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Why are kids so stupid?

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posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 12:59 AM
joshter I know what you mean. I am also in 11th grade and I know several kids that can barley read. Many kids don't read outside of school. They don't want to learn anything unless it is required for school. I'm not saying all kids are like this. Most aren�t but there is an increasing number who are. In my history class last year some kids didn't know where London was or that Germany is in Europe.

posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 02:00 AM
Sadly it's the same here in the UK... Everyone seems to suffer from what I call 'Open Mouth Syndrome' round here.... They walk around catching flies most of the time and really don't have a clue about anything.... All they seem to care about is there drugs, loud music and making there cars so 'sporty' (i.e. noisy and lowered to the ground) they can't even drive anywhere there are speed humps without grounding them.

Try and talk about anything to do with politics or science and they look confused and dis-interested....

When I left school 7 years ago, 3 types of people would come out...

1) 'Saddos' - people who worked hard, but still ended up being dragged down..

2) 'Sporty' people (my school only cared about it's position in the local sport events)

3) Druggy Dropouts...

And they all seem to suffer from 'open mouth syndrome' now.......... Hell even I sometimes even I find a fly trying to get into my mouth

It's like your brainwashed or something...........

posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 05:05 AM

You have finally recognised that there are many different fish in the sea. School is the only place where you will meet so many people who are so dissimilar on an "equal" basis.

Kids have ALWAYS been stupid, ask your parents what they thought whe thy were kids. Socrates said the same thing about the kids in HIS generation.

Some of these "stupid" kids may go on to be famous althletes, or rich geeks, or wealthy businessmen, or infamous actors etc, or they just might grow up to be like your parents generation. They may watch TV, enjoy the soaps hate reality TV, like science fiction movies, read trashy womans magazines. Just "ordinary" people.

When you leave school you won't voluntarily mix with such people any more. Now you have the chance why not try and understand what makes them tick. What is their passion. Maybe its not conspiracies, it might be something far more real and interesting.

by condemning people who are not like you to the label "stupid" you are just buying into the viewpoint that "What I believe and think is far more important than what others believe or think".

BTW, kids who are interested in Geography are often more intelligent than average - fact.

posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 04:56 PM
THIS, is why I homeschool.... among other things.

posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 05:07 PM
I think he does have a point here.
So maybe some of you should stop harassing him.

Of course most kids know about sex and drugs more than the rules of gravity!

Take a look at thier out of school activities.
Watch some good old american television.
Kids are bombarded with images and role models who potray nothing more than ignorance.

I was diagnosed with ADHD, I'll admit it was a bit of a setback.
Im way to hyperactive and have a short attention span, of course that does not make me any less inteligent than that the rest of of my college mates.
Though I am the worst speller in history.

learning disorders are a setback to many of todays youth, and do affect thier study in a negative manner.

So hush up on telling him that using dixelixea ( I cant even spell it) is an excuse.
The lot of you obviously do not have learning disorders so should not judge.


posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 05:11 PM
NephraTari - be careful. When you apply to colleges you'll have to take a #load of sat2s (assuming your american). See if you can get an associates degree (2 years) in community college real quick (should be pretty free, from finnicial aid, hopefully) that way you can "transfer" directly into a school of your choice, if allw orks out.

posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 05:38 PM
People, people. It's not just America's youth... Look at ALL of Americans... the vast majority are #ing ignorant and stupid. Have you ever seen the talk shows where they interview people off the street and quiz them on things that there's no excuse for not knowing? It's pathetic.

I say that as an American.

I'll reiterate something I've posted before... Think of a person with average intelligence (100 IQ). Half of all people are dumber than that.

If only stupidity were a curable disease

posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 06:09 PM
I can't say I've ever encountered these problems in my own school. If you're willing to learn and to work, you will do well. If not, you'll fail, although the teachers in my school seem to feel obliged to make everyone put some effort into their schoolwork.

