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Planet Earth on Coarse to become an ISLAMIC superstate

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posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 07:12 AM
I see overwelming evidence pointing to a massive conspiracy/plot to turn the Planet into one big Islamic superstate AKA Caliphate, many European countries it seems are nearly at the point of no return.

I see this coming about in three ways ...

Terrorism - The militant arm of Islam sets out to Murder as many Westerners as they can possibly get there hands on.

Conversions - Religous conversions and interfaith marriages converting the non beleiver to Islam.

Births - The largest growth in the West to Islam come's from natural growth, with Muslim familys having 2,3, and 4 times as many children as non Islamic family's.

I think France will be the First western nation to be majority Islam ...

Quote " France is facing the problem that dare not speak its name. Though French law prohibits the census from any reference to ethnic background or religion, many demographers estimate that as much as 20-30 per cent of the population under 25 is now Muslim. The streets, the traditional haunt of younger people, now belong to Muslim youths. In France, the phrase "les jeunes" is a politically correct way of referring to young Muslims.

Given current birth rates, it is not impossible that in 25 years France will have a Muslim majority. The consequences are dynamic: is it possible that secular France might become an Islamic state? " end quote, rest at this link

So the Nuclear armed Islamic republic of France, could be scary i see alot of them are already keen to burn cars by the thousand i dread to think what they may choose to burn if they get Nukes.
I suspect there will be a massive civil war in France before the transition to an Islamic republic, it will be backed by Hundreds of thousands of Islamic militia who can travel easily and quickly across europe.I wonder if other nations will come to assist France, once again ??

Makes me wonder was the whole movement of Feminism, getting and keeping women in the work place, general living expenses requiring both people in a marriage to work, some huge conspiracy from the supporters of the Islamic caliphate to out number non muslims by natural growth ?

Having huge family's seem to be an integral part of the teaching's of Islam in western countries, i have quite a few time's seen on tv (some of the more fanatical preachers) saying this is one of the single most important things, its simple really i guess, out breed the Infidel and when there out numbered its merely one election to take control ?

It is actually so easy to beleive, figures are easily available, virtually every Western country's birth rates are below 2 children per couple, not even replacing themselves, hence huge immigration to western countries to cover the shortfall.

The Government here in Australia has recognised the problem of the population not replacing itself and pay people atleast 3k per child they have.

I think the solution is easy, if you dont wish your country to become a Islamic Republic and possibly forcing upon you the opressive laws that Islamic states tend to embrace you need to .....

Find yourselfs a lover or more and SHAGG as much as possible so you have as many beatiful children as you possibly can, If your a Woman, quit your job and be a housemum, forget money ,one day youll die and theres no use being the richest person in the grave yard, If you cant afford lots of Children, just dont worry about it, bleed money from your Governments social security system, you will be ok!! Im aware of many groups who do exactly this.

So what im suggesting is Fight War with Love! or Love with Love or love with war which ever way you see it.

And reject the World Islamic Caliphate !!

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 07:27 AM
I did a variation this post once. The "haters" on these boards didnt take to it very well.

But the plain cold hard fact remains: There are violent followers of Islam who want an Islamic ruled world. And unfortunatly they are acting on thier desires.

And for some odd reason it is not "PC" to point this out and talk about it. If you make the distinction that the overwheling majority of internationally reported terror is done by Muslims these days you are intollerant or even racist. And you know what? That is part of the plan. And thats scary as heck...

"Those who stay in America should be open to society without melting, keeping Mosques open so anyone can come and learn about Islam. If you choose to live here, you have a responsibility to deliver the message of Islam ... Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth." - Omar Ahmad

Omar Ahmad btw is the co founder of CAIR...

[edit on 19-12-2005 by skippytjc]

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 07:37 AM
boy oh boy arent we paranoid

i guess its time you start reproducing really fast if you want to keep up

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 07:54 AM
Stuiped honestly.
Racist paranoia at its worst, if i remember correctly wasnt the world going to become a communist state during the cold war?
All you have to back up your claims are middle eastern birth rates, terroism and some civil unrest?
The world will never become a islmaic state, and the world will never become a christian state, hindu, buddist, tao etc
Geez mormons have alot of kids, and they are very conservative folk, could they be conspiring to spread and enforce their mormon rule on all?!
Keep your eye on that shifty mormon!

