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How long will America be a superpower?

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posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 11:35 AM
Simple question really. With all thats going on in the world, how much longer does America have left as a superpower?


posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 11:51 AM
Depends really, they aren't the most popular nation in the world and they have a lot of enemies, so I say not too long, about 50-100 more years.

Or if Titor is correct, about 2 days.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 12:24 PM
two amazing if it does happen in two days though..

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 01:04 PM
I dont belive it will be long befor the Internationa Comunity has to step in and stop America from oversteping the mark.

I see America as being like a teenager, restless and aggresive, where as the other nations have been though all this before in the past and arnt as ready to jump into conflict without thinking first.

I live in Great Britian (dont like calling it the UK) and we were very much the same as the states in the 17th and 18th centuries.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 01:36 PM
America is going to be a pain in many backsides for a long time to come and you might as well get use too it. Just like the fat, disgusting, sweaty, cigar chomping redneck that the plumbing company sent over to fix your toilet, you know when he bends over what you are going to see.......right?
But like every one else, you look anyway.
Now if you gotta do number 2, then this fat, disgusting, sweaty, cigar chomping redneck is a welcomed sight.....funny how that works, isn't it?
Thank god for plumbers.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by WHOFLUNGGUM
America is going to be a pain in many backsides for a long time to come and you might as well get use too it. Just like the fat, disgusting, sweaty, cigar chomping redneck that the plumbing company sent over to fix your toilet, you know when he bends over what you are going to see.......right?
But like every one else, you look anyway.
Now if you gotta do number 2, then this fat, disgusting, sweaty, cigar chomping redneck is a welcomed sight.....funny how that works, isn't it?
Thank god for plumbers.

Wow this is the best explanation yet lol.

but in all seriouseness if America loses there allies through doing stupid things, i dont think they would have a leg to stand on. After all if this new United European Army comes to a reality then i dont think they would be so all powerfull.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by picklewalsh
After all if this new United European Army comes to a reality then i dont think they would be so all powerfull.

You do realize what you've advocated here, don't you? This would be the beginning of a The New World Order where nations unite under one government. Why in God's name would you advocate surrendering control of your sovereign military to the whims of other nations? Even if it is under the guise of a new "European Union." Is everyone's memory over there so short that they cannot even recall the fact that they have spent the past 7 centuries fighting one another? No offense toward anyone, but I just don't see it working out - too many different political agendas trying to work together.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 02:33 PM
I think a-lot of it has to do with immigration numbers. Immigrants are a driving force in U.S. scientific research as well as the whole economy. If immigrants keep coming in, and investment continues to grow, I'm guessing another 100 years maybe.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 02:37 PM
I think US's place will be replaced by China. Either violently or slowly and peacefully.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 02:43 PM
Two more days.

The American CIvil War as predicted by John Titor is bound to happen he CANT BE WRONG.

THe civil war will tear the country apart and it will not have the power it once had.

ON a serious note..

Maybe a 25 years. I feel that the effectiveness of the entirely voluenteer military will begin to decline rapidlly and the military might of the US will not be near what it is today. THis is already noticable as we have rumors of th D word in congress. And I feel that many americans are tired of the military and will lobby for less military spending which will degrade the military.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 02:51 PM
You make it out like the events that are happening now in the world will dictate what happens to the US 100 years from now, are you forgetting that in 100 years there can possibly be 25 more presidents here. The world may not like whats going on now, but cmon, 100 years is a long time. Times change, people change, the world changes. But if you think that because of what the world feels now is going to turn Europe completely against the US you are mistaken. Events take place that divide and unite, but I dont see the US and Europe ever being at each others throats, weve spilled too much blood in the same mud and people tend to forget that. They just need to be reminded, and if it takes another cold war or world war(which is bound to happen at some point anyhow) it will just be another uniting force for the US and Europe. China wont rise beyond the US I dont believe because I do not believe the world would let that happen simply because the US is peacekeeping force(despite all the war we are involved in.). Is China going to invade Taiwan if the US says it will intervene, I think not. Will NK invade SK if the US will intervene, I think not. Will Iran ever attack Israel if the US will intervene, I think not. We still have our allies out there who will stand not agains the US, but with the US on any of these three possible events.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 02:55 PM

Maybe a 25 years. I feel that the effectiveness of the entirely voluenteer military will begin to decline rapidlly and the military might of the US will not be near what it is today. THis is already noticable as we have rumors of th D word in congress. And I feel that many americans are tired of the military and will lobby for less military spending which will degrade the military.