It's easy to blame teachers, you're all understandably jealous of the holidays they get, and nobody really likes teachers - they can be bullies, slave drivers, or just plain wierd - but just like the kids they are all different. I'm lucky enough to go to a state school where most of my teachers are good at their job, teach us what we need to know and help us to learn, with the exception of my Physics teacher who just cannot hold the attention of a class - an awful shame as Physics is no walk in the park
. But if kids are stupid or ignorant, it's usually their own fault. They waste their lives and their minds being consumed by popular culture, and won't listen to anyone who challenges conventional beliefs or opinions. People who do badly in school tend to be those who don't make an effort.

Undeniably, some kids really do want to learn, but are just plain thick. It's a shame when the get lumped together with kids who will not make any effort and do their best to disrupt others' educations.

The one thing that is very wrong with education in my country is that not enough is done at a young age, in primary school. Children are most capable of learning around the ages of 3-8. If I had been taught, for example, more complicated maths and science in Primary school, instead of wasting my time finger painting (I could already draw photorealistically anyway at the age of 12 - you either can or you can't), I wouldn't be struggling under such a heavy workload justnow, trying to juggle 8 subjects at Standard Grade (Scottish equivelant of the GCSEs).

School can never be right for everyone when millions of people are being educated.

posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 08:20 PM
NephraTari, ktprktpr

I have assumed that NephraTari meant she is home schooling her own young one/s, not herself. I wonder.

I posted elsewhere that I reckon there has been a very considerable drop in average standards of high school graduates since the early 80s. I have nothing to back that up except observations of the skills (basic competencies) and attitudes of the product.

I think the post was about psych profile of the conspiracy theorist. I am pretty confident that functional literacy levels, math skills, basic knowledge about how the world works and (at the very least) world geography is way way way down for the kids of the megabrand digital Generation Y age. Present company excepted, of course.

posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 09:59 PM
I graduated in the early 90s. Well, didn't really graduate. I couldn't take school so I dropped out. Got my GED and scored top 2% in the state. Now before you think that is boasting this was the state of Florida. The absolute worst state. I did get the opportunity to attend Iowa for 3 years which is usually 2nd or 1st in the country. I found there was not much difference between the best and the worst. Neither one required much work to pass.

I really didn't notice 'stupidity' till I got out of school and started working in the so called "real world". (Probably because in school I was too busy trying to get laid.) I'm finding that intelligence has nothing to do with one's position. It seems that the most incompetent, least skilled, dumbest of the bunch will make it to the top. This I find in the corporate world. Sure the managers can form complete paragraphs using just buzzwords. But when the business is on the line they cannot think outside what they memorized in college. No wonder business owners are deciding to push the management offshore. I guess they have better schooling in India, eh?

Anyway, if you think it's bad in high school wait till you get out and start working with those people. I actually enjoyed the time I had working in some blue collared fields. Those people may seem "dumb" but they are real and understand life. Corporate America and most of the individuals that make it up seem to just be bioillogical robots that are incapable of doing anything that has not been inputted into their database.

If I was to give high schoolers advise I would say keep your bills low and start some sort of a business. If you don't you'll either be a corporate slave selling your soul for comfort or a blue collar worker trying to make ends meet. I personally can't say which one is worse, I've done them both. It's hell out here and it isn't going to get any better. Corporate jobs are being pushed offshore quicker than the manufacturing jobs a couple generations ago. Soon there will be nothing left for Americans. Meanwhile prices continue to rise along side unemployment. Of course, you could always go to India and $3,000 a year. But hell, that's the equivalent of $50,000 over here. Looks like the great U.S. is going to be a second world country (if not worse) by the time they are done with us.


(Praying for a really large cometary body to kiss the planet)

posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 09:59 PM
Interesting, very interesting.

[size=15]800th post!!!

[Edited on 28-9-2003 by jetsetter]

posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 10:25 PM
"why are kids so stupid?"

Maybe because they're kids, so it means they're not growned up yet.

If you mean, why some reach such level of stupidity, then blame it all on the T.V. and all the mind-dumbering shows.

posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 10:26 PM
i blame the parents.

always the parents, damn those parents, lol.

posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 10:28 PM
well, they kind of what we could call a direct cause.
(in most case)

posted on Sep, 28 2003 @ 10:04 PM
This is not a bad take on the issue.

