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Planet Earth on Coarse to become an ISLAMIC superstate

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posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 11:55 AM
You have voted xmotex for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

excellent point

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by xmotex
How many generations will it take fo a "higher birthrate" to make 10% of the population greater than 50% of the population? I think it's going to take a while...

It may happen in some countries within our liftime.

By 2050 the French population may be 40% muslim and there are similar projections for the Dutch.

If Turkey is granted entrance into the EU that may happen even faster.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
It may happen in some countries within our liftime.

By 2050 the French population may be 40% muslim and there are similar projections for the Dutch.

If Turkey is granted entrance into the EU that may happen even faster.

alot can happen between now and 2050...

They said the same things about Jews in the 1900s and Jews haven't taken control of the world

i sent my muslim friend this thread, he couldnt stop laughing at the ignorance and scare tatics

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 05:16 PM
Maybe your friend could point out which parts are Ignorance and scare tactics and which parts are impossible and why he beleives so ?

I beleive in the old saying " Birds of a Feather Flock together "

That being said i beleive followers of the faith of Islam on average are incapable of seperating there religion and Politics.

So in a society where followers of Islam are the majority of the population i beleive they would vote in a Islamic government.

posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 05:39 AM
some news on this fine Christmas morning, your "evil islam theory" has been blown out of the water, the Palestinian Leader joined in the Christmas celebrations....i thought muslims were against Christmas and Christianity?

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by AceOfBase

The population strain will get even worse as the muslim population continues to grow as they hve far more children than the rest of us.

You can't really say 'so what' about islam becoming the dominant religion because life under Islam is not the same as life under Chrstianity, especially for women, atheists and for political dissidents.

[edit on 19-12-2005 by AceOfBase]

I hate to remind you of a thing called history, but life under Christianity was not good for women, athiests, and dissidents. Or scientists.

In fact, you seem to make the mistake of confusing Christianity with the modern west. These ideals came about only through the removal of religon as the governing force in everyday life.

And the Catholics arent the only Jesus criminals. The protestants executed women for witchcraft, supressed scientific discovery, and still kept women at home as subservient slaves to men.

Sounds just like Islam. The only reason we enjoy a free society is because we keep religous dogma and rule at a respectful distance.

if it was up to Christians, they would kick all non believers out of the country or send them to bible camps.

By the way, i dont see why Muslim breeding will affect the population. Everyday, people reject the religon of their parents and follow something or nothing else. You cannot be born into a religon. You can only choose it.

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

By the way, i dont see why Muslim breeding will affect the population. Everyday, people reject the religon of their parents and follow something or nothing else. You cannot be born into a religon. You can only choose it.

It's not as easy to leave Islam as it is to leave other religions.
The penalty for apostasy in Islam is sometimes death.

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by AceOfBase

It's not as easy to leave Islam as it is to leave other religions.
The penalty for apostasy in Islam is sometimes death.

In some christian sects, its the same thing.

Im not saying islam is any better. I find all of the Abrahamic religons to be the cause of so much grief and would not want to live under any of them.

Which i dont. Christians dont like to hear it, but western governments are not biblical and are quite godless on close examnation. It is this godlessness i adore, for it stands as a barrier to power that no religon may take over and all can do what they want. Its not true athiesm, but agnosticsm, a belief that it doesnt matter who or what you worship, just dont bug me with it.


posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Bush is using his faith (Christianity) to justify the slaughter of of thousands of Muslims. Sound familiar? Yes, Osama (and the other bad guys) are using Islam to justify the slaughter of thousands of Christians.

You tell me the difference...

Well for starters Bush has not targeted civilians in 5 different countries with bomb attacks (Spain, USA, UK, Indonesia, Jordan) plus numerous other attacks in different countries. That is slaughter.

Bush has not targeted Muslims solely based on them not being Christian, can you say the same for Osama?

Have people in Iraq been been lined up and beheaded on video by the Coalition Forces? That is slaughter.

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

They did, in 1979 in Iran when the ruling monarchy was overthrow and an Islamic state declared; with ultimate control resting with the clerics and at the top of the pile Ayatollah Khomeini.

Since then there have been a few others, the Taliban in Afghanistan for one.