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 07:56 AM
Whatever these idolisers want, it doesnt matter because im a christian and ill stay a christian. How can planet earth be an islamic planet if im a christian? There will never be 1 religeon take over, even if that means being killed for my religeon, o well my faith tells my ive done right by keeping my faith. So forget it, im staying wat i am and i expect everyone else to do the same.

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 08:19 AM
France should have passed a law that made people convert to Christianity before being allowed citizenship.

It could have sent the numbers the other way, with an increasing number of Christians.

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 08:27 AM
You are totally buying into the fear/paranoia. Right now, the world is a "Christian State" (meaning the majority of people are Christian). And the radicals of that religion aren't taking over are they?

Christians 32.84%
Muslims 19.9%
Hindus 13.29%
Buddhists 5.92%
Sikhs 0.39%
Jews 0.23%
other religions 12.63%
non-religious 12.44%
atheists 2.36%

World Fact Book

Christians are breeding like bunnies, too, so I really don't think you have anything to worry about.

And like woodsyboy alluded to, the only thing harder than converting a Muslim is converting a Christian.

And feminists? Ugh! Man I'm sorry, that's just silly.

Putting more of a population strain on this world is not the way to save it from becoming an 'Islamic superstate', whatever that is...

Even if Islam did become the majority religion of the world, so what? It's Christian now, and nobody's crying about it.

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Putting more of a population strain on this world is not the way to save it from becoming an 'Islamic superstate', whatever that is...

Even if Islam did become the majority religion of the world, so what? It's Christian now, and nobody's crying about it.

The population strain will get even worse as the muslim population continues to grow as they hve far more children than the rest of us.

You can't really say 'so what' about islam becoming the dominant religion because life under Islam is not the same as life under Chrstianity, especially for women, atheists and for political dissidents.

[edit on 19-12-2005 by AceOfBase]

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by NumberCruncher
Religous conversions and interfaith marriages converting the non beleiver to Islam.

Preposterous. If people convert to a religion, then there can't be any complaint about it. People have the freedom to beleive in whatever religion they want. And when people of different religions get married, its hardly because they want the other to join their religion.

with Muslim familys having 2,3, and 4 times as many children as non Islamic family's.

Lets sterilize the buggers in camps then eh?
[sarcasm off]

huge family's seem to be an integral part of the teaching's of Islam in western countries

By this reasonsing, the Italians and Irish are part of an international globe-devouring conspiracy.

mple really i guess, out breed the Infidel and when there out numbered its merely one election to take control ?

I seriously doubt anyone is saying 'lets have another kid, for allah!'. People tend to have children for more personal reasons.

Except those mormons. Hell, they run a whole state. They're the evil ones to watch out for [sarcasm off]

It could have sent the numbers the other way, with an increasing number of Christians.

And what difference woudl this make? As if anyone would care if the people rioting in france and sydney now were recent converts to christianity?
The religion issue resolves nothing here. Muslim immigrants who convert to christianity aren't going to have different family sizes, or suddenyl become accepted into society, they're still going to have their normal north african, lebanese, syrian, and arab culture. They're still going to be in the same economic class, and they're still going to be in 'north african ghettos'.

And if them being christers did make the government take better care of them, well, the that would be sick.

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 09:06 AM
I'm afraid people who dismiss this possibility out-of-hand are no different than those who thought Hitler's statements were just rhetoric and meaningless ranting. This led countries like the Netherlands and Russia to sign non-aggression pacts with Germany...and we all know how that worked out.

Something surely needs to be done to keep this from happening; yet many are content to ignore it until it may very well be too late.

[edit on 12/19/2005 by djohnsto77]

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 09:12 AM
I've been saying for a couple of years on this forum that Europe has little time left before they reach the point of no return.

Conversion, Enslavement, or Death, at the point of a sword. Those who will not see it will probably be the first to feel the blade at their throats.

The disparity in birthrates, the obvious violence of Islam, the refusal to engage in peaceful coexistance with anyone who they consider infidels; it all points to the same dark and evil road back to the 6th century.

