Interesting time frame if this is indeed saber rattling with some flesh on the bones of it. Deserts and winter just impede any military operation, so
early spring is about right.
In February the Iran Oil Transactions are to be switched from the $ to a Euro based trade... The USA isnt happy about this, in addition what hurts the
USA economically certainly hurts Israel too. It will also probably be about the time that the under Supply (due to reserves available) against demand
of Oil will start making itself more apparent.
The recent Messianical ravings by Irans new president. The biggest political turmoil in Israeli politics for a generation that is still unfolding in
front of our eyes.
The IEAE statement days ago about the enrichment programme.
Its all leading to some type of conflict, be it small or large, on these issues.
To be honest there is more evidence and cause for some type of action than was the case for Iraq, if diplomacy dosnt work.
Im not soo sure about this being such a unlikely possibility. Infact unless the Ayatolah reigns him in I think its more likely than unlikely.
Realistically unless President Bush, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Who all openly admit believeing in the end times
in their respective religeon and beliefs, who all think they are talking to (their) God or an important part of his return.
Which they all seem to believe is about now, that Realistically taking his into account unless they all fall from power before next year... well then
were certainly on a road to a very dark, dangerous and scary place indeed.
In addition one of them is an ex alcoholic who had a very very unsucessfull career before politics. One of them used to be a executioner in a prison
who also set up and ran/masteminded many terrorist/military actions abroad who thinks israel should be moved to Austria. Well the other one is the
architect but also a common soldier thug, of the invasion of lebbanon and was involved personally in a massacre of up to 3000 unarmed civilians women
and children in refugee camps!!!
Nuff said?
related ATSNN:
Edit Gools fantastic link thanks just saw your post/Edit also related ATSNN link.
Related ATSNN thread
[edit on 11-12-2005 by MischeviousElf]