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 12:25 PM
This guy is totally wrong and worries about the wrong things . How many Chinese Christians will get along with Western Christians? Besides sorting the world population into religion u got to look at background too dude . And if the muslims think of taking over the world then they 1st gotta beat the Manpower of the Chinese. Just them alone "ASIANS" is 1.3Bil strong, thats not include Vietnam, Cambodia, korea and other asian countries . Muslims are finish they are nothing but history fighting wars with sticks and stones . Now its the Chinese and Americans , its the time of the CHinese and Americans , take muslims out of the list .

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 12:34 PM
never happen....

it's more likely that the Earth, or at least the majority of it's human inhabitants will get sick of the overzealous fundies of all the religions and the actions of these overzealous fundies (Christianity has them also!!), will drive the masses so far from the religions that they will weaken even further than they are now.

you cannot force others to share your religous views, and that's what those overzealous fundies want. all it will lead to is another reason to discredit the religions....kind of like the witch trials did.

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 02:45 AM
This is exactly the subject which has caused me to cancel my membership to the Bill O'Reilly Message board. The proposition here is ridiculous.

It is argued, essentially, that Islam will breed out Christianity and thus everything Western will die.

This rests on several faulty assumptions.
First and foremost, that the child of a Muslim will be a Muslim, even if raised in a secular western nation.

Second, that Muslims don't lose faith.

Third, that Western ideologies including democracy are dependent on Christianity.

I reject all three of these assumptions.

China has assimiliated conquerers before. The United States has assimiliated immigrants before. My ancestors were Irish Catholics and Choctaws. My parents are protestants. I am an atheist. Culture changes people. Only the military destruction of freedom and luxury in conjunction with the instant introduction of a near-majority population of Muslims can bring Western nations into a Caliphate. If you dropped 10 million Wahabists into America tomorrow, with their honor killings prohibited by law, no state censorship to keep their children shielded for Islamist indoctrination, etc etc, a large portion of the youth would liberalize in the first generation, the second generation would be heavily liberal, and in three generations the allure of Asian women in America would be gone as the novelty of Arab strippers began to appear.

On top of all that, you assume that just because people believe in Allah that they can't embrace capitalism and democracy. Tell me why that is? Christianity was once rigidly authoritarian and repressive, and the people liberalized it without the benefit of being in a society that already was that way. Radical Islam can barely control the kids in the Arab world. Old men have to beat university students in Iran with sticks every now and then to keep them in line. And these people are going to come into our backyard and play our game and win?

Now WHY would anybody take such a stupid, alarmist position? It's rationalization for discrimination and genocide.

It's disgusting. If you want to kill Radical Islam, engage the Muslims.

If you just want to kill Muslims though, by all means, keep them on the outside to be enlisted by indoctrination machine of our political enemies.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: NumberCruncher

Seems like an accurate but unfortunate prediction from 2005

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 04:30 AM

originally posted by: NumberCruncher
I see overwelming evidence pointing to a massive conspiracy/plot to turn the Planet into one big Islamic superstate AKA Caliphate, many European countries it seems are nearly at the point of no return.

I see this coming about in three ways ...

Terrorism - The militant arm of Islam sets out to Murder as many Westerners as they can possibly get there hands on.

Conversions - Religous conversions and interfaith marriages converting the non beleiver to Islam.

Births - The largest growth in the West to Islam come's from natural growth, with Muslim familys having 2,3, and 4 times as many children as non Islamic family's.

I think France will be the First western nation to be majority Islam ...

Quote " France is facing the problem that dare not speak its name. Though French law prohibits the census from any reference to ethnic background or religion, many demographers estimate that as much as 20-30 per cent of the population under 25 is now Muslim. The streets, the traditional haunt of younger people, now belong to Muslim youths. In France, the phrase "les jeunes" is a politically correct way of referring to young Muslims.

Given current birth rates, it is not impossible that in 25 years France will have a Muslim majority. The consequences are dynamic: is it possible that secular France might become an Islamic state? " end quote, rest at this link

So the Nuclear armed Islamic republic of France, could be scary i see alot of them are already keen to burn cars by the thousand i dread to think what they may choose to burn if they get Nukes.
I suspect there will be a massive civil war in France before the transition to an Islamic republic, it will be backed by Hundreds of thousands of Islamic militia who can travel easily and quickly across europe.I wonder if other nations will come to assist France, once again ??