No, that's not a politically correct view. Tough. I call 'em like I see em'.

Poor France, self-imagined leader of Europe, will lead them in this as well. It's happening there as we write about it.

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 09:15 AM
I was in NYC on the weekend of 12/4, staying in midtown, and I was walking my neice back to our hotel, when I noticed about half a dozen kids, aged maybe 20, all with long, unkempt beards, carrying the Koran in one hand, and some passing out pamphlets, others holding signs, and shouting "America is evil" and 'save yourself now". These were American kids. So here i am, 40 blocks away from where a Radical arm of this religion killed 3000 people, and i have Americans telling me how bad my country is.

I lost it, and I told them as I walked by that "they should be proud of the country they live in", and "if they had any doubt as to why I was so pissed of, go 40 blocks south". One of them tried to tell me to move on, this was their forum of expression and I did not understand. The only thing I understood, was how badly I wanted to beat the sh** out of them all, and send them packing. Here I was in the city they destroyed, and I have to listen to how my country is evil....such bull#.

The only thing I understand, is wake up folks. There is a large Islamic movement, and it is not coming ot America, it is here.take a look out of your SUV and realize, this is not the WASPy america of the 50's. This is not about the Cold war, and nuclear destruction. This is about the conversion of a populus to one religion, or die. Clerics have ordered in the fatwa in many regions, calling for the death of Westerners. This is not paranoia, it is fact. Some of you will argue that the US is on a "christian crusade for oil".
If this is true, then we have entered a new era in the crusades of the new Millenium, and it can only end in destruction, be it washington, or MEcca, one will be destroyed.

Me, until the next terror attack or invasion of a nation, i will enjoy my wife and kids, and live with the illusion we are safe.It is so much better than paranoia...

Have a Merry Chrsitmas....

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 09:17 AM
As far as conversions, christianity has nearly double the conversion rate of islam.

Does that mean that christianity is trying to organize a global super-state via a sinister conspiracy?


World religions increase in 24 hrs.


In Europe in particular, there is an increase, but not something that is going to give muslims a majority anytime soon.

Europe: Total Annual Rate change, 1990-2000
Christians 1.63
Muslims 1.99
Total Adherents in 2000
Christian: 481,102,373
Muslim: 1,672,011
Estimated Total Adherents in 2025
Christian: 641,115,950
Muslim: 2,638,130

So, agian, if the logic works well enough for those eeevvvviiil muslims, why doesn't it apply to christians? I mean, surely, just as all muslims are exactly the same and only motivated as muslims, all christians must be ardent christo-fascists right?
That same table also shows that christianity has a wider distribution (is in a larger number of countires) for every continent on the globe, except asia, the homeland of Islam, where its precisely even.

The big demographic Battleground clearly isn't the West, its Africa. Christianity has a slight larger growth rate than islam (2.68 v 2.37), and, importantly, a wider distribution of countries, and similar numbers of people to start off with. This group also projects that by 2025 Christians outnumber Muslims there by 114 Million People. As christianity absorbs more of the third world, it gains the high reproductive rates of the poor, and will further outstrip islam. Meanwhile, if muslims actually are acecpted into european society, their birthrates will dramatically drop, while war and famine in the hard core of the islamic states that are third world possible reduce the populations.

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
I'm afraid people who dismiss this possibility out-of-hand are no different than those who thought Hitler's statements were just rhetoric and meanless ranting.

Something surely needs to be done to keep this from happening; yet many are content to ignore it until it may very well be too late.

now thats some seriously twisted logic...

you mean his statements about jews? It is you, the "friend of Israel", who are thinking just like Adolfs supporters when he made the jews into this monster that is taking over the world, just like you and your buds over here portray muslims as this desease that has to be stopped, erradicated and who knows what else.

i you are afraid of everything you dont understand, and then you want to kill it just to make sure.

(mod edit, PLEASE refrain from using insults,)

[edit on 19-12-2005 by asala]

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
You can't really say 'so what' about islam becoming the dominant religion because life under Islam is not the same as life under Chrstianity, especially for women, atheists and for political dissidents.