It talks about some of the Jay Leno examples then goes to the causes...

He (Leno) arranged a common knowledge 'competition' with three competitors, two men and one woman around 20 years old. They were typically-educated normal middle to upper middle class young people on their way to adulthood.

During the 'competition' ...

1. None of them recognised the photo of Abraham Lincoln.

2. None of them recognised the statue of DAVID, or knew even its name, or who created it.

3. None of them recognized the symbol of the Republican Party: They all drew a blank on the BIG elephant with GOP written on its body. They did even not know what GOP means.

4. None of them could identify what the Louvre is or where it is located.

5. None of them recognised the photo of the Taj Mahal.

6. Zurich...none of them knew in what country it is in.

7. They showed the timeless photo of Clark Gable kissing Vivian Leigh in 'Gone With The Wind'. None of them recognised who 'those people' are. The woman said in disgust: "HE IS SO OLD, HE IS PROBABLY OVER FORTY!"

The Causes Are Blatantly Obvious

We have, indeed, essentially lost most of the next generation. The causes are more than obvious: The government schools with brainwashing, stultifying, revisionist PC curriculums and staffed with ever-less capable teachers reformatted to create non-reading, non-thinking, nearly non-verbal morons; the devastating cradle-to-grave MIND CONTROL of commercial TV - the most withering weapon ever unleashed on human kind; the unlimited sex and reflexive violence and immorality conveyed and marketed in many/most films and 'pop culture' media; hideously ugly 'people' magazines purveying...nearly demanding...attention and obedience to an endless stream of insipid 'cool' role models and the cheapest sensationalism; the astonishing vapid, often vile, negative, self-pitying 'MUSIC' ingraining and reinforcing boundless hedonism, anger, rage self-indulgence and the taking of ever more plentiful street drugs; countless millions of broken homes and miserably failed parents; ruthless school peer pressure and brutality...strong enough to push tragically betrayed and sold-out young people to mass murder and suicide; the pharmaceutical cartel's medicating/destroying of millions of elementary and teenage children whose lives will never fully recover from their 'therapy'; a youth 'culture' dominated by image, wallowing in victimhood, committed to non-responsibility, obsessed with sex and 'friends' and 'STYLE'...and headed toward a multitude of sexually-transmitted diseases, many fatal; a national diet of the most worthless and criminally-contaminated disease-producing food in history; and much more.

(It gets better, with a letter from a 16 year old female taken out of the public school system for a Christian education... but is she any different?)

posted on Sep, 28 2003 @ 10:24 PM

One girl actually did not know what a frokin aircraft carrier was.

Dude, don't even get me started. Every day I have to deal with 4000 stupid kids at my school. One kid thought that an Aircraft Carrier is a plane that carries stuff. And the worst part is, that he became class president.

posted on Sep, 28 2003 @ 10:54 PM
I just love the title, Why are kids so stupid? it makes me laugh just thinking about it.

posted on Sep, 28 2003 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
NephraTari, ktprktpr

I have assumed that NephraTari meant she is home schooling her own young one/s, not herself. I wonder.

You were correct.
For numerous reasons, I have chosen to homeschool my children.
I have never regretted that decision for a moment.

posted on Sep, 28 2003 @ 11:29 PM
I thought so. Yes, I know some parents who don't regret it themselves.

posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 10:01 AM
I remember once, in my tenth grade World History class, only two people (myself and one other) could point out Vietnam on a world map... Mind you, this was on a map with full information (capitals, country names, etc.) All you had to know was what region to look in, and you could find it... I personally wanted to get up and smack anyone who wasn't even peering at the Orient...

In my ninth grade class...the teach had everyone state their favorite country, other than the US of A. Only a few actually stated a country, most mentioning a state, city, or even continent.... I remember being scolded for pounding my head on the desk at such stupidity... The teacher asked what was wrong, and I stated that right now, I'm simply ashamed to be a human being....

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