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HAARP at work on the EAST Coast

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posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 08:36 AM
With this post I want to focus on smaller actions that occur when our weather weapon is used.

I will start with these to AM89 images the first from NWATL and the second from WATL . They are from the same timeline.It shows the extent of the Array and where the transfer will come from.

The next group of images are sliced WV images from WATL. What I want to point out here is the dry slot that develops. It is really dark in comparrison to the mositure rich area's around it. It is sealed the opened then sealed agin. This occurs during the transfer.

The next 2 images are from AM89 NWATL. Remember they are Solar Radiance so they pick up Heat . What I want to point out to you is the pool of heat off the East coast of the USA.
Image 1 is from 8:00 UTC on 11-25 and Image 2 is from 7:26 UTC on 11-26..
This is a 24 hour period Note the difference and color in the pool off the coast of the Ne US.

I have also added the HAARP MHZ reads to match the first AM89 action of the first image of this thread .

And here is the 24 hour MAG READ from the 4 stations around the HAARP ARRAY.While activity at GAK is minimal on the MAG reads notice that it is off the scales at the other stations so it is imprtant to keep in mind that the HAAPR ARRAY is completely directional . The design is to keep the heat off them . So one would need to moniter a number of stations to have a feel for where the direction beam is being used and the intent.

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 10:08 AM
To give the scope and power of this weapon the United States now has and uses.
Here is a View of the World our side.

Notice the disruption in the clouds . I highlighted the area in red.

The timeline in pictures is before during and after.



This imagery goes with the above post in timeline with the AM89 imagery

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 10:18 AM
Out of interest, at which university did you study meteorology?

Oh and I think you ought to check out Dundee Uni's copyright statement You should include a reference to their site if posting one of theor images

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 01:43 PM
By all means they deserve credit on the 3 images I used from them.

I only posted them because I wanted to show the scope of the manipulation.

I'm certified and have been to several updated classes to stay current with my AMS

Originally meteorology was not my field. I got a degree in enginering. After Huricane Andrew I decided to change fields.And have been hot on the trail ever since.

It is only lately this year I have been able to put the puzzle together.If you do not want to belive it DO NOT READ MY POST. Simple as that. If you want to learn how this thing works keep reading as I do not intend to stop posting until the United States Comes Clean

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 08:52 PM
Chris can you dumb down your information for those of us who just don't get what you are trying to show. I'm not saying I don't believe you -- just that I don't understand enough to know if I believe it or disbelieve it.


posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 05:51 AM
The cast off for the current model being used is based on the original design by the below.It is much more complicated and uses a number of sattellites to achevie the desired result along with ground based stations.The main wich is in Gak .Below is a breif Abstract outline I hope this helps

A method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region which normally exists above the earth's surface. The region is excited by electron cyclotron resonance heating to thereby increase its charged particle density. In one embodiment, circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation is transmitted upward in a direction substantially parallel to and along a field line which extends through the region of plasma to be altered. The radiation is transmitted at a frequency which excites electron cyclotron resonance to heat and accelerate the charged particles. This increase in energy can cause ionization of neutral particles which are then absorbed as part of the region thereby increasing the charged particle density of the region.

Inventors: Eastlund; Bernard J. (Spring, TX)
Assignee: APTI, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA)
Appl. No.: 690333
Filed: January 10, 1985
Current U.S. Class: 361/231; 89/1.11; 244/158.1; 380/59
Intern'l Class: H05B 006/64; H05C 003/00; H05H 001/46
Field of Search: 361/230,231 244/158 R 376/100 89/1.11 380/59

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 11:43 AM
Oh dear, -- Chris I am sitting here giggling because somehow I don't think you quite get the concept of dumbing something down for the masses.
I am sure that the brief abstrict is crystal clear to you because you already understand what you are reading but it is -- while maybe not Greek to me -- it sure is in another whole language other than English

I really hope I'm not the only person here who needs scientific things dumbed down from time to time -- and this one really really needs dumbing down to me.

Here is what I get -- HAARP is antenna's that send out a high frequency signal? Now how that exictes the ionosphere is what I am not getting I guess and how that effects the weather is is in that same grey area for me.

Will someone else who is baffled by this please pipe up and let me not feel so alone here

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 11:52 AM
wow amazing, they can disperse clouds like this (last three photos)?

...mmmm i wonder what else it can do

[edit on 27-11-2005 by nukunuku]

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 12:14 PM
I'm with 'justme' on this one. I have no doubts that the gov't(s) are doing something and it's great that you know what it is ... but how it's happening is waaay over my head when trying to decipher your explanations. I can see the changes, I can understand what they might be doing to weather, but don't understand how it's happening. Are you able to "dumb down" a little more?

