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HAARP at work on the EAST Coast

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posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 03:37 PM
I appreciate your posts so far Chris, and spot on about HowardRoark............ (DIA)

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by dangermouse
I appreciate your posts so far Chris, and spot on about HowardRoark............ (DIA)

Well then maybe you can answer my question. How is HAARP used to affect the moisture in a cloud formation.

I want to know which specific molecule is being energized by HAARP and what particular wavelength of EM energy is used.

Is it that hard of a question to answer?

Specific molecules will only heat up in response to specific wavelengths, these of course correspond to specific types of molecular motion (i.e. heat). If we know what are target molecule is, then we know what wavelength to use.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Christodd

Ok lets focus on how a triangle shape might be mabe in theory and in theory create a blocking pattern because everytime I have seen a Triangle in GHZ imagery the Flow always stops In this case we had Stag air in the NW.
It was visable in GHZ days before it was visable in WV imagery.

From Haarp on the ground a directional signal is sent to a Sattelite 1 bounced then to Sattellte 2 then bounced to Sattellite 3 then bounced back to sattelite 1 completeing the cycle and the triangle The area that makes the triange is excited creating the barrier in theory. Creating the block

In the original patent this is how it is explained

What are you talking about? those black triangles are gaps in the data set caused by equipment and software issues.

Do you even know how those images are collected and processed?

I bet you don't.

[edit on 28-11-2005 by HowardRoark]

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 03:59 PM
Just so you don't forget,

Who can answer my question?

How can HAARP affect the moisture in a cloud?

Be specific, I want to know the specific molecule (i.e. nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, water droplets, etc) that is being “heated” by the EM energy. What is the specific wavelength of that energy?

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 04:04 PM
Well, Christodd, I'm an engineer too, although, since I'm amost 61 and approaching senility, some of my knowledge is out of date. But I have worked in the aerospace and defense field for thirty-odd years, and I like to think, having been a poster here for over 2000 posts, and providing my True Name, telephone number, e-mail, employer, etc., most people actually know who and what I am.

And although I’ve only taken one meteorology course in my entire life, I know that the weather occurs in the troposphere and stratosphere, and the HAARP interacts with the ionosphere, which doesn’t pass the booolsht test.

Now you come on here unable to explain things in language people can understand, and seem to be upset that this is so. I say that if you really understood your subject rather than just post stuff from other sites, you should be able to use your ability to simplify things. I can do this, and so can just about anyone I know who understands technology

And, as someone who is an engineer and regularly studies space applications, you should also be able to spell “satellite” and “hurricane”. You refuse to identify yourself, or give us your background; you reprint stuff without annotation, and then you cite Bernie Eastlund, whose reputation as a serious researcher is, to put it charitably … questionable.

And to top it all off, you imply that Howard Roark, who is almost as smart and modest as I (but much less handsome) might be a government plant to throw everyone else. Right. It's all a Huge Plot and everyone who doesn't agree with you is part of it.

I don’t buy any of your stuff.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 04:07 PM

This is a cover up . AND YOU BOUGHT IT.
Look I'm done with you. Either you are a plant are you are a ASS Now back off...
Another Example Go back and Look at the timecode Jerk off

Judging from your register date I would say you are a Plant GOVEY

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 04:13 PM
link,686,605.WKU.&OS=PN/4,686, 605&RS=PN/4,686,605

Above is the original Patent information on the said device. Within the text you will find the information you harass me for.

I make spelling mistakes because I'm typing out of anger and speed.I maintain several threads at several forums and I'm very busy and clumsy on the board . Just do not like to type.

If you do not think this is real do not read my post. This is America IS IT NOT.
It is a free country and you are free to read my post if you want to and you are free to not read them. No one forces you to read them.

I do not have all the answers. I'm on a mission to get the answers and rest assured I WILL .. and IF our goverment is messing around they WILL PAY FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE

[edit on 28-11-2005 by Christodd]

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by Christodd

This is a cover up . AND YOU BOUGHT IT.

How do you know this? Are you an expert with this imaging system and its software?

Are you going to answer my question about how HAARP is supposed to be affecting the moisture in clouds?

This is fundamental to your whole theory. If you can’t answer it, your whole theory goes blooey.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 04:16 PM

WRONG WRONG WRONG THIS IS WHAT NOAA SAYS. This is a cover up . AND YOU BOUGHT IT. Look I'm done with you. Either you are a plant are you are a ASS Now back off...
Another Example Go back and Look at the timecode Jerk off Judging from your register date I would say you are a Plant GOVEY.