A country can stay a superpower through many more ways than just millitary means. Economic potential is also a driving factor. There are actually five criteria to being a superpower nation, and those are: Demographically, Militarily, Economically, Culturally and Politically.

I however agree with you on the fact that millitary spending is what will initiate a power decline. Not a lack of it though, but most likely over-spending. A country which is to aggressive militaristically is bound to initiate new rivalries, and can potentially hurt the country in the long run.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 03:26 PM
One thing I think everyone here has forgotten is that America stands on an enormous amount of natural resources. If push came to shove, the US could be totally self sufficient. Sure, the public would whine and moan about some things but the US could do it no problem.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by noise
One thing I think everyone here has forgotten is that America stands on an enormous amount of natural resources. If push came to shove, the US could be totally self sufficient. Sure, the public would whine and moan about some things but the US could do it no problem.

I think if anyone was to try and take out the US, they would think of this and not give them a chance in that sector. I'm betting nukes would be used without mercy.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 04:34 PM
I sincerly hope this doesnt happen but i do think a nuke will be droped on either the US or more likely Britian (as it seems to me to be a easyer target) in the near future, In turn i think this will cause the next world war.
As i said i hope this doesnt happen but im not holding out hope.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by kozmo

Originally posted by picklewalsh
After all if this new United European Army comes to a reality then i dont think they would be so all powerfull.

You do realize what you've advocated here, don't you? This would be the beginning of a The New World Order where nations unite under one government. Why in God's name would you advocate surrendering control of your sovereign military to the whims of other nations? Even if it is under the guise of a new "European Union." Is everyone's memory over there so short that they cannot even recall the fact that they have spent the past 7 centuries fighting one another? No offense toward anyone, but I just don't see it working out - too many different political agendas trying to work together.

I now realise how daft that statement that i made was, the last thing i want is to lose any more of are identaty as i think this is happening to much as it is. We were the greatist country in the world for a long period of time, i just think that we should be still that is all.

but i do stand by my coment that a groupe of countrys will step in to stop America, and i do think this will happen soon.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 04:40 PM
Let's see here...we have to deal with pouplation, natural resources for building shelter and weapons, the chances of several world wide pandemics; two of which are well on their way. We'll also have to be concerned about the wayward meteor or asteorid that may get up too close and personal. Another whole set of problems that would need to be factored in would be the weather or lack thereof. Normal vs. abnormal weather patterns, the big thaw/ or freeze wherever you are on the fence on this one.
Once we have figured out all of those questions, we must not forget about that Crazy Kim! He could wig out and decide to do something very stupid with a nuke or three, and just today he refused a rather large food shipment. The issue is still not resolved until we know the status of India and China and what their true ambitions are as far as wanting peace or going for the red button.
We all know that we can expect only the best from our (sane ) elected officials and the leaders of the rest of the world.

My best guess is when the bombs start dropping, and things get hopping we won't be late to the big game,
so go on and take your guess
because I'm 'gonna rest
while flyin high in my plane.

'Yall have a Peaceful New Year!

[edit on 29-12-2005 by FLYIN HIGH]

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 06:43 PM
I don't know
With the people we have in office running things into the ground over money, power and all that will give them something after office, I don't think long. We have around 3 years with Buch in Office. Who knows who will run next and what they will do. I think we need to change the law and make the office year to year and make them earn there pay.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 07:04 PM
As long as America keeps electing strong leaders like George W. Bush, America will be a superpower.

Sure we might mess up and elect a weak leader like Clinton every once in awhile. But all that does is make us stronger when the weak leader is replaced by an even stronger one.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 07:23 PM
I really don't think its a question of how long will the US continue to be a super power, I think its a question of will it be the last superpower. A one world government is coming, its not here yet but you can bet your underwear its in the mail.

My guess is aliens are being kept in secret so sometime in the near future they can parade them out and declare they are here to enslave us all and we must band together to defeat them. The propaganda programs that follow will more than be enough to establish a central world government to defend us all.

I really haven't decided if that will be a good or a bad thing. What are your thoughts?

Will the US be the last superpower?

its something to think about.


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