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 01:31 PM
dumb down

Gosh I do not know if I can down it much more then I have.
It is complicated and to this point I understand the basic functioins of how it works and it has taken many hours to get this far.

This is where the Magnetometer & Spectrum Plot MHZ come in hand in hand with the AMSU AM89 GHZ imagery.

The ionosphere is excited is but only one function. Other factors come into play as sattellites that are teethered in sync and work as a array .

I can see it is going to take sometime with this board but that is OK.
Look at the other post I have made continue to read what I post and it will all fall into place.
On other boards I have students that report to me things I have missed.
We have made a network that is closely monitering activity and documenting everything

You will catch on

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 01:49 PM
Christodd I hate to say it but when people answer an honest question in the manner you did -- I tend to feel that the person answering really doesn't understand what they are presenting themselves. Someone who totally understands how something works should be able to explain it well to others without using big words or quotes from other sites.

I'm not trying to be mean about this but I am feeling a tad insulted by your reply. In fact your comment about this board and some other comments you have made elsewhere here make me wonder if there may be other people feeling insulted also.

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 02:32 PM
Much as I would like to say ..."ooooh, now I see" I just can not see where you have clarified anything. After reading your other post, I find justme and I are not the only ones on this board that are totally baffled by what you are trying to say. Which leads me to believe you enjoy this confusion (maybe it makes you feel superior) but IMHO if a person is unable or unwilling to communicate with others and answers queries with :

"Look at the other post I have made, continue to read what I post and it will all fall into place. You will catch on"

I'll just move on until someone else is willing to teach those of us that have the desire to learn and ignore the ones who seem to feel they are above that.

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 02:35 PM
The question I'd like answered is how can HAARP located in Alaska influence weather totally out of its horizon range of sight with electromagnetic waves traveling in a straight line? Until someone answers that for me, I'll just view this as complete bull.

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 02:55 PM
Lets try to dumb it down;

What could happen to someone living in Cape Cod?

Will i drown soon?

Will the whole North East be under water?

Why will we be underwater? Is it water or will we simply "fry"?

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 03:14 PM
If you want to feel safe, buy a boat. Keep it in front of your house, and wait and ride the waves. LoL.
I have a house boat, but I am in the SE of the US. So if anything happens like flooding, I am safe. Don't worry I am completl.......(Being dragged off by men in black suits.)

I have family in the NE so I hope it doesn't start before x-mas, because they are sending me gifts. LoL

I think what the OP is tring to say is that HAARP uses the antennas to bounce signals off of satelites to control the water in other parts of the world?

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by reblazed
Much as I would like to say ..."ooooh, now I see" I just can not see where you have clarified anything. After reading your other post, I find justme and I are not the only ones on this board that are totally baffled by what you are trying to say. Which leads me to believe you enjoy this confusion (maybe it makes you feel superior) but IMHO if a person is unable or unwilling to communicate with others and answers queries with :

"Look at the other post I have made, continue to read what I post and it will all fall into place. You will catch on"

I'll just move on until someone else is willing to teach those of us that have the desire to learn and ignore the ones who seem to feel they are above that.

I am willing to wait, but I must agree.

Stop woth the techno-jargon. I am impressed that it took you HOURS to decipher what you see, but I don't have MONTHS or YEARS to do the same.

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Harvestfreak
I think what the OP is tring to say is that HAARP uses the antennas to bounce signals off of satelites to control the water in other parts of the world?

I don't think I've seen that explanation before, but it doesn't make any sense to me. If HAARP energy is absorbed by the atmosphere (causing weather change), it wouldn't make it through to bounce off of satellites to other areas of the world.

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Harvestfreak
I think what the OP is tring to say is that HAARP uses the antennas to bounce signals off of satelites to control the water in other parts of the world?

It is my understanding that HAARP uses it's antennas to bounce signals off the ionosphere or affect the ionosphere. There is no communication with satellites.

- Attero

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Harvestfreak
If you want to feel safe, buy a boat. Keep it in front of your house, and wait and ride the waves. LoL.

Now you have me laughing in a good way -
living on Long Island and being married to a licensed boat captain and fishing guide --- I just happen to have a boat sitting just outside my side door right now.

Thanks I needed that

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 03:42 PM
Ok, smart Alexes
I'll get a boat tomorrow. ill send the bill to ATS. I should have enough points to cover the cost.

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