Logic, coherent thinking, excellent citations, and sound evidence -- spoken like a true scientist and researcher.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 05:03 PM

With this image What I want to show Is a deep area wich could develop as a tail end Low. Currently over Florida.It has not yet but may.

I also want to point out the decrease in Radiant Energy around the East Coast from Previous images. However very far North in the Canadian Marintimes highlighted in RED still shows deep in Red Radiant Energy.There seems to be some convective flow of Radiant energy to the South East shown between the Black lines towards the black beam to the right seems to be looping back up and around to maybe the devloping Low over Florida by looking at all the yellow color in the area. I'm not sure. Time will tell if it fires up off the coast That will be the ticket.

The second image is the current WV at the time of the post.

Still nothing major major for NE US this is a GOOD THING.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 05:13 PM
But, see that big blue spot coming at the NE? That's a huge storm, isn't it? Please tell me even you can see that, Christodd. I thought you said there was going to be flooding. So now that it looks like rain, this post you say nothing major. I'm confused.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 05:15 PM
Wow, there was no such thing as weather before HAARP

The government is evil making it rain and stuff!

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 05:36 PM
Yes it is going to rain and in inches in some places and yes there will be some flooding.

I'm looking at something even futher down the road that is yet to materalize and may not. Nothing is written in stone dynamics change. I was looking at long term not short term. Yes this looks mean and for some it is the start but this is only part of it.

Keep your eyes open. Like I said I hope I'm wrong and I might be

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 07:41 PM
Logic, coherent thinking, excellent citations, and sound evidence -- spoken like a true scientist and researcher.

Off The Street

Once again I think I fell in love. It happens so seldom these days ... seldom has there been such a 'not so subtle', succint and on the money response. Absolutely perfect.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by Christodd,686,605.WKU.&OS=PN/4,686, 605&RS=PN/4,686,605

Above is the original Patent information on the said device. Within the text you will find the information you harass me for.

I make spelling mistakes because I'm typing out of anger and speed.I maintain several threads at several forums and I'm very busy and clumsy on the board . Just do not like to type.

If you do not think this is real do not read my post. This is America IS IT NOT.
It is a free country and you are free to read my post if you want to and you are free to not read them. No one forces you to read them.

I do not have all the answers. I'm on a mission to get the answers and rest assured I WILL .. and IF our goverment is messing around they WILL PAY FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE

[edit on 28-11-2005 by Christodd]

I don't know if that is in response to my questions or not. If it is, it is wholly inadequate and displays a complete lack of understanding of some basic chemistry.

From the patent:

A method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region which normally exists above the earth's surface. The region is excited by electron cyclotron resonance heating to thereby increase its charged particle density. In one embodiment, circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation is transmitted upward in a direction substantially parallel to and along a field line which extends through the region of plasma to be altered. The radiation is transmitted at a frequency which excites electron cyclotron resonance to heat and accelerate the charged particles. This increase in energy can cause ionization of neutral particles which are then absorbed as part of the region thereby increasing the charged particle density of the region.

You realize that the particles that he is talking about heating up plasma. This is fine for the ionosphere, but it has no bearing on the troposphere.

Plasma doesn't exist where there are clouds.

So, Christodd, how do you explain the one crucial flaw in your theory.

How can HAARP affect the moisture in a cloud?

Be specific, I want to know the specific molecule (i.e. nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, water droplets, etc) that is being “heated” by the EM energy.

What is the specific wavelength of that energy?

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by HowardRoark

Plasma doesn't exist where there are clouds.

So, Christodd, how do you explain the one crucial flaw in your theory.

How can HAARP affect the moisture in a cloud?

Be specific, I want to know the specific molecule (i.e. nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, water droplets, etc) that is being “heated” by the EM energy.

What is the specific wavelength of that energy?

Simply put please read the following:

"A microwave oven has in it a magnetron, which is a radio transmitter. If it was on a radio mast (don't try this) it would be able to send radio signals a long way. But it is inside a metal box which keeps the signal in. The frequency of the transmitter is 2450MHz (megahertz), which is a wavelength of 12cm (that's why it's micro waves, rather than short waves (several metres), medium waves (hundreds of metres) or long waves (thousands of metres). There's a good reason for the frequency being 2450 Megahertz, which I'll explain.

