of generations of people would forever more find it unthinkable that this black box was anything but a holy rainbow contained in a black box and anyone who questioned this would have christians smiling sadly saying "he is so blind. Another ignorant person who clearly can't see the way of god"

Face the truth, you can prove that 1 + 1 really does equal two or that 2x = 6 where x is 3. I even accept that the fact that we exist is proof there is a god. But the fact that some people wrote some books thousands of years ago is NOT proof that Christianity is correct about anything at all

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by HumanBean

Ah WiseSheep, do you think god tapped on the shoulders of a bunch of people and said "Hey, I want you to write down everything I say?".

I don't think he did, but he did saying speaketh. And words were heard, even as you writing this, as I reading this. You have read those words, so they were heard. Do you know what they spoketh of?

[edit on 9-1-2006 by alienaddicted]

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 09:06 PM
"do you think god tapped on the shoulders of a bunch of people and said "Hey, I want you to write down everything I say?" "
...said Human Bean!!

well actually:
Habakkuk 2: 1I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. 2And

the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision

, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. 3For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

I would really like to answer all your questions properly, but as you said earlier "you will never convince me that the bible is the voice of god"
Anyway my friend, in my sig there is a link "predestination & freewill together?" You might like to read it!

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by seawater999
well actually:
Habakkuk 2: 1I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. 2And

*whistles* Well it must be true then

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 09:59 PM
It could be like the double-blind test for all we know. If you knew that out of your sadness and sorrow, happiness was spun for others out there, would you be so quick to cry for all the loved ones you'll lose some day? Everybody can't possibly be allowed to know everything. There's too many power hungry, irresponsible freaks out there that want to mess with crap they don't know anything about. Maybe that's how it works, or maybe everyone in the know just wants to enslave the masses and use them. Either way, we're not any better off giving all the secrets to the ignorant masses and letting them take hold of the reigns.

As someone else just said, maybe God isn't what you think he is. But that's not excuse for making poor decisions, using Him like an insurance policy. There are still a lot of wrong things with this world, regardless of religion, that we can take care of ourselves.

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 10:18 PM
a good place to go is for all your alien/god answers.

The Greatest Deception is that mankind has been falsely led to believe that the Gods could pose a threat to the very race they created. And as the deception grows the true enemy is destroying the planet's environment, and the wealth, diversity, and social structure of all global civilizations through monetary, and social control in every aspect of life. The ultimate goal is world domination by global corporate financial powers and social monitoring, with the resulting threat of planetary devastation, and eventual destruction. The ultimate eradication of all known life will be stayed only by the intervention of those beings flying in our skies, as evidenced in the writings of the world's ancient cultures. One of those ancient writings is the King James Bible

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Funkydung

The Greatest Deception is that mankind has been falsely led to believe that the Gods could pose a threat to the very race they created.

I think the deception lies within beliving that some higher being is ultimately responsible. I think if the human race realised that there is no God (or whatever) that will save us we would start doing it our self.

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 11:31 PM
There was not only one god who ruled the world.. but there were many gods.Greek, Sumerian, Babylonian,Hindu,etc...

God is and was a term used in ancient times to describe the rank et's held over humanity.There were also called Lords.

Male dieties were called gods.Female dietes were called goddesses.

The gods created humans,and in return we worshipped them. They were superior to us in every single way possible..its kind of like the old saying "respect your elders"

If they told us to jump we said "how high"

In those days humans had direct contact with the gods.back then we knew aliens were real 100%.Some cultures like the dogon still believe there gods exsist,they even know what planet they came from.Yes i said the word GOD"S..meaning more then one.

If aliens came now,and said they were our gods from the past..nobody would believe them..because our past has been turned from the truth into a myth.

Why does it have to be a sure back then it was know facts.

People want to say god doesnt visit us anymore..wrong!

Aliens still come around....we just dont understand that we called them gods..many years in the past.

Christanity has given us the wrong perception of god.

If we can learn to shatter that perception...sooner or later the truth will be told.

[edit on 10-1-2006 by MagicPriest420]

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 11:53 PM
It states in the Bible, that no man shall have any other gods before me. Or something like that.... Now why do people always talk as if Jesus was their god?

Didn't God punish the Jews for worshiping the cow. That cow symbolism is the same thing as a cross on your neck. Stop worshiping the cross and start praying to the God. (If you do pray!)

Also, I believe that if you were to be cremated (creamated? spelling?), that is a one way ticket to hell. After all, what do we think of hell as? Fire, punishment. Well, if you were born of fire, then by all means burn upon your death. But if you were not born of/in fire, then you must be burried into the ground where you will be put back into the food chain and be reborn again. The bugs eat you. Then the birds eat the bugs. Then the animals eat the birds etc.....

God was an idea in the heavens and not on earth. He was never ever seen, but heard. Jesus spoke of him and his teachings, but you cannot equate Jesus as a God since Jesus was a man.

Jesus WAS a man. Not a super being but a man that died on this earth.. just like any other man would have in his position. God on the other hand.. is almighty according to the writtings. Which means he does not come from the earth nor does he die like man.

posted on Jan, 10 2006 @ 12:21 AM
There is more proof that aliens exsist, then that jesus died for your sins..can you explain that to me?

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