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Who are the Irish people?

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posted on Jun, 18 2006 @ 06:32 AM
There's only a few words still in use, but...

Irish Gaelic

Most Irish settlers came from southeastern Ireland in the first half of the 19th century. Though some of this group spoke Irish Gaelic and little if any English on arrival, there are few actual accounts of Irish being spoken in Newfoundland, or of Irish being passed on within families. Irish Gaelic disappeared from the island early in the 20th century, but has left a number of traces in Newfoundland English. These include vocabulary items such as scrob "scratch", sleveen "rascal" and streel "slovenly person," grammatical patterns such as the "after" perfect as in "she's already after leavin'," and pronunciation features such as the "light" Irish l in words like "hill" or "pole".

hope this helps.

BTW...there's old Irish settlements all around SW Ontario...Listowel, Bornholm, Ethel, etc are all full of Irish descendants, so it's not 'just on the Rock' (Newfoundland).

My wife's family on her mothers side were among the first settlers in those areas.

posted on Jun, 18 2006 @ 06:41 AM
Thanks masqa, its very interesting because irish is barely spoken here in Ireland some parts of the west still do but only in small pockets called Gaeltecht's.Its taught in schools but generally nobody uses it in every day life though some words have made it into everyday use.

posted on Jun, 18 2006 @ 06:43 AM
the problem for the irish people is the english are trying to wipe irish history from the world, and from ireland. bringing in the new world order rubbish, they do not want people to be so obsessed with there histories and rather think of themselves as one world rubbish.

irish history has been virtually wiped and will just get worse.

posted on Jun, 18 2006 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
the problem for the irish people is the english are trying to wipe irish history from the world, and from ireland. bringing in the new world order rubbish, they do not want people to be so obsessed with there histories and rather think of themselves as one world rubbish.

irish history has been virtually wiped and will just get worse.

What rubbish!

If the English have such a grip on Irish affairs how exactly did the Irish Republic form then???

The Welsh have managed to keep their language and nationality. Finland managed to resurrect its language (over the more dominant imperial swedish). why not the Irish?

The English (not the British) have very little influence anywhere these days. EU policy dominates. The EU loves minority languages and funding is available

The Irish have chosen not to go down the same road as the Welsh and the Finns and that is their right to do so. But don't whinge about it afterwards

posted on Jun, 18 2006 @ 06:59 AM
I'm sorry but Irish history has not been wiped out, you just need to look for it.I think you have a chip on your shoulder mate.The english have no influence over what goes in our history books only there own, and if they want to paint a different picture thats up to them most countrys historys are selective.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 03:07 PM
There are actually some Spanish people who settled here after the Spanish Armada. (Yes, I live in Ireland - well, Northern Ireland at least.)

There is a comedian in Ireland called Neil Delamer (not sure on the spelling of Neil, there about 5 or 6 different spellings of it)

I'm pretty sure that 'Delamer' means 'of the sea' in either Spanish or French, and either language could've evolved in the past 500 years. The relevance of 'of the sea' is probably the survivor of the ship in the Armada could have changed his name or something, that or that whole Spanish/French think is a coincidence.

Not sure on the relevance of the topic, but hopefully that may have interested someone.

[edit on 1-10-2007 by Makkuri]

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 08:11 PM
I can see that we have some very talented & gifted people here.

What's the story line about red hair being "developed" as a "mutant line," in order to introduce it into linage in order to "cure or prevent" some type of blood disorder that was prelavent throughout the Isles many hundreds of years ago? It was supposedly "created" in Ireland &/or Scotland. Was it to prevent free bleeders?

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by andy1033

No we haven't.
We, the English, have no say in The Republic's affairs, nor do we want any.
That is as it should be.

Is it that your personal version of Irish history isn't being taught or is it that the true Irish history is being ignored?

Either way, it's got nothing to do with England, stop blaming us for anything or everything that may, or may not be, wrong with Irish society.

Oh, and by the way, I have considerable Irish ancestry.
One of my grandparents came from Valentia, so named because Spanish sailors from The Armada were washed up on the island after fleeing the English fleet. These sailors were from Valencia and integrated into the local community.
We still have the occassional "Spanish" throwbacks in my family.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 01:51 AM
the irish are a celtic scythian mix scythia is mentiond a lot in our mythology the miliesians went as far as eurasia where they inter married with scythians then migrated to spain then onto ireland as for the spanish sailor myth its not true the dark skin comes from the early stone age settelrs in ireland,

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Lucifersjester

Sorry but your wrong

the scythian influence is from roman soldiers of scythian heratige that were stationed in britton, and although the romans didnt make any military moves in ireland there was extensive trade with the island, therby the scythian influence.
The black irish are descended from surviving spanish sailors from the lost armada.

Before the romans and the islamic invasion the spainiardsjust like all of the other people of central europe, fair skinned.

Also the red headed gene has been traced to a province in southwestern central france, which lines up with the pre roman movment of celtic peoples.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by ubermunche
My Dad was Irish and my Mum was second generation Irish, of their four children one was a redhead (me), two were blonde and one of my brothers had black hair and with a bit of a tan could pass for Spanish any day (when he grew a tache he looked like a Mexican bandit). My Dad's side of the family claimed descent from a survivor of the Spanish Armada in Wexford and considering my brother, and taking into account that even I tan pretty easily and have very dark eyes, there may be some truth to the story. There is also Norman blood in the family too. I think we must've been a pretty typical genetic indicator of the various races that settled the place. The Irish are a big hotch potch of different races and nationalities, more so even than the British I think.

Red hair and dark eyes is a very rare combination. You see blond and brown eyes some (John Denver) but I don't remember seeing the bright red hair with very dark eyes. Auburn hair yes, but not the bright red hair and what my grandpa would call 'fish belly white' skin. Post a picture? Not trying to make you a circus attraction, I just don't remember seeing that combination.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 04:04 AM
I'm Irish-American too, I have the red hair, I know I'm part Viking
because my gut tells me this, always been interested in Viking history,
I think you can know a lot about your ancestors by doing geneology and by just researching history and when you get a gut feeling it's probably your ancestors telling you who they were.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 04:37 AM
Im a fourth generation irish American and well all I can say is I have nevr been to ireland I would like to go soon we do seem to be a hidge podge but That makes for some very very beautiful women

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by Lucifersjester


posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by superduperman

the Spanish Irish (and Portuguese too) so called "black Irish" were shiprecked sailors of the Spanish mada rescued on the southern shores of England and transported to Ireland by Catholics loyal to the Pope. Mostly in Cork.

The "Red Irish"...the freckles the red hair (the temper?) are directly Celtic the tribe that once stretched from western China through Galatia in Turkey (Galatians and Gauls were the same people) through France to England Wales Scotland and Ireland.... Caesar called them Gauls but they were Celts.

Then there are the Britons darker than Celts but not as dark as the Spaniards they have the round heads and look like... well they look just like Brits!

The blondes are almost eXclusively from Dublin and are direct descendants of the Vikings from Denmark...Irish cities all come from former Viking forts

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