But I can say, "So what". Your assumptions about what life would be like under Muslim 'dominance' are just that. Assumptions. Based on fear and propaganda.

What makes you think a world with a majority of Muslims would be any different than a world with a majority of Christians? Christians have been involved in some pretty 'dominant' behavior. They're trying to convert the world, too, you know.

And what you're spreading is nothing more than religionism! Yes, it's the same as racism only with religion. You might as well be telling me that the Jews are taking all our jobs or that the negores are molesting our daughters.

What this thread and its supporters are spreading is bigotry. Religious bigotry. Hatred, fear and religious superiority and it stinks!

dj, my friend, I'm not dismissing this possibility. Although I don't think it's going to happen, I'm saying so what if it did happen that Islam became the majority... It's religion. Who cares?

My point is that you guys are associating Islam with terrorism just like good little Georgie-bots and it makes me wonder about the denial of ignorance around here. I mean, I expect this kind of ignorance from some, but I have higher expectation of others.

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 09:33 AM
Well, I dislike Christianity only a little less than I like Islam. However, I don't see many stories about Christians beheading people in this century, or burning 1000s of cars, or keeping half of their populations as virtual slaves, or desiring to wipe an entire nation off of the Earth.

Do you?

Christianity, despite the evil in it's history, which I'm usually the first to point out, has evolved somewhat beyond the barbarism of the previous centuries. Islam, I fear, is just getting warmed up.

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 09:47 AM
May I suggest something:

Start Memorizing the Holy Qu'ran - it will come in Handy one day!

And then Learn how to speak Chinese!

Because sooner or later, one or the other are gonna get ya!

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 09:48 AM
Even though muslims are still a minority they can still cause problems for other religions, like Christianity, who don't want to offend them by displaying their own religious symbols like things related to Christmas or even Crucifixes.

Here's a story out of Britain in which a girl was ordered to remove a crucifix necklace even though Sikhs at that same school are allowed to wear daggers.

Sky News

Sam Morris, 16, was reportedly sent home from Sinfin Community School, Derby, after she refused to remove a gold cross on a necklace.

She was told wearing a crucifix was not compulsory for Christians, so the necklace breached dress codes.

Other pupils are allowed to wear kirpan daggers and metal bracelets, as they are classed as religious symbols, said the Daily Express.

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Ambient Sound
However, I don't see many stories about Christians beheading people in this century, or burning 1000s of cars, or keeping half of their populations as virtual slaves, or desiring to wipe an entire nation off of the Earth.

I just wonder what is happening in the name of Christianity... Just because there isn't a blatant, obvious attachment to Christianity, only means someone's being sneaky about it.

Just as an example: GWBush is on a mission from whom? Right. God. In all his Christian glory, Bush is responsible for taking this country to war and causing the death of how many Muslims? 25,000? 30,000 by his own count? And you can be sure that estimate is very low.

Bush is using his faith (Christianity) to justify the slaughter of of thousands of Muslims. Sound familiar? Yes, Osama (and the other bad guys) are using Islam to justify the slaughter of thousands of Christians.

You tell me the difference...

And yes, I'm bringing Bush into it. He's the front man for the Christian side of this so-called war. Pretending that this whole thing is not being justified by religion (something that people can really get emotional about) is just ignoring the obvious. Whose God is better?

Christianity, despite the evil in it's history, which I'm usually the first to point out, has evolved somewhat beyond the barbarism of the previous centuries. Islam, I fear, is just getting warmed up.

You may be right. And that's one reason I am totally against this 'war'. Trying to eradicate violence and hatred with violence and hatred is not working. Christians vowing to kill Muslims is no different to me than Muslims vowing to kill Christians. What's the difference?

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
May I suggest something:
Start Memorizing the Holy Qu'ran - it will come in Handy one day!

And then Learn how to speak Chinese!

Because sooner or later, one or the other are gonna get ya!

Hmmmm. Straight from the horse's mouth, or maybe the other end of the donkey.

It's ironic that you mention China. It is possible that China, the USA and their close protected allies may be the only people in the end still free to reject and oppose the barbarism that Islam is posied to inflict upon the world.

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