Food has a high percentage of water, and water is famously H2O. The molecule of water has the O (Oxygen) in the middle, and the two H's (Hydrogen) stuck on it like Mickey Mouse ears at a particular angle (105o). The H's are positive and the O is negative, so the molecule has a + and - end. It has "polarity".

Polarised molecules try to line themselves up with the electrical field, like compass needles trying to point at North.

But because the electrical field is changing 2,450 million times a second the molecules don't quite have time to line up one way before they have to try to line up the other way!

So, anything with water in it has all these molecules being moved this way and that by the electrical field, and heated up. "

HARRP is nothing more than a large outdoor microwave oven.............


posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 07:44 AM
OK, good, you've committed yourself. So HAARP is using microwaves to heat up the moisture in the atmosphere.

Now, I'd like for you to do a little math and calculate the power requirements to heat up the water in a hundred square mile area.

Lets assume that if all the water in that area were to precipitate out it would cover a thickness of 1 inch.

Then I'd like for you to claculate the power requirement at the source.

Finally I'd like you to explain where the flocks of cooked geese are that would happen to fly through these beams.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
OK, good, you've committed yourself. So HAARP is using microwaves to heat up the moisture in the atmosphere.

Now, I'd like for you to do a little math and calculate the power requirements to heat up the water in a hundred square mile area.

Lets assume that if all the water in that area were to precipitate out it would cover a thickness of 1 inch.

Then I'd like for you to claculate the power requirement at the source.

Finally I'd like you to explain where the flocks of cooked geese are that would happen to fly through these beams.

Over what time period there ace? 1 hour, 24 hours, 96 hours?
At what state is the current air? How high, how hot? Give me temperatures and elevations............of the starting point.

Oh, as far a dead many not understand focal point. Why don't birds die from microwaves from and to sat's? Or between towers?

[edit on 29-11-2005 by thermopolis]

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 08:23 AM
"The first howitzer mode is called the "exothermic" mode of operation because immense EM energy blasts outward at the target site. The blast of a scalar howitzer can be of near nuclear level in destructiveness, and can be repeated easily, at that place, or nearby, or anywhere.

The howitzer can use a lesser exothermic power setting and simply destroy all electronics in the target area. Thus they can render our nuclear missiles inoperable as they sit in their silos by "frying" the electronic circuits that guide them. They can bring down any airplane, anywhere in the world, at any time. Any person anywhere, if their exact position is known, can be assassinated without a shot being fired.

The howitzers can also bring down power grids anywhere in the world, at any time. Thus they could bring Wall Street to an instant halt by disabling all its electronics. Even this one little easy tweak of the howitzer could cripple the U.S. economy in a single day. No wonder the "leaders" don't want you to know! This is a new era we are in. The discovery and development of scalar interferometry has put us in a new world, whether we like it or not. Anyone could be expected to go into denial, the befuddled senators and congressmen included. But we have to wake up.

In a second howitzer mode called the "endothermic" mode, the howitzer sucks energy out of the target area, essentially creating a blast of cold at the distant target. It is even capable of freezing parts of the ocean. Bearden gives a number of cases where these "cold explosions" have been witnessed, mostly by airline pilots. April 9, 1984: 1 2 3 ) A huge mushroom cloud of mostly water is seen rising miles into the sky from out of the ocean, an awesome sight.

In the endothermic mode the sucked-out energy must go somewhere, so it is vented out at some other chosen spot on the earth. These endothermic plumes have been photographed by satellite."

Here is some data from "the man" himself........

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 11:30 AM
thermopolis says:

Oh, as far a dead many not understand focal point. Why don't birds die from microwaves from and to sat's? Or between towers?

Because the microwave power involved in data transmission is simply not enough to kill tweety? But you're talking about enought microwave wattage to cause changes over perhaps a hundred cubic miles of space!

And no matter how focused or non-focused the microwaves are, since the power falls off as the inverse of the square of the distance between the radiator and the point being radiated...

... then the power at, say, 1000 feet above the radiator would be (all other factors similar) 10,362 times the power measured sixty miles up.

And you're telling us that such a power level wouldn't roast birds / airplanes / anything else flying over the site?

Do the math!

[edit on 29-11-2005 by Off_The_Street]

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