Makes me wonder was the whole movement of Feminism, getting and keeping women in the work place, general living expenses requiring both people in a marriage to work, some huge conspiracy from the supporters of the Islamic caliphate to out number non muslims by natural growth ?

Having huge family's seem to be an integral part of the teaching's of Islam in western countries, i have quite a few time's seen on tv (some of the more fanatical preachers) saying this is one of the single most important things, its simple really i guess, out breed the Infidel and when there out numbered its merely one election to take control ?

It is actually so easy to beleive, figures are easily available, virtually every Western country's birth rates are below 2 children per couple, not even replacing themselves, hence huge immigration to western countries to cover the shortfall.

The Government here in Australia has recognised the problem of the population not replacing itself and pay people atleast 3k per child they have.

I think the solution is easy, if you dont wish your country to become a Islamic Republic and possibly forcing upon you the opressive laws that Islamic states tend to embrace you need to .....

Find yourselfs a lover or more and SHAGG as much as possible so you have as many beatiful children as you possibly can, If your a Woman, quit your job and be a housemum, forget money ,one day youll die and theres no use being the richest person in the grave yard, If you cant afford lots of Children, just dont worry about it, bleed money from your Governments social security system, you will be ok!! Im aware of many groups who do exactly this.

So what im suggesting is Fight War with Love! or Love with Love or love with war which ever way you see it.

And reject the World Islamic Caliphate !!

Not likely.
The main problem with your theory is that you assume those of us who aren't Muslim are going to Sit back and do nothing. Our armed forces in western nations are mostly Christian.

Just wait and see what's going to happen in Europe to Muslims.
They'll be purged and thrown back out of Europe.

Think of White/Caucasian people as a sleeping giant that's been put into a sleet submission by the left wing nut jobs with their political correctness and bombarding us with their stupidity.

People are growing increasingly tired of the political correctness they are expected to follow while those coming to their countries can do as they please and on top of that get tax payers money for it.

The rise of far right wing parties is just the natural pains of the rise of the White population of the planet, shaking off the shackles of political correctness.
Once PC has been disposed off, a major correction will happen.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 05:08 AM
Whats crazy is, this has crossed my mind several times recently. Funny how someone brought it up more than 10 years ago before the Arab Spring. While there may not be many extrememist comparably, islam is still the fastest growing religion.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: NumberCruncher

Makes me wonder was the whole movement of Feminism, getting and keeping women in the work place, general living expenses requiring both people in a marriage to work, some huge conspiracy from the supporters of the Islamic caliphate to out number non muslims by natural growth ?

Having huge family's seem to be an integral part of the teaching's of Islam in western countries, i have quite a few time's seen on tv (some of the more fanatical preachers) saying this is one of the single most important things, its simple really i guess, out breed the Infidel and when there out numbered its merely one election to take control ?

I really think that the promotion of Islam was the least concern of women in the feminist movement!

women have been in the workforce since industrialization replaced their cottage industries. they were working, they were earning money, they were helping support their families. only, their pay were a pittance to what a man could earn and their husband, father, or brother had legal control of the money.

having a large number of kids is not really that healthy for women, neither is kids raised in severe poverty healthy for kids.. and none of this is really that good for the economy either.

and, one has to wonder, many of these muslims immigrating are coming from countries where women's rights are restricted, their leadership is brutal, and the poverty and poor living conditions are beyond anything that can be found in this country. this is why they come here, but it's quite possible that many of these problems are directly related to the restricted rights of women.

but, of course, we all know that every problem faced by the west was created by those evil feminists!!

continue on.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 11:05 AM
Jeez you lot paint a pretty picture, how about the majority of us normal folk say no to Islam, no to Christianity, no to right wing nut jobs. And be normal happy folks that for some reason a lot of people on here forget exist.
As a woman I would fight to protect myself and my family from bigotry fundementalism and the rise of the right. Some of us thank god for politics correctness, don't have to deal with sexist racist bull# till our ears are bleeding.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: WilsonWilson

I would say there is a difference between being civil and polite and what is "PC" .

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: johnb
Unfortunately until politics correctness some people had no idea what civil and polite was.

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