The UK achnowledges the US aid for support, the UK will help its great ally and blood cousin the US. The two RN ships already in the area have joined
the task force.
The UK task force:
RN task force:
9 MN 4,300 TEU ships.
4 type 23 frigates;
HMS Argyll
HMS Monmouth
HMS Sutherland
HSM Kent
2 Type 22 Frigates;
HMS Cornwall
HMS Campbeltown
HMS Montrose
4 type 42 destroyers :
HMS Exeter D89
HMS Nottingham D91
HMS Liverpool D92
HMS Edinburgh D97
HMS Southampton
One Invicible class aircraft carrier;
HMS Illustrious with full air wing
3 assault ships:
HMS Albion
HMS Ocean
HMS Bulwark
Together have 42 comando unit and Comando royal logistics regiment, 29 Commando Regiment , 131 Independent Commando Squadrons Royal Engineers , Y
Troop ,Communications Squadron , Air Defence Troop.
The RN will place itself in the yellow sea, an image is displayed below of the placements.
The 1st armoured and 16th air assault will remain in south Korea if ground combat should occur between ethier the NK or the PRC.
The UK Destroyer HMS Southampton will return to china and retrieve the UK embassy staff.
The RN has declared that it will stop any shipments to and from china to north korea, any and all war materials will be siezed, photographed and
destroyed. Any ship which refuses to allow RN personel on board or resists will be met with an armed boarding party and the task force will take all
means to protect herself.
Any materials going into china that are war materials will also be stopped, borded and searched.
The UK is also deploying 4 trafalgar class SSN's.
Trafalgar S107
Turbulent S87
Tireless S88
Torbay S90
Sovereign S108
And one Vanguard S28 SSBN.
All will leave HM Naval Base Clyde, at Faslane, some 25 miles north west of Glasgow 2 hours game time after this post. They will arrive at Guam around
32 hours real time or 127 hours game time after this post where they will move out and begin operations near and around the RN task force.
The UK reminds the PRC that although we are allies , we WILL defend ourselves and our allies, IF the PRC wishes to hurt an ally of the UK it will have
to deal with the conquences.
[edit on 26/02/2005 by devilwasp]