posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 12:15 PM
PLA - military deployments [ public version ]
Operation : SAFFRON
Commencement date : 00:00 hours , 1st may , 2006
H-Hour : 00:00 hours , 1st may , 2006
the actial fruition of deployments will take different times - to be largely decided by the judges
Forces committed : air defence artillery , missile troops , coastal defence artillery , internal security troops , the police
Reserves allocated : second line units and territorial reserves
Summary of objectives : implement a hightened state of security and prime all defensive forces
This is one step below implementation of full martial law – And designed to put PRC on a war footing
Line of departure : all PLA , PLA-M and PLA-AF bases , reserves depots and government offices
Target location : the entire PRC land mass
Operational plan :
1 – all military leave cancelled
2 – all reserve forces put on 24 hour notice to mobilize
3 – 10% [ aprox ] of PLA reserves called to duty with immediate effect [ these are units that are “ vital “ or elite formations – such as
commandoes and air defence gunners etc ]
4 – AAA and SAM batteries , plus support units deployed to guard key locations – bridges , harbours , the 3 gorges dam etc etc etc
5 – restrictions on foreign nationals – travel by foreign nationals will be restricted
5b – “ human shields “ and hostages – as ordered previously – all the alledged hostages were rounded up by PLA-N troops and put on swiss
charter planes
There are no KNOW foreign nationals held against their will in PRC [ except convicts jailed under Chinese civil law prior to the current crisis ]
6 – VCPs to be set up at the approaches to key facilities – all military / defence establishments will be surrounded by a cordon
7 - Strategic miliarty routes and MSRs wil be restricted to military traffic only
8 - Non military Rail traffic on strategic routes will be “ bundled “ – to allow free flow of military traffic
9 - private citizens are urged to avoild none essential journeys
10 – harbour defence and boon maintanence plans implemented at all ports
Notes :
These plans and deployments do not affect or modify any offensive plans previously ordered .
Also Minister “ watch the rocks “ retains full operational control of all forces dedicated to the tiawan crisis